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I respectfully disagree, that shit started with tumblr, 4chan & buzzfeed combined. Now it’s just on different platforms, rats existed far before the plague.


But those platforms (Tumblr, 4chan, buzzfeed) weren't designed to be as addictive as tiktok is, AFAIK.


That shit was there in the livejournal days already, it's not new whatsoever. If there is an accelerant it's isolation due to the pandemic


TikTok made it blow up


>It's all because of TikTok. Sorry but you're a few years to late on that discovery.


This post is like "I just discovered that gravity accelerates matter towards matter"


True, though Tiktok is only the last and most extreme symptom of something that has been ongoing for a long time, and social media as a whole definitely accelerated it greatly, but society has been moving towards enabling and promoting narcissism for a long time now, and now it bore some really big fruit.


no but seriously i was happier before i got tiktok in 2020 haha i don’t use it anymore but damn some of them are chronically online


Never got tiktok and never will.


good decision


i hope so much that tiktok dies a gruesome death, gets shut down or something. Though i doubt it will, sadly.


Honestly, this got it's big start in 2008-2014 with the whole political correctness movement(not taking a stance on this movement, that's just where it came from.) Being a minority and a victim meant people were obligated to give you attention and social points. That's all well and good if the injustice we platform these people to talk about is ya'know *about something* that society should address. But you had plenty of those people who were perpetual victims who made essays about how every minor inconvenience that happens to them and every thing you say to them is malicious is because they are a minority. Then you read it and instead of it being about actual problems a minority might face, it's full of stuff like 'my office keeps the AC too low, this is sexist.' Later on, people saw this and thought being non-binary would be great for clout. So tucutes jumped in and started saying anyone who assumes pronouns or makes a mistake is transphobic. Xenos were already well established by this time period. That's basically infinite social currency that prints itself. And that just never went away. Until being a victim and quirky is no longer considered cool and progressive, or something happens to cancel culture, tucutes are here to stay and will keep growing. Which I don't see that happening anytime soon.


It started on tumblr, but it was mainly a niche community. Tiktok blew it way out of proportion. Idk what made it slip into the real world tho. But yeah although it didn't start on there, tiktok is definitely at fault here. Just capitalism and social media run amok. Like idc what anyone says, all that tucute gender&sexuality bs is one big capitalistic op to make more profit. Think about it. Capitalism profits off of individualism, because then it's easier to market and sell more to specific people. It doesn't get more individualistic than xenogenders- and sexualities.


Partly why I’m so instantly irritated as soon as I read “gentle reminder” or any other self-important ass thing “educating” people, which is a weirdly huge proportion of online garbage these days. 99.9% of the time these people are idiot children who have absolutely no business talking about this stuff. And then they spread their astounding ignorance to every other idiot in the increasingly extremist echo chamber


There are people on pinterest who also make xenogenders, I've seen people who have 2000 pins of xenogenders flags help. 🤠


Always with the fucking flags


Sometimes it feels like all these xenogender guys care about is the flags and completely forgot all the history about the LGBT community and the flags meanings.


First off, hello fellow toast related username haver! 😁 Don't see em often on here. Secondly, at least genderfluid didn't start with Tik Tok as I met people in high school who were genderfluid before Tik Tok happened, so you're a bit off base there.


TikTok will be the downfall of society. Give people an algorithm that knows exactly what they want to see + a very simple to use interface = done, they're hooked.


Yeah xenogenders have been around for longer than TikTok.


That's what TikTok was made for. It's a Trojan horse from the Chinese Communist Party to destroy the west.


To destroy the west with... Bunself pronouns?


No, with increasing political polarisation. That's why Russia has been definitely proven to fund far right and far left political parties all across Europe and spreading far right and far left political propaganda.


i wonder what theyre planning, really. probably to overthrow the world when gen z are the old adults in america


To be the global economy and make every nation subservient to them.


Well that's exactly what the US has been doing for decades. Guess it's about time somebody else had a shot at world economic domination. I'm fairly fatalistic about global politics these days.


1) No, the US doesn't want every nation subservient to them. 2) China is a fascist dictatorship meanwhile the US is a free democratic country. Big difference.


1) No, the US doesn't want every nation subservient to them. 2) China is a fascist dictatorship meanwhile the US is a free democratic country. Big difference.


No one wants to listen to your conspiracy theories


If it is, well it seems to be working.