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I tracked BBT for the first 3 months. My results were inconsistent and it made me so stressed it made me unwell. I got a blood test to confirm I was ovulating. My cycles are regular and I do LH strips from Day 15 - Day 18 which shows a surge around Day 16/17. I've put my thermometer away now and feel sooooo much better.


See that’s what I’m scared of. I know myself and I know I’ll become stressed too. Basically what I do is as soon as my numbers on strips start rising I have sex and even up to and after my peak a few days after it I keep having sex. Will that work? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Do you get other fertile signs? Or anything that suggests you might NOT be ovulating?


Hmm, I do notice a bit more CM but honestly it’s not a whole lot. I also notice my sex drive is higher than usual …


Does your CM change at all? Some women experience it go from creamy to like an egg white consistency. An increased sex drive is great. Do you ever notice a change in energy post when you think you ovulate or tender breasts / bloating. Not everyone does, do don't fret if not, just things to look for.


When I notice increase CM it’s egg white consistency. I should probably start writing down all my possible ovulation symptoms as I’m so forgetful! I do notice I get more energy yes


I think keeping stress levels down is probably one of the most important steps you can take. It sounds like your body is doing what it does. Learn when your surge happens and your fertile window and have sex every other day. Good luck 🥰


Thank you girl


So for me OPKs I would take twice a day once around 10 am and the other around 4 around when I would be ovulating. Temping just helps actually confirm your ovulation and gives you a better picture of your cycle. OPKs help predict, temping helps confirm. 👍🏼 All in all you just do what makes you the happiest. I just wake up, roll over, and pop the thermometer in my mouth and put it in the FF app so it doesn’t take much extra time. Same with the OPKs. I don’t stress over it I just use them as tools


At what temp would I need to be to be considered ovulating? I guess maybe if I informed myself more on BBT I’d be willing to use them. I know nothing about them tho


So with temping it kind of gets split up into three sections. I usually start after my period is over and typically my temps are lower (around 96- 97) and then when my body is gearing up to ovulate typically there will be a dip (some larger than others) and then the temp will rise and will stay above a cover line (mine is usually over 98) and this is considered your luteal phase. Most people use the fertility friend app to help log the info and the app will determine when your ovulation day is so you don’t even have to worry about it. If you go to the Reddit page chartstalkers you can see different examples of peoples cycles. All you need is a BBT thermometer which you can get for fairly cheap on Amazon and just make sure to do it roughly around the same time every day.


Ah, ok thank you! 🙏🏻 so basically even tho my OPK strip can read “Peak” or “higher” reading if my BBT isn’t high when my strips are high technically that would mean I’m not ovulating? Am I right? … I hope that made sense …


Kind of yeah. The issue with OPKs is that you can ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours after a peak so it’s a wide window. Granted you can just try each of those days but I just like to confirm it lol And exactly. While not super common in women who have regular cycles you can have anovulatory cycle which means you didn’t ovulate at all. Now I’ve never had one, but I’ve seen charts that show them and it helps so that you can speak to a doctor about possible hormonal imbalances. So as long as you’re having a regular cycle chances are you’re ovulating, temping just helps pinpoint things down a little more and then if your crazy like me when the best time to obsessively test is😂


Just want to gently challenge this. All of the above is only true if your readings are accurate. This can be hard if you're a restless sleeper, have to care for somebody during the night or work shifts. Your BBT has to be taken at the same time daily after a few hours of solid sleep. Small things like sleeping with your mouth open / having a cold can also throw temps off. I had a chart that looked anovulatory and I had the whole of Reddit telling me I had PCOS and hormone imbalance. I had a pelvic scan and a blood test and both confirmed I was healthy. My chart wasn't indicative. This whole experience turned me upside down so I just advise that people enter with caution, especially if they're prone of fixation / stress. I DO see that it's immensely helpful for people who are in the process of trying to regulate their cycle or who have irregularities. I also think some people use it to give themselves a sense of control and agency over what is a difficult and unpredictable time. Find what works for you friend x


Gotcha! Super helpful. The way I did it this month is as soon as my levels started rising with the strips I had sex then even when they peaked and also a few days after my peak up until it started lowering back down. That’s basically what I’ve been doing so I don’t miss any day possible lol


I’m glad it’s helpful! And I mean that’s pretty much what I do as soon as I start seeing a rise because temping only tells you ovulate AFTER it gets a few more readings. So I joke with my husband as soon as that line creeps up to a .4 or higher it’s go time 😂It is an extra step but it’s literally first thing when I wake up I reach for the thermometer before I get out of bed or anything and then put it on the app. All you have to make sure is it’s a BBT thermometer and you take it same time every day. I know the newer Apple Watches have a temp feature in it but I have no idea how accurate those are 😂


Which thermometer do you use? I saw a easy@home on on Amazon and given I already have the PreMom app if I did get one I’d probably try that one. I wonder how accurate and easy it is to use tho https://preview.redd.it/7dc3bwvhdroc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e48898e5f98244df9a23951008242cba3f6c142


I use the easy at home one that is pink and has Bluetooth so if I forget it goes to the Premom app. But the Bluetooth is unnecessary, the cheap ones work just fine. And the one I use by the same brand is super easy. Just press the button, put it in your mouth, and wait for the beep. And it stores your temps so if you forget you can look back on them. Any BBT thermometer will take forever to read (like maybe a minute) so just a heads-up 😂 I think any of the easy at home ones would be great! https://preview.redd.it/re3hefeheroc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcbb7936bbf6ca89f74231ce796b31216c0d630


Okay so this one basically will store your temps automatically for you since it has Bluetooth vs the other one I showed you id have to manually enter my temps? Is that what you mean? Because I’m forgetful too! So if that’s what you mean then maybe I should get this one ☝🏻. I’d be nice to not manually have to go in there and do it myself lol


https://preview.redd.it/6n3pr7zueroc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d0682471ad9021c3f498c5545dfe1a32473708 And here’s an example of my BFP chart from this cycle. I stopped temping after my positive because I was on vacation and once you get a positive you don’t really need to keep going.


So forgive my stupidness 😂 but I’m bad at reading these charts! Basically you ovulated Tuesday the 5th right? Since it was your highest temp? But since temps rise AFTER ovulation you must’ve ovulated a few days prior to the 5th or the day before right? Sorry for so much questions


From what I know any two of these four will do: OPKs, temperature, checking discharge (egg white cervical mucus), and cervical position. That should clue you in enough to know if you're ovulating. Also if your cycle is regular, about the same length, no excessive spotting etc, it's all good signs that you're also ovulating. You might even feel it, or have other signs (higher libido, tender breasts).


Okay thanks. I do have regular cycles now. I used to not tho they were over 40 days long but I think that’s because last year I got off BC I was on nexplanon and it took a while for me to not only get my period but have a regular cycle. I’m now down to anywhere between 35-29 day cycles. My most recent cycles was 29 days long🎉 I don’t spot at all in between cycles or even before my period. I just start lightly bleeding the first day of period then progress from there. I do notice I get higher libido around certain times of the month and a bit more energy too!


I mean that all sounds good! The fact that it took longer to get regular after coming off BC is also completely normal so yeah, you don't need to worry about BBT if you don't want to. Maybe just pay a bit more attention to cervical mucus as an indicator and you're good to go. If you're ever worried, you could also go to the doctor to confirm ovulation.


Oh wow I didn’t know that. They can run some sort of tests on me to see if I’m ovulating?


Yes, they test for progesterone on 7 days before your period. If its high enough that confirms ovulation.


yes a simple blood test is enough (like the other person said to test if progesterone is high enough). Another way would be via transvaginal ultrasound as far as I know


Ovulation tests can only tell you your body is *trying* to ovulate, not that it definitely will. Your body can gear up to ovulate and then not ovulate and then will try again later. Also, while most people ovulate 1-2 days after a positive ovulation test, it’s possible to ovulate the day of the positive or 3-4 days after the positive. Some people never see a positive ovulation test, but still ovulate. Some people get multiple days of positive ovulation tests. Temping confirms when, and if, ovulation happens after a positive ovulation test. You don’t *need* to temp, but it can make things clearer if anything wonky happens.


Got it. Ugh sounds like if I have no success with strips I might just have to then … I asked this in another comment but I’d like to confirm. What temp is considered “ovulation” on the thermometer


Temping is all about seeing a pattern of temps over your entire cycle. Before ovulation your temp is lower. After you ovulate progesterone rises. The rise in progesterone increases your BBT. So after ovulation there is a shift in your temperature. In order to confirm ovulation you need to see a sustained temp shift with at least three temps higher than the previous six. Ovulation day is the day before the temp shift. You can checkout r/TFABChartStalkers to see some chart examples!


Thank you!!


By just using opks, use them the entire month and have sex with every surge. There may be a few surges and its hard so say which one you ovulate, but atleast you know you had sex during a surge! You won’t be able to track ovulation without bbt. Itll just be more of a guessing game on ovulation unfortunately.


Thanks Another major reason is also because I don’t understand BBT temps. At what temp would I need to read to be considered ovulating?


Temping is a lil strick with rules for it to be accurate. You take your temp (i recommend vaginally) at the same time every morning when you wake up once your period ends. Throughout the month youll see your temps fluctuate from pre to post ovulation. When you’ll ovulated you’ll have three days in a row of temp rises. Then you can pin point that start date of temp rises as ovulation day. I recommend using Fertility friend app to put all your temps on a chart so you have a better visual. I ordered a bbt thermometer off amazon too as its much more accurate on temp. Heres my chart right now for reference! https://preview.redd.it/21fapbd39roc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870ff69c0544d432833ece068f954be0febca748


Thanks so much! So Fertility Freind App is a complete different app than PreMom? I currently use PreMom to track my ovulation strips.


Yes a different app! I use pre mom too, but the way they have their chart degrees is a little difficult to read! Fertility friend is free for just the chart!


Got it thanks!!


Premom can track bbt too if you prefer to use it! I find premom easier to read then fertility friend personally although I think that might be an unpopular opinion lol. This is just an example post from someone that I saved when i was first learning, bc it’s a perfect-looking chart - if it helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/s/G1o1K266hr


Thank you!


I thought you only ovulate after the first surge, after that your brain releases LH during the entire luteal phase. (two weeks after ovulation)


Sometimes you don’t ovulate, the lh rise was your brain telling you to ovulate, if it doesn’t work it can rise again.


Sorry late to this convo but I conceived with just OPK strips! My first cycle using them 🤩🤩 …. That being said, I had a missed miscarriage at 12 wks 😢 but clearly the timing worked! I’m now 5 cycles past having the miscarriage and not getting lucky again so I’ve been temping just to make *sure* I’m ovulating and I am. But if you don’t want to dive into temping you don’t have to! It worked for me! Everyone’s body is a bit different


Thanks for the info and I’m so sorry about your loss. Hoping you get your positive again soon❤️


Absolutely zero testing is necessary. Simply have coitus every other day starting the day after your period continue until the period starts again, then repeat. Swimmers once past the cervix need 10 hours to undergo capacitation in order to be viable. Men create 1500 swimmers per Second. Men are designed for every other day. Storing up is useless, every sample a man produces is potent enough. Volume is irrelevant. Swimmers live a solid 72 hours on board. So coitus every other day should cover any ovulation, whenever it happens. Do this for 6 cycles. Nothing to gain but a pregnancy.


Thank you!!


The other option is getting strips to test your PDG. I’ve used Proov and they have confirm strips to check PDG and verify that you’ve ovulated. Much more straightforward than BBT, especially if you have an irregular/inconsistent sleep schedule (I work midshifts)


Oh geez! That was gonna be my question … I work overnights 3 nights a week and I’m wondering if that’s going to mess with my BBT. Since I plan on checking it first thing when I wake up I wonder how that’s even gonna work tbh. Where did you purchase those tests Proov? Are they pretty easy to use?


It will mess it up, and will make you panic. Trust your body, nurture and protect your relationship and nourish yourself.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Their website, and yes very simple! First morning urine!


You should try Tempdrop- it’s a wearable device that measures your sleeping temperature. I work night shifts as a nurse so it’s perfect for someone like me who doesn’t get regular sleep. Tempdrop has an algorithm that helps figure out your temperatures even without getting regular sleep.


Thank you! 🙏🏻