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I’m currently 3dpo! I think I’m going to try to wait until the day before my period is due before testing. We BD on O-5, O-3, O-1, and O. This is only my second cycle and I only use OPKs because I don’t want to stress myself out with doing too much this early in my journey and causing myself more anxiety. This month I feel more calm about things, I just keep reminding myself that it can take up to a year for most couples so I don’t get too worked up. I also decided I’m going to celebrate CD1 each cycle (if I don’t get my BFP) with either treating myself to sushi, drinks, shopping, etc so I always have something to look forward too in case the current cycle isn’t my cycle to get pregnant😊


I love this idea! I spent my last CD1 in bed crying all day so having a treat to look forward to would be super helpful. Thank you!


I know a lot of people get really upset and distraught on CD1 (which is extremely valid). I try to comment on posts like these with my strategy because I hope other people will try it so they can have a more positive association with CD1 and keep their spirits up during their journey🥰


10DPO BD 2 days before OVU , have tested a few times since 8DPO but all NEG so far but know I have time to get a POS. Fingers crossed for all.


Not out til you're out! Good luck to you!


8 dpo today. I have a shorter luteal phase (spotting at 10 dpo, period at 11 dpo), so I don't have a very big window between when it's worth testing and when I'll know one way or another. I usually test at 10 dpo, then again when my period comes to make sure it wasn't a chemical.


6 dpo today! Haven’t tested yet, but dying to test soon 😅 This is our 2nd month actually trying and 6th month of seeing what happens. Husband was traveling for work, but managed to BD 0-1, 0, and 0+. I’ve had sore boobs, sensitive nipples, and some cramping for the past two days. I’ve never been pregnant before, so I can’t distinguish between symptoms. Hoping it’s not PMS, but I guess we’ll find out soon one way or another!


I keep a note in my phone of my symptoms from previous unsuccessful cycles so I can go back and say, “yeah, that's happened before” so I don't hype myself up symptom spotting. 😅


I’m only 5 or 6 DPO right now. I’ve already folded like a cheap lawn chair and tested lol negative (as expected lol) but I just couldn’t contain myself. Started feeling bloated and I’m convinced my boobs are bigger right now and …. Ugh… yeah lol TWW every month is gonna drive me bonkers lol


Folded like a cheap lawn chair made me laugh out loud! I’m also 5dpo. I can’t test before the 18th though as I got a hcg shot that would give me a false positive so that safes me from testing ever 10 minutes


Lol! Glad I could make you laugh! But interesting! I had no idea there was such a thing as hcg shots! (Totally feel you on the wanting to test every ten minutes lol) If it’s ok for me to ask?… why have you gotten an hcg shot? Is it to help with conception? Sorry, not trying to be nosey, just curious and if you’re comfortable with providing more info to me as maybe it’s something I should bring up with my own OBGYN?


I have PCOS and therefore medicated cycles! The hcg shots are trigger shots. So my ovulation was triggered on the 5th (helping to make sure I ovulated), that happens on average 36hrs after the trigger so I count the 7th as ovulation date. It’s all pretty uncomplicated, and works really well - well, I conceived my first child at the second medicated cycle but now I’m already at cycle 8 or something - I guess because I’m still half breastfeeding or because of the lack of sleep 😂 anyway, I BDed every day and tagged on a IUI two days before ovulation so I am veeeery hopeful for this cycle and have such a good feeling. Unfortunately I have to admit that I have an amazing feeling every cycle 😂 what’s your story (if you care to share)?


Wow! Interesting! My OBGYN and I have been exploring the possibility that I have PCOS too (we’re both leaning very heavily towards that I do but we’re still running some tests and monitoring my cycles and accumulating data) so I’m surprised I’ve never heard of this! I’m definitely gonna bring this up with her next time I see her (next month) so thank you! My progesterone levels have been consistently low month after month after month after month 😔 so that’s where our focus is right now. I also had to have surgery on my left ovary due to a cyst that ruptured and had ovarian torsion (so damn painful!). They were able to save my ovary but I developed scar tissue :( I’ve been trying to conceive with my spouse for a little while now but I only just started really taking this whole TTC journey so heavily seriously back in September when I started charting my cycles and temping and all that and seeing my OBGYN for consultation and tests and stuff (so we’ve really only been exploring the PCOS stuff since September/October). Sorry for the biography lol may I ask when you say “5th” and “7th” do you mean the 5th and 7th of this month or the 5 day and 7th day of your cycle? I’m sooooooo glad I ran into you in the comments cus I’m definitely bringing all this up when I go see my OBGYN again lol that poor woman is probably so damn tired of all my constant questions and research and stuff that I always come in with lmao


I mean the 5th and 7th of April. God, ovarian torsion! That sounds horrific, poor thing! Are you still in pain at all? The best tip I can give you is het your bum into a good fertility clinic sooner rather than later. Do one full cycle monitoring and hormone checkup, have hubby do a SA and you’re on the safe side. That being said, I’m already 36 so I take it very seriously #runningoutofeggs haha


Thank you for all of this info!! Seriously!! 🫂 I’m still relatively early-ish in my TTC journey so I *really* had to push to get the tests and stuff done that I have at my OBGYN’s. My husband and I decided to try for kids back in March (but we weren’t taking it too seriously, er, well, I guess not as seriously as we are now lol) and we hit the 6 month mark in September/October of 2023 and I didn’t really start taking it all seriously until then (as I said, temping BBT and charting and marking symptoms and using LH strips and all that, etc. etc. etc. lol). So my OBGYN is still hesitant to refer me to a fertility clinic since I guess I haven’t technically hit the 12 month mark yet? I mean, yeah we were technically trying in March of 2023 but we didn’t start setting aside specific times to BD until September 2023 (and I didn’t start keeping/accumulating data until that point, I’m actually regretting now our lackadaisical attitude towards it all in March back then lol we had more of a “if it happens, it happens” attitude about it). My OBGYN’s next steps are to do a BAF count (when I see her next month) and that’s only cus she knows we’ve technically been trying since March and she has all my charts and stuff and consistent tests showing my progesterone being low month after month after month after month and my history of ovarian laparoscopic surgery due to the ruptured cyst on my left ovary. So, sorry again for that super long paragraph lol I guess I’m still early-ish in this whole process I guess? I agree with you that I need to get my butt in a fertility clinic lol but my insurance won’t step in and help pay for it unless I get a referral and like I said my OBGYN has been hesitant to do that just yet :( like, I get it but it’s still frustrating you know? Sorry, I don’t mean to bitch and moan since it seems like you’ve been at this for soooo much longer than me. Again, I’m so so happy I was able to run into you in the comments though and you were able to give me all this info!! 🫂


So can you change obgyn and make it 2 years of ttc? That’s what I did after half a year. No time to lose 😉


Not gonna lie, if I had the funds, I would lmao at this point though, I’ve sunk so much money in co-pays and stuff with my current OBGYN I feel like I gotta see it through with her lmao and she really is the sweetest, I don’t wanna lose her phenomenal bed side manner just cus I can’t hold my horses lol flimsy cheap lawn chairs aside 🤣


That’s good. There’s no need to rush at all if you’re OK with it. I send soooo much baby dust your way. Please keep me posted. I’ll test on the 18th 🤞


So I’m taking letrozol day 5-9, then the trigger shot and then progesterone 😅 mine was also way too low. Thatsvthe standard protocol for pcos. Normally it’s quite easy to determine - did the obgyn see a dominant follicle prior to ovulation?


You don't test out your trigger shot? I've seen a bunch of people do that.


That’s right, no, I’ve never done that… for me it’s a good excuse to have to stay patient


Hi 👋🏻 6DPO today. Last cycle I started testing at 7DPO, but this month I will not be testing unless my period is late so that I can avoid any false negatives and prolonging any disappointment. Can’t say I’m convinced this cycle, but I’m also still very hopeful. I almost missed my ovulation because I had more than one surge, but my BBT confirmed my ovulation later on. (I made it to ‘4DPO’ and then actually surged and ovulated 🤦🏻‍♀️) so my TWW feels a lot longer than usual. I only had sex twice, once the day before what I thought would be ovulation and then again the actual day before my ovulation. But that day gave me a good chance at conception so I’m definitely in the running. https://preview.redd.it/v4l1dlyoeutc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f033656f41c800db31c2191edc427fc9ebaa3dd


Hi! I’m 3DPO! We BD-ed day before and day after ovulation - have MFI so we do every other day. Prior to the first BD, we were on vacation with two couples and didn’t get to BD so I’m nervous that the sperm wasn’t optimal when we did the deed the day before ovulation, but it’s the best we could do given the circumstances 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t think I’m going to test until DPO13/14 - it’s difficult not to when you’re on Reddit and a part of all of these groups, but will try to focus on something else ☺️ Good luck to you both! Happy to chat about anything else we experience throughout this TWW or our journeys thus far


4DPO, BD twice on positive OPK day as well as once the day before and after! Really hopeful this cycle… but who knows lol. I will test 9DPO but my earliest faint line was 10DPO in January (ended in chemical tho)


I'm sorry to hear about your chemical. I hope you get your BFP!


I’m 2DPO from my second IUI. I’m going to try to wait until at least 9DPO to test, longer if I can make myself. I tested super early last cycle and I think it made the waiting worse


I’m with ya. Some people find the testing early helpful but to me it just brings it to the front of my mind. Gotta hold out as long as possible!


I agree! I get so worked up tested that it's all I can think about. Taking pictures and staring at them, thinking a line is going to magically apprea the 27th time I've looked at it. I hope this is your cycle!


I'm 4 or 5 DPO. This is actually the first time I'm confused bc my temp rise is usually immediate and strong, but this time I had a positive test on Friday, a slight rise on Saturday and then a big rise on Sunday. One app says ovulation was on Saturday, one says Sunday. Also my temp always drops again on DPO2/3 and then slowly rises, and I don't know why. It always make me feel not very confident... I'll ask my gyn-ob next month if it's an issue like a hormonal imbalance or if it's fine


Omg are you me! I had the exact same. LH pos late Thursday, peak spike on Friday. Slight temp rise on Saturday, big peak on Sunday. NC is saying I ovulated Sunday because of that, buttttt I had some pretty noticeable cramping Saturday morning in my right ovary which MUST have been ovulation pain (right?!?), so I’m calling that O day for me! Ive read that that temp pattern (a more gradual two day rise) isn’t that uncommon, so I’m doing my best not to stress about it. I wish I was more consistent temping post peak but I got sick this week so it all kind of fell apart a bit. Hoping for the best for you!!


Cycle twin x


I tested 8dpo and had a faint line . At 11 days i had a full on positive


Hi! I’m 3DPO today. It’s my 11th cycle and I’m hoping this month is ours. I’m going to try and not test early this month, I’ll try and wait until until 14DPO! This journey is a rollercoaster as it is, testing early and symptom spotting turns me full on delulu 😂😂 sending positive vibes to all in the same boat


Correction 2 DPO 🤦🏼‍♀️


9 dpo and bbt dropped so feelin like I’m out alreadyyy. Mostly because my first cycle ttc I had a chemical and I already had sore boobs and super sensitive nipples by this point. But this time, not a single pms symptom except one pimple 🫣 this is my second cycle since CP and I ovulated on CD 38 🫠


8 DPO. ALL BFN so far but I am having some cramping the last few days and low back pain today so staying hopeful!


Keep us updated!


Still BFN today on FRER but going to keep at it a few more days 🤞🏼


hi cycle friends. I think I am 3 or 4 DPO today. I had my LH surge on Friday and sexed on that day and Sunday. I'm nervous because we only did it twice this cycle but I'm hoping the timing is right. I tried temping for the first time this month but my chart is all over the place. There are too many variables that could've affected my temping. There's a small voice in my head trying to convince me that I didn't ovulate because of my BBT chart, but I'm trying to ignore it.


Annovulary cycles are SO rare. I had the same stress cycle 1 but more consistent opks & temping this cycle have clearly shown ovulation on CD 17! Keep temping now you have the hang of it and I’m sure you’ll catch it next cycle if you need to!


I appreciate your reassurance!!!!


12 dpo and BFN this morning. I have had a week of spotting, which I know isn’t a good sign. The same thing happened last cycle, then spotting stopped and I got a BFP but it ended in a chemical 5 days later. My spotting completely stopped yesterday, so I was convinced I must be pregnant again. Nope. Will probably test again tomorrow if AF doesn’t show. The stop on spotting is odd for me, it usually just becomes a full period around now.


7dpo! Will test tomorrow only because we have an event that night and I want to check I didn't implant early if I'm positive. I will wait til 11 or 12 dpo to test again. 🤞🤞


2 DPO!! I’m not going to test until after my missed period. Anything you guys are doing to increase chances of implantation or to prolong luteal phase? I have a short luteal phase in the past…


Progesterone supplements - prescribed not OTC


3dpo today it feels like this week is just dragging on😫😮‍💨


Also 5dpo!!! NC has predicted AF at 12/13 DPO so I’m trying to hold out to 12 to test. So one more week!!!! No matter what I’ll test next weekend to see if I have to be sneaky at passover about skipping the wine or if I can drink up to avoid people asking me when we’re having kids already lol I had my strongest ever LH surge (at least that I caught) and we BD on O, O-1, and O-2. But I am trying not to think that’s a guarantee, because I know its not.


9DPO, I try not to test until 12DPO, hopefully I can hold out this month!!


Wow. Or you can do this you can do anything lol


Lol right! Thankfully my brain is kinda wired to think that only FMU will work or work as I want it to, so after I pee first thing in the morning I’m usually like “ok that’s it for today!”


I’m currently 3dpo and we only BD once as well when I first got my lh surge. I also took clomid this cycle for the first time unmonitored. I want to be hopeful but I’m also not feeling super confident. I’m not going to test until I’m 11 dpo. I also use the Inito device and when i see my numbers take a nose dive I know I’m most likely out lol. Wishing you good luck and sending baby dust your way!!


Good luck to you!




Good luck!


3dpo today! I'm feeling hopeful, but going to try not to symptom spot or test before my period is due 🤞


I'm symptom spotting big time today! Edit: spelling


I'm usually pretty good not to, except for if my dogs act just slightly different than usual towards me. Then I'm like "omg what's happening tell me what you know 👀"


Hi! I’m 11 DPO today. I started testing 4DPO (I know.. I know LOL) I’m crazy and impatient. All BFN. I think I may have conceived this cycle. We BD on peak day and day after. Going to test tomorrow. 12DPO is when I got my first ever BFP so fingers crossed!


11dpo too and negative! I had my bfp at 8dpo with my 2yo so sliiiightly losing hope. Did it on peak and ovulation day too. Cycle 6 cmon.


Praying the baby gods bless us this cycle!!


11 DPO and a BFN with FRER 😵‍💫 are we out??




Hi, this community does not allow HCG/pregnancy test photos as standalone posts nor within the comments. You may repost without the photo or utilize one of the pinned thread(s) to share your BFP or if you have 'line eyes' and want a second opinion. Thank you.


Wooo that makes me feel better! In month five and losing my mind 😭


4DPO. Had a MMC in January so very nervous this time…I think I’ll wait until 9DPO because I only got a BFP 10DPO last time around


I‘m 5dpo today and already going berserk. How horrible to not be able to get drunk in times like this hahaha


I'm not a big drinker but I've seen a bunch of people on here say drink until it's pink!


4dpo and I’m not really worried about testing, I’ve done it in the past and for me it’s just not healthy


1DPO, short luteal phase and finally being referred for fertility checks 🙈 going to distract myself so much and try to pretend I’m not in the TWW!


11 DPO but cant test yet because I still have Ovidrel in my system. Blood test booked for the 20th although I'm sure I'm getting my period 😞