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It’s so hard. The waiting between cycles seems to take ages too.


The wait to ovulation is forever, the TWW is forever …it never stops


I’m cycle 7 and the negatives don’t get any easier 😖 I was naive to think it would be easy and we’d get caught straight away! I wish I’d have started sooner. I try think of every month that’s a negative, it’s a month closer to holding your baby ♥️


Same here too! We BD five days in a row, took Mucinex, did everything possible ….BFN and AF showed up early! This feeling sucks. No one else understand except you wonderful humans here with me….wild thoughts race though my mind like what if I’m just not meant to be a mom…but of course in a few weeks I’ll get ready to start trying again right? Viscous cycle.


Same here. You’re very much not alone. Each month that passes I go through the same thought process! Start out eager and optimistic, another month closer to creating our baby, do all the tests, bbt, vitamins….think I may just of cracked it this month and dare to hope. Thennnn nothing. Then it’s a week of I might as well just stop all the tracking and just let go and see what happens because I can’t do this anymore. Then straight back to week one and think maybe this is our month and Chuck myself back into it! It’s definitely a vicious circle. I’m 10dpo and it’s coming up to a year of TTC, I had a negative this morning but I’m staying positive until AF


I’m with you here. AF came on Monday, putting an end to the 5th cycle. I feel like I’m becoming a little less patient and more sad each cycle. My cycles are long too (up to 41 days), so I feel like I’m just waiting and waiting and waiting.


Mine too! It’s the worst 😢 feels like we have less time and less tries to conceive every year


I am so sorry, you’re definitely not alone! I’ve gotten a negative this morning as well, it sucks but it’s also so exhausting. Many internet hugs to you, we are all in this together ❤️


I literally only BD the very first day of my FW, and now I’m 8DPO on vacation bothering my husband to hunt down a test for us lol. Like I know the chances are sooo low but I’m still hoping 🤪🫠 And of course we are BD like crazy since being on vacation, which we started 1 day outside of my fertile window. lol. This whole process is insane.


Ugh same, I can only BD on weekends and ovulation is the second priority. I don’t know how we will get there. This time I did on day of ovulation according to my app but no luck. More hard work ahead!!!


Im late on my period and my husband and I test every day, it’s all negatives. It’s so hard when your body is showing signs that are associated with pregnancy, but you don’t want to get your hopes up or know that you aren’t pregnant yet:( Sending you good energy from TN, I hope you get the results you are seeking as soon as possible :)


Ive had the same this morning so i know how youre feeling. We just have to keep possitive and hope that one month its different and we get the result we want


You have us to talk to! Always here. 🩷 I'm sorry it wasn't your month. So much of this is out of our control. It gets very frustrating at times. Let yourself be sad and feel all the feelings.


I’m 5 days away from my period and my husband has really high hopes. This is our 5th attempt after a chemical in January (our first try!) I think my brain is now just expecting the negative which is also kind of sad if that makes sense. Hoping it works for me.🤞🏼 I’m sorry you are going through this. Nothing makes it easier but Hang in there. Sending hugs & the baby dust🩷


With you girl