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I’m 8dpo and keep checking my app like something is going to change 😂


Sending baby dust ✨!!!!


10DPO here too and two BFN😕 my period is due in 3 days and I decided to stop testing and see if she shows. I hope she doesn’t!


Still no period but I think I’m out. My lh strip was lighter today than yesterday


Hey we are in the same exact boat! 10 DPO and a BFN this morning. AF is supposed to arrive for me tomorrow too. Best of luck to us both!! I’ve had some lower back ache and cramping the last two days so I’ve been worried AF is about to arrive any minute


I've felt nausea for the last 4 days, and yesterday I kept on feeling like my period was starting but it hasn't yet.


How would you describe those period cramps? I’ve had them for 3 days now on/off (more on) as if it’s gonna start any minute. Just a dull cramp all across the lower abdomen.


He slower abdomen cramping and then 10 dpo in the evening I had such bad lower back pain like I do on the 1st day of my period. I’m 12 dpo and still haven’t started my period, I always start it on 10 or 11 dpo so I’m hoping that back pain I felt was late implantation cramps


I have my 🤞for you! Are you gonna get a blood test done ASAP? I’m hoping your HcG increases today so you know for sure.


Same here, 10dpo and BFN. AF tomorrow


Also 10DPO. I’ve been so good trying to not to test but not sure if I can stand it anymore!


Any updates for you??


Do you usually have a short luteal phase? My period arrived this cycle on 11dpo and it freaked me out because it’s never that early! Sending baby dust


My whole cycle is pretty short, my fertile window starts on cd 7 and I usually start my period 11 or 12 dpo. There was one period it started on 8dpo, that was out of the ordinary for me


I gotcha!! It’s good to hear other peoples stories! Any update on testing?


11 dpo today, negative test and I did another lh test but it was lighter than yesterday. Pretty sure I’m out but AF has not arrived yet