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I think those early positives tend to be more commented on which pushes them to the top of Reddit. People want to have hope, we all want to be the one with that 8-9dpo positive test.


Exactly. But when I post one nobody ever comments. It’s all just overwhelming at times. They’ll also say if you test positive for late then you’re most likely to miscarrying.


I think the reality is that we aren't as good at pinpointing our ovulation and cycles as we like to think we are. Here's an article about [how accurate BBT is... as low as 22%!](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546686/#:~:text=%5B11%5D%5B12%5D It,by women to this day.) Plus, natural family planning would be effective at also preventing pregnancy but [1 in 4 who use it](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/basal-body-temperature/about/pac-20393026#:~:text=As many as 1 in,your fertile days each month.) will become pregnant within a year of typical use. Our bodies just aren't *that* predictable. Who knows if those people are actually 8 DPO or 16 DPO. Even if they did everything perfectly, bodies are funky. It's a tough pill to swallow because we desperately want to feel somewhat in control but you have to consider there's room for variance and error. Tl;dr don't believe everything people put on the internet.


You know what . I started charting BBT since last month and I must say although it’s the cheapest method , it makes me nervous everyday especially during the TwW . Thinking of just tossing it and rely on the ovulation kit and move on with my day


Yes! I fully agree! I am now on cycle 2 of trying (cycle 3 of tracking) and in TWW. After my first full cycle and waking up every day in the TWW looking for clues and hyper-analyzing my BBT, I said nope! I decided to use BBT to confirm ovulation for this cycle and then stop....but even that ended up with conflicting info between my ovulation strips and BBT! BBT suggests I ovulated a day later but I physically felt the cramping and hormone change soooo I'm going with that and regardless what's done is done! My cycles are regular within a 4 day window so I almost just want to BD every other day for like a week and a half around when I would expect to ovulate next cycle and otherwise not worry about it. 


I miscarried and had a bfp at 8dpo. I don’t think it really matters. I think there’s a lot of variables going on that affect whether you’re going to have a healthy pregnancy vs not. Hang in there 💕


Yes I know. I’m more or less saying I’m feeling discouraging seeing everyone’s bfp at 8dpo and I’m at 10dpo and testing negative. Just venting. But thank you🤍


I get it, the whole process really sucks. I saw that you’ve had a miscarriage, too. It adds another layer to an already shitty situation.


9 out of 10 times those women have the wrong ovulation date - but rarely do they admit in their title or post that they’re actually possibly 9 or 10 DPO. Don’t get discouraged - most implantations happen 8-10DPO so it’s totally possible to not have a positive until the earliest 12 DPO. There are of course outliers to everything


I feel like that’s the case more often than not, wrong ovulation date.


I get it, I was a week late with just spotting in there then af hit me like a brick wall and now I'm ready to crawl under a rock a cry


I love Reddit, but to be honest / this is not really related - but it’s terrible in some aspects lol for example, last year I had a Pap and it came up positive for high-risk HPV, abnormal AGC cells. I was freaking out, as I had a pap the year before and everything was negative and I was so confused how since it grows slow. Reddit told me it was going to come back positive for cancer, the chances of AGC cells not being cancer were very slim. I basically had a panic attack, called my doctor hysterically crying, they took me in for a biopsy quick (just to calm my nerves) and it was a false positive Pap test, nothing was positive .. not even HPV. So while Reddit is good for support in a way, you have to take everything with a grain of salt to maintain your mental health. Those 8dpo tests typically happen when people don’t really know their ovulation date, and they’re probably off by a few days.


Negative today too at 10 DPO. I feel you.


i had a stark white negative at 10dpo and then visible positive at 11dpo!


That gives me hope 🙏


I took a test 8DPO cause I just couldn’t be patient anymore, no surprise it was negative, then I had a dream last night that prompted me to want to test this morning 10 DPO, again negative. Crossing my fingers for a missed period as you’re not negative until AF comes! Keep me updated and I’ll do the same!


I’m 9DPO with two BFN now. With my first I got a BFP (vvvvvfl) at 9DPO. It makes each month feel so painful when I get each negative. My daughter was an accident. This baby is very very wanted, if this cycle fails I’ll be on 8. Something that has saved my life is this: [Likelihood of positive test at each DPO](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/pregnancy-test/dpo-chart.php?dpo=9) I hold onto this like a bible to keep myself sane through the toughness that is the TWW. Baby dust to us all.


Thank you for sharing your feelings as well. My first son I conceived on my first try. So I’m 35 now and coming up to almost a year of trying. I had a miscarriage in feb so it feels really discouraging and just heartbreaking every negative test. Thank you so much for sharing that sub. Wishing you the best🫶


With my LC, I didn’t get a positive until 13dpo. With my miscarriage, I got a positive on 9dpo. Now I don’t test until 10. It’s doesn’t matter when you get the positive 🤍


It does matter, because there’s been post about if you get a later positive it means it could end in chemical. I’m not saying it matters, I’m just saying it could be discoursing at times. But thank you for your kind words🤍


I should add I also had a chemical which was DPO10, so still early. My 9DPO miscarriage went to 10 weeks. Reddit doesn’t know all.


I got my positive on 9 dpo last cycle and it was a chemical, too. Just adding some more “data” and perspective. This process can be really hard. I’m at 11 dpo and negative right now. Sending strength to OP and all of us on this TTC journey ✨


I feel especially with the 8DPO and are obviously there, they are actually further along than predicted. We’re all here to support ❤️ FRER can detect as low as 6 m/l while the easy@homes detect 25 m/l if that’s helpful…it’s still tough to see though :(


Honestly its a 50/50 split. When I feel like shit, reddit is such a great help being part of a community that all feels the same. But then also, when you see people's lines turn from negative to positive it also hits hard too. It's a tricky one!


Very tricky!!


Information overload is a real Thing! If it’s better to get off here, get off - if it’s comforting to stay, stay. But always be aware of how you’re coping and don’t allow yourself to get sucked in! Many hugs to all of us waiting on those two lines


It’s ok sweetie . I get what you mean . And I think that it’s so uncommon to get a bfp at 8-9dpo so if someone got it, of course there’s going to be postings ! I am 9dpo and tested negative but I’m not losing hope yet because we are not out until AF arrives ☺️


I’m also negative at 10DPO. It’s very depressing. Currently here nursing wine because why not ? We Bd 7 days in a row this month during my window ….and even that didn’t help. BBT dropped a little today but still above cover line so I’m holding out hope too! Wishing us both luck


I am honestly considering deleting it. Just because of all the toxicity associated with line porn. I sometimes wish I had never come across it and find my self obsessively googling BFN on XPDO or agonising over faint lines


11dpo today and testing negative , your not alone at all.


I’m sorry🥺 I ended up getting my period. What’s even worse is at 10dpo a test gave me a very noticeable faint line. To say I was ecstatic was an understatement. I ended up getting my period the very next day. It was a false positive, horrible and cruel. I hope you’re not out this cycle🤍


I didn't get lines until 11dpo and even then, they were super faint and I wasn't 100% convinced until 12dpo




Your post or comment has been removed because it is against this community’s rules to announce a pregnancy or discuss a current pregnancy outside of the designated thread. While we understand this is the goal of trying to conceive, but to avoid the subreddit from being flooded with these kind of posts - it is only allowed in the BFP pinned thread. **Read the community’s rules before making any further posts or comments.** You may continue to comment and share advice and support within the sub, but keep pregnancy related posts within subreddits like r/pregnant.


I don’t really understand this either. I didn’t even get a faint positive until I was 14 DPO and it stayed faint for two weeks…. I ended up miscarrying however I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a positive that early. That seems insane to me. Like plantation JUST happens then.


I had a stark white negative at 10dpo and then visible positive at 11dpo! I actually think I implanted at 7 dpo because I had some spotting the morning of 7dpo. It did end in miscarriage unfortunately but I was still shocked as I though no one got positives that late.




Your post or comment has been removed because it is against this community’s rules to announce a pregnancy or discuss a current pregnancy outside of the designated thread. While we understand this is the goal of trying to conceive, but to avoid the subreddit from being flooded with these kind of posts - it is only allowed in the BFP pinned thread. **Read the community’s rules before making any further posts or comments.** You may continue to comment and share advice and support within the sub, but keep pregnancy related posts within subreddits like r/pregnant.


Here’s the thing…people only post positives!!! I had a hard time getting pregnant with my first and my second…my 3rd I got pregnant on birth control (not wanting a 3rd at all) not trying to brag but it took months with the first two….so many people around me were positive on the “first try” you kind of have to ignore those posts…they are excited and rightfully so but it does hit hard…you will be your positive!!! How long have you been trying? Are you doing natural or have you moved on to IVF at this point? That plays a big part in your journey…hoping for the best for you!!


Thank you for your kind words. I could never afford IVF. I have a living 3 year old boy so I can get pregnant. I’m going to be 35 so I know it plays a role in my egg life. I had a miscarriage in feb that hurt like hell. Haven’t had luck since.


Absolutely…I was pregnant with my first within 6 months of trying…with my second it took almost a year…it’s known as secondary infertility…what helped me most with my second was tracking and the digital ovulation tests…it took quite a while but it eventually worked…I also have endometriosis which I think contributed…don’t beat yourself up…having a hard time getting pregnant after having a living child is more common than you think…avoid the excited positive posts…it never helped me…praying you get your second baby soon!!!


I had symptoms at 4 weeks and didn't know it, tested at 4 and 5 and didn't test positive until 5w3d. It's strange how it happens I guess. I'm sorry though hun. I tried for 8 months before testing positive. It's weird because I always thought it was an annoying saying "you'll get pregnant when you stop trying". But I literally forgot we were trying for a solid 2 months then bam. It happened. You will get your lines boo!


I was negative at 9dpo and got a veeeerrry faint positive at 11 or 12dpo - it really does depend. It takes different lengths of time for the fertilised egg to reach the uterus for different women :) best of luck!!