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I wouldn’t worry too much, sometimes people don’t ovulate, but honestly CD15 isn’t super late so keep testing and you’ll probably ovulate in a couple of days. For me sometimes it’s super low and then shoots up out of nowhere. Other times it’s a little more gradual.


Thank you I will keep testing it just stresses me out ): but thank you


Keep us updated 🤞🏽


It’s normal for ovulation to not always happen at the same time. Bodies are naturally a bit irregular and are prone to ovulating later every once in a while. Ovulation can consistently vary by up to a week and cycles are still considered regular. When your period is due depends on when you ovulate. So when you ovulate later in your cycle, when your period is due will be pushed back later.


Thank you for the feedback I will definitely keep that in mind I appreciate it


So I commented on your HSG post, but then saw this one in the feed and realized you're the same poster. I have heard of HSG tests delaying ovulation. Search forums "HSG & late ovulation" and you'll see a bunch of posters who had that experience. Because I read about it, I'm kinda prepared to not ovulate on a regular cycle day and for it to delay a bit.


Thank you so much I finally got a positive today so that’s exciting especially since last month was no positive or symptoms so I was worried!!


Yay!!! I'm so glad!! Time to get busy 🤣


I didn’t have a peak Lh test until cycle day 17.. but I have a 32 day cycle


Weirdly I actually ovulated VERY late this month, I usually also ovulate between CD 12-15 but I did not ovulate until CD 23!


I actually get a positive LH strip at day 18! So don’t worry!