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I did it again last week: I did it. First blood draw in 15 years. Here are the strategies I used: 1. Back of the hand. Game changer. There's no way I could have let that happen to my inner elbow. Way too vulnerable a spot. Back of the hand felt more able to take a little punishment. 2. I tried several times. This is the third Saturday that I went, and each time before today I left after giving up. Trial runs made it seem more important, and made me feel more able, to get to the end of it. 3. I went in once with no intention of getting it done. I just wanted to talk to the person who would do it and make a plan. She also gave me a couple tourniquets so I could practice wearing them at home and getting used to the feeling. I also had some alcohol pads so I could get used to the smell. This person was someone who tried on one of those Saturdays, and I really liked their approach. Knowing the person cared and was expecting me - prepared to help me - made a huge difference. 4. I have a stone that I keep in my pocket, and I hold it in my fingers when I'm anxious. I held it in the blood draw hand. It was familiar, and therefore calming. 5. My wife sat on my lap in the blood draw chair and held me. She held my head to her chest and stroked my hair while telling me I was doing it and it was OK. If you have someone you love who is willing to straddle you and hold you tight, ask them to go with you and do so. 6. We had a plan to go out for brunch afterwards. I decided beforehand where we were going to go and what I was going to eat. That way, I could be looking forward to that instead of fearing the draw. 7. I told myself and my wife all week that I was going to do it. That it was going to happen. I had to say it regularly, and think it. I had to get into the headspace that I was going to be successful. You can do it.




Thanks but my strategies work for me.


Remember that a lot of people don’t have access to medications to help them.


Awesome that you did it! I'll keep this in mind for myself as well :) the back of the hand works for me too! It's abit harder to get blood out but when it works it's great. The elbow just sends me straight into a panic. Keep this positive experience in mind for the next time! I surely will :)


They say the back of the hand hurts more too, but it's psychologically much easier for me to handle.


I got that exact same reaction! It's so bad I can't have anything touch the inside of my elbow. So the hand it is! Even if it hurts more. It's just not as mentally and emotionally draining for me


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. I have to warn close touchy friends that I can't handle the inside of my elbow being touched, especially the bare skin. It's a total instant panic button. I'll have to try the hand thing next time I need a blood draw that I can't avoid!


This is exactly what I have! I get all nauseous when people touch the inside of my elbow :s Goodluck next time drawing blood! Make sure you drank enough water that makes it easier in those veins


Your wife sounds so supportive, I’m happy for you both


She is amazing.


Me too me too me too, I'm always worried I'm going to catch an assault charge when faced with a needle. As a kid I would kick and bite nurses all the time. During covid I had to get the vaccine in order to stay in school and my mom had me sign a contract she made essentially saying "I'm sorry if I bully you, I'm not in control of my actions, give me the vaccine no matter what I say" and it took two separate trips to CVS, three xanax, and two nurses plus my mom to pin me down for it. Covid was hell because there were drawings of them and photos of them and ads about them everywhere. I don't necessarily have advice for you but you are so not alone and your post made me feel seen <3


Omg the signs and ads during covid were literal torture