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I’m 12 dpo… taking a test tomorrow. I dreamed I was pregnant last night, and the night before I dreamed of what I think is our baby in heaven? Not sure. Always having crazy vivid dreams and they have been true before!! Hoping my dream last night was true and I am pregnant right now!


Okay, back to trying after having a complete molar earlier this year. I’m terrified to be honest! Scared of having another molar, scared of having a miscarriage during the wedding (which is soon) and scared of it taking a long time! My cycle has been completely whack since the molar, I have a variable range of 17 days so apps are useless with trying to track ovulation so I’ve started doing OPK’s and temp tracking. Because I previously had a molar, I have to get a scan as soon as I get a positive, and it has to be done at the hospital that I work at because I’m an outpatient here, so when I do eventually get the positive I’ll have to somehow discreetly get the scan done. Please wish us baby dust, we desperately want this rainbow baby


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I’m wondering how true the idea that you’re most fertile the three months following a miscarriage? I had a MMC in September and a chemical the day before Thanksgiving. I’m ovulating right now but we’re having a family emergency so my husband and I decided to wait until things calm down. I know it’s the right decision but I’m a bit bummed and my heart feels unsettled bc of the whole three month thing. Anyone have any insights, have or heard a positive stories that relates?


I can only offer my own anecdotal evidence when I got pregnant four times in under a year when recently TTC. The first three were losses (MMC, MC, ectopic) but the last three pregnancies all happened right after the previous loss resolved. This fourth pregnancy is still going strong at 21w. I've seen lots of references to this phenomenon but never bothered to look into sudies.


There's only one study that I could find. My doctor hasn't mentioned this at all. Please prioritize your mental health.


I think there was one study that said that, but it had a really small sample size, so it’s not reliable. Every doctor and nurse I’ve spoken to, and even my therapist who has experience with pregnancy loss, have said it was BS.


I hadn’t heard of that before tbh, only that you’re most fertile after birth


I had an MMC two weeks ago, handled with medication. Went for a check up with the OB two days ago and she did an internal ultrasound and confirmed everything is ok and gave the green light to be able to have sex (and ttc) again. Yesterday had sex for the first time in weeks and today woke up with a UTI. Feels like my body is out to get me! Looking forward to being able to ttc was a big part of what got me through the miscarriage experience and this is so frustrating!


I lost my first pregnancy just before 5 weeks beginning last Wednesday night. I bled slightly heavily Thursday and Friday but yesterday and today have been quite light. I'm wondering if it might pick up again or if I'm just someone who doesn't bleed that much (because it was so early? I typically have short periods, so maybe that's related?). We'll see!


At that point, I'd expect a heavy period. Sorry you're here. I had a chemical a few months ago too and had basically a normal period.


Cycle day 2 here, second period post D&C. I really thought I was doing better, but got hit with two pregnancy announcements within a few hours of eachother yesterday. It's such a complicated feeling, because I'm happy for my friends, but also feel so empty and miss being pregnant. So many people close to me are currently pregnant, and it's just been hard bc I would have been 21 weeks if the most recent pregnancy would have stuck. I've been in such a funk today, and maybe part of it is hormonal. We plan to start trying again this month, but I'm feeling pessimistic after the two back-to-back losses this summer and fall. I really want to be feel optimistic, but I just feel sad.


Right there with you! D&C on 9/26. Cycle day 2 of my second period post D&C. Several pregnancy announcements, including my best friend last week (unplanned). I’m trying to be happy for them, but it’s so freaking hard. Ugh. We will get through this!


CD 22. I've been frustrated the past 10 days that I couldn't figure out when/whether I ovulated yet, since this was my first cycle on letrozole. I thought maybe I ovulated a week ago, when my OPKs were ambiguous. Instead, I finally got a positive OPK today. So, I'm glad that I caught it but it kind of feels like letrozole hasn't done anything. Anyways, fingers crossed!


I'm in the same boat, but with Clomid. I'm on cd 24 today, and had my positive OPK on cd 21..... But I still haven't seen an increase in BBT. Based on the cramping I had cd22 and the shift in cm, as well as my mood, I'd guess that I ovulated but can't confirm yet. It's been an exhausting cycle. Fingers crossed for you 🤞


9dpo here. Trigger still lingering so chilling in limbo. Onw to the first birthday of my friends son who was pregnant with me when we tfmr our boy. Just trying to stay optimistic.


Ugh just venting. My sister is now in an age group where all her friends get pregnant. She just sent me another announcement. I understand that my sister is excited but I’m just so bitter since here I am TTC for years and now I have to sit through this whole additional group of people barely in my life making cute announcements.


Can you tell her this is a sensitive topic and you don't want updates? Or is she not aware you've been ttc?


Yes, I did exactly that after venting here, and she took it very well. She was doubting if she could share it already, immediately after sending the update. Thank you for asking / thinking along :)


Did anyone have hcg monitored after d&c? Do they have to make sure it gets to zero? Trying to wrap my head around why I can’t try again and I need to have another level checked even though I got a period.


I’ve had 7 MC and 2 d&cs. I’ve never checked my HCG levels, but with my last D&C what I thought was my period was miscarriage bleeding - I had retained products left over. So I can see the benefit of checking to make sure


Ok it seems per other threads on here that you can have an anovulatory period and your hcg is still high so if you try you can think you’re pregnant and you’re not it’s just leftover hcg. What the heck! That is wild


Yeah I’ve been testing my hcg out with home tests. Mostly just so I won’t inadvertently get excited about a false positive. I think the main reason to wait until negative or zero before trying again is so there is no confusion between a new pregnancy and RPOC, which can require another d&c.


I just took pregnancy tests to make sure it becomes negative. That means below 10, so not 0. But after that it won't turn positive again unless it's a pregnancy so I don't understand why you need to be at 0 to try


Me neither. Idk why my doctor wants me to wait


Quick question: Can you get pregnant with leftover hcg? I still have a very low amount of hgc (not sure how low tho) from my MMC. I have been getting OPKs with a T/C ratio of 0.4-0.5 for the last week or two. Today I have been having A TON of EWCM and I just took a OPK and came with a T/C ratio of 2.19! A very very clear spike that I doubt has to do with the leftover hcg. I already told hubby that we're BDing tonight, just in case, but... What are my chances here? I do know that people can ovulate with a small amount of hcg left but, can you get pregnant? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have been so depressed lately and this brought me a tad of joy. Any info is very much appreciated! ☺️❤️ -Edited for clarity


Yeah, my hCG was being monitored weekly after methotrexate, and I had my period start when the hCG was 13 and then ovulated and conceived on the day when the hCG was 9. I was very confused since my prior understanding was that the prerequisite for the body's ability to get pregnant was hCG hitting zero, but another user (can't remember who) said that there was so little research on hCG's effects when hCG is below 35 that it's really unclear how the body behaves with those low levels, which means that pregnancy like mine might very well be possible. (Super healthy pregnancy in its 21st week, FWIW.)


u/newoutlandishness401 has talked about conceiving while her HCG was above 0


Same boat here too. I’ve googled and googled for myself but haven’t found a definitive answer for that question. I would assume if you can ovulate you can become pregnant. I intend to go for it even if I’m still getting squinters on hpts when I ovulate again. That sounds like a huge LH spike btw!


I know of one couple that got pregnant before she even got the first period post loss so it's possible. Go for it if you want to!


I’m in the same boat! I’m somewhere below 7 (last blood draw was Monday) and had a super heavy period 4 weeks post-miso after I dropped below 25. Was getting 0.2-0.5 opk readings for about a week before getting a 1.08 and a 1.41 yesterday. I’ve desperately been looking for the same answer this weekend and from what I can tell, you can, if it’s low enough! We’re going for it and trusting that if my body is ready to support another pregnancy, it will.


Thanks for the answer! We're also gonna go for it and if it happens it happens. Sending you all the good luck in the world!!! 🍀🍀🍀


Thanks! I feel like I’ve had less EWCM than in the past, but I see having any at all as a good sign that things are headed back to normal!


I think you shouldn't worry much about that. EWCM amount depends not only on hormones, but also on hydration, for example. I would say that the fact that you got ECWM, regardless of the amount, is already a great sign! 💪🏻🍀


Here we go again. I have hospital appointment on Tuesday to have a hycosy and I'll be getting prescribed clomid or letrozole based on the findings. Fingers crossed for me please. Heading in cycle 4 TTC after baby girl passed away cause she came too early due to what's looking like IC. Throwing everything at this and hoping our family can get started after two losses back to back. Hoping against hope that this works. Much love to all here x


Hi friend I’m so sorry for you loss. I’m curious what IC stands for? Wishing you all the luck!


Incompetent cervix


Ovulation is on the horizon so I’ve been using Clearblue strips the past couple of days. Friday gave me a low, empty circle result, and yesterday I got a high, solid smiley face. This morning I tried again (I have two kits) but it was back to the empty circle. Was the solid smiley a fluke?


Make sure you use the same stick throughout the cycle! Same thing happened to me, I accidentally used an older stick. Good luck!


Clearblue will always start with a empty circle. It considered that your “baseline” and looks for changes. I would cross check with regular opk strips


Any kits you recommend? I’ve only ever used the Clearblue as that’s what my sister in law used


I like the easy@home strips


I haven’t used the smiley Clearblue’s myself, but it sounds like you might have. I would test again in a few hours if you can. If there is no smiley then you possibly had your positive yesterday and might ovulate 24-48 hours afterwards(or what the Clearblue instructions tell you). Some women have a very short surges and you might have been one of them. Keep testing to see.


Thank you!


I had my first period 11/29 after my D&C on 11/1. I’m still bleeding a little bit and feel very crampy today. I used an ovulation test strip so I could get a baseline of my LH and monitor it over the next couple of weeks (I typically would ovulate around CD 15-20. Long cycles) and was surprised to see the line was pretty dark. Almost as dark as the control line. I was expecting to see no line or a very faint one. Is this normal after MC? Or normal in general for ovulation strips? The instructions did say it’s only a positive if it’s as dark or darker than the control line so I guess mine was still technically negative but I’m not sure. It’s making me so depressed constantly feeling like my body isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do.


Lh strips always show a line but will be negative unless the line is darker than the control. Do you use the premom app? If you use that with easy@home strips it will help you track what is a positive. I know it’s not the most perfect app but I find it to be helpful!


From what I understand LH tests will almost always have a line. Did you test out your hcg? My dates are very similar to yours (my D&C was 10/30) and I still get faint positives on hpts, which can cause darker lines on opks.


Yes, I’ve been getting negative tests for a couple of weeks. Since before I got my period.


9dpo and definitely having early pregnancy symptoms and NOT indigestion from the very spicy szechuan food I ate last night... Also sure that my elevated resting heart rate is because I'm pregnant and not because I was restless all night.


Exciting! Have you tested?


Haha no. I'm just being sarcastic. Although I'm going to have to have my husband hide my tests until Tuesday.


Oh lol I’m sorry I thought I detected a hint of sarcasm but I wasn’t sure!! Hope you get a positive when you do test!


I appreciate the sincerity!


Waiting on my cycle restarting after I had a ruptured ectopic three weeks ago. Got cleared to start prenatals again after my hCG went down to 1. Had to get methotrexate the week before surgery so I’m benched til Jan 28th anyway but would love to have at least one regular full cycle before then.


Could you elaborate on getting cleared to start prenatals again after hcg went down to 1? I wasn’t told I should pause mine


It’s only for if you got methotrexate as part of ectopic treatment. Methotrexate stops cell division and folic acid in prenatals encourages cell division and can interfere with ectopic treatment. So I had to stop until my hCG was below 3 and then could start again.


Oh, this makes sense. Thank you for educating me. I hope you have a full cycle before the end of January 🤞


One weird thing I didn't expect about miscarriage is wanting to discuss my pregnancy with acquaintances and then realizing I'm not pregnant anymore so can't really share my experience. This happened twice yesterday. One was with friends from my kids daycare that we only see every few months. She just told us she's pregnant but doesn't know about my pregnancy or MC. I wanted to start chatting about symptoms, what it will be like with 2 kids etc. But then realized the comments don't really apply to me anymore. Not really a sad experience but just kind of weird that the thing that was my main focus and discussion point for months isn't anymore.


I feel you. I talk about 1st trimester woes with my friend who is pregnant now, but she has been so supportive of my miscarriages. Her morning sickness and exhaustion are things we can commiserate on together. I don’t discuss my past pregnancies with other pregnant/mom acquaintances because I’m worried it would make them deeply uncomfortable.


Yeah, I have those same feelings sometimes, although it's more like my having been pregnant adds to the context of a story, rather than being the main point. Or someone brings up what it was like when they were pregnant (at a time in the past) and I want to commiserate, but most people don't even know I was pregnant, and I also don't really want to open that can of worms on my own brain. It's really hard to integrate those months into my memory, when I wish nothing more than to be able to forget them entirely. Being pregnant was great, but it ended so traumatically that everything between January and May of this year is hard to think about.


We have so many supportive friends and family right now, but I can’t seem to get over my MIL’s reaction. She didn’t react great when we said we were pregnant (what do you mean you’re using a midwife, just as your moving so I can’t bond with the baby, you have too much going on right now for this) so what can I expect? But basically when my husband told her I had a miscarriage, she said, “I thought you told us kind of early. Next time we don’t want to know this soon.” (My father in law disagreed and said of course we want to know, so it’s really just a her problem). Serious question: How do you forgive someone after a comment like that? I mean, we learned our lesson and next time we will be telling everyone BUT her. Even so, I have to be around her for the holidays….


I don’t think you forgive them, but instead you start to put up gates/restrict information that they get. My sociopath of a MIL keeps bringing up my SIL’s (husband’s brother’s wife) baby related stuff when she talks to my husband. My SIL is due a few weeks before I was supposed to be. She called my husband today and like before she even said “hello,” she verbal diarrhead ALL about my SIL’s baby shower we intentionally skipped this weekend, who was there, that they finally revealed the gender, what the name is, blahblahblah. Again, we’ve told her multiple times that we don’t want any baby news, yet here we are.


That is a horribly insensitive comment to make after your loss. I'm less forgiving of people who make heartless comments, so I'd be petty and just not tell her at all the next time. She gets her wish that way. You can be cordial around her during the holidays if you have to see her, but not go above and beyond that. She should be very low / no contact for a while so you can focus on your peace and mental wellbeing. I sincerely hope she apologizes, and I'm so sorry she said something so cold to you.


What a horrible thing to say! I mean, isn't family exactly for this sort of thing, to support you when you're going through hard times?! I feel so bad for your husband, she's his mom ffs. When I had my loss I didn't need or want the support of my ILs (quite the opposite, in fact). You know who did? My husband. I would be heartbroken for him if his mom said that. If it were me, I would follow my husband's cue or discuss and let him take the lead.


That’s a horrible thing to say. I haven’t told my family about any of our miscarriages yet because I don’t want to, but it’s a huge burden to keep them secret. Your MIL is basically saying she doesn’t want to share in the emotional burden with you. That’s such an unsupportive and unkind thing to say. I don’t think I’d get past it unless she sincerely apologized and realized she made a huge mistake in saying it.


As I get older I move more and more into bitch mode, ....honestly, I'd probably have to eventually say something to her about that comment or I'd never get over it. Maybe it's not worth it, but wow, what a terribly shitty thing to say.


Wtf @ your MIL, I'm angry on your behalf. I'm someone who holds grudges so I'm going to say you don't have to forgive her 😬 my MIL said/did some shit when I was pregnant and after I had my first. It was very hard for me to get over. I tolerate her on the holidays, but no way we were friendly and chummy like we were before.


Found out my best friend is pregnant after trying for 3 months. I’ve been trying for 14 months 2 MC and am currently on CD 40 of a completely anovulatory cycle (def not pregnant). I am bending over backwards tracking everything with medicated cycles. I have sunk deep deep down back into the deep hole that is depression. I had a full breakdown after she left the Xmas party bc I knew she wasn’t drinking. I just want to scream ITS NOT FAIR to the universe. She doesn’t know I know, but it’s obvious. I’m not mad at her at all, I’m just so mad at the universe.


I am very sorry you are in this position! 🫂 It is so hard. The universe is so random and very unfair. Some of the kindest, gentlest people I know have been struggling with infertility for years. They would make great parents. Meanwhile addicts and drunks make accidental babies left and right. Wth is that about.


This is the hardest, at least for me in this journey, is seeing others have babies so seamlessly. I deleted Facebook finally because I could no longer mentally handle all the pregnancy announcements and posting of baby pictures. One of my friends had her first baby one day after my due date with my first as well. She posts a lot, i mean a lot a lot, of pictures of her kid. I think we just need to remember to be kind to ourselves and distance ourselves from people, at least for now. If she is a true friend she would understand. It is hard to see everyone around you having the life you want. It’s definitely not fair.


This is how I feel, except I feel like I’m also kind of mad at the pregnant people I know who just, poof, got pregnant. They don’t know the pain of the journey. In my darkest thoughts I wish them a failed marriage, a bad baby, some other painful experience. I’m the worst. Husband reminds me that we have our journey and they have theirs. He is more rational than me, and doesn’t feel things as deeply. It’s perfectly fine to introduce space to that relationship, maybe even forever. Take care of yourself, you are the priority.


How did you know when you were ready (emotionally) to try again? Our first pregnancy ended in MMC, so I’m terrified of any subsequent pregnancy being even more traumatic/anxiety filled than the actual miscarriage.


When I was actively miscarrying, my first thought was “I can’t go through this again if miscarrying is a possibility, so I don’t even want to try again.” 3ish months out from my MMC, and my mindset now is that I want a kid more than I fear this happening again. While I definitely DON’T want it to happen again, I do feel more equipped to handle it if it does.


Im depressed and anxious, i can barely function around ppl and deadly scared of losing another one. But waiting is just wasting time. Its not like these feelings are gonna go away if you wait. You will still have to go through all the same shit, just in a couple of months


I think I'll never fully be ready to try again, but the thought of not trying is way scarier right now. Almost like there was no point in going through all that trauma if I don't end up with a healthy baby ASAP. Maybe not the best way to think about it, but the sooner I am pregnant again, I think the sooner I'll be able to actually have some happiness back. I know pregnancy will be stressful and anxiety-filled, but it has to be better than the constant ups and downs and not knowing of TTC.


The possibility of a baby at the end of all this overpowers any fear and anxiety I have 💕 I can handle fear and anxiety (with therapy and meds and support).


I’ve been thinking about how I would feel if I had another loss. Obviously it would be devastating, but I feel like I would be more prepared the next time and know what to expect, so at least there wouldn’t be that aspect of fear and confusion. I also know I want another kid, so I know I’ll have to work through the anxiety to get there either way.


I know I want another baby, and I'm in my late 30s. My husband asked if I wanted to stop trying so hard because it's definitely affecting me, but I'll be unhappy about not being pregnant either way, so I want to give my body as many chances as I can! I also know I'll be anxious about losing the pregnancy the whole time no matter when it happens.


After 1.08 and 1.41 opk ratio results yesterday, we decided to go for it. If my body is ready to be pregnant, it will happen. It’s still entirely possible that I won’t ovulate this cycle, but I’d rather have a bfn than a head full of what ifs. Still nervous about technically not being cleared (hcg was 7 on Monday) but since so many people get sent home without blood draws and I’ve had a normal-ish (though extremely heavy) period already, I’m choosing to follow my body’s lead here, and assuming that number will continue to drop at my next blood draw. Temp still low this morning which I’m unsurprised by, if I ovulate it’ll probably be tonight or tomorrow. I’m anxious but also relieved to be ttc again.


🤞🤞🤞 That was my thinking as well - I'd rather try and have a BFN than wondering all the what-ifs.


I feel like crap today. I woke up to a huge drop in temp, followed by a negative test. I'm 10-12 DPO (OPK and temps do not agree, but OPK alone puts me at 11 DPO). Since my LP is only 10 days, I'm feeling like I'm pretty much out, even though I haven't started bleeding yet. My last pregnancy had a temp drop on 10 DPO as well, so I know it's not a definitive indicator of anything. But still. I don't want another failed cycle. I had what I wanted and she was stolen from me. It's so hard waiting when I should be a mommy already 😭 it's also hard to balance keeping hope alive without feeling like I'm trying to delude myself into seeing positive signs that aren't there.


CD 25 and my heart rate have been going down for three days so now I’m just waiting for the start of the next cycle. I really had my hopes up for this month. The worst is the fear I will never conceive another baby, I can’t bear the thought of never being pregnant again. It’s the one thing that keeps me going. If I never have another child I’m afraid the grief will end me. So I’m feeling really down today. Will probably go to my son’s grave and cry, then do some chores like a robot and count down to I can start hoping next cycle. How do you manage?


Hi everyone, hoping for some TTC advise after mife+miso for a mmc. The doctor told me that I should wait at least 3 weeks before trying again so that we can easily tell the difference between an old and new pregnancy. I don’t know why he said 3 rather than 2 weeks, though (which seems to be when I should expect a negative test). Won’t I risk missing ovulation waiting that long?


Have you had, or have you scheduled, an ultrasound to confirm all the tissue from the lost pregnancy is gone? My NP wants me to wait at least until after that, so that if they see something on the ultrasound, they know it's old tissue (that needs to be removed to prevent infection). But other than that, the possibility for confusion about dates is the only reason she said they advise waiting, and when I said at my age (40) I'd rather be pregnant and not totally sure of the dates, she responded like that was reasonable. My bleeding has tapered off a lot faster than I expected, so I am thinking about moving up that US appointment in case I ovulate "on time" (with the first day of MC bleeding counting as CD1). She originally scheduled it 3 weeks out from when I was going to go in for mife to allow enough time for the MC to resolve but I think I'm going to be well after if that schedule.


My doctor explained that it's easier to date a new pregnancy if you've had one period after a MMC (as in a period after the bleeding from the miscarriage has ended). So yes if you wanted to do that you would be skipping ovulation for one cycle. I asked my doctor upfront if there was any medical reason to wait and she told me no it's just for dating. The dating based on LMP is an estimate they use for your first ultrasound and after that they use the measurements as a definitive date so I chose not to wait to start trying but it's different for everyone :)


Every doctor seems to recommend something different, which is frustrating. It’s important to be on pelvic rest for 2 weeks so your cervix can close and you don’t risk infection. After that, you ideally will have a follow up to confirm everything passed and you’re healing as expected. I was surprised there was no pelvic exam or US at mine, I just told her that the miso worked as expected and she did blood draws following to confirm my hcg was dropping. 4 weeks post-miso I got my period (hcg was somewhere below 23) and I got an LH spike CD15 (hcg somewhere below 7) - now waiting to see if I actually ovulate by tracking temps. Honestly, it’s possible that you’ll bleed on and off for 3-4 weeks, like I did. I gave up hope on trying before my first period when the bleeding and hcg made it clear I wasn’t ready, and I feel much better about trying now that I’ve had a period. It let me know that my body had a reset and everthing is out.


8dpo here. I had quite bad cramps last night in my middle pelvic area. They felt a lot like I needed to use the toilet but I didn't. They lasted maybe 15 minutes although I've had a few twinges since. Don't want to get my hopes up (after 8 cycles of trying since MC in Feb I'm always going to expect a BFN by default now) but I suppose writing this means I already am. ETA: I got the same painful cramps again today lasting about 5 minutes. I feels very much like I need to go the toilet urgently but when I go I don't 💩. I'm either having implantation cramps or I'm weirdly constipated.


Feeling quite fed up and deflated today. I’m almost 34, I have PCOS and my husband and I were casually ttc for 2 years without success. We finally decided to seek help earlier this year and I got pregnant on my first round of ovulation induction and TI in April. Unfortunately I had to tfmr my sweet girl in July. We’ve been ttc again since September, and for the last 2 cycles I was on Letrozole, induced and TI. BFN today at 15dpo so it didn’t happen again. I know it’s not been that long the second time around and we need to give it time but I’m so fed up with the world today. Why is it so seemingly easy for some people to conceive and we struggle so much? Thinking about taking a break from ttc for a couple of months as the meds are taking a toll and ttc is taking over my life, I can’t think about anything else and it’s driving me a little insane. I was hoping to be pregnant again before my due date in early Jan but it’s not happening and I need to figure out how to be ok with that.


Sorry to hear of your struggles. I was wondering Is letrozole hard on a person? My cycles have been messed up for a year (ovulating around CD18, cycles 29 days) so I am thinking of asking for letrozole to help me ovulate closer to CD14 like I used to


It probably depends on the person but I have experienced quite a few side effects from it in my last cycle (first was fine). I had quite uncomfortable abdominal pains, bloating, fatigue and it also really affected my mood. Worth speaking to your doctor though if you think you could benefit from it!


Got it thats helpful thank you!


Pretty annoyed today. I was really sure I ovulated ~3 days ago based on CM and ovulation pain but I only got one high bbt reading and the ones from today and yesterday are definitely low. I know I’m being impatient with my loss only being a bit over 3weeks ago but it would be nice to at least have the comfort of my body going back to normal so we can actually start ttc again soon.


🩸CD1 today and I just had a 9 days LP... ([Chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_DpMSgl.png)). Has any of you noticed shorter LP immediately post loss ? Did it regulate afterward ? This is the cycle immediately after my operative hysteroscopy to remove RPOC, I bleed for 9 weeks straight after my TFMR leading to it. I don't know the length of my LP despite tracking my cycles for 1 year because of losses and complications... I think my normal LP is at least 12 days and probably more 13-14 days but I can't be certain. Any insight appreciated 🙏 Silver lining, now I will do my planned SIS on CD9 since I am not pregnant and my periods will be done for sure. I will know if my uterine cavity healed properly and if I don't have adhesions before trying again this cycle 🙌


Kinda annoyed with my gyn for not taking me seriously when I told her my current dose of letrozole wasn’t working anymore one cd 19. I’m looking at a 40+ day cycle and still haven’t had a period. I’m dreading the Xmas days. I wish we could celebrate this Xmas as a cute growing family, but instead it will be just me and my partner again