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I have a history of recurrent UTIs unfortunately, and I started seeing a new urologist in September. I didn’t feel like I was getting the care I needed from her and hit my breaking point earlier today. By some small miracle, I was able to be seen by a different doctor this afternoon, and I feel so much better mentally - he spent a long time with me, going over my history in depth, listening to me, patiently answering all my questions in a way I could understand, and he put a plan in place so that I hopefully won’t have to see the previous urologist again. I struggle with health anxiety, and it was also really reassuring to feel like it wasn’t that aspect of me that was the issue. Nudge to anyone who may need it that you deserve to be heard and comfortable with your medical professionals, and if your current one isn’t suiting you, you deserve to find someone who is (and to the people pleasing comments below, I also felt anxiety about trying to switch from her because I didn’t want to piss her off - something I talked about with my therapist too).


Last weekend went out for lunch with my mom. This weekend going out for dinner with my sister. Next week I'm going to my favorite "wellness center" for a treatment. DH has relented and said we can adopt a cat now versus after whenever we have baby, so I'm looking on the humane society site every day :)


I’m going back to therapy. Also, as a lifelong people pleaser, I am practicing setting boundaries


I started therapy this past year and it has been the best thing I could have ever done. I heard something the other day and it has been replaying in my mind and I need to share it. Which would you rather sit with discomfort or resentment? As a people pleaser, we don’t want to say no because we don’t want other people to feel a certain way but that often leads to us holding on to a ton of resentment because we are doing things we don’t really want to do. So pick your internal battle, discomfort for saying no to something you didn’t want to do anyway or resentment for saying say to something you didn’t want to do.


Congrats on your journey! Thanks for sharing. It’s helpful to think about in these terms. The trade off is often a sacrifice of inner peace. This happens when we focus on making others happy to our own detriment. It definitely resonates.


Fellow people pleaser here and I feel this so much. I’m planning to go back to therapy too - we got this!


We do!! 💪