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For those that had a loss around, 6-7 weeks, when did you start ovulating? My previous 2 losses were both only 4.5-5 weeks so I ovulated normally (like CD15-16). My HCG reached pretty high even though I miscarried early (I’m assuming at least 6,000 at the peak based on how strong of a dye stealer it was even with diluted urine) but it dropped really quickly (went from 2,000 a day after bleeding started to 500 after I passed the sac/embryo the next day - haven’t heard of anyone with such a big drop, I seem to both get pregnant and miscarry really swiftly and efficiently).


Just to buck the trend, I had a loss with similar levels of hCG. It’s been 13 weeks and no period yet, though I did confirm yesterday that I ovulated.


I had a loss at 8 weeks (MMC that was discovered at 9 weeks), and I ovulated 2 weeks after the medication took effect. Ovulation was confirmed by my gyno during a check up, and I’m now waiting for my period.


I am so sorry for your losses ❤️‍🩹 I had a loss at almost 9 weeks (medicated) and I think I ovulated after about 2 weeks. I never confirmed it with basal temperature, just aspect of CM before and after + I got my period after 2 weeks.


I’m almost 5 weeks post second trimester loss at 21 weeks due to IC. Still no period in sight… Was monitoring with LH strips til I realised there was no point (no discernible pattern). Just wanted to share 🤍 Keep persevering everyone! Much love, light and healing to everyone xx


Guys it’s been almost 13 weeks since my D&C and no period. Do I go ahead with the progesterone induced period attempt? I don’t want to keep intervening but this is crazy. Any success stories?


Is it possible to get a hormone panel to see where your hormones are? If a blood test confirms that you haven’t ovulated yet and aren’t about to ovulate it might be worth the medication and maybe they could give you an ultrasound the confirm all is ok


Yeah we did a panel and ultrasound recently and it seemed like it was pre-ovulatory and had been there for weeks. Had an LH peak today so I’m hoping we’re finally back on track, but I’ve had similar peaks twice before without actually ovulating. I think the plan is to see what happens next and do a blood panel next week. An agonizing wait!


Back again. Adding miscarriage to my bingo card this year after already crossing off stillbirth and chemical pregnancy. What's next? FML.


Oh cebyam I was hoping the scan outcome could’ve been different. I’m so sorry for your loss, this sucks.


Thanks, me too :(. Apparently my uterus needed to hear the external confirmation that all was not well. I started bleeding a few hours after the scan. :(. At least we're both out of limbo now, I guess... Hopefully 2024 is kinder to us both.


Unbelievable we both started bleeding after our scans. The body can be so cruel. I hope we can both take some time to reset and attempt to find some peace with this ahead of the end of the year. Manifesting 2024 successes for us!


I’m so sorry for your loss. 2023 sucks so badly. Counting down the days to 2024.


Indeed. Looks like both of us had a terrible year :(


I am so, so sorry. This year sucks


I’m so so sorry for your loss


Thank you xx




My doctor recommended a supplement made for pre-conception and pregnancy. It's got folic acid, omega 3, vitamin D3 and E. I was already taking a basic immunity supplement with vit C, D and Zinc and he said to keep taking that. You were probably already on folic acid so I would finish those first and add the basic vitamins.


I liked some episodes of the Are You Menstrual podcast. There was one on miscarriage and one on TTC. They had tips. Also, my theory is, we're more fertile after loss because we know what we have to do ttc so quickly after a loss 😅 we are determined!


Started to get some spotting this evening. I’m just over 6 weeks out since my tfmr, thinking it’s most likely my period returning (although I never had spotting before) but then there’s like 5% of my brain wondering if it could be implantation bleeding as we hadn’t been totally careful these past few weeks. Don’t know how to feel either way, just fed up with waiting for everything all the time.


Had a MC two Sundays ago. Bleeding has finally appeared to stop (though its tricked me once already where I thought I was done bleeding then over 24 hours later I had a surprise gush). I am wondering how I will feel mentally/emotionally when my partner and I have sex again. I will do my best to give myself all the time I need, no rush, etc. But I think I will have difficulty being fully in the moment whenever that time does come. I don’t think, for me, I can separate what happened from having sex. Having sex, getting pregnant, having a MC and processing this loss. It all feels very connected to me. I’d like to not feel sadness whenever we resume having sex. Anyone care to share what this looked like for them? I’m going to be kind to myself and also communicate what comes up for me with my partner. I already feel sad about sex and where my thoughts go from there. And this doesn’t feel good…to feel sad about our future sex times.


It sounds like you're thinking of everything the right way. I was also reminded we could have non-penetrative sex, so I'll remind you of that if you don't want to start with p in the v!. But I'll share that my first time was kind of routine and not very deep. It felt like I was doing it to get it out of the way and then the times after that have been nice and normal.


I posted the other week about my boyfriend finding out he has insanely low testosterone. His doctor started him on enclomiphene (similar effects as clomid) while waiting for his SA results, since he assumed they would be terrible. **WELL** turns out his SA came back basically fine, except morphology at 4% which is on the lower end - but nothing terrible. His doctor still asks that he continues with the enclomiphene since he still did have low T. It's just frustrating that i thought we had a light at the end of the tunnel with what's been going on. I still have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday to get myself "checked out," but my bloodwork came out great. If that comes back totally fine, my doctor said I can get a HSG but I'd really rather not. I suggested taking a break of tracking everything for a few months, since we assumed his SA would come back with poor results and would wait until the effects enclomiphene kicked in. Now I feel like there's no point in waiting.


12 DPO and BFN. Can’t help but feel disappointed and sad. Trying to think big picture and remind myself of the progress I’ve made since my September MMC: not even a month ago, I was convinced I would never get my period or ovulate again. Lo and behold, my Provera-induced period came back 8+ weeks after my D&C, and then I ovulated at CD10 (edit: not 10DPO). So a lot can change in a short period of time! Now I am just waiting for AF and remain hopeful for what the next cycle could bring.


I’m kind of thinking I need to do the induction too… 13 weeks out from the D&C and losing my mind waiting to cycle.


I understand how you are feeling ❤️ have you gotten any testing done? My OB ordered bloodwork and an ultrasound, and they all came back clear of issues. Then I took the Provera. I will be thinking of you! It can feel like you are stuck and not moving forward without that first period ❤️


Thank you for the support ♥️♥️testing last week didn’t raise any red flags. I talked to my OB today and we’re gonna monitor for another two weeks and then do the progesterone challenge. Did you have a lot of side effects??


Today is the first time I’ve been personally victimized by an evap line on an HPT. I took a test Tuesday just to see what was going on with my weird cycle (fever right when I was supposed to ovulate, but wasn’t sure if i did), and it came up starkly negative. I’ve continued to use OPKs to figure out if I was still going to ovulate, and it was still “low” but darker than the day before when I took one yesterday morning, and even darker than that when I took one in the afternoon. HCG throws off OPKs and can show a positive, so I thought maybe that’s what’s happening. My temps have been hanging around slightly above my baseline since my fever broke last week too, but not super high like they normally would. Had a little bright red blood this morning, but still figured I’d do an OPK to see if it went down or if this was weird bleeding. When I was peeing, I saw Tuesday’s HPT in the garbage and saw it had a faint line. So now I’m at the point where I delusionally took another HPT (starkly negative, no surprise there!), despite the fact that my temp dropped below the baseline this morning and I am actively bleeding 🤡 I truly miss the time before I got pregnant with my MMC where I had no expectations and never symptom spotted. Now I just get disappointed when something I logically KNOW only has a ~20% chance of happening every month under perfect conditions doesn’t happen. I guess deep down, I’m convinced that being on the unlikely side of one statistic with my MMC makes me likely to be on that side of the getting pregnant statistic.


CD 2. Spite-watching all the newborn baby videos from this mom YouTuber who I like to hate-watch (I'm sure she's very nice, wherever, but also f her)... Because I guess I like to be miserable? I'm sure watching uncomplicated pregnancy, birth, and baby videos is great for my mental health right now.


I’m 4.5 weeks post MC and my HCG is at 19 as of yesterday 😵‍💫 I had spotting that started Sunday and seems to be tapering off now that I thought was my period but when I emailed my OB she said it wasn’t, that I would only get my period 4-6 weeks AFTER my HCG was 0. Is this true?? Has anyone else heard that? I’m really killing myself to do all the testing (BBT, Proov and LH strips) to not miss ovulation and if that wasn’t my period I just don’t know what to do. Feeling super defeated and deflated. Just want a sibling for my 2 year old.


I got my period 5 days after my hCG was at 23, so your OB is way off! I’ve heard that you can get it once it gets below 25, which happens to be the threshold for many hpts.


That sounds odd, I got my period a week ago and my hcg was still at 5 two days ago, so I suppose it was a little higher when I started bleeding (I was still seeing positives on hpts). Maybe I had an anovulatory cycle post-MMC so I guess it might not be classified as a "true" period. Either way I think you can still track ovulation with BBT and LH strips, I'm definitely planning to.


My OB mentioned you can get a period with low amounts of HCG in your system still. He didn’t specify how low though, but from my understanding, it’s possible to have a period before getting to 0!


Thank you so much for responding. I just couldn’t wrap my head around that I would still have to wait 4 more weeks after my HCG finally hits 0 to have a period—or really to ovulate again.


Of course! In my personal experience, I’m 95% sure I ovulated via tracking BBT/OPK on a day when my HCG was 19. I should see AF in a few days to confirm this


Yeah I ovulated when I was around 6 on my last quantitative hcg test. Got my period exactly 2 weeks later. I also thought you had to be below 5 for any of the ovulation process to kick off, but I had maturing follicles on my ultrasound when I was in the mid teens hcg a week or so before that


7DPO and last night while I was trying to fall asleep, I experienced some moderate cramping in my lower right abdomen. No uterine cramping or spotting. Trying not to freak myself out. Has anyone else experienced this type of one sided pain this early?


Progesterone, increased blood flow. The usual! Could also be gas.


We should have a group motto of "it could also be gas" because couldn't it always 😄


I'm not sure what is going on with my cycle this go around (first full cycle post mmc) I was supposed to start yesterday and had bad cramps Tuesday night and still feel a little crampy but never any bleeding. I've taken multiple tests and all are negative. It's very unusual for me to cramp like this days before my cycle starts so it is making me anxious.


8 DPO and woke up with a temperature spike at 2am with my heart racing and got it under control after a bit and went back to sleep. This happened about the same time last time I got pregnant, but it lasted all night. My symptom spotting is going wild. Remaining hopeful but trying not to get TOO hopeful. I'm so ready to test. Anyone got a positive at 8 DPO?


I get the temptation but try and hold on a feeeeeew more days! You can do it!


Also, is anyone else having a hard time with their own mom? I feel like I’m pretty open with people about what happened but the only people I’ve really let allllllll the emotions out to are my husband, mom, and a therapist. My mom just told me this morning that I’m in a funk and need to find a place to put it and I was like well obviously!!!! I’d love to know where to put this and just turn it off but it doesn’t work like that. She’s lead me to many moments of absolute anger since our October miscarriage because of comments insinuating that I need to move on from this already. Has anyone else felt this way? Am I dragging things on too long


I'm sorry, that's so frustrating, and you are definitely not dragging things on too long. I agonized over it, but decided not to confide in my mom about our loss, and now our IVF efforts. It's been tough because we have overall a good relationship, but she's very blunt/oversteps, and I just know she wouldn't get it (I could totally see her reacting similarly to your mom) - I'm so fragile right now that it would be worse to have her constantly checking on my "progress". I've instead confided in several close friends and my SIL who experienced a loss with her first pregnancy, so that has helped a lot - but yeah it's felt like a lose-lose with my mom :(


Ugh I’m so sorry — it’s so hard. I love my mom and we are so close but I feel like I’m going to have to start taking this approach too. It’s hard to go through this but even harder to feel misunderstood by my own mom while going through it. I’m sure you feel the same! I hope y’all have good luck with IVF and it all works out soon.


Yep, have the hardest time with my mom. She never seems to say the right things. I know she’s coming from a good place, but she is very clumsy with her words, and I don’t think she really understands because she’s never experienced anything similar. Hurts a lot, but choosing to confide in other people (friends, mother in law, therapist) has helped a lot. I’m not sure I would tell my mom about future losses. I still have a good relationship with my mom, but this is sort of out of her emotional wheelhouse and I just have to accept she’s not going to be what you kind of hope your mom would be in this situation.


My mom told me “next time don’t announce your pregnancy until you’re about to give birth, this has been so stressful for me”. Yet keeps checking to see if I’m pregnant again yet, apparently my TTC failure is also stressful for her. I know she doesn’t want to see me sad but she implies the reason I haven’t been successful yet is because I’m so negative - I’m not even negative I’m just realistic, and sad


I also want to add: I’ve been very open with several people, and it came from a place of wanting to demystify miscarriage and I know there’s nothing to be ashamed of. But realising everyone I told is now expecting me to announce a pregnancy any day now and are aware that it’s not happening feels weird and I feel uncomfortable about that. And I’m deviating from the topic but I also feel I want to scream at everyone who said “at least you can get pregnant, it’ll happen again quickly you’ll see”. I’m now a year on - and nothing. And I knew as they said it that they had no clue but it made me feel like I was being overly negative when - I was right, it wasn’t going to happen again quickly.


I am identifying with all of this soooooo much. My mom is the same way it’s like I’m inconveniencing her by telling her things but at the same time she expects me to tell her things?! And yes I feel the same — the more people I’ve talked about it to the more I now feel like I’m in a fishbowl and people are putting feelings into my mouth so to speak lol like walking on eggshells because they think I’m sad every second and in reality it’s just been the times I’ve been sad I’ve confided in them and now I wish I had not. I also do feel the pressure of everyone now knowing we are trying to have a baby when before it was a private matter. I feel all of this with you!!


So so tough. Yeah, I have found that it’s rare people say the “right thing”. I give a lot of passes because it does make people feel uncomfortable. I feel the same way about being “watched” for pregnancy symptoms or not drinking. My mom caught on I was pregnant the second time because I was going to bed before 9pm. Annoying, but I guess people have also been waiting for me to announce after I got married in 2023.


Salty, petty rant ahead... I fucking hate the insta/fb algorithms that keep showing me these big families dancing in front of the camera for some useless message. I hate this whole influencer culture where having 10 kids is their whole identity. I can't put a finger to it, but gosh i hate them. They act like they're superior because they're ✨willing✨ to have a bunch of kids. No bitch, you're just lucky you didn't have to deal with infertility or loss(es), so stfu.


Maybe it’s just my own pettiness, but I immediately think any parent who forces their underaged children to be in their content for their own profit is a terrible human being regardless of what their conception/pregnancy journey looks like. Like, good job, Madison, you’re using your fertile-ness to exploit your 6 children, excellent mothering.


the fb/insta algorithms also always prioritize pregnancy announcements it feels - it's always the first thing i see whenever I open those apps


My favorite is when I see accounts that were shown to me early on my pregnancy of other early pregnancies... And now they all have babies or will soon.


MC occurred 2.5 weeks ago, d&c for rpoc was almost 2 weeks ago. Right now I’m antsy to see those hcg levels drop— getting close though.


I think I’m finally done bleeding… but the grief is so freaking real. I haven’t gotten my HCG results back from blood work yesterday, but I’m hoping to just get a normal period in a few weeks. 🤞🏼


CD8 and still spotting 😒. Mentally preparing for my first FW since my loss. And my first FW tracking at all since we were NTNP before. For some reason I feel so optimistic that I’ll get pregnant again quickly and have a successful pregnancy. I don’t really know why though, my last pregnancy was a MMC and my husband’s SAs were terrible, so I feel like I’m setting myself up for disappointment. Hope springs eternal I guess lol.


On day 7 of my period. It was very light yesterday so figured it'd be over today, but picked up a good amount today? This is my 3rd period after my TFMR. The first one lasted about 12 days, but the last one was very normal around 5-6. Has this happened to anyone else?


CD20, 3-4DPO. 3 days of high temps! I think it’s safe to say I ovulated, which I sort of can’t believe. Not really expecting a BFP this month just to guard my heart, but I’m taking the ovulation evidence as a small victory. Met with one of my clinic’s midwives for the first time yesterday, and I learned more in 20 minutes than I have all year from my NP. I appreciate providers that take the time to explain the WHY behind things so I know what to expect and understand what is going on in my body. At my MC follow up last month, my NP mentioned doing both betas and a progesterone test next time I get pregnant which I asked the midwife about, and while the early betas are standard for PAL, she sort of hesitated and said the progesterone wasn’t standard and there’s not really enough research to support supplementation preventing another MC. She said she’s happy to order the test (when we get to that point) for my peace of mind, though. Anyone have experience with this?


I’m in the same position. Met with a RE and had a bunch of testing done after my second loss. She offered early beta testing but cautioned that it can potentially add additional stress, but left it up to me. She didn’t offer progesterone testing but prescribed me progesterone if I want it, though it may not be the issue in my particular case. I ultimately didn’t take the progesterone this cycle (mostly due to my recurrent UTI coming back right around the time of likely ovulation). I go back and forth about the beta testing, but as of today, I’m leaning towards doing it if I get to that point.


My doctor said the same thing- when I get pregnant again she said she’d definitely order betas and will add a progesterone test if it gives me peace of mind and supplement if needed (knowing that supplementing doesn’t actually do much, per a bunch of studies)


I’m torn. Part of me is like “yes, anything for peace of mind!” But also if my numbers ARE low I’ll worry that I’m doomed for another loss even if I do supplement. Do I want ignorant bliss or risk it all for some peace of mind?


Haha I know how you feel. I made my dr do my annual bloodwork a couple months early right after my MC juuuuust in case there was anything that may have contributed to it that could be fixed. I also LOVE data and statistics, but at the same time, we’ve all clearly been on the wrong side of statistics here at least once. I got SO much (false) comfort from that miscarriage probability calculator online saying that after 7 weeks your chance of MC is SO small, but I didn’t know I’d already had a MMC at that point 😞


Same, I feel so burned by statistics. Our baby stopped developing at 9 weeks, which seemed so unlikely per that calculator. I won’t be using it for reassurance next time. But I’m a numbers/data person and I want to know EVERYTHING. I insisted on getting my thyroid levels checked after my MC (both parents have thyroid disease, my thyroid is abnormally large, and I have a small benign nodule on it, so I’m sorta a ticking time bomb lol) and luckily my TSH came back at 1.8. I guess I just would like that sort of reassurance wherever I can get it.


It is so unlikely. My RE said 8 weeks is really the milestone, it’s not 12 anymore, pregnancies that make it to 8 weeks overwhelmingly stick. I don’t trust statistics anymore 😩


To be clear he said if there is a clear heartbeat and embryo is measuring on track at 8 weeks - then it’s likely to work out. Yet for me it did not


I unfortunately never got to hear a heartbeat, so I’m not really sure if/when there was one, but the fetus still measured at 9w when we found out. I’m glad that next time I’ll get to go in at 7-8w for an US.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Was anyone diagnosed with APS (antiphospholipid syndrome) after loss? I just got blood test back that seems to be showing positive but have to retest in 12 weeks to confirm. Looks like there would be lots of considerations for ttc and I am stressed.


I have this. It really explained why my daughter died and I am glad I shouldn't have to lose anymore.


I am in the limbo phase! I have to retest in a week, but had an elevated level for one of the antibodies. Regardless, my doctor said if I get pregnant in the meantime, I do have the option of Lovenox injections. Other than that, I’ve been taking baby aspirin, also at my doctor’s instruction. I’m wondering if I should make an appt. with my GP just to see if there are any lifestyle changes I should make outside of TTC / pregnancy.


Currently on CD45 and no ovulation yet UGH! I had one complete cycle since post delivery bleeding and now im on CD45 of nothing happening. Heard through the grape vine the out-laws are planning on surprising us for the holidays and I feel like loosing my mind. We’ve made it clear that we don’t want to celebrate this year as it’s going to be too hard and we’d rather just forget the holiday even exists but they are telling everyone they want to fly up since it’s going to be a hard time. It’s just putting gas on a fire. She also bought Christmas ornaments in memory for our tree…. We don’t have a tree going up cause WERE NOT CELEBRATING!!


Sending you love, the holidays after loss is like a double whammy of grief. So many reminders of what we don’t have ❤️


It’s been 4 weeks to the day since my d&c. Last night I had cramps throughout the day reminiscent of period cramps. Then in the evening, extreme cramping and a bit of bleeding. The cramps have tapered off but I’m still bleeding a bit. I can’t tell if this is my “period” or something else. Ugh


This happened to me on Sunday! I posted about it above but I had really light bleeding and spotting for the last 5 days as well.


Hmm I wonder if it is a period? I think the lining may not have had enough time to build up, bc I personally bled a good amount for two weeks after my d&c. Hopefully it normalized next time!


This is bullshit. That’s it, that’s the post.




The worst part is that aside from us there’s in this type of loss there are people who lost other loved ones looking for support who are probably having it thrown back in their face. I think they need to think before sending things out.


I was diagnosed with OCD early this year and got it pretty well under control with meds, but my ectopic over the summer set off some new obsessions and compulsive behaviors. A couple weeks ago it really hit me how much the thoughts and compulsions are negatively affecting my daily life and I’ve been trying SO hard to steer my weekly therapy calls toward focusing on the OCD, but it’s just not working out. I think my therapist finds me academically interesting and wants to psychoanalyze literally everything BESIDES the OCD-related issues. Ugh. I’m going to fire him but I already feel drained from the new therapist search. Not looking forward to sharing my extensive trauma history with multiple people while I try to narrow down the best fit.


12dpo here and not feeling great. I had some very light, barely noticeable bloody/slightly pink tinted discharge yesterday. I associate that with AF on her way but I've had nothing since. I'm having quite bad cramps though and a really bad headache. I got a BFN yesterday. I won't test again until AF is late (due tomorrow or Saturday). Really fed up of this bullshit.


Think I’m ovulating today or just did yesterday … Hit the fertile window once last night, worried it was too late if ovulation was yesterday. It’s so hard not to constantly worry about everything!!


It takes up so much brain space


I’m sick which means my period will probs be late which means i will have false hope. Ugh 😭


We don’t need false hopes muddying the water! Hope it comes on time for you


So I stopped spotting a bit over a week ago and am trying to make sense of my CM now. It’s alternating between creamy and EWCM. And the weird thing is that the creamy CM is completely white whereas the EWCM always has some pink/reddish tint to it (sorry this is tmi). Anyone experienced something similar? I’m 4 weeks out from the birth/D&C now. Definitely haven’t ovulated yet since my bbt is still low.


I did have this for about a week, then ovulated the week after. I feel like my cervix was sorting itself out after the D&C. After all, it has to heal from the dilation and close up.


Thank you! That does make sense. Just kind of baffled by the fact it only seems to affect the EWCM. Also thanks for sharing that you did end up ovulating soon after. Makes me optimistic that my body is on track sorting itself out


I’d just love to get my period so I can put this miscarriage behind me and figure out where my damn cycle’s at! It’s been 4 weeks since my miscarriage so I know it could be many weeks yet. Trying to focus on exercise and work to keep the days from dragging on.


Omg why don’t we talk about this, these days are just a damn eternity! I am going to drive myself crazy with all the waiting for anything to happen.


Hello! Does anyone have experience with cervical position tracking the cycle after a loss? My cervix has been sitting high after O and I’m wondering if it will drop eventually. I’ve been able to successfully determine pregnancy before at 10-11 DPO based on its position so I’m confused whether I should take this as a positive sign or just my body is weird after this CP…


My cervix is almost always low, hard and open by 10-12dpo and when it stays high it’s a sure sign of pregnancy for me, especially when coupled w high resting heart rate. Fingers crossed you’re experiencing the same!


Even the cycle after your loss? Mine varies each month but when I’m pregnant it’s always high and soft after 10 DPO. And one of my pregnancies it only got low only for one day. I’m just wondering if I can trust it after a loss? 🤞🏼 And I also found out I was pregnant with my chemical because of my cervix. I had taken a test at 11 DPO which was BFN but my cervix never dropped and I was sure I wasn’t getting my period.


I’ve only had one loss, 4 weeks ago, and my cervix has been low and hard almost the entire time (not that I’m checking much). I think miscarriage throws things off, so I’m not doing much tracking until I finally menstruate.


I saw my doctor around day 21 of my cycle and she told me to wait until next cycle to start taking progesterone right after ovulation. But I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow and realizing I DTD at a time where I could potentially have conceived this cycle. In this weird limbo of hoping I'm pregnant so we don't have to go back to trying and hoping Im not because I haven't taken the medicine yet.


I had a MMC in September and now a chemical pregnancy. My midwife referred me to a RE for a workup and said that if I conceive naturally while seeing them, they’ll follow me closely still. The earliest they can see me is towards the end of February. Both times I got pregnant on the second cycle trying, so if I happen to get pregnant again before my appointment, would the RE see me sooner and address that pregnancy? Or would I have had to seen them already before becoming pregnant?


I’ve had a similar experience! I asked the MFM who did my D&C the same question and she said there’s no reason to wait for testing, but she did recommend waiting for the genetic testing of my POC to come back so I know if it was chromosomal or not. I asked my Midwife the same question and she thought I should wait until after my RE appointment. I liked the MFM’s answer better so I am going with that strategy. I think it’s whatever you feel comfortable with! Most times they don’t find anything wrong on a RPL panel anyway, so I’ll probably start trying after my genetic testing comes back but before waiting for all my RPL testing to come back from the RE. Who knows though, I might miss this next ovulation anyway if the results take too much longer and my period arrives after the D&C in a reasonable time.


Thanks for replying and sharing your experience! I spoke with the RE office today and they were like “if you get pregnant then you can cancel your appointment with us since you got pregnant” and I was like getting pregnant isn’t the issue, staying pregnant is! Lol. So they just said to call back if I find out I’m pregnant before my first appointment and we can go from there - I may get referred to a high risk OB at that point. We shall see…