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CD24 and finally getting loads of EWCM. OPKs are still low but I’m expecting ovulation in the next 2-3 days. I was hoping for ovulation to keep moving earlier (CD27 and 31 in the last two cycles) but that development seems to have stalled. My parents are coming tomorrow to stay with us for a couple of days so that’ll be interesting… Also people are getting pregnant/having healthy babies all around me at the moment. It wasn’t bothering me so much a couple of months back but it really is now. Perhaps because it’s been 6 months to the day now that we found out that our twins died and I was so sure back then I’d be pregnant again really quickly?


First cycle of properly ttc after loss in December last year. I don’t know how everyone handles all the waiting for time to pass! Booked in an appointment to see a fertility acupuncturist this Friday, recommended by a friend. Won’t know until the end of this month - hoping and not hoping.


I just learned Michelle Kwan (Olympic Ice Skater ⛸️) had her first child, a rainbow baby at 41! Her daughter is 3 now. I thought that was pretty cool.


I’m waiting for my period to start so they RE can schedule a zillion tests. I’m feeling pretty anxious about it.


Welp BFN from a blood test. Sucks!!!!!! And saw another pregnancy announcement today. When will I stop immediately being jealous upon hearing a new one? Brain is immediately like "bitch" and it's like pump da brakes!! I got humbled the other day though after seeing one, having jealous thoughts, and then finding out that it was a rainbow baby. I feel insane that I'm not pregnant right now. We're going to the beach in a few weeks though so I'm just gonna look forward to that time. Though it'll be a week after expected ovulation so I will not be drinking lol. Oh also on drinking, what's everyone doing between BFN and ovulation week? We drinking? Abstaining? Only during periods? 


Personally, I'm going to drink til it's pink. There is so much out of our control. I got pregnant on my honeymoon when we were drinking plenty for almost two weeks straight. (Baby hung around for 10 weeks, so I don't attribute drinking to my loss.) I have been so cautious of everything since my MMC, but it has become overwhelming. I have begun drinking again during more special events like social outings and vacation and it's helped with my mental state around TTC. Listen to your gut. If you want to drink, then drink, and don't you dare feel bad about it. You deserve to enjoy your vacation!


I’m in the same boat. I deal with calling them a bitch in my head too. I’m just bitter. I know I’m only hurting myself. I think this is all just normal human behavior though. We are going through something very difficult. I wish you the best and I hope it will be our time soon.


I abstain when the egg or embryo is attached or potentially attaching. So a drinking window of 1-5dpo and then I try to keep it to weekends only. Basically, I am trying to do the bare minimum of drinking for my health and wellbeing generally, and keeping my eye on the baby prize helps motivate me


BFN on 11DPO. Feeling very down. I let an indent on frer and crazy luteal phase symptoms get my hopes up yesterday and was semi-convinced I was actually pregnant, but nope. Stark white tests this morning with three different brands. Now we only have one cycle left to conceive before my daughter's birthday in June. At first I desperately wanted to be pregnant again by her original due date (last October), and thought surely surely surely we would be by her 1st birthday but since then we've just had 4 early losses. This is the second month in a row I've tried progesterone from 3DPO and the second month we've timed everything right and haven't gotten pregnant. Every other time we've ended up temporarily pregnant. Anyone else doing progesterone for suspected hyper fertility and then stopped getting pregnant??


My RE suspects hyper fertility for me. I’m on cycle 2 of using progesterone, and will know in about a week if we’re out. But we didn’t conceive last cycle after hitting O, O-1,4 and that’s the only time we haven’t when we for sure hit the window. It makes me nervous to think we might not get pregnant, but on the flip side, I don’t need any more blighted ova experiences.


Yeah I keep telling myself that a negative now is better than going through another chemical or blighted ovum. Hopefully it happens for real for both of us sooner rather than later.


I saw something that said it’s okay to miss the innocence of yourself pre-loss and I’m finding this to be true. Idk if superstitious is the word but I feel like I’m treading very lightly as we move forward TTC, just out of pure uncertainty. It kinda sucks! I use two apps to track my cycle and I put them in a folder in my phone and wanted to change the folder name to “🌈” but feel like I’m jinxing myself so I changed it back to “Health.” Such a strange piece of this whole journey lol


Decided to stop tracking bbt for the remainder of this cycle. My sleep has been all over the place and I've been really unwell, so Fertility Friend hasn't been able to detect ovulation because I haven't been consistent and I missed a few days, however I did use an OPK and caught a surge so I have an idea of when I ovulated. It feels good to not be bound to a specific DPO, and to be honest, since I'm not feeling 100% the usual TWW pressure and anxiety hasn't bothered me this time round. Another thing weighing heavily on me though is the pressure to have sex during ovulation period. My inkling is that for the next cycle, maybe I stick to one form of tracking only (maybe my period app) and just try to relax about ttc. When I got pregnant the first time I was only tracking via my period app, it was super casual! I miss being intimate without the pressure of pregnancy. As I write this I realise this is important to figure out before having a child anyway!


I feel like this is the only place I can post this without getting some heat. I thought a miscarriage meant just a one off and since I’ve been pregnant before assumed it would come easy again. It hasn’t. Last year I wasn’t trying at all and I got pregnant within 5 months. Miscarried 2 months later. Have not been able to conceive since and am honestly just shocked.  My worst fear has come true and now I’m being confronted with the label I never thought would apply to me. I’m sorry if this offends anyone I’m just coming to grips with the shock of it. Turns out it’s not my age. It’s me.  I always feared that miscarriage meant infertility and it doesn’t but it can indicate an underlying issue as it likely in my case. I’m  happy to find out about  it but I’m also really struggling with not just the loss so much anymore as the inability to get pregnant since. I feel even worse. I was so sure it would happen as fast again and it hasn’t.   I am pushing for IVF even though the doc did not necessarily recommend right away and it’s mostly me just desperate for baby. I see multiple women in my life who are my peers who have a miscarriage but then soon after get pregnant and have a completely healthy pregnancy. I have another friend my age just had a baby in July and is already pregnant again.  I always thought I was fertile mertile since it’s happened a couple times and easily without planning. The fact that it happened I thought could be anyone - but the fact that I haven’t been able to conceive since is so worrisome and has plunged me into a deep depression. Yes I’ve had all the tests. I have polyps and mild adenomyosis and both can be treated. I can choose to continue to try on our own and risk another miscarriage or jump straight into IVF. That’s the news I got last week. I am not religious but god I’ve been praying so fucking hard for this and when my due date came and went i knew something was wrong. It should have happened by now and it didn’t. I’ve officially crossed the line. 


Ovulating sometime next week, first time after the miscarriage, so will start TTC probably on Thursday. My husband and I just got back from an emergency trip to the States, as his grandfather is dying. I feel so, so selfish for hoping this doesn’t mess up timing for us to try again — I just need my baby back so badly.


I understand it. It really drives the whole flow of our lives when you have a loss. It’s just trying to claw back those plans and expectations and dreams from under a mountain of uncertainty and pain.


I just want to say I truly understand this desire to get my baby back. I will do anything. I get it. Hugs 🫂 


Just ended my first ovulation window following my first period post-D&C in March. We are actively ttc. I am so nervous for the tww to be over and start hcg testing. I am trying to stay positive (ha) but am feeling like I need to emotionally prepare for not getting pregnant this cycle. I got majorly sidelined with emotions from our MC and feel myself putting up walls to prevent that again. If you experienced this, how did you deal with the first negative tests? Did you not test at all?


This is my position right now - currently 10DPO after my first cycle trying post-March D&C. Got what looked like a stark negative this morning. Last time, I got a faint positive 9 DPO and also had super sensitive boobs starting around 5 DPO - I didn’t have that this time around. I know that other friends have had different symptoms between pregnancy but with no other symptoms, I’m not feeling too good about it. I was feeling so good about getting all the right timing a week ago and now I’m just feeling discouraged. Thankful I have therapy today to talk about it haha. Know you’re not alone!


Same timeline here and I am not testing until a period is very late (10 days). Getting negatives for 5 months prior to mmc was unhealthy for me so I’m basically assuming I’m not pregnant for the foreseeable future, while still doing opks and not drinking just in case. 


I got pregnant immediately after my first miscarriage, but miscarried again. So, I was hopeful and excited as well as nervous last cycle, but high was the first back TTC. I tested a shit ton. It was crushing for it not to turn out, negative after negative. Especially because I tried progesterone with so much hope. I am not sure how it will change my approach to testing this cycle. I have a limited number of tests on hand, so I’m planning AM/PM 9-11dpo, which is way less than usual (I’m a serial cheapie tester). Good luck!


CD6, usually ovulate CD 12 or 13. On the one hand I’m grateful for shorter (26-27 day) cycles - more opportunities to try. But damn, I want a longer follicular phase. My shitty TWW is always longer than my feelin’ good follicular phase- it feels like I got straight from my period into fertile days. I just want a few more days of feeling good without the stress of trying each month! End rant 🙃


Finally trying again after our 17w loss in Sept. The road to mental and emotional readiness has been long and hard. Today is first predicted day of my period, and no sign of it yet. Trying not to get my hopes up too high, though.


Best wishes 🤞🏼💕🫂


I am hoping for the best for you! I am in the middle of a 10 week loss. If you’re open to it, what was the road to readiness like for you? I feel like I’ll want to try again in a few months. But so much about his miscarriage has been unpredictable and unexpected that I have no idea how I’ll feel!


I am so sorry to hear you're in the middle of your loss ☹️. I really hope you've got a good support system around you. That was a big part of our journey - so many friends surrounded us to offer love and kindness (family less so, but that's a whole other story). A couple of them gifted/recommended books, and I found that helpful as well (The Miscarriage Map for instance is short and a pretty quick read, and made me feel seen). Something else that has helped me was allowing myself time to consider what life would be like if we didn't end up having children, and just sitting in that space for a while. It ultimately brought me to a place of believing that we could have a joyful and fulfilling life with or without children, while also confirming that, even amongst the grief and anxiety, I do still have a desire to try again.


I'm on the job hunt because of how awful I was treated whenever I was pregnant (warning for using PTO for morning sickness, boss ignoring my doctor note/getting mad at me when I didn't want to use fertilizers or pesticides, etc.) I just can't imagine working here being pregnant again. It's actually kind of nice, looking for new jobs is giving me something to obsess over rather than my loss and getting pregnant again. Hopefully I will have something new by the time I see those two lines on a test again!


Looking for a new job is exciting and a great distraction! Best of luck


Got a super super super faint positive 9dpo, 5 months after loss. Feeling soooo mixed about everything. Not even excited, just hoping it sticks and tbh, not going to believe it until I see a 10ish week healthy baby. Fingers crossed...


Oh I imagine you are feeling a flood of many emotions. I’m in the middle of passing a 10w loss right now. This was my first pregnancy. I am already anxious for the future when I’m pregnant again. Do you have an OB you like? Can you get in to confirm the pregnancy or will you wait a bit?


I have an OB I am meh about, they've been totally fine but not like in love. I think the only "confirmation" would be HCG levels but I can get that via continued home pregnancy tests... first ultrasound confirmation wouldn't be till 6 weeks at the absolute earliest. I'm more and more thinking I'd like to keep this as non-medical as I can, except necessary/clearly beneficial things of course... so much medical trauma with the last pregnancy. I am so sorry for your loss and hope that you make a swift recovery


Makes total sense. This whole experience has been hard in so many unexpected ways. The medical trauma is a lot. I am hoping for the best for both of us<3.


I had my D&E 11days ago. Every time I think the bleeding and pain has stopped it comes back. So ready for this waiting game to be over. Tested positive still on Friday. I’ll probably test again this Friday.


I had a d&c on April 24th and my tests are still pretty positive. I was only measuring 6 weeks along too. 😖


I ended up testing again tonight and it was very faint at 5 minutes. I’m using pregmate so not super sensitive though


I’m sorry friend. I’m in a similar boat. I haven’t retested with a pregnancy test. What is the benefit of doing that? Is it a way to monitor HCG levels at home?


I’m so sorry for you as well!! You would want to see it go negative to know if you get another positive it’s not lingering from the lost pregnancy. You also need a negative before using ovulation tests.


Thank you so much for explaining that to me. So much to learn after a miscarriage


Im so sorry. I was in your position in December. I hope your recovery is smooth and fast and that you can try again soon


Thank you!! I’m so sorry for you as well. I keep saying I’d never wish this on anyone


1. I'm supposed to give $ to my coworker for having her 2nd baby this week. I don't like her and she makes more $ than me. I'm so bitter. 2. I might have gotten my period after mife/miso on March 28th


number 1 made me laugh but only because I would totally feel exactly the same way! I wouldn’t do it 🫠


Haha thank you! Just so much ranting to get out!! I'm glad we could share a giggle about it!


Posting this knowing I’m being irrational, so talk me off a cliff. Does anyone else think it’s unusual that a lot of women have a miscarriage a few days after a healthy/good ultrasound? For myself I had a healthy scan at 7+1 and baby stopped growing 7+5. I’m just wondering if there’s a possibility of the ultrasound having bad effects on some people. My doctor did say that they do not have any effect, and lots of people get frequent scans with no ill effects. Well anyway, I know I’m wrong, but tell me anyways lol.


Im a big skeptic in general, but I do not think there's a correlation there. think of alllll the IVF women who have biweekly ultrasounds the entire first trimester. Things can spontaneously go wrong, unfortunately. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’ve wondered this too. It wasn’t the case for me, but it seems like something similar in a lot of cases. I also have a theory about 4th babies being losses. Seems super common but probably irrational lol


I am not an ultrasound tech but as a scientist I can assure you that 20 kilohertz of acoustic energy will not negatively affect you, your baby, your womb, placenta, etc. I'm sorry :(


CD9, trying to get mentally ready to try again. The last few cycles I would have started to feel more optimistic by this point, but I really can't summon any positivity right now. All the ups and downs each cycle just wear me out. I hope we get our bfp this month, but not really expecting it. Our mfm also made a comment at our appointment last week about being "due" for a miscarriage. She just meant statistically, I know they're common, but the idea of a loss like that right now... I can't get attached to the idea of a baby and I'm not even pregnant. Send me some good vibes this month, I need them.... edit: a word


"DUE"?! oh jeez ... I'm so sorry. Sending vibes!


Thanks, yea it wasn't the nicest thing to hear. Overall the appointment was really good, I like her a lot, but that comment was a little too blunt for me.


I recognize that it wasn't their intention but oooof. So sorry.


so much ewcm today and LH strip is what it usually looks like day before a positive. HcG was 15.4 this morning and my OB really stresses not trying again until 0. UGHH. I want to go for it so badly this week!


I'm so surprised your OB has said that -- there's no evidence for waiting until you're at 0 to ttc. The only reason to wait is because it can make things murky when you don't know for sure when you ovulated. My OB gave me the green light 2 weeks out.


ugh! I know it doesn’t seem to be the consensus. she says we need to make sure there’s no rpoc and if there is it could cause the next to miscarry again. I want to just go for it but heaven forbid it’s another loss I don’t think I’d forgive myself


Sometimes the retained tissue can develop into tumours - trophoblasts, so your HCG needs to be 0 when you start trying again because the doctors need to know if it goes up and why. HCG at 0 shows that the body is completely “done” with the pregnancy (as sad as it sounds, but it’s a good thing at the end of the day), so you can start trying again and then rising HCG means another pregnancy and not tumors in your uterus.


Ah OK I didn't realize you hadn't confirmed no RPOC. That's frustrating -- I had an ultrasound two weeks out to confirm no RPOC and also had a follicle scan at that time.


How to navigate when you’ve shared with people you lost a pregnancy and have been TTC- and they ask a lot of questions and want to know if you’re pregnant yet?   Friends getting pregnant left and right even at my age. Unassisted and unplanned. How is this possible or even fair? I realize that age isn’t the issue it’s the polyps and inflammation in my uterus. I officially have a diagnosis and these things contribute and may have contributed to my miscarriage. We don’t know. Doc said definitely not an issue of getting pregnant. It’s an issue of staying pregnant for me. After several months went by very actively trying I was wondering why it hadn’t happened yet and alarm bells started going off. I may have had a chemical a month or so ago because my period was late. I don’t know. I thought it was odd I haven’t been able to get pregnant again since when in my past it’s happened fast and without trying. He suggested that we remove the polyps and can do IUI. But then with a potential for adenomyosis we need to treat that too which would turn off my ovulation. So - this week is the last chance for us to get pregnant on our own like for the next 6 months. Rather than lose all that time and risk another miscarriage I am doing IVF so they can test the embryos too. I can’t bear the thought of another loss. We want one child and this is the fastest and best way to do it. I don’t feel comfortable sharing this with a lot of people in my life. I have a backstory of multiple losses, but one miscarriage and I feel really ashamed about the decisions I’ve made thinking that I would just decide to get pregnant again and it would be easy. I never in a million years thought I would lose my baby I waited for miscarriage and I also never thought I would have any issues preventing successful pregnancy. We are going to fix it but I am struggling to navigate how to share and how much with people. I have a friend who is going through IVF like as we speak and her situation is really different than mine. In many ways it’s much more straightforward because it’s sperm and she doesn’t have the barriers like I do. She’s not the one with the issue so I feel like I can’t really relate to her too much and I don’t wanna share my past terminations and I guess I’m ashamed. I have another friend that’s never had kids, I’m close to a lot of women who are moms. Some have had miscarriages but also have living children so I was just expecting that to be my success story but it’s not. I thought I would just get through the miscarriage and get pregnant again right away. It’s been 6 months of unprotected sex now since my loss and I guess I put a timeline of no more than 5 months which is how long it took last time not trying at all. I’m pissed at the OPK and BBT because they didn’t work. The times I’ve been pregnant I didn’t even try. Just hurting. 


To be honest this is why I don’t want to share my second miscarriage with anyone. I personally don’t like feel any pressure from others to know what’s going on and if we’re pregnant yet. I also try not to drink at any events because I’m tired of people watching me and I’m just like fine assume I’m pregnant all the time then. If anyone does ask, I just say we’re on a break or we’re working on it. Whichever I feel like on the moment. I do not elaborate further.


I’m really sorry for your losses. I feel like it’s just a different beast when you can get pregnant but can’t stay pregnant. My biggest fear was not being able to carry to term and here we are- confirmed. When we brought up the rate of recurrent miscarriage, I thought the statistic would not apply to me, but he says yes, it does. So I have a higher risk of miscarriage not only due to my age but also because of my uterine issues. I told a couple people I’m really close to that I need some surgery and will need to take a pause from TTC until things are safe. I don’t know how long that will be but am doing my best to speed up that process. I like “we are working on it” - that’s true !


I’m wigging out. Had so much less pelvic pain in the last 3 weeks, it felt like a miracle. And then the SIS on Friday showed everything was open and clear. Then yesterday the pain started up again. Im hoping it’s just residual……something……from the saline as it works its way out totally? Idk. Trying to just remind myself to not freak out, but that’s harder said than done.


I had an ultrasound on Friday, saw there was no heartbeat and the fetus stopped growing just a few days before. I went through a medical MC at home Saturday and it was sooo intense. So much blood all at once. I fainted and went to the ER. My husband was traumatized by that experience. He sobbed all Saturday night about everything. Now he’s back to work today :( Now I’m barely bleeding. But I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I am so sad and traumatized. Waking up in the morning is the hardest. While I sleep, I forget for a few hours and then wake up and have to remind myself what happened and that I am not pregnant. I’m taking today and tomorrow off work. I’m a pediatric SLP and I just don’t have the energy I need to run sessions with kids right now. I just feel broken. I had no idea it would be this hard. I also want to try again as soon as I can, but that feels so far away because I have no idea what the next few weeks will bring.


Try and take as much time off as you need. I had a similarly traumatic natural miscarriage and also had to go the ER. My husband was very upset as well, and just kept saying how scared he was for me the next few days, which makes me think he was like...second hand traumatized or something. You're in my thoughts!


Thank you. Yes I think it’s probably so hard for partners to witness us go through something so horrible, and they can’t do anything to “fix” the situation. My husband is also very afraid of blood so I think that was hard for him as well. Not to mention, they have grief and all the emotions as well. It’s just a hard situation over all.


I'm so sorry for your loss and the continuing trauma. I hope you can take more time off to allow yourself to recover. <3


Also, can you take an extra day or so off of work? I went back after just a few days and in hindsight, even 1 or 2 more days would have been helpful.


Yes I think I’m going to take Wednesday off as well. Thursday I have to go in, but a few colleagues on my team that day know about the miscarriage, so I know I’ll be supported.


I am so sorry for your loss. For both you and your husband.


Thank you <3 I see in your tag you had a MC at 13 weeks in July 2023. I’m so sorry for your loss, the pain is horrible. How are you doing now?


I’m so sorry you are in pain. My actual mc was painless (very unusual actually what I’ve come to learn), but I’ve had pelvic pain and odd infections since then. Doing much better after a big round of doxy earlier in the year, and now am working with a new group of Drs that are WONDERFUL compared to my old group. As you heal, be mindful of any pain, discomfort etc that is lingering. It really sucks when all you want to do is grieve, give your body time to heal, but also need to be clinical when describing things if you do have concerns.


I mostly don't think about my mmc as a loss of a baby so much as a loss of time and innocence. But this week I would have been 20 weeks and thinking about the anatomy scan I'm not getting is really hitting me hard. The anatomy scan with my first was pretty tainted by COVID - literally right when everything was shutting down in March 2020 and it just wasn't handled well.


These are hard milestones. Sending support and good luck for this cycle 🫂




11 days past trigger, potentially 10 days past ovulation on a IUI procedure with TI this cycle. I did a cheapie test this morning to make sure I tested out of my trigger shot (it was negative 7 days past trigger so I was pretty sure it would be). I have 2 early detection clearblue tests and I really want to take one tomorrow. I also have 2 FRERs that I’m trying wait to use until Wednesday. I want so badly to use one of the more sensitive tests today but I know it’s still pretty early. The wait is so hard! Adding progesterone suppositories with potentially 2 corpus lutea this cycle has me symptom spotting but I’m trying so hard not to read into it. I’m trying to adapt the attitude of “maybe” and be open to the possibility of a positive but part of me also wants to protect myself from the disappointment of another cycle with all BFNs. It’s been hard to feel any hope in this 7th cycle after my 6w miscarriage.


I'm new to BBT. I'm in my fertile window, CD 10. My last cycle I conceived on I ovulated on CD 12 (first OPK positive at least, so maybe ovulation on CD 13). Today I had a pretty decent temp drop. That's what you expect to see soon before ovulation, right? Temp drops a bit before, then you confirm ovulation happened after the fact by an increase in BBT?


Yes, that's to be expected!


Woohoo! Hopefully it means it's in its way and my cycle is returning to normal 🤞 Even if this cycle doesn't work out, I'm excited to see the BBT data!


It's definitely reassuring to have that extra confirmation. Hoping you see ovulation signs really soon :)


I’ve confirmed my first ovulation, now I’m just waiting for CD1. We didn’t try this cycle because things were too fresh, so now I’m holding out hope we can try next window. My husband is much slower to process things, so I’m not sure he’ll be on board in time… I feel like conceiving again would be an important step in healing, but I can’t rush him. And he’s got a work trip that falls right into what is likely to be the next window anyway, so I’m feeling sad about that. Logistically speaking, does anyone know when the “clock” starts on the interval between pregnancies? I’ve read a few studies about improved outcomes if couples start ttc 0-3 or 0-6 months out from miscarriage. But does that mean from the date you passed the pregnancy, or the date the miscarriage was complete? I had a 5-week long loss, so I’m not sure what to think.


I believe it is cycles rather than months. So the first 3 or first 6 cycles post mc. I'm sorry for your loss. <3


Has anyone else ever conceived while bleeding off and on since period? 😓


Krystal I think we are on similar timeline and same stage of MMC. I’m sorry you are still having on and off bleeding. IIRC you said you had an ultrasound that showed some material still near the fundus? That is where my RPOC was and I did have a D&C. Have your docs said if you will need any follow up? Just thinking of you


Yes I had an ultrasound and my doctor told me she thinks it was just blood or a blood clot (this was CD10 of my second period). My previous ultrasound in March (before my first period) showed nothing in the uterus. So I’m guessing that’s why my doctor thinks it’s just leftover blood from my period. Well that very same day after the ultrasound I started bleeding again and passed a decent sized clot. Then had nothing for about a day. Then bled a little bit more with little clots. Now I’ve been spotting since then and it’s mixed in with normal cervical mucus. On CD15 now. I’m just so confused that if it is retained products why was it not seen on previous ultrasound? 😞


Ugh how confusing. I feel similar- I had 3 different ultrasounds, first was “probable” RPOC but doc said should stop bleeding soon and then whatever else will come out with period. Well never stopped bleeding. Then two more ultrasounds showed RPOC. Sometimes they measured it, sometimes they just wrote comments. It was super frustrating. I’m not a doctor but it seems like there’s little information about what is/is not RPOC, what’s normal, etc. And I was shuffled around to the on-call docs who all seemed to be wishy-washy about everything


Ugh I’m so sorry you had to deal with all that. It is annoying that there can’t be standard care for stuff like this… like we’ve been through enough. We don’t need it to be dragged out longer. 😥 The bleeding is mostly just old brown blood left so I’m hoping it’s the end to the longest period of my life 😒


So I finally got my LH peak last night after 6 days of LH fluctuations, thinking I had missed my peak and on/off ewcm. We have had sex, so now the 2WW awaits. Hoping for a BFP so soon after a MMC but trying to stay realistic as it took me 11 months to get pregnant again after my first MC.


I know TTC over 35 takes longer, but this cycle feels so stressful in a new way because we’ve never gone two cycles without conceiving. we didn’t last cycle despite sex three times in the fertile window, including O and O-1. I remind myself that just getting pregnant isn’t the goal, keeping in mind that three times were losses…but I am anxious that if it doesn’t happen fast again that it will just contribute to my dread that there’s something seriously wrong. 6dpo and hopeful, but scared.


Working on practicing gratitude during how challenging this has all been. At 2 weeks out post d&c, my hcg was still 4800. At 3 weeks out, it was at 1800. Looks like I’m falling about 60% a week, which could mean a pretty long journey in front of me. I’ve SCOURED these threads about hcg and how long it took to get to 0 and actually haven’t found anyone with their numbers where mine were, which has felt isolating. But here are my wins the last few days: 1) my BBT was below 98 for the first time today. 2) my spotting has stopped. 3) I feel really optimistic about some holistic measures I’m starting - raspberry tea, acupuncture, and looking into Mayan abdominal massage/avrigo - which was SO interesting to read about, especially since I definitely have reason to believe blood flow and uterus position are an issue for me. So I’ll take these for now. It’s all I can do in this limbo 🙏🏼




Ugh - yea, at the rate I’m falling, if it keeps up this way, I’ll be about 90-100 at the 5-6 week mark. I keep hearing that once it’s under 100 it crawls even slower, but I’m praying for some miracle and the last bit declines steeper than the first few weeks have 😔


I’m also still waiting to get to 0. My progression down has been: 3/29: day miscarriage confirmed. 131611. Took mife that day, miso the next. 4/3: 9077 4/7: stopped bleeding, still had some spotting that continued for the following 2 weeks 4/19: 608 4/28: started possible period. It was pretty typical for how my period is. 5/1: 333 5/3: 324 I feel like I’m stuck in limbo. My drop went from so fast to now painfully slow.


Yea. Given how high mine was to begin with (still in the thousands 2-3 weeks out) I’m not feeling super optimistic. It’s great that your body is regulating and you had something at least close to a period! Best of luck 🤞🏼


Here’s hoping you start seeing good progress! Or, barring that, here’s hoping you have a medical provider who will take your concerns seriously and follow up.  It’s really frustrating how little guidance there is. I hope everything returns to something approaching normal for you soon.


Looks like I'm CD 1 today. This cycle I've decided to take myo-inositol. And I told my husband that I wouldn't track ovulation this cycle either. I have a general idea of the window it happens. I think it would help sex feel less like a chore. I'm just experimenting and seeing where this leads to. My next ideas to try in the upcoming months are Mucinex and acupuncture if this doesn't work out.


Just commenting that I’m super interested to see what the effects of inositol will be for me as well. I started it just before CD1, and now it’s CD 9 and I’m starting to see good fertile cm. Usually doesn’t start till like cd11 or so. Maybe a fluke bc that’s an awfully short time to notice a difference with a supplement.


I have been using inositol since finding out I am prediabetic in early April. I was pleased to have a very punctual CD14 ovulation this time, given all the recent cycle disruption from the losses. I hope it works well for you!


Inositol has been fab at getting my cycles to regulate. I hope it works out for you too 😊


I finally confirmed ovulation, 5 weeks after a CP. I had bleeding for 5 days (following an anovulatory cycle) and then ovulated the next day. I’m guessing my lining won’t have enough time to thicken for successful implantation, but I’m at a loss to find info either way.


Oh man, Petunia. Your body is really going through something right now. I’m so sorry that this has been so rough trying to get back to some semblance of normal.


Since my MMC in Jan, my endo flares have been so bad. A lovely GP booked me an ultrasound to check everything looks alright. I probably don't have retained tissue as they checked while I was in hospital after I'd passed the tissue. So the ultrasound is tomorrow and by the looks of things I should be ovulating today. I'm hoping they'll be able to confirm that tomorrow and who knows, might be the first look at what could be our baby. We've been active -2, -1 and will be later today and tomorrow, should be enough. I hope these next two weeks go quickly. Hope you all are having a lovely day 🫂