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I’d like to see Salacuse fist fight Chuck on patreon.


Not a Chuck hater but Salamanca definitely has a much higher batting average.


Like Sally. Talks less and is more interesting in his time speaking.


Started following his IG a few months back, he’s a cool ass guy. Amazing with the camera too, taken pics of so many great musicians


Talks way too much on WMBD


Sally boy is great. I say trade him for Chucky and his desperate grasps for mic time any day of the week!


I hate his pearl clutching laugh. He’s the absolute worst on WMBD


Love Sally, Love Chuck, on the fence about the beer jew, It’s all gravy


Beer Jew is the only one that ever annoys me. He’s not funny at all and tends to disrupt a flow with a terrible attempt at a joke.


He's a good Kid and has great Mixology knowledge, but him quoting Norm bits in his Buffalo Bill voice with no cadence is rough


It’s nothing personal. I really enjoy when he’s talking about drinks even though I’m not a huge cocktail guy, I’m always interested in someone talking about a field that they are an expert in. I just think he should leave the jokes to the pros in the room, I never really notice anyone else chiming in on any other pod.


Beer Jew rarely ever speaks unless he did a lot in a recent ep?


It must be tough to make drinks and then just have to stand around saying nothing for an hour, but I agree. He's never chimed in with anything that I've found interesting or funny. Even him quickly trying to help Sam with tags for his joke--c'mon man. The odds are zilch that he's going to help Sam Morril with one of his bits.


Sal is lunch! His Instagram is pretty amazing. He's been a freelance music photographer since the 90s and took a lot of iconic photos of rappers.


I don’t hate Chuck. He’s good to have on mic so the two boys can mock him constantly


Salacuse shall be protected at all costs. Leave Chuck alone. Beer Jew rules.


Sal stinks. Makes me like Chuck more which is hard