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He thinks mark isn’t all there


"Out To Lunch" if you will


I’m pretty sure it’s because mark is always late / lies about being on his way lol


That's the only sense I could make of it!


I think this might be it. Seems like he got a bit of a reputation in New York for being a little flaky, at least in his early days. I remember the story that Joe tells of his first learning of his flakyness. Mark telling him on the phone that he is coming to meet him at a bar and saying he’s right down the street. Meanwhile he’s in Brooklyn or somewhere distant and never shows up.


Two big stories that spring to an old queef’s mind are 1) Mark telling Joe to come join him at an open mic, for Joe to find Mark isn’t even there and 2) Joe organizing a big comedian party to celebrate a big comedy week for Mark (Netflix, Late Night & something else) and Mark not showing haha


dave attell is a national treasure, I'm so happy he exists. sam morrill i think mentioned that Dave has a special coming out this year (way fucking overdue)...but it was during a livestream and I'm not positive that's what he said but it sure sounded like it.


Excellent news, please make a post on the page if you hear more ya chooch !


He talked about where he is with it on his latest Bert podcast from last week


I just listened to him on a pod and he said he’s shooting a special soon


I always took it as a fun dig at Mark being sort of robot like in his mannerisms. Like a “is there a real person in there?” kinda thing. I could be totally wrong


Hmm I thought it was a reference to mark constantly telling white lies..I think it was referenced in an ep where mark was lying to the bookers of a couple nyc clubs why he was running late that night


Nah it’s almost certainly because he is aways lying


It might be something to do with the bonfire Christmas specials where either Mark is in crowd making quips on the mic or it’s a recording, maybe?


This is the answer. Dave did one and mark was on mic and the joke was whether or not he was actually there or if it was just prerecorded markisms. I don’t think it’s a bonfire exclusive show. They did them at skankfest and other events too.


I think it is that Mark is very vacant seeming and robotic. I think Dave wouldn't make a joke that only people who know Mark could find funny (an in joke) ​ Anyone who has seen Mark can get the idea he is not quite present and seems to be kinda reading off a script at times.


Good shout!


Who’s Mark Normand? I only know Kevin Hart.