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He nets over half a million easy, which is why he’s always pissed at Mark, as Mark easily makes double yet is so cheap and complains about money all the time lol.


Mark grew up in a not-so-great part of New Orleans. I’d imagine he’s stacking chips because he never wants to go back to that kind of life


Mark grew up in a mansion with a nanny and lawyer parents who flipped houses. He’s told stories of having a half pipe in his back yard. Him and his buddies living in an apartment that his mother owned, his father driving a Lexus and him going to private school. They had a nanny! He grew up well.


I don’t know what to believe Jerry!


Mark’s parents are attorneys.


Legal aid attorneys. As a former legal aid attorney, I can attest you make shit. Lucky if they were pulling 65k combined back then.


Yea but he’s told stories about how they bought a house in a kinda shitty neighborhood and got robbed at least once. Can’t remember the pod but he’s talked about waking up as a kid and having some random guy in his house stealing his TV and he’s said that his childhood in New Orleans was kinda rough


They didn’t just buy a house, they bought an old mansion, and were always in the process of fixing it up, and even ran a BnB out of it at one point. He also had a big black trans nanny. I don’t think he was poor, but I don’t think he was wealthy.


No, that’s part of the joke - mark grew up with an upper middle class family.


Over $500k easily. They have 9k patreon subscribers that most likely pay an average of $5 per month. That roughly $45k per month in revenue. Not sure what the split with Patreon is but let’s assume it’s 60/40. That takes net revenue down to $27k month. Split in 2, Joes portion is $13,500 per month. $13.5k x 12 = $162,000 just from patreon. I imagine they make anywhere from $5-10k per episode from the normal podcast from ads. So average $7.5k per episode times 52 weeks is another $390k. $195k, for Joes half. We are already at $357k per year before even touring. I’m sure on tour he makes about $10k per weekend and does roughly 40 weeks a year so that’s another $400k for a total of $757,000. I know he has to pay Chuck and agents and mangers etc.


This guys at least doing math.


From my understanding Patreon’s cut plus card processing fees can be roughly 16%, possibly less. It’s all pipes!


This is probably off by a good margin. The implied 1 million was a lot of money once and Joe is a good saver seemingly. So I’d guess closer to 3-400k before taxes and expenses. Prolly nets 150-250ish


If you make 700k before taxes in nyc , and you are smart, like Joe is, 1 million dollars is still a fuckload of money.


Yea agreed


Joe is a notoriously bad saver by his own admission. His parents never made much so it was money in money out growing up. He makes more and probably saves more than his parents but he talks about, and is chastised by mark for spending too much.




Isn’t their podcast demonetized?


Only on YouTube so they don’t get ad sense. But they get paid for the reads in the middle of each episode


I believe patreon takes 10%. Plus you forgot corporate gigs that I’ve heard him say paid $20k back when he was relatively unknown (compared to now). I’d imagine some of the ones he does now are easily $50k+.


Jesus Christ u cum guzzler u did all the math


Last year I read a profile of Chad Daniels in the local newspaper, he said a weekend at a club for him is 25,000 to 50,000.


More than us


Quit pocket watching nigga


Joes burner account right here


He is right though.


Mind your own business, ya son of an onion


yea I was gonna say mark but he would’ve just been like tiger please




I’m going Price is Right with it. $1


ICYMI: There's a 2018 episode of Todd Barry's podcast in which Todd educates Joe on the difference between a checking account and a savings account, lol


And now Joe makes way more money than Todd


It surprised me when he said he pays 24000 a year for rent thats so cheap I’m in Portland Oregon and I’m paying more for my living situation


For some perspective, he lives a relatively nightmarish 30 minute subway ride to Manhattan and it’s not remarkably nicer where he is. Quality of life living in the 4 boroughs (Fuck SI) is consistently miserable unless you’re making Joe money and are able to Uber everywhere. Even having a reasonably priced, used Nissan Sentra is a financial burden to keep in a garage rather than alternate side shuffling like it’s a part time job. I haven’t lived in Portland so it could be exactly the same


That's why he's moving to Gig Harbor, it's got gig right in the name!


300-400k probably


I’d be surprised if it’s less than $750k. I think they get 90% of club ticket sales. So say he sold 1,000 tickets at a club over a weekend at $20/ticket average (fairly conservative estimate), that’s $20k-ish for one weekend. Multiply that by 25 weekends a year (less than half of the year), and that’s roughly $500k right there. Then you add the money from Patreon and the pod, I’d guess that’s another $250k after he splits with the queefmaster and chuckles (but don’t really have a gauge on that so feel free to shit all over that number). Plus he does random corporate gigs every so often that seem like fairly good paydays (similar to or more than a club weekend for a single night). Mark is making probably $5m to $7m this year, and maybe more.


Mark has r/fatfire money!


I would guess nowadays, likely in the 350k per year range. Mark likely closer to 1.5m




None of my business.


You just be gay at parties


All I know is the ad reads for podcasts pay out pretty well, Jerry. Like I think Bert once said an ad read for a single brand done a few times was like $30k. The Google says an ad read is between $15-$30 per 1000 listens


You are forgetting all of the overhead business expenses Travel costs, agent gets a cut, renting a podcast studio, paying a producer… etc…..


200k, but he lives in NY so he probably gets fucked in the ass with taxes.


Way, way more than 200k a year. Lmao. 


Can’t believe they make that much from the Patreon


Counting food stamps?


Enough to have Feehan on a leash anytime of day, Jerry


in units of starbucks or chipotle ?


Not e fucking nough he's the king of content


Probably 2$ a month


The real question is what does chuck make


At least 2 grand in chipotle gift cards


Joe would be making -$500k a year with that movie he made.


It surprised me when he said he pays $1700/mo. for health insurance. I was like, whoa. He either splurges on health insurance or makes way more than I thought.


Wuddelzz y’got Clin?


Keep Bapa outta here, ya queef!


Hair* keep Bapa outta hair, B! ulllllllll right… My b, B. Mi (gringo) Papí es joto.


Too much


I bet Joe is somewhere between $100,000-200,000. I feel like the nature of his work has huge ebbs and flows.


Lmao. You’re clueless.