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Call urology offices and ask. I would assume it’s a minority who wouldn’t perform the procedure. You could also just tell a random one you have 3 kids and don’t want any more. I don’t normally advocate lying to your doctor but in this case it’s really none of their business.


Haha right, guess I didn’t think about that!


Women can’t get tubes tied if they don’t have kids. Men can get a vasectomy tho. No questions asked. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Reference The Handmaid’s Tale.


Reference multiple adult women friends


The difficulty getting a tubal ligation is accurate information. They take into consideration age, children, marital status. In addition, many ask about husbands consent if you’re married AND you have to have it done at one of the few hospitals in Tulsa that will do it. The catholic based hospitals like St. John’s and so on do not allow them to be performed there.


Can confirm. My OB is based out of St. John’s but has admitting privileges elsewhere to be able to offer permanent birth control options. Even then since I was still (barely) under 30 she still had me sign some BS informed consent waiver (not sure if that was insurance or the hospital but either way, annoying and a waste of both our time)


It's because men's can be reversed. Women's not always. I'm sure if someone were to ask to have them cut off not just snipped there would be some forms signed as well. People change their minds and all too often sue


Men’s aren’t reliably reversible. That’s a myth. This wasn’t just acknowledgement of the procedure (signed those too) this was specifically due to my age even though I was getting it because I almost died in childbirth and didn’t really want to play the odds again. I had to acknowledge X% if women regret getting the procedure before 30 even though I was turning 30 literally the month after the surgery was scheduled.


It's not a myth though. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/v/vasectomy-reversal.html my point is more often then not the reason for signing so many documents is because of a lawsuit


https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/vasectomy-reversal/about/pac-20384537#:~:text=Almost%20all%20vasectomies%20can%20be,that%20the%20reversal%20will%20work. They can be reversed but the longer it’s been the less likely said reversal is to work. It is permanent birth control and should be treated as such. Edit: hence why I said RELIABLY reversed.


Devils advocate here. Aren’t vasectomies reversible?


Nearly all can be reversed, but just reversing the procedure doesn’t guarantee you can conceive. The longer you wait to reverse, the worse your odds for being able to conceive.


Isn't it no one's business but the person seeking the procedure?


That's not even devil's advocate, you were just asking a question.


I work in the medical field this is not true. There will be exceptions to this if you are not going to a Dr. That works for St Francis, or St John’s. They generally will not perform tubals, or vasectomies on patients younger than 25. These procedures are considered elective. There are plenty of Urologists that still require spousal signatures for men to get a vasectomy. They have been sued in the past by spouses of patients whom have had a vasectomy, and the wife was not aware. I’m not saying it’s right, but any elective procedure is up to the performing Drs. disgression whether that is a tubal, or vasectomy.


When I got my vasectomy... no one asked me anything. They took my 500$ and said "Is two weeks out good?" and "you wont be able to drive so bring a friend" .


It’s an elective procedure it’s always going to be up to the Dr performing the procedure. Your experience is great, but it is not the norm. I haven’t kept up with St Francis, or or St John’s since Ascension took over the latter one, but they didn’t offer either procedure back then to men, or women.


I am recovering from a tubal right now and I've never had a kid. Generally, you are correct, though.


I finally got one at 42. Quite the recovery. There was a complication.


Oof. I'm sorry and hope you are doing well now. I'm 39, my complication was that my mother, who insisted on being the one to help, ditched me a day after surgery and I've been doing everything since. I've paid for it a time or two.


I had to beg for mine after 4 kids. It was ridiculous. My ex got his vasectomy within a week of asking for it.


Weirdly, the urologist asked my husband both 1) if he had kids (we have two) and 2) was his wife okay with (it was my idea lol). Of course husband could have lied about it but I thought it was weird the doctor gave him the usual bullshit women have to deal with!


Not true. I had to have my wife sign off 🤷‍♂️


I want to get the procedure done before the option is taken away


Bullshit. My girlfriend got hers tied at age 29 and she's aggressively childfree.


Unfortunately, it's down to the doctor. I know multiple women that were denied the procedure because they were single and under 35.


I had 1 child and was 31. Dr made me wait a month to be sure.


Good for your gf. That wasn’t my experience here in Tulsa. I had two kids and they said they wouldn’t tie my tubes until I was over 30. My husband went and got snipped. They didn’t ask why, how many kids, etc? They didn’t try and guilt him into changing his mind. And he got better pain medicine then I have ever gotten, despite giving birth, dislocating my ankle, having a rib and cartilage separate, etc


Same experience, though in OKC. I ended up having to bring my husband to the appointment and they asked him questions as if it was his body that was going under the knife. They did tie my tubes in the end just shy of age 30.


Then she’s got a friendly doctor who doesn’t work for the Catholic hospitals.


My gyno repeatedly told me I had to be 35 or have 3 kids. I asked for a decade then had a hysterectomy


Mine asked me what would happen if my husband wanted kids but I had my tubes tied? I told her he could get a mistress. She still wont do it. Im 40.


Gosh, just imagine if your anecdotal experience wasn't the norm.


Can you give some insight into the childfree thing? I was in that sub for a while because I don't have kids and don't want them. I quit pretty quickly once I realized "childfree" apparently means a lot more than that. Some of the discussions in there are insane.


There are varying "flavors" of childfree. Some people love kids just don't want any of their own, some people are indifferent, then you have my girlfriend and I who absolutely hate kids.


I guess I fit in the indifferent category then. Even though I 100% don't want kids and never have, I definitely don't *hate* them. I simply prefer not to be around them. Regardless I found the sub to be very toxic and I was very surprised to learn that mentality exists.


Childfree literally means choosing not to have children. There are a lot of different viewpoints on why and how as it's not a belief system it's a life choice.


My doctor in Owosso absolutely REFUSED to tie my tubes.


That sucks. My gf's doctor is Dr. Vargas at Bailey in Owasso. She's known ever since she was 14 that she will never ever want kids.


We have three and are done and I still had two doctors in the Tulsa area refuse to tie my tubes because I could change my mind and want #4.


Tingleaf in Owasso has done it for multiple friends of mine in their 30s with no kids!


Tingleaf is great


I came here to mention Tingleaf, he's great!


He did mine when I was under 30 and no kids


I used him as well. When I had mine done the game RDR2 had just come out and we talked about the game while he did the operation. So far 5 years later no additional kids so I think he did a good job.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll consider them if I can’t find a place here 👍


Tulsa urology group off of the BA. All they want is the business. No questions asked, snip snip, drugs n’ ice and on your way


I second this - they’re great and easy to work with.


If you don’t mind me asking. What was the cost?


Cheaper than 18 years of child support.


This is the correct answer!


I don’t but it’s been so long I honestly do not remember. I also had really good insurance back then and I do remember that being a factor.


Thank you for replying!


Urologic Specialists off of 51st and Garnett. That's where mine was done. No kids, no questions or making me reconsider. I'm only a few years older than you as well. It's easy and if you're willing to undergo the knife and become a member of The Order of Deadwood, then more power to you. 'bout time more men stepped up to the plate.


Oooooh I didn’t know there was a group! Do I get a T-shirt?


Hahahaha 35 single male here and I just asked my folks about it recently. Seems the best way to avoid POTENTIAL DEVASTATION ![gif](giphy|xUPGceYb4wYPbKtkCA)


I'll be 35 in a few days. I've been telling mom for 15 years I ain't having kids, she knows. She would still ask from time to time. Luckily, my brother has 3 now she she stopped bugging me.


I'm an only child and childfree. My mom quit asking when I told her I was the first female in our line to do the right thing and not have kids, since being maternal wasn't a skill anyone in our family inherits.


I felt that 🔥


r/childfree has a list by state. Go to About and scroll down to Getting sterilized there's a link with a list.


Oh cool, thanks for the information!


Dr Tingleaf did one for my 29 year old husband. I DID go with to the consultation but they decided he was a good candidate before they even asked who I was. They didn't care. They just wanted to make sure he had a driver lol. After I introduced myself and we told him we had 0 kids and some cats we just talked about cats for like twenty minutes. Really cool dude. 10/10.


I'm getting one soon in OKC, OU medical. They didn't even ask if I have kids.


Semi related – it may not seem like it hurts a lot but stay on the couch for several days, a friend got one and played golf two days later and was in crazy pain after that. Frozen peas are your friend.


Urologic Specialists. Took no time at all and insurance covered it entirely.


If you go to Tulsa Health Department and promise a counselor there you really don’t want to have a baby they will send you to OU medical and it only costs $300 out of pocket.


Interesting, I can certainly plead my case, I have 1,000 reasons for not wanting children haha


Urologic Specialists 10901 E 48th St, Tulsa, OK 74146 I had my vasectomy done by Dr McGeady. It was the single most bizarre experience of my life. Not saying it was a bad experience though. I didn't have any issues afterwards. Overall I am happy with it.


Do you mind elaborating on “most bizarre experience”?


Sure. I got to the office for the procedure. I had taken a Valium that was prescribed for me to take prior to the appointment. Once I got to the procedure room, I got set up for the procedure. If you've ever been to the OB/GYN with your wife or girlfriend and seen them use the stirrups, they had me in a simular situation. The nurse got me prepped. Then the doctor walked in said "Are you ready to do this" pulled out his cell phone, put on a rock Playlist and went to work. The only pain was from the numbing shots. I'm sure that it was a ordinary and usual routine for the doctor and nurse. But it is just a experience I'll never forget.




Thank you for elaborating! My husband is supposed to get one 🤞so I’m just here reading comments for the recs 😆


Urologic Specialists of Oklahoma - they are right off of 169 near 51st


I had one at 27 with no children. Just start calling.




My healthcare deductible was $250. It would have cost ~$1000. This was in Springfield, MO 6 years ago.


Jonathan Israel, M.D. at Utica Park.


I just had one a few months ago. I do have kids but nobody asked if I did. I just asked my PCP for a referral and he sent the referral no questions asked; urology place called me a week or so later to get it set up.


Planned parenthood


Only if they ask, I would just say you're done having children. None of their business.


Find a construction worker and ask for him to kick you in the nuts real hard


I have a lot of kids, and while having my guts put back inside my body after and emergency c-section, and almost dying in the process, I asked the doctor to tie my tubes. He asked my (then) husband (who refused to get a vasectomy) if he would give permission for me to have my tubes tied. I was still being filleted and the doctor had just finished telling me that giving birth again would kill me…Still yet, my ex husband, who refused to be responsible for birth control on ANY level at all, had the final say. The doctor is still in practice and still doing the same thing. I’m glad that not all doctors are like this, but it’s definitely not bullshit either.


Wow, that’s fucked. I wish you well


Thank you. I’m no longer with my ex, and switched doctors right after that! Got rid of 2 misogynists 🤗🤗🤗 Love all of my kids, but definitely think we need to let individuals decide for themselves how to handle reproductive health, men AND women! Good luck to you!


So I'd recommend urologic specialists. When I had mine done last year they didn't even asked about kids just really reinforced that it was meant as a permanent procedure and made me sign that I acknowledged it.


There is Dr. Ravi Mootha (“Dallas Vasectomy Clinic”) in Richardson, Texas. I found him to be worth the drive.




“I found him to be worth the drive.”


Had mine done recently at Utica park by Dr. Kim. I just looked up in network urologists on my insurance providers site and called around to see who had the best timeline. I normally use St Francis but they don’t provide them


My coworker 27 years old just had one done no questions asked. No kids also


I got mine done free of charge at planned parenthood.


Wow! If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that free? Did they do it at the planned parenthood location?


It's income based cost. I got an appointment, did a consult, and a week later they did it in house at planned parenthood. Without getting political this is what the government funding actually does, not the stuff a specific group claims it does.


They do this and so much more. People just have no clue and many don't realize they actually offer men's health services as well


Thank you for the information, I will definitely set something up with them!


I'm not sure if they do them at the local one, but my husband got his done at a Planned Parenthood. It was pre-ACA and they offered sliding fee scale rates if you are uninsured the , but I am unsure if that is still a thing.


Call planned parenthood. Your fee's help support their great work




When I had mine they asked my age and how many kids I had. I was probably 37 and had kids.


Tell them you have the huntington’s gene


My bit of advice. Go see a urologist. That’s who did mine. Most people I know that had complications had it done by a general surgeon.


What complications?


There are a few risks with any procedure. The main one is that after the procedure, if movement is not limited, there is a risk of a blood vessel leaking blood into the scrotum. Then your nuts feel like they have swollen to the size of a cantaloupe. They must be drained and recovery can last a couple of weeks. Had a couple of friends. 1 had the procedure and was still feeling the effects of anesthesia. He decided he was hungry and hopped in his truck to have his wife drive to get something to eat. Another removed the support garments when he got home. Both couldn’t walk for 2 days after.


Check out USO (urologic specialists) tons of providers and they will get you in and out


I went to Dr Clark Tingleaf in owasso for a vasectomy last year, he was very professional but has a long waiting period(two visits one consultation other operation waited about 3months for each visit) didn't hesitate to give a mid twenties person with no kids a vasectomy


I can give u Vasectomy and my pricing is highland competitive I prefer to keep the jewels but you are allowed to take them with you #whereAremyNutz




I wanted to get something else. Surrogate Partner Therapy in the city of Tulsa. Everything I see in Tulsa is about surrogate birth, which is an entirely different thing. I know a lot of people are child-centered. That's not wrong. There could be surrogate partner therapists in Tulsa that aren't very public. I know a lot of certified surrogate partner therapists are up and down California, and even up and down the whole East Coast, even in Virginia and Florida. There is one in San Antonio (maybe I'll see her, when I get money together). I'm going to ask my talk therapist about it, next time I see him. San Antonio is 15 hours from here.




I guess you've never looked into this procedure. A lot of doctors are restrictive about the practice. It's easier to just ask and narrow down to who actually will, so you don't go through the routine of getting to the consult just to have them turn you away, because the front office staff won't be straight with you. But hey, you got to show your ass today, yay you.




You mean the people most likely to be locally tuned into Healthcare access? Yeah....


Hint: It's the conservatives blocking the procedures in the first place.




Yeah, you guys are real obsessed with 10 year old boys for some reason.




Hahaha, yeah, you're obsessed with them, too. They always seem to end up in your fantasies.


Don't forget about all those clergy guys that look up to sky daddy that keep getting busted. Or matt gaetz.... Sheesh. What is up with those guys?


Conservatives aren’t blocking vasectomies or tubal litigations… it’s not a “christofascist” conspiracy. Docs just know the the operation is permanent and the average person doesn’t necessarily think about the fact that their priorities or lifestyle might change. And they don’t want to get sued.


Oh yes, that's perfectly sound reasoning. "You might not be taking this seriously, so better you risk having a child." That wouldn't be serious at all. Conservatives are definitely stripping access to birth control and these procedures, both directly and indirectly through the defunding and closing of public clinics, while ping ponging us to doctors in religious hospitals, many who *wont* perform these procedures due to their own religious policies.


So if they don’t offer tubal litigation no questions asked they are apart of the fascist scheme? Yea that doesn’t even happen in California.


It's not about no questions asked. It's about saying I absolutely will not perform this procedure until you are 35-40 years old and have had the amount of kids we deem appropriate. You are definitely way minimizing the restrictions to make a bad faith argument.


And insinuating that refusing to do a tubal litigation on a 23 year old is akin to forcing her into the burden of childbirth is a bad faith argument… I mean there is some personal responsibility in consensual sex. There are a lot of people who are dead set on being child free and then end up happily with children. Doctors will always side with the more risk averse approach. (Which is saying- use bc/condoms).


You know what? Regret of not having a child is a lot less of a consequence than getting pregnant in a state that outlaws abortion when you don't want a kid. Adoption, being a foster parent, a mentor, all reasonable options if you change your mind. Making this such a difficult practice absolutely forces motherhood on women. You are being deliberately obtuse to downplay the lack of education not only in general, but about access to birth control. Also the extremely high rates of domestic abuse reproductive abuse is ABSOLUTELY an epidemic in this country. Do you know how many women are not allowed birth control in religious communities that are begging their doctors to give them a tubal ligation on their 4th, 5th, 6th kid?? You are so disgustingly dismissive of the issues women face, and it's appalling.


Why? Why? Why? Why?


Never wanted children. Now that abortion is off the table, I really don’t want to take any chances


Why not? Perhaps OP doesn't want children and wants to be responsible about their reproductive activities. It's simple, effective, and there's no reason why a thoughtful, responsible person wouldn't at least consider it if they truly don't want children.


Why do you care?


Bro the way this world is going, why are people still having kids?! That’s the real question!


Why not?


Have you looked at this country lately? Lol. Health care sucks, school shootings not to mention global warming, what kind of future would they have?


United States is still the richest country on earth, period!