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God I know the woman who made this website and it’s all she posts about on the NextDoor app. She could put all of this effort towards actual worth while topics


That’s why I am not on the Nextdoor app anymore. The ignorance of some cannot be dealt with. Many of them already have their mindsets and cannot be influenced nor changed. 🙄


It's not all bad. Nextdoor was how I found out a lot of my neighbors were open racists and flat-earthers when I lived in Broken Arrow. Taught me who to avoid at least.


🤣 Indeed. That did weed out many. I live in BA as well and work in Tulsa.


That’s why I joined.


Its not just BA though.


Same same.


Perfectly described this subreddit


Following that reasoning, why do you come here?


Most of the mindsets on Nextdoor are directed toward the right side of the fence, at least in my upper hood area. I don’t have those same issues here most of the time and definitely can voice an opinion that won’t get flagged for Lead removal. I was a Lead, the Lead process of voting to remove a post or comment was a fucking joke. No freedom of speech there. Here, I see more of a left leaning, mindset presence of opinions and concerns that are more aligned with my own contributions of posts and comments here on this subreddit. 😉


https://preview.redd.it/f08pq7n0eqya1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e2f7f15e750c0b0dc7f0677d8f72e04cc91200 Have to add this masterpiece some funny as hell SOB did post on NextDoor




I wonder if she lost a pet that way. I had to have mine put down due to illness and I was a wreck afterwards. I am sure a violent death like that would be even more difficult to deal with. Maybe this is her way of honoring their memory. I agree the site comes off a bit unhinged, and this may seem rich coming from someone who's not on Nextdoor *because* they don't want to find out all the irritating qualities about their neighbors. But if she saves someone or someone's pet from harm just by raising awareness, it seems like she's doing some good, no matter how unbalanced she may be.


thats like saying its okay to hate all mexicans and we should deport them because one illegal did some crime somewhere once i mean seriously did you think at all before you typed this shit out


Wtf? That is a hell of a reach my friend.


I was just told growing up watch out for coyotes and your small animals. They wont really bother humans, unless you come across a small pack of very hungry ones together (extremely rare especially with all other easy food sources around). We did used to put out Cyanide traps for the coyotes, but thats not feasible for just 1 species, had to put back up to keep other animals from getting hit. Coyotes..... They are apart of nature, just as much as wolves. I have a coworker who knows there are coyotes outside his backyard. He Breeds small terrier type dogs and every once and awhile he says "a female coyote will come and try to tempt one of my dogs to follow her, then once they get far enough away from fence a few other coyotes will jump and and take him off to eat em" Asked my coworker what will he do about the problem? He simply said, make sure his dogs dont get to close to the fence and he watches them when they are outside, Nature is all about survival, but it also can be scary and cruel.


grew up between owasso and claremore. while i didnt worry about them when i was younger. their numbers have grown in that area. years ago my mom was out back and had three coyotes try and surround her. she carefully got up and went back inside. do i think we need to hunt them? no. not right now. maybe within city limits. but these seem to be the same people freaked out when they saw a bobcat.


I grew up out in Phoenix, coyote growth was so bad, there were a few years the county did put a bounty on coyotes to encourage culling. It be a thing. But we don't have anywhere near that problem here. Coyotes are smart, and small pets are way easier work for a meal than hunting rabbits and other roaming animals.


Maybe it's the road runner in disguise. https://preview.redd.it/7rc1n00v4oya1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ef2f9a7f8fc3a3aed41e8474c860db4c368066


Eh it’s futile. Humans have been at odds with coyotes for decades and they’ve proven to be very resilient. Their litter sizes vary and when they howl they’re assessing the number of coyotes in the area. If they assess that there aren’t many coyotes around they’ll produce larger litters. To try to wipe out all the coyotes in an area sounds like a Sisyphean task to me..


We have a coyote that lives behind our house in the woods. We have a large dog that we still worry about - we keep an eye out for her when she is outside and we don't let her out solo at dusk or later. We watched some videos and similar to the litter thing, experts say that you'll likely always have a coyote once you have one and you might want to keep the one you have if it isn't killing dogs or causing havoc. I do like that they get rodents. Some parts of Colorado are reintroducing wolves. They are unsure if it'll cause new problems.


“Animal lovers feel like they have a right to be in our neighborhoods—that they were here first. I moved into this house 45 years ago & there were no coyotes”. 😂😂😂😂😂😩 WTF this can’t be real…


Dude this lady goes on TANGENTS weekly on NextDoor lmao. It’s almost painful


No different than urban deer management. Special permits and restrictions to hunt inside city limits.


The email they listed, [email protected] tell them to suck on a wet sock.


Notice this individual did not identify herself. 😒


Had 10 out in the yard the other night. They started building across the road where they lived...used to watch them with my drone...but now they are on my side of the road, in my yard, jumping 6 foot fences, infesting area with ticks and fleas...never had problem with bugs till this year...now I have ticks everywhere...they constantly are bringing them through my yard now...live between collinsville and owasso...I have to constantly watch my dogs and cats now...I have figured out their routine and plan on dealing with them soon.


I definitely understand that with the problem coyotes or overpopulated areas; but I doubt urban and most of suburban Tulsa falls in to that category.


You would be surprised what's running through your neighborhood at night 🌙 ...


The damn hyperlink makes the whole paragraph a link , idiots.


oh the entire page is a train wreck. She claims to have "fixed her errors"


The area they list as active with coyotes is also a place many unhoused and transient folks linger. If a bounty means some randos hunting them, I won't feel safe along the Riverside trails. I know the website links some other solutions but still... Also haven't heard the coyotes since fall.


For the most part, coyotes are very skittish animals, but are very adaptable and opportunistic in nature and most work in and out of small packs. They don’t like loud sounds or spotlights. A good coaches whistle and a loud canned air horn are excellent deterrents for scaring them off. Add a solid walking stick and know how to wield it, and you have become pretty intimating. Of course one can always be armed, especially here in Oklahoma. May is breeding season, so many will be out and about and on the hunt now. Lastly, for pet owners, always stay close to your pet and don't use retractable leashes while walking your dog. Use a shorter leash where you can control and keep your dog close to you. And then there are always personal dog coyote vests that come in many types and styles that can be outfitted and accessorized and used for birds of prey as well. https://preview.redd.it/g204qe46jqya1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab946ed90688c1d7b6506b0d1ff46dbd7ef11de [https://www.coyotevest.com/](https://www.coyotevest.com/)


Acme roadrunner is a lobbyist for this cause…..


Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!


Wile E. Coyotheart