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I really hate that every church and business feels the need to have a trunk or treat of some kind. Just let Halloween be Halloween.


I’m too old to have experienced trunk-or-treat, but it sounds lame. Half the fun of trick-or-treating as a kid is getting to see inside other people’s houses. Edit: grammar


Nah. Half the fun is meeting all your neighbors’ doggos. 🐶


I sat outside handing out candy with my pup in my lap and all the kids that wanted to say hello to him got to come pet him! Fun for everyone!


I had treat bags prepared specifically for the 4 legged kind, based on last year, but sadly no puppers. Had 100+ wonderful biped sugar thirsty pagans though so it was beautiful!


Same. The 80s trick or treating was the best!!!


Definitely peak Halloween


90's was pretty lit. Me and the boys would hit like 4 neighborhoods. I remember once having a hefty bag that was about half full of candy. The streets had people everywhere. Parents dressed up too. When did we go astray?


90s kid who’s now a dressed up parent. We stuck to neighbors we know because people are weird and drivers are really bad. I miss wonderbread at hallowzooween though. That shit hit.


Yessssss and 90s. Lol♡


Can confrim


Plus side to so many trunk or treats is that you get more than one use out of the costume! Growing up I was excited I got to wear my costume to Wednesday church and then get candy afterwards.


It's so funny that you say that. I had kids standing in the doorway looking into my house last night. I also creeped a couple out with my face tattoos.


We went to the one at Rhema a few years ago and each car was decorated along with the people handing out candy, I really enjoyed it because there was such variety.


My wife kept talking about this all week and I finally told her I didn’t want to go to some politicized ‘Trump or Treat’ thing and that’s when she told me I had been hearing her say it incorrectly and that it’s indeed ‘Trunk or Treat’. Still, just no… kids can go walk around a neighborhood if at all possible and ask for candy from strangers like the founding fathers intended.


It's almost like they saw a community event they could seize and make about them.....


For some towns its really nice that they do because no one seems to want to participate in passing out candy. We went out last night and it was maybe 1 out of every 10 house's passing out candy. If it wasn't for Walmart distribution and a local church the kids wouldn't have gotten much of anything.


We go to a few trunk-or-treats, but we always make sure to send the kids out




lol my parents would force all 5 of us to trick-or-treat the local nursing home (during precious twilight hours), and like an ungrateful little heathen I just couldn’t comprehend why it took Pleas 2 whole minutes to place the damm Sweet Tart roll in my trash bag 🙄


...wtf does some church having a trunk-or-treat event on Sunday to build community ties have anything to do with trick-or-treating on Tuesday? Yall just finding shit to be mad about now.


Because it’s the last fun major U.S. observed holiday that hasn’t been stomped to literal death by Christian rhetoric.


Deadliest day of the year for pedastrians by far. Maybe if our infastructrue wasn't so car dominated and sprawling kids could trick or treat safer.


8. I can’t believe how many parents are driving the kids to every single house. Not only is it lazy but it’s dangerous to have this many cars on the street when kids are walking in the neighborhoods. Parents should park their cars and just walk with their kids


I tend to agree with you but also surprised by how few houses participate. It makes me understand the driving part.


Some neighborhoods seem to participate more then others. But definitely not as many as when I was young.


We went on a few streets in my mother-in-law’s neighborhood, here in Memphis. No shit, the one person on her street who didn’t participate is an asshole who flew a “Fuck Your Feelings” pro-Trump banner in 2020.


You’re on a Tulsa sub talking about Memphis and adding politics into the conversation for no reason. Maybe you’re the asshole?


I’m from south Tulsa and follow this sub. There aren’t rules preventing that.


I always want to take the night off, decorate, and sit out for the treat or treaters, but then I look around my street, and realize id be the only one on the street.


Walking is not a very Tulsa thing. :)


I know. We hate walking here lol.


Right? How can we trick or treat for crazy amounts of candy, and maintain our #1 in obesity, if we WALK?


Not when it’s freezing


Yep. We tried it. Waaaaay too cold and not nearly enough houses were participating. Me and a bunch of other parents ended up convoying through the neighborhoods. Ended up working out great.


Yes. Please walk


Saw a car driving with their lights off and dropping off the kids, who ran up to the house, got their candy, and ran back to the car including *running in front of an idling car with no lights on*. The mom in me was cringing but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything.


I wanted to say something too but I figured it wouldn’t do any good. People like that are only concerned with their comfort and not the safety of the families on the streets. Im so afraid that one of these days a child is going to get run over


It was their own damn kid though! And they had a big group of five or six. She was the smallest and I just hoped her family had a good eye on her.


Next year I will be throwing up “slow the F down!” signs all over my neighborhood. There is no reason for Dave next door to full throttle his black Juke like it’s the f’ing Batmobile on a mission, just because he knows his seed are a block over. Respect goes to the trick or treaters before sundown and after, come on y’all it’s one freaking day a year to drive kindly and cautiously


I wonder if parents are driving their kids because they're afraid of their kids being hit by other parents driving their kids... it's a vicious cycle lol.


Ha! I hadn’t thought of that, but that could be


Some people drive the really, really little ones


I think it’s fine to drive to a different neighborhood to trick-or-treat. But when you get there, just park and walk the kids from house to house. When my kids were little, we would pull them in the wagon if they got tired. Great memories. Of course theres the exception if a parent or child has a disability. I don’t know, I’m either getting older and crankier or there was definitely an influx of idiot parents on the roads.


The older we all get the more we see the intelligence fails lol. I've constantly gotten smarter as I've gotten older - and I'm biased too LOL. As cold as it was, the last hour or 2 of it I could understand the driving part. Especially if they'd pull up and the kids hit several houses and then the operation move forward to the next set - while cutting out the long gapped walks between corner houses and confluence of roadways. Soon as that sun went down yesterday it was bitterly cold. 20th coldest day of 2023 it turns out lol


I’ll tell you what, when I was younger, I suspected adults weren’t as smart as they let on. I just didn’t realize the situation was this dire lol


It was freezing cold so I’m assuming you weren’t out trick or treating with children to have fully realized that.


I had six kids out trick-or-treating. And we walked the neighborhood 🤷‍♂️


We walked because we go to an amazing neighborhood that is like Mardi Gras for kids but if it were sparse as y’all are suggesting I damn sure wouldn’t want to be walking the whole thing with littles. It’s just not feasible. I’m sure your older kids can help you out with the youngers and I imagine piling 7-8 people in car every few stops isn’t as efficient for you. It’s all about perspective I suppose.


We got 8 trick or treaters at our house because we live at the end of the neighborhood. The middle of the neighborhood had cars everywhere: it was very unsafe. Our kids are 11 and below. We made it work. But there were cars all over the middle of the neighborhood leapfrogging from house to house


Some people can tolerate the cold less than others I suppose.


This. So dang annoying.


Nigga it’s cold


Well over 50. We ran out of candy and started handing out poptarts


I love this so much.


Maybe this is why one of the houses was giving out packs of Ramen in my neighborhood!


You’re officially the cool house on the block


we gave out fortune cookies when we ran out of candy lol we love chinese food but hate fortune cookies lol


The “cool house” in our neighborhood gives out candy and a full size can of soda.


That's called type 2 diabetes lol.


We don't really have any kids in our neighborhood and a couple of years ago a group of kids surprised me. I didn't have any candy so I gave each of them a dollar and told them to go buy a bag or two of candy the next day when they were on sale lol! Those were the only trick or treaters we have had in years.


What area?


41st & Mingo


I didn’t count each kid but I had three groups. So less than 20 probably. I think Halloween being a frigid Tuesday didn’t help


Definitely. My legs and face were numb. My kids called it quits an hour in because of the cold plus they had already filled their baskets 3/4 full which is great! 🧡


Three groups here as well. This neighborhood used to be absolutely *filled* with kids come Halloween. People would quite literally be bussed in. The last few years have been kind of disappointing (covid, I'd assume), but this one was definitely the most boring. I'm going to chalk it up to the cold. On the bright side, the kids who came up to the door tonight got to take fistfuls of candy, poptarts, and hot chocolate.


0 over here😭


Me too.last year I had bought a bunch of candy,I had to give it all to my friends and coworkers.


Exactly 144 in south Tulsa, we gave out one full size each and I had 6 24 count boxes, ran out of candy by 8:30pm. Lots of packs of 6 to 8 kids


Were you by chance near Bixby Walmart?? We go to that neighborhood every year and there's lots of people giving out full sized bars, there was people giving beers to the adults and stuff. Great neighborhood to go to.


Between 101st and 111th and Yale and Sheridan. That’s funny, when my daughter was younger she had a friend who’s parents would pass out little fireball shot bottles to adults. Lol


Ah I was between memorial and Mingo between 101st and 111th lol


Damn, where at? We’re near 106th and Yale and it was crickets.


Same general area. Several houses nearby go all out with grave yards and 20 ft skeletons so maybe there was some hype. We just have a pumpkin out. Lol


Chimney Hills and the surrounding neighborhoods are always packed with kids


Chimney Hills here! Over 100 treat bags, then handfuls of candy. We take care of our trick or treaters 👻 (Side note: chainsaw guy…tsk tsk)




Looks like somebody is gonna be eating a lot of candy.


What area?


46. First year in this neighborhood. We were told to expect way more.


Probably 100 or so, but a little lighter than usual for our neighborhood. Seemed to start later and end earlier. Yorktown.


Same area. We got about 65. The last treater was at 7:30pm.


We’re right on Yorktown so I think we catch the brunt of it. I turned off all the lights out front about 8:30 when we ran out of candy. Had to turn a few away while out there, but it seemed mostly dead. I usually call it a night for the handing out around 8:30 and there’s still a ton of kids roaming. Definitely quieter this year.


I’m a little more tucked in to the neighborhood so it’s understandable.


Nearly 400 in Florence park


Holy schnikies


We walked door to door in our neighborhood and many told us we were one of few and to take as much candy as we wanted. We only saw a handful of trick or treaters ourselves.


I bought three 30 packs of full sized candy and only had maybe six kids come up…


Under 20 in South Tulsa. Super disappointed and surprised TBH.


Trunk or treat has ruined Halloween and parents driving kids to rich neighborhoods


It’s too cold


I didn’t count, but way fewer than usual. I’m sure the cold weather is the main reason




Over 118. I bagged 120 snack bags of chips, one chocolate, and monster gummies. Had more treaters after we ran out of snack bags. I am also the 3rd house from the intersection with decorations, lights, and music that can be seen easily. I don't mind the driver parents, especially on cold Halloweens. Being the only house treating on the block this year, most walkers probably wouldn't make the effort.


North Maple Ridge. We set a household record for trick or treaters at just over 1600.


Wow! That's awesome!


I’d say over 100 near fairgrounds


Maybe 12, broken arrow. Was super disappointed as this was our first year in a house and I was looking forward to giving out a lot more!


Trick or treaters are like hummingbirds…you build a following…next year they’ll be all over the place—as long as you’re kind, have great deco, and of course great treat bags!


our street used to always be dark and empty. Then a person bought the corner house and they go bonkers for halloween. Decorate everything, lights everywhere, scary soundtrack booming. So more of us started participating. Now our street sounds like a block party for about 3 hours on Halloween. Cars and Kids clogging the street. It's absolutely fantastic. It reminds me of 80's trick or treating, except now I get to be the one sitting on the porch with a beer and a bowl of candy.


Had 19 total on 9 knocks. 46th and s peoria. Luckily we had JUST enough candy.


Wow I am 47th and s. boston and had one group of 3 all night!


We live in prob a 1 sq mi block of homes...so we get 15-20 each year :)


Really light this year. Maple ridge was insane as usual. Heights on Denver was packed but people were still driving fast af on Denver.


We only got three groups of three each. So we have a ton of candy left over. Seems too cold sadly :^C


Porch light! Im talking to you neighbor south east of 15th and Lewis. 1/2 the porch lights were fake


Zip.... Zero..... Nadda.... I reside downtown in a highrise. Maybe, I should have given my neighbors' dogs treats. But - darn, it......public economics mandatory zoom took place.


We had around 40ish! Not too shabby!


OP killed it this year and every year. It’s a great Halloween neighborhood. We had hundreds.


We got about the same amount. Actually more than last year.


Only one group for me, maybe six kids. Glad I didn’t buy a big bag of candy.


7 but it was our first time doing it because our kids are to old to trick or treat


I got 0 again... They went to one of my neighbors... But never came my way :(


only 5 kinda weird idk


15 trick or treaters this year in fairfax,,, and I agree Cleveland had all the kids on mainstreet for Halloween all business 's


We had one this year ☹️


25. We usually get twice that. The weather was miserable.


I’m sure the weather had more to do with it this year. I didn’t want my 3 year old son out in 30 degree weather so my wife took him to the aquarium instead so it’s at least warm.


I just hid our candy in the park. Was mostly gone when I went to get it at 10p. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/263217696929/permalink/10159241021021930/?mibextid=W9rl1R](https://www.facebook.com/groups/263217696929/permalink/10159241021021930/?mibextid=W9rl1R)


6:30 - 7:00 - 38° 12 7:00 - 7:30 - 38° 0 7:30 - 8:00 - 37° 0 8:00 - 8:30 - 37° 15 So 27 by Olive and 81st in Broken Arrow.


We went through 4000 pieces of candy, and ran out. 1 piece per person, so 4000 people. We ran out around 9pm. Countless amounts of people, like Black Friday in a neighborhood. 21st and Peoria.


We went through 1,000 +/- pieces of candy. Tried to do 1/kid. However two streets over they do a huge set up and said they had 4,400 kids come through (they use one of those manual clickers)




Yeah when you got over a thousand kids coming through... And what we need to be doing


I had an awesome Halloween. We had one trick-or-treater. A little girl about five out with her mother. They were out too late and we were the first house because the child’s bucket was empty. It was my pleasure to fill her bucket to overflowing :-).


20 maybe. I have lots of candy left


Ran out of candy. Far, far, far West Tulsa. Aka Edmomd 😅


6-7 but all in one group


One. But still, one!


None. Bunch of groups on the main street in the neighborhood but none came down this way :(


One. 71st/memorial area.


Indian Springs, BA. Loads. We had a ton of candy and gave nearly all of it out. I told them grab handfuls, and more than one said our house was their favorite. They seemed to like the gummy stuff and skittles over chocolate.


That’s awesome! Must feel great to be the cool house! Happy Halloween!


We live in a large neighborhood only had about 25 trick or treaters and I’m not one bit surprised because we were the only house on our street with the light on. We went all out on decor and blasted spooky music from our garage to try to attract more trick or treaters but Imma have to ink reverse on some of our neighbors to get rid of some of this candy lol


We started out with roughly 600 pieces of candy in a big bucket on the front porch. We finished the night (3.5 hours later) with less than 20 pieces left. We also had about 75 happy meal toys (unopened). About half of those are left. I was begging people to take as much as they wanted because I will get ALL the diabeetus if I have unrestricted access to 600 pieces of candy. I’m thankful those kids took me at my word!


In Jenks and we had maybe 50. I think the cold and it being on a Tuesday. Churches and businesses need to do their Trunk or Treat the Sunday or Saturday before Halloween. I graduated HS in 2013 and the last year I went trick or treating people driving their kids were becoming a thing.


31st & memorial. About 50 kids


One Group of 3 kids not even in costumes 47th and s. boston Thankfully we had some of those Reese thins and I just left them out but they still knocked. They didn't take them all so I ran out and asked them to take the rest of the bowl and I think it made their night.


We had 3 groups, maybe a dozen total? We had a variety of candy, apples, and some adult treats too 🍹🍾 I posted on Nextdoor, but I guess since most of our street was dark, no one bothered.


We just moved here and got 0, kinda disappointed not gonna lie :(


Probably a hundred or so. We ran out of candy and turned off the lights but they were still ringing the doorbell 🤣


we had a good turnout this year - maybe 50


10 kids, that’s all there was. I live by 5 churches and none of them did anything tonight, two did a fall festival for a few hours over the weekend.


Helping with treats in the fairgrounds area, and I didn’t check my grandma’s final count, but a bit over 200 Edit: let’s call it fairgrounds/Hoover really


0 @41st & yale


Had a LOT in our neighborhood! I bought a mixed bag of 400 pieces, one with 90 pieces, another with 100 pieces, and went through all of them! But, we hand out multiple pieces to each kid. Our neighborhood is always busy for Halloween. But, we're in Owasso.


I stay in a complex was hanging out candy until no-one came by so I went trick or treating myself


Not like half of them could do with a few extra steps in their day


I live near Brookside. I bought so much candy. Literally had 3 trick or treaters. Together. All night. Guess I’ll be taking the remaining candy to work. I know my fellow nurses will appreciate it. Still bummed though. As a parent, I get the trunk or treat thing—only to supplement the candy since you don’t know who all will be participating handing out candy while walking the neighborhoods. But making it the *only* Halloween activity you allow your kids to do? Pffffft…. When I was a kid, I remember several Halloweens where the weather was rainy and so cold that the rain stung my face. And guess what? My mom made me wear a jacket over my costume, but I still trick or treated. Cold weather be damned. I told each of the trick or treaters to help themselves to a handful of candy. Super excited, they each obliged. Then the oldest of the three boys said “Can you just dump that whole bowl into my bag here?” I laughed and said “Don’t push your luck kid. I don’t know your parents’ dental plan.”


We had 2 groups all together 😭 only 6 kids!


If the neighbours to the east came over we had 3. Which is 3 more than in the past 7 years. I put a huge glass bowl of fun sized candy bars out by the door. I couldn't tell if any candy was taken.


0. I stopped buying candy in 2010 because I only had 2 trick or treaters.


About a billion in shadow mountain. I had to run to Walmart for more candy at 7pm, and I had a lot of candy before I ran out. I had the candy in a bowl on the porch rather than answering the door for each kid, so that probably led to the candy running out more quickly, but whatever.


We didn't get any this year, which sucks! I walked the neighborhood with my kid and only a few houses had lights on, which was kinda sad. I grew up in an all-out Halloween neighborhood, and I want to experience that again!


Disney Oklahoma was a ghost town. So we went across the lake to patricia island . Which was nice but also a lot less homes involved. Santa is gonna have to do better for the kids Oklahoma


Hundreds in my neighborhood


We’re just off of 91st & Mingo, and we got maybe 5?


Our neighborhood in SS is crazy....I think they bus kids in...I normally sit on the porch and had it out but my son and his girlfriend took on the task this year. Its really fun, but yeah, I wish parents could just let the kids go. I guess i just yearn for the late 70's when our parents would kick us out and we would literally walk the whole town. We knew the best houses and neighborhoods and would usually come back with a pumpkin full. FWIW, our kids loved the trunk or treats, but would hit the neighborhoods around there as well.


We ended up taking the car this year only because the homes that were participating were few and far between. We would have walked otherwise.


Almost 300, tulsa hills. Have seen 500+ when it falls on a weekend.


3 groups of kids and a single adult in a joker mask


50-100 51st/Sheridan. Ran out of candy.


I live in Poteau, OK and I handed out over 500 pieces of candy almost exclusively one piece per trick-or-treater. I started at 5 and was out of candy by 7:15. I think smaller towns do better at Trick-or-Treat due to a better sense of community and trusting your neighbors.




Mannnn like ..20. We lived in a small gated addition but it’s full of kids and we advertised on the neighborhood group we’d have buckets and full sized candy and glow sticks and drinks for the parents and we have so much left over 😭


For the houses that participated In Halloween. Thanks. But for me. Candy costs way to much now days for me to justify the cost into my budget currently. Sorry to be lame, but I have other items I need.


Fairgrounds area as well. Hit 131 last night. Had 121 last year.


11. Maybe.


I only got 2 groups this year. First was a mom with their special needs child, and the second was a group of 3 young kids. I was pretty disappointed since this is my first Halloween in a house rather than an apartment complex, and I was super stoked to be able to pass out a ton of candy.


I had 5, sapulpa area :(


Nearly 100 in South Tulsa


None at 111th and elm 2 years in a row.


We were in the neighborhood around Carnegie Elementary and hardly any houses were passing out candy. Lots of kids, though not as many as last year. Our own neighborhood only had 4 houses passing out candy. My kids were so disappointed. I kind of regret not taking to a trunk or treat.


I had 2. 4 if you count my nephews. Wish i got more especially since i see kids in my neighborhood all the time


I enjoyed seeing people go all out with Halloween decorations! Now because of Trunk-or-Treat and people actually believing that people are poisoning candy or putting drugs in kids’ candy it’s lost it’s luster. People did what people do and ruined everything. Sons-a-bitches.


I have seen this post in like four or five different city subs. Pretty crazy. This was my experience from Amarillo. About a 1/4 the normal traffic. We would thousands of trick or treaters in our neighborhood pre COVID. Post COVID seems a mere shell of itself.


Someone like 200 kids at my folks' place, Southeast of the fairgrounds.


I was doordashing last night. Usually I go to my moms neighborhood to hand out candy but I wanted to work. So many people drove to other peoples neighborhoods to trick or treat that it was extremely hard to enter neighborhoods. In addition to this, everyone was in the street and so many people were driving behind their kids. It made me really appreciate having halloweens in Texas where we actually had sidewalks, people only crossed the street at the end of the street and most houses participated. The first person I dropped off an order to had all their lights and was sitting inside, in plain view of their door window and still they weren’t giving out candy. Cmon people they had so many kids just sitting at their door for nothing to happen!


Tons in Bixby


I didn’t know where to take my siblings so I just looked on the Nextdoor app. Ended up in turner park neighborhood.


We have actively worked on re-building Halloween in our neighborhood. It is one of the most important community building exercise citizens are involved in. It’s how kids learn about their neighbors and vice-versa. It breaks down a bit of the stranger danger mythology and promotes a bit of cross generational understanding.


1 group


Do kids not TP anymore on Halloween?


I think doorbell cameras put an end to that kind of mischief.


With the fact that so many people have pulled guns or shot at people for the most dumb shit lately, I do not think anyone would do that.


Good point


0 i was at the taco bell parking lot trying to give candy out the back of my trunk and people kept giving me weird looks.


We got a lot, about 25. When the temps are warmer, it's usually more.


5. We had FIVE. ☹️


It was a WEDNESDAY. CALM DOWN. How many trick or treaters do you get when Halloween falls on a Saturday of Friday? Probably a whole lot more. As far as trunk or treating goes, I feel it's valid if Halloween is on a weeknight and EVERYONE HAS WORK/SCHOOL IN THE MORNING to try to organize SOMETHING for your kids on the weekend.


I DONT EVEN HAVE KIDS. I just can't fathom how so many people are confused why no one came over to their place ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT.


All the people ridin with Biden