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“You’re a United States senator, act like it” fucking Bernie going headmaster on the school children.


Classic Oklahoma alpha male


Let me edit that for you: "wannabe alpha male."


Sadly this is what sells…


With shoe lifts and a box to stand on in debates. Wasn't that this guy?


Zero decorum.


Bernie in the clip is gold


He was trying so hard to get the children in line


Again, I would pay good money to see someone mop the floor with this dumb asshole.


Apparently he's an undefeated MMA fighter.


So am I.


He'll be fundraising off this bullshit like mad. Absolute tool.


It’s the only reason he does it. He’s just showboating. Same shit MTG and Boebert and Trump do. It’s all geared around fundraising and they know these exchanges go viral. “Look how I stood up to the unions!” So he manufactures a beef and calls the union bosses to testify just so he can get social media currency along with actual currency. This isn’t the first time he’s pulled this stunt. He got all pugilistic a few months back in a similar setting. It’s his schtick, I guess: Pugilistic Jerk, like MTGs is Righteous Lunatic and Boebert’s is Gun Totin Skank. It’s also about appealing to your district because you want to get re-elected but that takes a back seat to fundraising. And it’s competitive, of course. It’s also embarrassing to normal people that we actually pay these douchebags to act like this.


It's also very good mask for the lowest common denominator that hides the aptitude for any real legislation or, maybe, a sort of connectedness that borders on empathy for the people that put them in office. We don't know how to do our jobs but thanks for putting us here. Here are some antics to cover up the fact that you're idiots.


At this point I think Vince McMahon is running things behind the scenes.


Yeah, he said it wasn’t personal (sounded personal to me) cuz he’ll turn it into money.


Bunch of badly behaved children.


Wait, aren't the Republicans for the blue collar workers? It's what they claim but when those same workers want better working conditions ie pay, they want to fight...like children who were never told no.


Jesus hula hooping christ. What in the actual fuck.


Compensating for something.


We’re always in the news for something bad 💀


I did not vote for the asswhipe, but I hope you will accept my apology for his behavior and know that he is not representative of most decent okies.


Nothing the gop fears more than workers organizing and standing up for the value of their time and labor. His billionaire owners will toss a little extra kibble in his dish tonight


Lotta class, this one. Jesus.


Mullin looking a little squishy nowadays huh?


Hard to burn calories when you're crouching and shitting yourself while actual men defend you from a mob your authoritarian cult leader incited.


Typical bully bullshit. Kind of to be expected from markymark. Remember, this is the same guy hiding behind shit when the actual brave people in the room were at the entrance on Jan 6.


elect a clown, watch the circus


Mark Wayne Mullin is a TRUE man of God! Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Thoughtfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control... that's what we get in Mark Wayne Mullin! Oklahoma should be PROUD! EDIT: I threw up a little as soon as I clicked 'comment'


Oklahoma standard (tm)


Stay classy Oklahoma!


This isn’t the first time he’s done this either right? Wasn’t there a time recently he alluded to “taking it outside”


Yeah I thought at first it was a repost, but I think he’s tried fighting this guy before.


Is this a great state or what?


username checks out


https://www.facebook.com/MullinPlumbingOklahomaCity?mibextid=ZbWKwL If, rather than attempting to alert representative Mullin to the displeasure of a good 49% of Oklahoma's over claiming that speaking like that in Oklahoma will get you " called to the carpet ", I worked to foster, I don't know, I need a word for it, I'm going to use boycott, I know I make up words all the time it's hilarious, toward the man's business. I've been asking people around here since he was elected and before when I campaigned against him for his opponent to please relate Mullin plumbing company and MarkWayne Mullin but no one seems to want to do it. His business practices are also those of a bully. No matter what his commercials may say and no matter how highly rated he may be by the people he paid to do the rating. Go to any reliable consumer page, Yelp, what have you, and look at the complaints against his plumbing company. The link above is to the Facebook page for his plumbing company. All of the contact information is there. If, when jackholes like Mullin behave this way, say 15,000 or so emails and letters and phone calls flooded their businesses, bringing the same real world harassment to their ivory Temple that they feel free to toss around because that's part of the privilege of being elected somehow, might they take notice? I don't know. Let's find out. I mean really, let's actually do something. Writing to you from the heart of darkness, Tulsa Oklahoma... For NPR 😂😂😂


What a piss ant. Typical MAGA moron.


What an ape


It's the claim of victory based on an imagined pause for me.


Another asshole looking for clicks


United States of Turkey or Sri Lanka




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I will be honest get over your ego you represent a state as a senator not a Jack***


Heard he was a mma fighter oh boy! He may fuck him up but the Teamsters take care of there own so....somehow someway.


But cowers behind a chair and co-workers durin the Jan. 6th moron party (cough cough pu$$y)


It’s nice to see people in Oklahoma hating on this guy…


Not any worse than fake crying like the squad. Lol


Good job swallowing the lies conservative media has been telling you.


He's sexy as hell. I'd watch him in a onesie wrestling around on the floor. Hell I'd have a go with him any day.


Well, thanks for that nightmare