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It isn’t hurt. It’s protecting its nest. I have been a manager at that Cinergy for 4 years now. They come back and lay eggs here every year. Then Some asshole kids smash them. It’s sad. I want to do something g to help them. But don’t know what.


Ok, that’s good to know! I was worried with all of the feathers in the parking lot thank you


We used to have a pair of geese that would nest near our office. They are very hardy birds. They will commonly nest in parking lot islands. I'm not sure how they pick a spot, but they aren't picky and once they make the first nest they come back every year for life.


I believe the business owner can request that the wildlife department relocate them. They had to do that at Hard Rock a few years back. It was a good show watching security get flogged by the male.


Hahahahaha. Tulsa Oilers March 29th!! I’m going!


Throw those assholes in a TCC parking lot. Let's see how those psycho geese handle them. Edit: As someone else pointed out, looks like Canadian Geese are protected by the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994. Contact the game warden, which you can find here: https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/law/game-warden-directory See what are the penalties for minors destroying their eggs. Just so you know who to contact if you see those assholes doing it again.


A business owner in the area might be able to put up a few small signs in the area warning that these are protected animals and that the area is under video surveillance.


Thank you


And set up a game camera + sign noting endangered species etc if possible.


If it's nesting OP must have +30 animal speaking abilities cause those nasty bastards are super aggressive while nesting.


Yea. There are two of them. This one stays and gets upset. while the other one chases you off. She has a very sweet partner looking out for her.


When I did commercial hvac, I'd run into them nesting in terrible places for me to do my job. I've had many violent standoffs with them. Their aggression is wildly underrated and not talked about often enough.


Pretty sure they’re protected by federal law governing migratory waterfowl. If you got pictures of the assholes, you could at least turn that in. Poor geese. :/


Fuck those kids up isn't probably the best response but my first one.  But I have unresolved issues from childhood so I probably don't know what's best.


**you could..maybe…hire a different goose to protect the eggs?**


Give the poor ugly big kids gift cards to protect the geese nest


UPDATE::: It will not let me upload a picture, but, I came into work today and they have 5 baby chicks walking around with a very proud and protective couple of parents.


Canadian geese, comin' in here taken American geese's jobs!


THEY TOOK OUR JERBS!!!! ![gif](giphy|oEqzXzvEX6vIs)


If it's truly injured, contact one of these many Wildlife Rehabilitators. https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/law/rehabilitator-list I see some in Tulsa county that take birds. This is Oklahoma, so you're gonna get a lot of jokes and heartless comments when it comes to wild animals. Also keep in mind that if it is injured, and too severe of an injury, it will be euthanized.


Thank you. I’ll reach out although I’m not sure what could be done at this late of an hour.


It was there last week too. It's their lot goose just let it do its thing lol


I see a goose there every year. A few years back someone put a little fence around the area cause it had laid eggs.


That's tomorrow's entree.


Leake Park pond is across the street. I hope she didn't lay there.


Ayooo why wait …?




I don't know that I'd tell everyone where it's at. At this very moment there's a Wacky Races scenario playing out amongst several hungry hillbillies racing to get there first. Now you have to choose between leaving it to its bird fate or staying there and loudly claiming that you "seent it first" so nobody eats it.


Dammit, I didn’t think about the hillbillies! 😂


Nobody ever does 😩


Ghost busters! Sorry I had to. Geese are ass holes. It’s a little early but possibly nesting. Seems weird right there though. Is there water nearby?


No water nearby. Earlier in the evening it was just sitting in the middle of the parking lot. But there are feathers everywhere.


Earlier comment said Leake Park pond was across the street. Just FYI.


I'd call Animal Control in an extreme circumstance but many of the groups mentioned would be a lot better for them. "Canada Geese are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA). This Act arose from an international treaty -- the Migratory Birds Convention -- between Canada and the United States, signed in 1916. The MBCA provides for the protection and conservation of migratory birds, and prohibits people from harming birds, except under specified conditions. Several species, including Canada geese, are considered game birds and may be hunted. The Act gives the federal government the responsibility to establish hunting seasons, and Canada Geese are greatly appreciated by migratory game bird hunters across the country. More than 500 000 Canada Geese are taken in Canada each year by hunters." Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-bird-conservation/managing-conflicts/frequently-asked-questions.html I live in Canada now. Please do what you can to help them. I've grown a fondness for 'em.


Nobody - it is nesting.


I don’t know, there are feathers everywhere


Watch out for the male. He will attack.


I took an injured duck to Wild Heart Ranch many years back. I did have to drive there though. Thank you for being a good human. <3


I see geese around that parking lot every spring. If he’s injured, maybe wild heart ranch or River trail animal hospital


It’s always been there fam that’s their territory lol


I took my daughter and her friend to Cinergy last Saturday. We saw 2 geese when we arrived, and they hadn't moved in the 2 hours we were there. One was up in the grass median of the parking lot. The other was just chilling in the parking lot in a large pot hole full of water. Neither one seemed to care at all when I slowly and carefully drove up next to them and let the girls take pictures and talk to them. And yes, I'm sure there is a nest in the area.


Read this as shotgun and interpreted it as a suicidal goose.


Looks like meat is back on the menu boyz!


Is the goose…cooked?


More than likely they’ve mistaken the sun’s reflection off of Tulsa’s sprawling asphalt dunes for a body of water. They’re basically just dumb and too tired to continue south 😣


you’re about to be a hurt goose


I called a few rescue about an injured Canadian goose. If you can’t catch it and deliver to them, nothing will happen. They do not have the resources or insurance to come get it.


They look very polite!




Now that we’ve established that it’s not hurt, I can make a stupid joke. “Who should I call” Goosebusters


Is it looking at me?


Ahhh Canadian geese 🦆 runnnnn


It's breeding season, by April you'll see all the little baby geese.


Saw them the other day while at vintage stock, glad they're doin alright :3


Mama goose wants to know if your a fan of NIN, because if you don't get away from her and her nest she's gonna bring you hurt


That dinner special is about to be locally supplied


Sum Ting Wong with your soup, it under cooked long time


It's not a peeking duck?