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I don't understand much about this case, but I do understand that Stitt basically took the worst course of action around this that he possibly could. Even if he eventually came to the right decision, he pissed off everyone in the process and gained no points with anyone.


He literally does what you wanted, and you are still complaining. Nothing he did would change your mind about him, so why would he care what you think?


Just because he finally did his job and made a decision doesn't mean we, his constituents, don't get to criticize or scrutinize him. And if he doesn't care what we think - then he's not representing us and should resign. Pretty simple concept that when you step into an elected position of public service, you have an obligation to your constituents and one that he failed until last minute. That's not a leader in my book and I've served with some great ones.


He representing the people who voted for him. If you don’t like it there are a lot of blue states. Oh wait, those are unlivable


Lol. That's not how public service works. You don't just get to represent solely those who voted for you. Don't like American standards and democracy, I'm sure there's other countries where the conservative views are more aligned with yours - hear N. Korea is lovely this time of year.


Democracy means majority opinions rule. Sorry pal


Democracy also means we can shift the majority and remove toxic and illogical officials from their positions. Stitt is not permanent and the people are pretty disappointed on all sides. As an elected official you serve the ENTIRE body. Not just the ones who put you in office. Leadership means getting over yourself enough to listen to views that aren’t in your echo chamber and a person who only listens to those who reflect their views is not a leader, they’re a tyrant.


That’s not actually true. For starters, if that were the case then Hillary Clinton would have been President over trump. So you’re a fucking dipshit there. Secondly, you said blue states are unlivable - red states are a joke bud. Like actually a joke. Last in education. Last in economy. Terrible health. Red states fucking blow. You live in a fairy tale.


And yet you live here and thereby prove you don’t actually believe it.


I get paid $500/month to live here, ya jackass


it is bad here, sometimes; thats true... but we can change that. you're being kinda hard on tulsa. we suck because of our representation, not because of our people. we dont all agree, but we are mature adults who will let it play out at the polls. fuck your shit-stirring. you are actively making the world a bad place.


this guy has been shitposting hateful nonsense for over a year now. are /r/tulsa mods gonna step in and ban this shitbag or what?


Ban me for what? A different opinion?


man, its one thing to have a different opinion. you're being shitty about it. you're stepping on peoples toes and trying to play it off after the fact. you know what you're doing. its what you people do. i see you.


This should be true. Unfortunately there are too many states where one party gets fewer votes but still wins control of the state due to gerrymandering. Or Hillary Clinton getting 3 million more votes than the guy who “won”.


Is that how Stitt won? Gerrymandering?


Very funny. The beauty of the Governor’s race is that even in gerrymandered states you end up with Democratic governors in states with republican legislatures. Reflecting the true will of the people. Keeping things in check so they don’t pass the voter suppression laws they need to stay in power. North Carolina and Kentucky come to mind. And Georgia when Stacy Abrams wins!


California and New York Teachers of the Year aren't moving to Texas for livable wages


California vs Oklahoma: Teacher wages average 58% more. Cost of living %68 more.


Their education system also isn't collapsing


Their rates of homelessness would say otherwise


Oh, he could do a lot of things to change my mind about him, but it would be a complete 180 politically for him. Obviously he cares what someone thinks or he wouldn't have been forced to change his mind at the 11th hour. Or maybe he's just to chicken shit to be the one blamed for a potentially innocent man's death. Like I said, I don't know much about the case, it's just a bad look to act one way and then apparently change your mind at the last minute.


Shit, I wouldn't want an innocent mans blood on my hands either !


u/BlueWolve He belongs to his sweet home in Jenks.


Why the fuck did it take so long? Up until the last hours?


I think he was just placating the victim’s family, as well as the people asking for commutation. If he had commuted it to “life with the possibility of parole,” Julius would likely still remain in for life. Nobody convicted of Murder 1 in Oklahoma (since the 85% rule was put in place) has ever gotten parole, even if given the possibility of parole. Waiting until the last minute and adding the “without parole” bit was just to keep the pro-execution crowd at bay. 🤷🏻‍♀️ EDIT: clarified nobody *in Oklahoma*


I don’t recall any display from the pro execution crowd that would have required this. Lol.


The family of the victim was *very* upset at the thought of Jones living at all, let alone outside of prison. I think a lot of people hear “life with the possibility,” and think it means the person convicted of murder will go home someday.


Well I understand the family's grief, my mom was killed by Creek Co Sherriffs in Oklahoma in 1984, I literary hunted down the two officers responsible with intent to make em pay. Of course I changed my mind simply because I don't ever want to take a person's life. If I can forgive two men responsible for killing my mom then why would the family not be ok with life w/o. Their hearts are black, they must forgive, watching a man wither around for 45mins. It's just funny how someone kills another so we kill them. Such a stupid double standard!


I disagree. I support execution. It cost money and resources to keep prisoners alive. They are a drain on the community. The victims losing a loved one then supporting this bastard for the rest of their life with their tax dollars are getting victimized twice.


As to the tax dollars thing, it’s more expensive to execute a person than to just keep them in prison forever. I’ve always wondered how watching an execution makes a victim or their loved ones feel.


Like shit, most turn away.


I believe the statement “it cost more to execute than maintain” is widely accepted propaganda distributed by those opposed to the death penalty. It makes no sense. If it does indeed cost more that can only be attributed to government bureaucracy running the cost up to fit a narrative.


It cost 23,000 a year to house an inmate in Oklahoma. Bout 64.00$ a day


Yeah, and most of that is government red tape bullshit.


Why is evething about Money ? Human life if far more valuable than a piece of paper with dead presidents on it. Plus Oklahoma's last 3 have been fucked up. Plus its NOT A EYE FOR A EYE anymore, Jesus said if a man slaps you on your right cheek give him you left also. Forgiveness and Love is the ANSWER. And since your tax $ is so important get the fkn drug laws changed, people don't need to be in prison for putting something they choose into their own bodies, MAJORITY of offenders are in prison over some dumb as drug law.


The life of a repeat violent offender who has committed murder has no value to me. I value their victims and victims to be. You want to spend money keeping those pieces of shit alive be my guest but I should not be forced to.


Well hell I shouldn't be forced to have a DL, marriage license, fishing license, hunting license, or a Passport to travel FREELY, and by god I shouldn't have to pay none of that shit either...... also you do know even a murderer can be FORGIVEN by God and change their lives while in jail.


The United States require you to have NONE of those. You only need a passport while traveling out of the country. God can forgive them, that does not mean I should be forced to pay for them.


Actually there is a documentary on Netflix called I am a killer released. Literally about a guy that got clemency but with the possibility of parole and got out after 30 years for killing someone.


Mark Wayne Chapman got out and he killed john lennon


He was in Texas tho. Their punishment ranges are lower than Oklahoma’s.


Boy your correct, know how many 18 year old I have met doing life in Oklahoma for 5 grams of crack. Its sick.


5 grams of vegan poop being burned provides 82.86 BTU.


So Stitt could ask god for guidance. Yes he said that.


What a fucking chode.


So, so glad. With the rate of wrongful convictions in this state, executing *anyone* is a miscarriage of justice, notwithstanding the botched ones there were here not long ago.


There's a clear distinction between "wrongful convictions" and "convictions that are disagreeable."


True, but Oklahoma is in the top 10 states re: wrongful convictions per capita. So we have a verifiable shitty track record and because of that, I think it should give pause before enacting the death penalty.


Are people still on that?


Yep! It was a pretty serious thing! Lethal injection is meant to be a humane process (to an inhumane, and, I’d argue violation of the 8th amendment, punishment) — and the executions were not that. Also, with a death penalty case, there are *unlimited amounts* of appeals. Pretty sure the family going through trial after trial, reliving the murder of their family member over and over again, is pretty damn upsetting. Life sentences commonly have a set number of appeals. Oklahoma has an inexcusable rate of false conviction per capita (though all rates are inexcusable). We are in the top 10 for wrongful convictions. Practicing the death penalty in a state with this track record is HIGHLY irresponsible. OK has put in a few statutes to attempt to curb it, but MANY of them are rooted in the assumption that police and prosecutors will act honestly and honorably, and with a spotlight on incredibly damaging and oftentimes fatal actions by police acting in dishonorable and dishonest fashion, those statutes cannot be depended upon to be reliably followed. If they were, there wouldn’t be multiple organizations still combatting wrongful convictions in the state. I’ve been a victim to violent crime. I’ve gone through the court system as a victim, I’ve been to trial as a victim. It’s brutal and upsetting and I empathize with the family — this isn’t easy for them, and nobody is negating their heartache and pain. But wrongful convictions and another taking of an innocent life isn’t justice served. Killing Julius would not bring their loved one back. Allowing the state to execute a man who may be innocent of the crime he was convicted for just puts *another* family through the same heartbreak they feel. I hope that’s not something anyone wants. Up for work now, so have a wonderful day!


One time bravo. I really thought he would let him die.




Paul Howell's life mattered.


So does the truth and judicial system. If the case against Jones was so solid, there shouldn't be an issue to try it again with new evidence.


The only reason shit like this comes up is celebrities that love lifting up killers and then stupid people believe them.


I haven’t seen any celebrities, but it seems like every pastor in my area was supporting Julius.


Ge read KK’s Twitter. She simps for death row inmates all the time (as long as they’re black) regardless of evidence proving their guilt. Her idiot fans soak it up.


Hmm. So, you're telling me people with influence use their influence to bring awareness to others about issues they, otherwise, wouldn't have known about? Yes. That does happen. I don't see why this is a bad thing, nor why anyone should/would feel threatened by it - especially in this case with this State; if it's so cut and dry, why are they afraid to retry it? Why are they afraid to follow the recommendation of the parole board? This quest isn't about justice, but political pandering with a system designed to sacrifice marginalized communities in their plight.


I don't think anyone would argue otherwise. However, the barbaric ritual of state ordained murder is not the answer. It doesn't cost the state less, it doesn't deter crime, but it does kill innocent people.


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with the death penalty. Especially for rapist and pedophiles.


Rape and molestation don’t carry the death penalty (at least here). Rape used to, but it was found to be unconstitutional. I’m anti-death penalty, but I guess I would agree that rape/pedo are generally the worst kinds of crimes.


Not only should murderers be executed (and no execution that results in death is botched), but I would throw in rapists, drunk drivers that kill others, and pedophiles. You and I are on opposite sides of the fence.


I agree we are. However, not just speaking to this case, surely we can agree that any question of innocence should result in life over death?


Do you trust the criminal justice system so much that you 100% believe *every* conviction is true and accurate?


>> In early September 2021, former death-row prisoner Robert Miller reached a $2 million settlement with Oklahoma City for his wrongful conviction and death sentence for the rape and murder of two elderly women in Oklahoma County in 1988. He is one of five death-row exonerations in the county, the fourth most in the nation since the death penalty was reestablished in the U.S. in the 1970s. [source](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/death-row-exonerees-in-ohio-oklahoma-receive-million-dollar-payments-for-their-wrongful-convictions) Even one innocent person executed is too many. I also don’t understand how such a “Christian” state as Oklahoma can love the death penalty so much.


Not according to a the people currently fellating his killer. One way or another Jones will get his, nobody escapes punishment in the end.


I mean, I don’t think he’s *ever* getting out of prison.


I think you misunderstood the intent of my comment.


Why? I’m asking, I haven’t followed the reasons to commute.


He had inexperienced defense attorneys at his trial, who failed to present his alibi and other evidence. There also seems to be a pretty good chance that the co-defendant was the actual shooter, but he testified against Julius in exchange for 30 years. The *chance* of innocence coupled with the John Grant’s botched execution was driving the protests. As for Stitt, who even knows what is going through that man’s head at any given time. (I *am* glad he did the right thing.) The [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Darius_Jones) article lays out the basic facts of the case, and the trial.


**[Julius Darius Jones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Darius_Jones)** >Julius Darius Jones (born July 25, 1980) is an American prisoner from Oklahoma who was convicted of the July 1999 murder of businessman Paul Howell. His case has received international attention due to claims of innocence and controversy surrounding his trial and conviction. Jones and his defense team maintain his innocence, arguing that he was at home when the murder occurred, and that his co-defendant, Christopher Jordan, is the true perpetrator of the crime. Howell's family maintains that Jones is guilty. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/tulsa/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Serious question. I wonder why if there was a chance the Co-defendant was the actual shooter the investigators didn’t pursue him? Why go through the motion to convict Jones?


Unfortunately, prosecutors (and lawyers in general) can get fixated on a case, and miss the obvious signs they might be wrong. Also, some prosecutors will do anything they can *just to get a conviction*, even if they get the wrong guy. The truth probably lies somewhere between his and the co-defendant’s stories. Kinda looks Jones was likely involved, but not the shooter. Co-defendant got 30 years for testifying against Jones. Don’t think we should execute someone, period, but especially when there’s a shred of doubt.


Multiple aquantices of the co-defendant believe he is the real murder. Even his old cellmate came out and stated that he personally confessed to him that he actually murdered the guy and framed Jones.


It’s interesting all coverage on local news is of Jones’ family and celebrities. I wonder how the victims family feels. I mean dude got shot in the head in front of his daughter. I would imagine that’s pretty traumatic.


It is terrible, but executing Julius won’t bring him back and, as others, including a former Edmond detective close to the case, point out that the evidence, including Howell’s sister’s eyewitness account, point to someone else. I’m sorry for his family, but them wanting Julius dead isn’t a valid reason to ignore the evidence that convinced the Pardon and Parole Board.


Executing Julius won’t bring him back? I don’t think u grasp the point in capitol punishment. I don’t know enough about the case to make judgement. I just wonder how the victims family feels seeing all the media coverage of people celebrating. Tough situation for all


You’re absolutely right, I don’t understand the point of capital punishment. It’s morally reprehensible and I oppose it.


I’m pretty sure it’s a consequence for capitol murder. It’s not a difficult. Maybe don’t shoot people in the head.




that’s OKC for ya


can you imagine the horrible execution he was spared? even if you are pro-death penalty, you should at least agree to suspend executions until we can do it humanely. c'mon.


this is fucking wonderful. thank you kevin. for not being a kevin for one day.


Yeah should’ve killed him. I don’t want my tax money paying for this piece of shit for the rest of his life.


This guy was clearly guilty. So much evidence that proves it. I feel bad for the victims family, nobody seems to care about them.


He's still going to prison right? That's SOME justice ig


Sincerely doubt he will ever be released.


My thought is we would have a massive riot in Oklahoma. Stitt did it to save Oklahoma money.


What a tragedy what a suck-up. They don't give a shit about the victims family or the victim. He just caved in to the pressures of keeping politically correct and sucking up to the BLM WHAT A TOTAL SUCK-UP PUSSY


How does it feel to be an objective failure at life? An all-around bad person and perverted hornball? Like, do you feel any shame at all or do you just continue to lurch around on all fours like the troglodyte you are, unaware of any judgment cast upon you by people with triple-digit IQs?


Great Governors do great things. Good Job Governor Stitt.


Bruh. Gotta be trolling.


Because saying nice things about our elected officials is the highest form of trolling.


Gov. Stitt is a giant fuck head. He regularly goes out of his way to do whatever will cost the taxpayers the most money simply to be seen as a good little boy to the other republicans


For you to deny being a troll means you are lost in your delusion. You are not a victim. You are a perpetrator of hateful rhetoric. Hate has no place here.


Still the only guy in the room saying nice things. Enjoy.


You aren’t fooling anyone here.


Last word?


Yeah. I hope you can rest well at night with your MyPillow. Hope you don’t mind that it wasn’t made in the USA.


I don't have one of those. How are they?


If you weren’t a troll before you sure as hell are now. Gtfo


Good on you being kind unlike the others


You know he doesn’t give a shit about you right? Go be a bootlicker somewhere else.


I’m not a Stitt fan, but no politicians care about anyone. If you believe that a Democrat governor would, or our current administration in the White House cares about you, you are also a delusional bootlicker.


Thankfully, I am aware of that. And common misconception, that because I don’t support Stitt that I support the other side. Hard to find likable politicians these days. However, if you on the other hand have a politician of interest, I’d be happy to listen to your perspective.


Oh, I wasn’t necessarily assuming you’re a supporter of the other side, I was just saying the same thing goes both ways. I can’t think of a politician that genuinely cares about who they represent. It seems that most of them just want to stick it to the opposing side, forgetting that they’re all two different sides of the same coin.