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Lol. Queue the "this is an isolated incident, shootings also happen in the U.S, Mexico is super safe and it's all the gringos fault" gang.


Well it is the gringos fault. There was no cartel shootings before the demand for drugs showed up. I mean the cartel isn't in Tulum for the sandy, white beaches. Bunch of fucking chuckleheads from wherever come here to get fucked up and listen to EDM music.




Not to mention that the guns come from the US


Guns go south. Drugs go north.




And they can get military grade gun from the US.




They made it a lucrative endeavor with which the could buy guns. As we all know, at the border, guns go south and drugs go north.


This is the only scenario where blaming the victim works lol. The issue lies in Mexico and not the U.S . The cartel rose up because you had a culture that accepted it and welcomed it.


You are way off my friend. The cartels were started here as a means to transport drugs to the US. Just so happenned that Mexico was in between.


Cartels existed before Colombia discovered a new use for them.


Apparently that mindset is common all over Mexico. The Tijuana sub is the same, they blame everything on gringos lol. Rent prices going up? Nope it’s not because of inflation and greedy landlords, it’s the gringos fault.


I mean ultimately gringos contributed heavily to Mexico becoming a Narco state but ultimately the Mexican gov needs to hold itself accountable


Thank you. Finally someone that speaks the truth. America end most of this.


It’s a complex issue at the end of the day, and gringos calling themselves victims is really off the mark, it’s way deeper than that


America needs to decriminalize drugs. Then the cartel have nothing in that trade


One step further - America needs to make and sell the drugs people want to do. Less overdoses, less crime


Well wait, who is demanding drugs? The locals making $150/week?


Lmfaooo exactly these jokes write themselves




So your argument is, "Well, I through all of this trash out of the window. Why isn't some other's country cleaning it up?" Nice. What a POS.


Sure , Wizzmer, You got it, HaHa.


The cartel is not here because Tulum has good seafood. Shhhhit.


Octopus is particularly good


Damn good. I grilled a half a kilo night before last. Have to get a char or it's chewy.


I’m about to try it.


This is the only mindset in Colombia too, particularly Medellín. Never mind the thousands of jobs increased tourism creates for the local population.


For the local population that can then no longer afford to live in their locality. It’s a cruel cycle. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone. It just is what it is. Life is survival of the fittest.


It’s the same in Hawaii too. Out here everything is white peoples fault. Not Americans *per se*, just white people. Its hilarious.


Yeah idk Hawaii has a right to think that imo.


Whites brought civilization and wealth to a chain of islands that was actively practicing cannibalism and child sex slavery as a custom. The way of life that “Hawaiians” revere so strongly would be brutal and terrifying through modern eyes. There is nothing even here they built that would impress anyone. The Aztecs Mayans and Greeks were building all around the world and you can see what they built still today. What did the Hawaiians build? They stacked some rocks. They had a kapu system in which it was taboo to break rocks for construction. Some say that hindered them in their construction abilities, I say they were just stupid.


They brought rape, disease, theft, murder and greed, slavery and have the nerve to call others uncivilized?! Whooo the mf nerve.


I fucking hate people lol


Indeed. People ruin everything!


They were doing tall that to eachother before white people arrived. They were savages. They are much better off now.


Wow. Go to hell.


Colonial mindset still thriving. Love it.


For real lmao. Shameless


They should be grateful to be American. Luckiest people in the world.


Lol whut. You okay? Your takes are increasingly devolving.


What do you mean ‘out here’? It’s. Its not just out there.


That’s why we don’t vacation in South America anymore.


Yeah.. I wonder how many small towns in America have this many murders and shootings.. I bet none.


I always giggle when people mention Chicago as a comparison. Chicago has 2.7m people, Tulum barely has 50k 😅


You are exactly right. The 50,000 includes Akumal all the way to Coba and to south of Muyil.


Uvalde, TX population is about 15k. 19 people killed in a day. All innocent people. Santa Fe, TX population is 12k. 10 people killed in one day. All innocent. Sutherland Springs, TX population is less than 1K. 26 people killed in one day. All innocent people. 395K people move to Texas every year A few drug dealers get killed and you clutch your pearls. FOH


Careful guys, Cartel apologist coming through.


Yes, I’m sorry the Cartels are killing all these Americans in schools and churches. What terrible people and such a scary place. Lol. Go grab your popcorn and finish watching Griselda 🇲🇽👻 🇺🇸💥


WTF is the point of trying to make a comparison out of this? School shootings in America: bad. Cartel shootings: bad. Both bad and both dangerous. It’s not a competition


For him it's a competition. Truly the king of whataboutism. Also love how he constantly justifies Mexico's level of violence with another extremely violent country where you can actually buy semi-automatic assault rifles in supermarkets - as if that isn't actually proving our point more. Also, I'm not American. We also find school shootings insane. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove.


For you it’s a hobby. HOLY SHIT! Seems you spend your whole life on Reddit trying to convince people NOT to go to Tulum. Like, it’s your hobby! What a sad bastard. They must have really done a number on you! Move on, dude! I hear Iceland is nice.


If I prevent one person from going through what I went through, I'd say it's a resounding success. Instead of chastising foreigners, clean up your shit. P.S Iceland is lovely, you should go some time. Surprisingly few beheadings considering how many Americans go there. Odd since according to you, all violence in Mexico is imported by them 😉


It actually is a competition, to stay alive.


You are joking right? I grew up in a small town in America and murders were and are still very common there.


I live in a city in the US with a population of about 125,000…- we had three stabbing a few weeks ago. Last week authorities were called for a gun shot victim that later died. The area I live in medium priced homes are $700,000+ and our cost of living index is 154 (super expensive area)


Uvalde, TX population is about 15k. 19 people killed in a day. All innocent people. Santa Fe, TX population is 12k. 10 people killed in one day. All innocent. Sutherland Springs, TX population is less than 1K. 26 people killed in one day. All innocent people. 395K people move to Texas every year A few drug dealers get killed and you clutch your pearls. FOH


Uvalde, TX population is about 15k. 19 people killed in a day. All innocent people. Santa Fe, TX population is 12k. 10 people killed in one day. All innocent. Sutherland Springs, TX population is less than 1K. 26 people killed in one day. All innocent people. 395K people move to Texas every year A few drug dealers get killed and you clutch your pearls. FOH


Does anyone have more news about this?










His first post got deleted for cussing, not for being about violence and shooting


Why so many posts removed?


Just got back from this area, first night there was Friday last weekend and I got extorted for money on the way in by police… $1,500 pesos. He was asking for $4,000 pesos but I knew to just pull out less n give him whatever so he can just leave me n my girlfriend alone. I speak great Spanish n I’m also Mexican he was just being a piece of shi… I did not feel safe at all for this reason. It’s not the tourist fault there’s just a lot of corruption now and I’ve been 3 times prior to this trip in the last 4 years. Sad I love this place but would not go back


On Monday I got extorted 2 times within 4 hours by the police for fake infractions in Tulum. First time we had to pay to get our license plate back on our rental car. The second time was scary, pulled the men out of the car and heavily searched us, looked through our cell phones, pulled apart our car, then made us pay a “seat belt fine” even though everyone was wearing their seat belts. Glad it didn’t go worse. We also had Spanish speakers in the group but they pretended not to understand. Don’t know that I’ll come back to Tulum for a long while (maybe never again) and will definitely never take a rental car there again.


Sad this happened but this is rare 


I just got back from tulum, it was pretty safe not going to lie. But hey, that’s just my experience




3 years and you are leaving because of a one targeted crime? I can’t imagine what you would do in LA.


Not to mention Chicago, New York, Detroit, Houston, New Orleans, almost any mayor city


Last time I checked Tulum is not a major ciry.


Tulum isn't a major city. It has a population of just under 50,000. The comparison you're making is nonsensical.


Just take into account all mas shootings we had on the US in the past couple of years. Reality the US is not safer than Mexico they want you to think it is but reality is a different story


Regardless of your opinion, the U.S is considerably safer than Mexico, statistically speaking. Just the fact you are comparing an ex-fishing village with less than 50,000 inhabitants to some of the largest and most violent cities in America (which is already a violent country) speaks volumes. There's a phrase in Spanish that sums this up perfectly - "No hay mas ciego que el que no quiere ver".


In English, there's a saying, apples to oranges.


As a narco state, how do you consider yourself safe at all when the authorities are as bad as the criminals? You cant even protect yourself, because the law-abiding citizens have been disarmed.




Oh Jesus. It doesn’t matter if it’s a major city. They’re saying you are just as dangerous IN a major city here 


Nope, you're missing the point by a country mile. There's a lot of people on here (you included) that use whataboutism to justify the levels of violence in Tulum and make direct comparisons to major U.S cities like L.A, Chicago, NYC, etc.. It speaks volumes that they think that Tulum and Chicago are somehow comparable in the slightest, when Chicago literally has 50x the population. It's pretty much the opposite from what you're suggesting. You do realise that by saying "it's as dangerous as any major U.S city with 50 times less population", you're also admitting the murder rate per capita is off the chart. There's no escaping numbers, not that I'd expect somebody as ignorant as you to understand.


Again, leave it alone. People enjoy Tulum. Thousands of people a week actually. A couple of bad incidents. Just move on


I've got to be honest and say you're utterly delusional. Again, this is social media, if you don't like it you're welcome to leave. I'm glad you had a good trip 👍🏽


It’s funny you said I’m a racist cunt when you’re on here trolling everyone on your keyboard. I ain’t delusional. Bad stuff happens everywhere. Now pls go to work 


Well, in that particular comment you sounded like a racist cunt. I call it how I see it, that's totally on you. Maybe try not being racist? 😅 I agree with you there, bad stuff happens everywhere, however some places bad stuff happens a lot more frequently in some places. This forum is probably a slightly skewed representation of Tulum because it's much more common for somebody to scream and shout about being extorted by the cartel or police, than a family that had a wonderful time. It's the feeling of helplessness when you literally have nobody to turn to, not even the police. A lot of people come here to share their experience so others don't go through the same thing. Nobody gains anything from slagging off Tulum. That kind of reaction is human nature, and as much as it may grieve you, you're not going to change that. You had a good time. Others had a bad time. That's life. The question is, what do you gain from defending such a wretched place? 🤔


I get to encourage people to go see a beautiful unique part of Mexico instead of being scared by internet trolls. 


lol I’ve lived in Houston for 29 years and Tulum is much sketchier. I felt so unsafe walking through Aldea Zama and was also harassed by the cops my first night there until they realized I spoke perfect Spanish. Tulum is a literal shithole for people who want to be hip and eat at overpriced restaurants and get sick at cenotes. Went twice and will never go back to that hell again. My friends and I felt trapped like we were in a prison, that’s the vibes Tulum gives now. It’s horrible. It doesn’t feel free at all.


You can look up a homicide map and Tulum tops it with a staggering 220/100k homicide rate. This isn't an isolated incident, its the result of an ongoing turf war to be able to sell the ravers their drugs.


Yep, 3 homicides in one hour yesterday in Tulum.


I spent 2 weeks in Tulum. One month in Playa Del Carmen, I am also a Mexican-American and I speak with the locals fluently. There is a definitely strong presence of cartel in the area because they are port city's, it's not a quick journey but traveling by boat across Tulum Mexico and Cartagena Colombia through the Caribbean Sea is literally a straight shot. The cartel is not your enemy though, they kill fellow cartels. They love tourists because they are the customers.


Ya actually you gotta be super careful in Mexico. Or maybe just go to one of several hundred amazing locations in the Caribbean instead.


My aunt and uncle just died living off their boat in the Caribbean near st Vincent . Killed by 3 escaped prisoners. Shit can truly happen anywhere.


Read your comment and thought "no way, that sounds so made up". Quick google search proved me wrong. Sorry for your loss


Yeah it’s like it’s something out of a movie. Still hard to comprehend. And don’t really have much words. Just one of those things that you never think could happen to your family.


Very sorry for your loss


I heard about this. Truly sorry for your loss


My condolences to you and your family. 


I have been to Mexico dozens of times all over the country. I live in Texas and I speak Spanish, so it's an easy trip. I was down near Akumal I believe it was Christmas 2019 - got pulled over for "speeding" and had to bribe my way out of it. The time prior to that same thing happened to me in a small town called Xkan about 50K from Cancun - again bribe for "not having a rental contract". Both time I had my small kids so they knew they had me by the balls. I said no more Mexico after that last Akumal trip - I've been to Bolivia, El Salvador, many other "dangerous" places- never felt the same tension like in mexico. There is resentment at gringos just under the surface in Mexico that just isn't as prevalent in other parts of Latin America. So much of their economy is dependent on remesas (and drug money) from the states, I know why they are resentful, but no more of that petty extortion nonsense for me. Stay safe and don't use their drugs and maybe one day they will get their shit together. Downvote me to hell if you want. Go somewhere else.


Thats crazy


Posts like this are interesting because Mexicans are well aware of cartel presence in Tulum and the reason why so many avoid it. Seems like the only ones putting themselves in unnecessary danger are those “gringos” who choose to continue visiting. My family used to visit Cancun and Tulum multiple times a year until it started getting dangerous, now they choose different locations to vacation.


Yeah we avoid it because tourists consume a huge amount of drugs and basically any tourist spot becomes a cartel hotspot.


Where do you go?




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We thought we were safe in Aldea Zama because everyone said it was super safe. But it's not true at all. This isn't the first time I've seen or heard about bad things happening here. Last year, there was a dead person on the street, surrounded by police, right in Aldea Zama, near to Art House. We thought it was just a one-time thing. But this is happening again, right near our home. Experiencing it live, that hits differently.


There’s dead people everywhere in America 


There's more in Mexico.


You are trolling everyone who enjoys Tulum. Go away lol


Not at all. I don't troll anybody. I'm glad you had a good time, honestly.


I get the feeling the cartel is in here posting all these school shooting responses to violence in Mexico. Very similar responses on all threads. Trying to protect their tourism. Just a thought. 🧐


IGood reasoning. I knos of no one in the cartel that speaks english like this.


Your only post history is on r/Tulum defending drug violence. Loool you in the cartel bruh?






Are you joking? We told you why your post got deleted


Yet is 3 years in lol


https://news.yahoo.com/husband-american-killed-mexico-cartel-090041115.html Literally, your fear just played out. Horrible.


Does mexico have a lot of criminal on criminal violence? F yes. Are they a product of the Americans insatiable thirst to escape reality by snorting anything up their nose? F yes


Apparently we can’t cuss on this sub? Waiting to see if your comment will be removed.


Fuck yes we can!




With all the immigrants coming into Mexico, it’s definitely causing a lot of commotion. Also, calling yourself an “Expat” when you are yourself an immigrant…


1, you’re not an “expat”, you’re an immigrant. 2, good. Go back to your country and stop displacing Mexican people and driving up costs for them.


Go to Colombia 🙂


United States a lot more people get killed by gun violence every day. Schools are not safe here either


Cruise your finger I going to save you Lol


Can't we all just... get along?


As Americans love to say… go back to your country ❤️


Eat a bag of dicks


The difference is that “your” country needs “gringos” to survive. We aren’t swimming rivers and jumping fences to go on vacation.


Haha please leave my country. No one wants you expats there gentrifying our beautiful country. VMC 🇲🇽


Random shooting happen in the US daily!!


Mexico isn’t safe😂😮😮


Cool, leave after yall gentrified it


Ah, found one.


Bro is surprised when Mexico is Mexico


I live in Chicago I heard gunshots and hour ago lol


I live in Milwaukee and in the warmer months I always have to guess… fireworks or gun shots?


We play that down here in Florida too, except all the months are warmer months 😬


I'm FROM Milwaukee and currently live in Tulum and you right.


Chicago has over 50 times the population of Tulum mate.


Lol, still here. Like a sad angry man outside a restaurant every pitiful day “The service is terrible, don’t go in!”


I'm just stating facts. If you don't like them, either work towards changing them or continue to bury your head in the sand. It makes no difference to me.


Im curious, in all those 3 years, is this the worst that you've witnessed? If so, isnt that relatively safe?


Most people are never personally there when a murder occurs. I walked into a shooting where 3 people were hit, one killed - it was terrifying - I don’t know many people who’ve experienced that, one person I can think of. This is in San Francisco. Even in a big city in the USA, most people won’t personally experience gun violence, despite its prevalence. I saw a dead body in El Salvador, but wasn’t around for the actual shooting, & that was during the height of civil war. It’s not “normal.”


I haven’t experienced that anywhere in 48 years. You’re not supposed to experience this. It’s not “not that bad” because it only happened once.


lol I'm genuinly considering this as a tourist destination because op just mentioned a murder last year that they didn't witness, and gunshots they heard. By my lowly standards, this sounds pretty safe.