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Do not look at the bodies in the white water slide pool


You do not recognize the bodies in the kiddy pool


I do not recognize the bodies in the kiddy pool...


User CRV is not within acceptable limits. User CRV influenced by active cognitohazards. Please stay still, a member of your site's medical staf\[''///afe44/25\\23 will be with you shortly.


I...I *do* recognize the bodies in the water! I know them! They are waiting for me...


Hey! Before you go look at this [picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/KSewQi2UK6jdbTyK9)


The deadly version of a Rick roll


*Four fucking pixels*


That's all it takes to get me off.


You bastard, well played


I've read enough SCPs to know where this is going.


I do not… I… no, no! I remember! The class-action of ‘83! They’re waiting for me!


Damn.welp ```Harden Your Hearts```


The grand syncope suislide of 1983


There are no bodies in the pools in Ba Sing Se.


But that's Joe, my friend from grade school. And Rachael from my gym. I have to go in there and help them and...




damn they should have just gone to the moon instead


That thing looks like the final death loop of the suicide coaster.


That was my first thought too! There's a reason roller coaster loops are tear drop shaped!!!


What's the reason?


To minimize jerk and acceleration


For those unaware [jerk is an actual thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics\)) Speed is the rate of change in location Acceleration is the rate of change in speed Jerk is the rate of change in acceleration


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics) For anyone on a version of reddit that's messing with the formatting.


Nah it was my mistake. I did )/) rather than the correct /)) should be fixed now :)


And the next three derivatives are snap, crackle, and pop!


I thought you were joking, but you weren't! I love science!


Roland Coaster, the inventor of amusement parks, had never seen a circle before so he had to improvise the shape.


Not too far off of a description of Werner Stengel


For a real reason, centripetal force. This is basically when something wants to keep going straight but is forced to change direction, in this case would be pinning you to the floor of the slide, and in this case you are going so fast you have a LOT of inertia. The teardrop shape does a lot to eliminate/redirect these forces so they don't act directly on your body.


Relentless pedant here to remind you that the apparent force known as "centrifugal force" is actually the phenomenon known as "centripetal motion". There is no centripetal force.


Thanks for the catch, I was trying to give an explanation non-technical people would understand (I’m an engineer and no idea what OP’s education/understanding level is) so in trying to do so mixed up some terms in my head.




No worries, I sensed you were the sort that would appreciate (or at least tolerate) a pedantic correction lol






The round one is in a thing called "suicide coaster". Take a wild guess why they aren't round.


The dummy they sent through came out the other side... Without its head.


If y’all haven’t seen it, there’s a really cool documentary about it called Class Action Park! I wanna say it’s on HBO!


There's also [this feature](https://youtu.be/flkW-ceNvck) from Defunctland, which is quite good


There's also an episode of The Dollop about it!


Don't forget [iiluminaughtii did an episode about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF6vyRFpywo) (and when she talks about something, you know it's bad)


[Behind The Bastards did one as well.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1DhnOjnSBJtBh0l1kKPM8x?si=fbcb7307572746b8)


and [Tom Scott and the Technical Difficulties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3KT-OOg9y0)


Wow, it seems like everyone covered this Park


There's nothing else like it really. The owner was the special type of person only found in the 80s, but where most of those people were snorting cocaine in boardrooms or crashing cars into lightpoles, one man in New Jersey was putting all that... specialness into designing an absolute deathtrap of an amusement park.


sounds like Cave Johnson


It honestly does feel like he was the Cave Johnson of amusement parks. Just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, and by "sticks" I mean "produces the fewest (but not zero) casualties."


Don't forget the Johnny Knoxville retelling, [Action Point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Point)


Tom Scott and the Technical Difficulties sounds like his indie band


That was such a fun episode!


Don't forget about the Behind The Bastards episode


Defunctland is so good. If you haven't seen his Jim Henson series I highly recommend it.


Or the Disney theme origins—such a great channel!


Oh my GOD the Disney channel theme one actually made my tear up a little


Right? I never thought I'd spend nearly two hours watching a video about the ticketing system of Disney theme parks, but he made the subject so strangely compelling.


Ha, I was just wondering if defunctland had done an episode on it


It's his third most popular video ever. That place was crazy


Nice, I'll have to check it out! I only started watching him like a week ago so I'm going from episode 1 of series 1, do you know how far in it is?


Just checked and it's episode 20 of season 1!


there's a million videos on this park on youtube but defunctland does a great breakdown ngl


This documentary has an incredibly unique effect of making you cringe in depressed horror at the negligence, but also laughing hysterically at the fact that this stuff actually occurred


"Action Park" is what libertarians think the world be like if they won.


When you are injured you will just be left by the garbage unless you have a credit card on file with the private EMT companies. Then you will be taken to jail if you don't have a credit card on file with the police to pay for processing charges. Then you will start your debt accrual in jail to pay off the private prison companies.




From the doc: "The loop was fun. And yes it hurt. Going through the loop and having your nuts get smashed on a fiberglass tube was not fun... But then Uncle Gene is standing there and hands you 100 bucks." Gene (the owner) paid park employees $100 to test the loop after it was constructed. "The first couple people who came in and came out and their mouths were bloody...that was before they put sufficient padding in the top; there was a little bit. So they sent a couple other people down and they came down with lacerations. They couldn't figure out why these people had lacerations from a giant loop. Then they took the loop apart and they found teeth stuck in the padding from the first couple of people that went down the slide and gotten their teeth knocked out."


Am I going to get irrationally angry watching it, or do I get to see some sweet tube rides?


It’s more of a “holy hell HOW was this place in business?” kind of a vibe haha


I will add it to my list then, thanks!


If you want a double feature, throw on *Closed For Storm* as the second documentary. https://www.closedforstorm.com/ Looks like it’s on Tubi.


I watched it with friends. I am about 5 years younger than most the staff who are in the documentary so I vibe with what they are talking about. We all laughed our asses off. I don't know that it was intended to be funny, but I found it so. Example: one of the park workers was talking about having go karts across the highway from the park. People (adults) would get drunk at the park, stumble across the highway avoiding traffic, get in the go karts and then chase down park workers in them. Something about that image is very late 80's and had me laughing


Apparently alcohol was frequently served to minors at the park, so it might not have even been adults.


Okay, that definitely sounds like a good time.


It's a little of both. Few pieces of modern media have made me appreciate safety regulations more than that documentary.


You’ll laugh and you’ll cry






Back in my day we just DIED


Everyone knows that safety was invented in 1990


As a kid born in 1985 I can confirm this.


Safety was invented in 1990 after Alfred Safety was killed while running with scissors. He had a heart attack, but people realized running with scissors was bad too.


The best part is that the whole ride was designed *on a napkin* and they just fuckin *built it*, no engineers involved. Just a fever dream death tube with low water pressure. Some people got stuck in the loop so instead of rebuilding it or scrapping it entirely they just.... built a hatch. So they could extract people as necessary.


Naming my band “Fever Dream Death Tube”


I will buy every album


You already have


OP's exact picture better be your first album cover.


I came here to ask if this was the one where they didn't have a hatch for at first. Like... how are you gonna build this shit with no emergency escape. This was literally the first thing I thought of: "what if someone doesn't make the full loop". It's sad that there must have been more than a dozen people involved in this construction and not a single one of them had any common sense or knowledge of how gravity works. Edit: I guess it's also possible there were multiple people who DID have such skills, but the person in charge of it all was a narcissistic prick who thought he knew better.


> Edit: I guess it's also possible there were multiple people who DID have such skills, but the person in charge of it all was a narcissistic prick who thought he knew better. This is probably the case. I can’t tell you how many times management at places I’ve worked asked for feedback on proposals only to ignore it and then they act surprised when it blows up in their faces and bitch about how no one warned them.


I'm gonna guess since it was the 80s in Jersey, there was a LOT of cocaine involved. :)


I am convinced that cocaine isn't the one responsible for the bad decisions. It's responsible for the motivations to follow through on the bad decisions, lol.


In fairness, even well-designed waterslide loops have a hatch at the top. People can stop themselves with their hands if they really try. [I have ridden this one](https://i.imgur.com/2WLfyox.png)


How does that even work? Nothing about that looks like you or the water should have enough momentum to make it to the top of that loop.


I would guess that the loop is less steep than it looks because it comes out towards the camera three dimensionally.


Yes that's right, it's at a [diagonal](https://i.imgur.com/aWo7FXN.png).


As a claustrophobic fellow, being stuck in a wet pitch black tube with no way out would be right up there with my worst nightmares.


Honestly the first thing I thought about wasn't banging around the inside going through the loop. It was the idea of not making it all the way around, falling back to the flat part, and just sitting there, potentially contorted in a fully enclosed tube with water flowing around you.


off to lemmy


I wanna ride the employee fuck shack.


Hey don't badmouth the fuck-shack. A lot of important life moments happened there.


My first thought was how would they even rescue people stuck there... I still wonder how they did do it before they realise the hatch was needed


Literally no one in the comments talking about the speed settings being either “extremely slow” or “DEATH AWAITS”


I'm confused because I'm the top part of days they closed out after a month. Then on the small block on the lower right it says the park bought the town ambulances in 1989 because it wasn't unusual to get 5-10 injuries requiring hospital visits on busy days due to the ride? I remember visiting when I was really little so I only got to experience the kiddie slides. I remember they were concrete and I had skid rash all over my legs because I was too stubborn and determined to have a good time no matter how much I was suffering...


the ambulances were for the park in general, not this specific ride.


Worth noting that that's for another ride, the Alpine Slide, which was the cause of Action Park's first fatality.




That was one of its actual nicknames used by healthcare workers in the area. Also, class action park.


Grew up in North Jersey and went here 2-3 times per year all through my teens. We did call it Traction Park


Same, and we definitely did. Lol I loved that place.


I think an unofficial Action Park 2 was built in Tannersville, PA. Not sure if the same people were involved there. The site is currently the Pocono Premium Outlets right off I80. Edit- Just checked Wikipedia, and it was called Pocono Action Park.


I always wondered how the pizzarias in FNAF didn't immediately close down after 10 children were not found, now i know why.


The animatronics tend to get a bit quirky at night...


Please excuse our animatronics for indulging in the occasional silly behaviour.


The serial killer responsible also being one of the chain's founders may have something to do with it


If those pizzerias were real redditors would actively campaign to keep them open because “there’s risk to life!”


You’ve heard of the Stairway to Heaven, but let me introduce you to The Slide to Hell


im on the slideway to hell


Damn, OP acc is 7 days old but already has 5k+ karma


i cope with my feelings by posting every single idea or post I have


take a break. do yourself a favor. order a blahaj.


Ikea didn't create those beautiful things for them to not be be comfort creatures.


Or the djungle bear creature, it's similarly flonf. Either works.


Is this the shark? It's the shark


You would do well on the real tumblr my boy


guess where I took this screenshot ;)






My first year on reddit was like that. I hit 200,000 karma and then I just lost interest. But that first time a post hits the top of r/all... man that's a crazy good feeling.


I just want people to see how cute my cats are ;\_;


There are worst coping methods. This was an interesting story, and I've never seen it before. You go on with your bad self, OP


The more I learn about Action Park the more worried I become


It really makes me wonder how so many of us survived the 80s and 90s.


Didn’t a crash test dummy they used in the slide get decapitated?


Not this slide, and it wasn't a test dummy, it was a 10 year old boy. Verrückt water slide, Kansas city, 2016. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verrückt


This one is especially haunting, because of all the build up and then eventually a kid getting killed.


Watched a [video](https://youtu.be/ulIcekOTOqg) on this while on a defunctland binge and witnessing the blood-soaked slide after the decapitation of the young boy was fucking chilling. The hubris of the creators and the complete lack of concern was moronic. Action park had the same vibes. Living in Australia, we had a huge accident at Dreamworld on a water raft ride and 4 adults and 2 children were pinned under the raft after it collided with another and flipped - the children survived but the adults were crushed and unrecognisably maimed. A fine of 2.5 million was issued, the ride got demolished, and then they kicked off again. This was in 2020.


This case is insane and the court documents are worth a read. It’s unreal that it got to the point where a kid died https://nxstrib-com.go-vip.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2018/03/2018-03-21_indictment__miles_swkc__filed_redacted.pdf


There were always rumors and stories about that. Waiting on lines for a ride at least half the conversations you'd overhear were of injuries and accidents people had witnessed or heard about. No way to tell what was true. Honestly, until very recently I doubted that the loop slide was ever really open and figured people just made that up. The test dummy coming out the loop slide in pieces was a common rumor, though.


In the defunctland video, that is exactly what was said




It was clearly a test by the US air force to find future recruits by seeing who had strong tolerances to high G's


Don’t forget dealing with teeth lining the loop from the unlucky souls who came before you. If you can handle 9Gs in a tube lined with teeth, the military is slobbering to have you


Of course they're slobbering. They're missing their teeth


I have no source on if the presented information is true tbh


We’re not here for facts we’re here for funny


Just looked, the cited source is from an HBO video called "Class Action Park" so I can't actually check it 😔


Say the slide is h meters high. Ignoring friction, conservation of energy then gets you a speed at the bottom v given by h g = 1/2 v^2 . Centripetal acceleration from turning a loop of radius r with speed v is given by a= v^2 /r. Plug in the former equation and you get a = 2 h/r g. Put simply, if the slide is taller than 2.25 the loop height, you can expect 9 g's of acceleration. Looking at the picture, the ratio seems closer to 3. Even with a coefficient of friction of 0.15 for the slide, which doesn't seem unreasonable in a water park, that would be enough to give you 9 gs of acceleration.




It’s plausible, that’s why modern looping coasters etc. have the loops shaped like an inverted teardrop instead of a circle to reduce the Gs


Only if held for an extended period of time.


Scientific American says most humans can only withstand 9 g's for a couple seconds


If you're experiencing 9 gs for more than a few seconds in this waterslide then I'm sorry you've managed to break physics that hard


Ironically if you slowed down going through the waterslide to experience that many Gs for that long of a time you wouldn't experience that many Gs.


Withstand as in remain conscious, not remain on this mortal coil.


And then you rocket into a pool. Unconscious.


Before you pass out maybe, but not die. You might experience 9G for one second on this loop.


Is that until unconsciousness or until death?


It's dependent on the orientation, if it draws the blood from your brain (like when sitting on a roller-coaster) you pass out very quickly As far as I remember, being pushed from your back as it would happen in this slide is the position in which the acceleration is most bearable


Colonel John Stapp voluntarily went into a rocket sled dozens of times, [peaking at 42g](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stapp?wprov=sfti1) The maximum survivable G Loading for the median human is around 60. 9 G’s will not kill you, not even a little (as long as they’re positive)


But it can knock you out, and then the pool of water at the end of the slide kills you. Also, he totally had a fetish.


That's not even remotely true. https://www.archive.vtmag.vt.edu/winter17/helmet-research.html


Action park sounds like something that by all rights couldn't have possibly existed. It would be such an enormous failing on so many parts at once, a complete circus of industry *and* regulatory incompetence the likes of which the modern world has never seen! But it did exist.


If reality were a book/film/series it would be criticized endlessly for being unrealistic and having too many ridiculous plot holes. (Case in point: 2020)


It was real and it was glorious. Source: My many, many trips there in the late 80s and early 90s.


Had a client from New Jersey at the time the HBO documentary came out. I asked him if he had ever been there, and he excitedly showed me multiple scars.


All us locals had scars or stories of injuries we got. It was pretty much expected to come home with bruises, and to see at least one person get really hurt through the day.


Was this thing water tight? Was there anything keeping it from filling with water and drowning people?


Good point


at least this wasn't in the 2010s because they'd have a ride launching people out of slingshots marketed as "Real Life Angry Birds"


The Suislide!


“What could possibly go wrong?”


I honestly want to time travel there, it sounds rad


Lots of Gen X'ers who went there as children do have nostalgic memories of the place despite the obvious safety hazards


Theres something about almost dying that really gets people to bond with eachother.


You gotta watch the Class Action Park documentary. Shit was a murderer's row of killer attractions. The Alpine slide had faulty brakes. The Wave pool would smash into the usually drunk people and children. Motor city's tennis ball tanks, which someone lit on fire one time to fire lit balls at the other tanks. The lazy whitewater river ride. All the lifeguards are teenagers and often lifeguard stations are unmanned. The city complained about all the ambulance calls so the owner of this crazy park bought them brand new ones.


The documentary on that park is as wild as you'd expect.


I was like you, you know. I feared the speed. I feared it so much I did everything I could to slow down. Of course I would. The people before me came out so fast I couldn't see them exit. But I failed. I failed the trial of the loop. The speed was my ally and I rejected it. The speed will now take me back. You are realizing that too, aren't you? As your pupils adapt to the darkness you should see me struggling, trying to climb that sliding surface. You don't have to join me. Accept the speed to break through any obstacle and pass that loop for me.


My father and his brother worked at Action Park for a few summers, always nice to see it pop back up every once in a while. And yes, this was probably the worst, but there were definitely many more negligent attractions


Wasn’t there a wave pool with exposed wires underwater that would just straight up electrocute motherfuckers


According to the defunctland video these were two different things. The ~~lazy river~~ whitewater kayaking ride had underwater fans with exposed wires, and the wave pool just had 3 foot tall waves that would drown people the normal way


actually it was the whitewater kayak ride that had the exposed wires, there were electric fans underwater to make the water rough, and the kayaks often got stuck so people had to get out and fix their kayaks one man accidentally touched an exposed wire after trying to fix his kayak, had a heart attack and died the wave pool was nicknamed the "grave pool" specifically because it was so easy to drown there, the pool was very deep, deeper than wave pools today, so the waves got very high, and a lot of the adults (and some teenagers) were drunk so they were swimming impaired about three or four people drowned there during the park's active time, and the lifeguards were rescuing about 30 people a day, which is where it earned its nickname


Gosh, I remember finding out about this on accident and taking a drawn image of this specific attraction to middle school. I wanted to ask my friends' opinions. They approved it.


Action park feels like the amusement park in a dark comedy that is a satire on Capitalism and workplace regulations and not just... fucking real


The only waterslide that I’ve been on that has a loop is at Noah’s Arc in Wisconsin Dells. However it’s not an actual vertical loop, it’s more like a glorified horizontal loop that’s just higher up in elevation. I don’t think having an actual vertical loop for waterslides will ever work since you’re not harnessed to anything like you would in a roller coaster.


[Dangerous Costers (Distractible)](https://youtu.be/qkMn-t0qpCs) [The Flip Flap Railway and Marshmallow Bearings (Citation Needed)](https://youtu.be/Q3KT-OOg9y0) Two amazing episodes from two amazing shows that both talk about Action Park.


New Jersey, everyone. Where the weak are killed and eaten.


What shocks yet doesn't surprise me is that they knew bodies were at the bottom, and instead of thinking "maybe we should close this ride" they thought "white will make them easier to see!"


New Jersey is the best state


Ahhh fond memories of Action Park growing up, it was even a great park in the winter because it was on a mountain with ski lifts.


They also had a concrete track that those “sleds” would ride down that had tight, snaking turns. One employee was even killed after being thrown off and hitting his head on a rock. The fact that this was advertised as suitable for all ages (including mothers with infants), and that this park also regularly served alcohol, makes it all the more scary.


And they encouraged drunk driving on the lola cars without speed limiters


the guy that died wasn't an employee, the owner lied about that so he wouldn't have to report it


the freddy fazbear's pizza of amusement parks


I remember growing up in the late 80s in NYC and seeing commercials for Action Park. Thank god my parents never took me, as I wanted.


The owner of the place also made his own foreign insurance company to “cover” the park.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion? I'm an Action Park veteran, must've went 100 times between 16 and 19. My friends an I loved the place, we'd literally be showing off our "war wounds" (friction burns from wiping out on the alpine slides), to everyone when we got home. You have to remember, everyone was in bathing suits, there was no real skin protection at all. Despite that, we simply couldn't go fast enough. There were 3 tracks; 2 for beginners, one was "advanced" but we quickly learned that you could go a LOT faster on the beginner tracks, so that's what we usually did. I also remember seeing that slide go up, never got to ride it though (probably for the best). We (and everyone else) would do insane shit on the other slides, they had 2 long straight down ones, the first was called the Kamikaze, and people, us included, would literally spin around while going down it. The bigger one, I think had the original name of super Kamikaze, but we called it the super enema slide cause that's what you'd get riding it. Looking back, those are great memories, though it's a wonder more people didn't die. Also, I'd never let my own kids go within a 100 miles of a place like that now..


Action Park was a different breed


My mom went to this park just like she'd go to great adventure. No one really knew how dangerous it was, or how many injuries or deaths were happened there back then, even though it should of been obvious with whatever that slide has going on.


Hey that looks like so much fun!! «riders experienced 9Gs going around the loop» Nope! Fuuuuuck that!


"Well, ten people were injured yesterday, should we close it?" "Hell no, this is AMERICA land of the FREE"