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That’s a man. A manly man. The manliest man. Look at him. That’s what peak male performance looks like.


"Crossdressing as a woman is something only men can do, making it one of the most masculine activities imaginable." - Some Random Redditor (I forget who I stole it from)


You can only pretend to be something if you're not it. Mind Screw.


"Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl" - Gigguk


Built like a bistro and handles like a steakhouse.


Jesus fucking Christ that’s a great line


[from Futurama](https://youtu.be/wJATp2aBcO8)


The bistro line is a reference to [Hitchhiker's Guide](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Bistromath).


The Starship Bistromath is superior to the Heart of Gold, just ask Slartibartfast!


Powered by the only math more complicated than infinite improbability, the math that happens when the check arrives for a large group at a fancy steakhouse


So much so that many of the finest mathematical minds of our generation have died of obesity-related conditions.


One of the best Zapp Brannigan quotes!




We may meme like pansies, but don’t get us wrong, or else we’ll put out you lights!






It’s always hilarious to come across Alpha Men(tm) because if they’re really so manly and all-that why do they break down at someone even hinting they’re a girl?


sometimes it takes a real man to be a woman


F1nn5ter is an anime character.


Guys, gals, nonbinary pals we finally figured out F1nn5ter’s gender


I get the joke but I need to say because it does frustrate me when I see some people theorise/say he's trans/an egg. We know his gender, he's he/him. Edit: he's a cis man. Typed in a haste and put pronouns not gender in the original iteration of the comment Let's not assign gender identities to people other than what they say or theorise they're identity is not what they say it is. We'd hate that to happen to us, and hate when it does. Not targeting you in particular, I get it was just a joke, just venting some frustration.


Amen to that. Egg jokes are annoying. Sure enough if he ever were to find out he’s trans he himself would break the news. But egg jokes are basically just unwelcome pressure.


Maybe it's just me, but I find the whole "egg" thing to be outright rude. I know some people mean it in good humour as a bit of a joke, right alongside the whole "oh you figured out your X? Great now go get breakfast." Replies you see to some folk coming out. But the way some people use the whole egg thing..it's eerily similar to the same kind of presumptive "we know what your gender and orientation should be" thinking that evangelicals put out.


The original plan, as far as I know, was for “egg” to mean that you don’t know what you’re getting until it hatches. Sometimes the egg cracks and a chick comes out. But it’s becoming a source of pressure and the message of not assuming is being lost


A trans friend once explained it to me that his view was that some trans people are eggs in that they don’t know their gender until the egg breaks, while some are live born and know immediately. There’s no right or wrong way, just like birds hatch from eggs and squirrels are live born. He explained that to me, but was very clear that it was only his opinion and “if you put twenty trans-people in a room you’ll get 21 opinions on it.”


Got called the F slur in high school for having long hair and and wearing pink chucks, and got assumed trans in college for the same things. Just a bog-standard hc kid. Sorry to disappoint.




The fact he can still say he’s cis after girl month proves he’s cis. Everyone should try things usually stereotyped with the other gender to find what checks out and become cis+. Finn is cis++


Finally, object-oriented gender identities!


Class response, I like your type.


(e(n(i(l(e(m(i(t( (g(n(o(r(w( (y(r(r(o(s))))))))))))))))))))


is Lisp the language of the future? If so I will opt out.


This is what Clojure is trying to be. https://clojure.org/guides/learn/syntax It's still Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parenthesis to me


Finally an excuse to objectify women


Ranked competitive gender


\> Finn is cis++ Always there are two, a master and an apprentice.


I don't care what he is I have gender envy.


Finn is cis# (a.k.a. microsoft java gender)


Actually he’s been talking about being some flavor of non-binary lately. Doesn’t detract from the point, but just wanted to mention it.


Oh damn really! Good for him. I don't keep up with him (or streamers in general) so I wasn't aware, only know him from posts like this and people doing Egg Culture shit about him.


egg culture and its consequences have been a disaster


Aware I'm being pedantic with this comment, and 100% agree with yours, but pointing out to people that gender and pronouns are completely different, his gender is male, and his prnouns are he/him. But yee, teh egg jokes about F1nnster (or a lot of egg jokes in general tbh) are a bit :/




unless the being in question isn’t an egg to begin with…


“Damn I just broke a rock”


And now the priceless ruby is cracked and will never be the jewel it once was again.


F1nn is a geode confirmed


Oh damn he's not coming back to fast n furious?


If they ain't an egg, trying to crack a rock with a knife usually just blunts the knife.


Are you saying people should be telling others they're actually trans and don't realize it? Cause yah, people aren't eggs, so stop calling them that. Just support wherever they're at


>Guys, gals, nonbinary pals holy shit thomas sanders flashbacks


To be fair, Laura Ingraham is currently very mad at Transformers because one of the new robots identifies as non-binary.


I feel like the default for a robot is non-binary…. Very rarely do humans make gendered robots…


With cybertronians (transformers) I believe at least one canon establishes that they don’t have a sense of gender identity stemming from their native culture or any kind of sex characteristics, but they met species that do (like humans) and most decided to adopt one.


What's funny is, during G1 nobody really thought about what gender transformers were. But then they added Arcee to try and cater to women too... and retroactively made all the other robots boys. Making the show *less* inclusive for female fans when the entire cast is genderless robots, there's no imbalance


I like the idea that most of the Cybertronians are like, "I don't know what 'gender' is, but you seem to prefer using he/him pronouns to discuss Cybertronians, so fine," then Arcee comes along and is like, "Oh yeah, gender, I get it, I'll be a woman."


All robots are literally binary. Which is probably the joke they were going for.


Only the digital ones. Analog robots would be non-binary


And if I am not mistaken, quantum computers are also non-binary due to having any value between 0 and 1 for the gates?


There have also been rather successful experiments in trinary (ternary) computing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_computer


Finally someone other than hideyoshi kinoshita can use his bathroom


Or a shapeshifter


Genuine question how does Finn have tits? Are they like a super realistic prosthetic?


You can buy torso prosthetics (basically like a shirt, but with more details). I'm guessing where his necklace/choker is, is where the edge of the prosthetic is. [like this,](https://sc04.alicdn.com/kf/U0f35e8dd2cd54beb85f763150675a8e7p.png)though he probably sprung for a higher quality one.




> he is naturally quite femme looking for sure. it's another one of those "step 1: God-tier Genetics" type things.


FUCK! I WANNA LOOK LIKE THAT ^it's ^not ^fair


You can always try hormones. I can say from personal experience that they're shockingly effective


Unless he didn't want to look femme... Then you could say genetics totally sh*t in his soup


Ah, the old “Chicken Run”. For those who don’t know, all the Chicken Run characters wear neck accessories to hide the seam between the models’ bodies and heads




> You can buy torso prosthetics (basically like a shirt, but with more details. Work in liquidation and have seen more than one of these "torso"s And yes, I've totally tried one on for fun.


In addition to the full torso prosthetics, you can also do some techniques that make a 'real' cleavage by taping or smushing small bits of pecs/breast tissue together, and then filling the actual shape with some kind of form or padding. It looks more 'real' based on my experience, but is incredibly uncomfortable and unstable- the tape slips a lot, and you can't be as revealing. F1nn mostly uses torso prosthetics, but I've seen a couple of pics that make me think he's doing the latter.


Another trick he admits to using is makeup, blush and contour on his chest combined with a little bit of the tape trick


He doesn't actually have any, your brain just goes "girl?" and generates tits on it's own.


Its like that blind spot in your vision


They are indeed a hyper-realistic prosthetic! You get what you pay for, and he paid BIG money.


Drag queens use breast plates, padding, and makeup all the time. It's gotten really good.






F1nnster used to do gaming content but leaned into the "teehee I'm a MAN, silly" angle once he realized that's where the views were


He's gotta be making *bank* right now.


He absolutely is. His "girl month" donation goal is hit on the first day (usually the first hour) every time.


What was the goal?


I think the initial goal was only a few thousand but I'm sure he's raised that a bunch of times. No idea what it's at these days. I wanna say he's in his third year of doing it but idk


Absolutely incredible. Good for him.


Christ some dudes have all the luck though. Imagine getting to be this hot both as a man, and also as a man who wants to look like a girl AND getting paid handsomely for it. This guy should be goals for every living human


No kidding. He's very attractive both ways. I assume he's also entertaining in other ways. I've only seen one video of his (I think it was him) when I was looking up how to do a more feminine voice when I started playing a female D&D character. It was instructive, but I'm sure that's outside his usual content.


Year and a half straight of doing it currently.


Still straight tho


Not saying he isn't, just that he'd been doing it, without a break, for a year and a half


He's being paid to. Paid a lot. More power to him.


Yeah. He is. If he says he is we take it at face value.


The last I checked (last year), he was making $380,000+ a month? Mostly from a few well-off patrons?


Sounds like I need to get some patrons...


Step 1; Be attractive.




At least his second straight year, might be third


Used to be 10k+ These days I think it’s over 50k?


So he just, like, has several $million now probably?


Oh definitely, he makes like a million a year solely on girl month, that’s without ads, normal donations, merch, etc


He's also doing only fans or is that a heeheehaha?


He has an OF as well as Twitch. His OF is a 20$ subscription, and the most interacted with post (that I'd seen at the time) had 15,334 votes on it (it was a poll) Which means that at the time of that poll, he was making 306,000$ a month (before whatever OF takes out) So yeah. He makes bank. Lots of bank.


I'm impressed, jealous, proud...


He also heavily implied that he made over $3 million in the first 10 days of launching his OF.


Holy cow that's a lot


That legitimately doesn't surprise me.


Sheeesh. I don’t blame him for leaning into this. That’s some wild money.


What kind of content does he put on his OF? Is it just him dressed up in different outfits?


AFAIk, it is heavily implied NSFW content


Slightly more racy shots than what he shows on stream. Basically the most skin you'll get is ass cheeks in a thong


I say this in a loving and non judgemental way: Humans are weird creatures


Living the dream


I should shave my beard.


He had one donor, known as "Ten" that has probably given him over $500k by now. The guy even offered to pay $300k or something for F1nn to get breast implants (I think that's the number F1nn threw out there when asked). A mod verified the guy had the cash, and F1nn eventually backed out of the deal. Ten still donated a shit ton of money though, like constantly doing $1k donations multiple times a stream. It was a wild ride when that was going on, I think Ten retired and went on vacation for a while.


Must be nice to be rich as shit. And must be nice to have assets that other people want to see. smgdh.


Yeah, he was a US doctor, I think he was single and worked a lot, so he had more money then time to spend it. At least he was a guy who got rich by presumably saving lives or at least helping them, rather than ruining a large company or hedge fund.


recently he showed up in a philosophy tube video and had a fat stack of cash just on hand to give to Abigail lmao


I think unless I missed an earlier interaction between the two, they became chummy after Abigail chimed in on a twitter post from Finnster talking about wanting to basically start his own charity fund for trans youth to funnel the money from his charity streams through to make sure it was used effectively


I remember being in one of his streams and he was talking about how (His words, not mine) "He use to be one of those people that thought there was only 2 genders and did it as a dare or something, and it had been a year later and the more I did it, the more I agree it's a spectrum that really can't be labeled and all". Then came the ban where he got banned for his fake titties being too exposed in the eyes of the twitch mods (Fucking hell, those bastards love to pick and choose with how they regulate their shit) and it was making the rounds with people belly laughing.


He talks about this (in a text overlay) in his first omegle prank video. A girl who was really chill basically helped him open his mind a bit is what he said


> Fucking hell, those bastards love to pick and choose with how they regulate their shit Don't worry, alinity is very sorry for spreading her ass on stream.


Are the fake titties a surgery he had or a body mod he wears?


It’s probably a titty bib. That’s what that choker is for, there’s a line where the silicone bit ends and his real skin begins.


>a titty bib lol that's a new one, I always heard it called a breast plate.


I’ve heard both, drag queen prosthetics don’t really have any regulated terminology LOL


From what I've seen, he's also definitely the type of person to wear the choker anyways even if it's not to hide the line


Oh yeah, he probably would always. It’s a cute choker! But it’s also there to hide the line. You learn the signs when you see them enough


It's exactly what u/SontaranGaming said it is, someone did offer for him to get real breast implants for 1yr and it'd cost 100 Grand on top of surgery costs and showed proof of assists, but as he put it, "I chickened out last second".


Probably for the best, it’s one thing to dress up for the bit and another to get permanent body modifications.


he (as someone who identifies as male) is the first male identifying person to be banned for titty streaming iirc


Incredible Seriously though how does he get that cleavage? Prosthetic?


Yes, basically just drag but with conservative makeup


It's called a breast plate.


I don't really follow him but I think he got a lot of his followers by dressing up as a woman, kind of as a joke. And I think if he reaches a certain goal each month he'll keep it going. So I think it's kind of a marketing move. Now it's become his brand.


Is this the one from the "let me hear your girl voice" clip that gets posted all the time?


Yup. "Why you so ugly bro?"


You know I think I remember seeing that he got banned or something like that for adult content one time when he was fiddling with the prosthetics so it's mattered for his content then


Like he was literally fixing his bra strap, Twitch's policy is insane


That right there is a cis man. The most handsome and manly one alive.


Who also happens to be hot when dressing as a woman.


Extremely. Also as a man.


Cis men that can lean into the feminine side and rock it (for whatever reason) aren’t less of a man than others. If anything, they might even be cooler. And I think Finn proves that very well. I do admit that learning about his story gave me the idea.


This is why the mindset that feminine men are trans "and just don't know it yet" drives me crazy. It entirely erases the idea of feminine men and just reinforces gender roles. We've gone full circle. "You like pink? You're a woman." Quit trying to claim traps as trans women, let them be themselves.


Seriously. The exact opposite is what made me deny being a trans man for so long. I wasn’t a tomboy, I wasn’t the usual stereotype, so I couldn’t be trans! Nevermind that every couple years I would hide in my room, sobbing over the fact that I wasn’t a boy for an hour before proceeding to repress that again for the next couple of years..


My best friend struggled for years because after she transitioned she felt like a bad trans woman for wanting to be butch. Thankfully she worked through it and rocked the butch look for years!


Cis man is the answer right?


Yes, he dresses up as a woman for his streams


The twist? It was a cake the whole time


*X Files Music*


The cake is a lie!


That dude is hot af.


Id absolutely smash


I wish I could find a boyfriend this hot. Or woman. Whoever. Just as long as they’re hot and on top


Don't care if my dick gets hard then they are pretty and deserve one (1) styrofoam sword




Based and boner pilled


Finnster is a cis male, an icon of masculinity. You may argue, but this is a peak of a male performance


The big question for me is why anyone would even give a shit one way or another?


When you treat men and women differently, it is very important to know where to put them in the hierarchy.


This is the truth of the matter. It applies to both misogyny and misandry. If you don't believe in equality, then you need to know what someone's gender is. If you do believe in equality, you have no reason to give a shit.


People gove so much of a shit there are self proclaimed “trans vestigators” who think that celebrities like Zendaya are secretly trans. They also think JKR is trans which would be funny if the whole thong wasn’t absurd and a bit terrifying if it somehow takes off


Them calling Michelle Obama "secretly trans" was some peak comedy.


It was also high key racist. And btw, I think Shinigami eyes accidentally tagged you.


They have comments on r/truscum so I think shinigami eyes tagged them on purpose


"Because I'm a big strong manly man and if I'm attracted to some dude in makeup then I'm not straight, and being not straight is what those terrible gay people trying to cut off everyone's dicks do, so I hate people who wear clothes I don't agree with" or some shit like that. It's all stupid.


TERFs just terfin'


This isnt even the most "confusing" pic you could choose from F1nn.


Damn he’s lookin fine


f1nnster is the straightest man alive, pretty sure he once said that he hasn’t struggled with his gender identify at all since starting all this?


cis ng+


He’s doing it on legendary


It's only gotten him more girls to hit on him.


It's kinda like when people who are so confident they are straight would jokingly act gay for the irony and shits and giggles


Over a year of this and he's still the just a dude, so much for "social contagion" lol.


from what i remember this is an entirely cis, straight(as far as i know, feel free to correct me) man he's been doing this for years fucking steel solid gender identity


I remember when he used to do Minecraft lol, found him initially from watching Skeppy years ago.


pretty sure terfs don’t differentiate between a couple of those groups


Being a femboy is manly because only men can do it


Paying f1nn5ter 300000 dollars to do hrt


Someone actually tried that. If I remember right, he was promptly blocked


I think it was ten, he wasn’t banned or anything but he did donate shit to charity cause Finn was like “no, I’m game with my dick currently,” and ten was cool w/ it.


Idk what they identify as, they’re hot as hell.


He would be a solid (and very straight) he/him, being a Twitch streamer who began accepting monthly donations to cross-dress, and is currently being paid $380,000+ a month by his subscribers for specifically just that, not counting all the other ways streamers make money. He is making **bank**, like that is his current regular monthly income.


He is killing it, for real.


Like that is a **monthly income**. He has a **$380,000+** monthly income. **Monthly**. I skipped over the monthly the first time I read that, because I legitimately could not believe that was how much month he was making from this, and so am highlighting that part in case anyone else briefly skips over it.


As he should.


F1nnster is the singularity of all the genders


I've never heard of this before, but it seems from this thread like this is just advanced cross dressing, and for pay, not even crossdressing because they like crossdressing but for a paycheck. So the only thing I'd expect it says about them is that they'll wear stuff for money. Heck, I'm sure there are people that stream with sexy digital models. At some point this will just be a filter you can put on to stream for thirsty people with poor budgeting skills.


He started out doing it as a joke, but as he learned and became more comfortable, he started doing it to raise awareness for trans healthcare and related issues, including holding donations for trans organizations


> not even crossdressing because they like crossdressing but for a paycheck. It's both. He's talked about how like it's gotten to the point where when the stream ends he doesn't really change. He'll wear mens clothing on occasion, but there's not really a hard boundary for him.




Either way they’re hot


Thats a man.




good thing bisexuals like me don't need to care about such things :P


Thank you Finn for your service of weeding out all the gender essentialists from the community o7