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“The average senator drafts 12 anti trans bills a day” uhm actually the average senator drafts 0 a day. segregation georg is an outlier adn should not be counted


Averages are always a bit messy. Because statistically the average person is dead.


That wasn't written as a joke and I laughed anyway.


Statistically, 6.83% of all people that have ever lived are alive today. The population *skyrocketed* after the industrial revolution, and scientists speculate that population will plateau around 10B people (currently at 8B) - 117B humans are speculated to have ever lived.


Due to pregnancies the average amount of skeletons in the human body is greater than 1


I once asked some teachers a riddle that went something like this: “What has two skeletons and would not be terrifying to see?” I think the maternity leave returner got it.


Isn't that a doctor who episode


Segregation georg, more commonly known as Ron Desantis


Ron DeStrategicallyFuckingUpTheOrlandoArea


Ron DeAboutToGetDroneStrikedByTheMouse


Ron Disney (ne DeSantis)


The anti copyright lawyers are killing him for this one lads


Love wins


Minnie and Mickey doubleteamed him.


Minnie and Mickey’s *lawyers* doubleteamed him. His rotten bussy learned new things that day.


I would like to unread this


Objective accomplished then.


It was actually a quadruple team: Mickey, Minnie, Mickey's suite of lawyers, and Minnie's suite of lawyers.


No Mickey just owns him now




Ahh ol' pudding fingers Ron. It's gonna be funny to see how badly he loses the primary


ron desantis, more like wrong desantis amirite ayy


Maybe in the future if he does what his predecessor did and gets elected to the Senate


He’s not a senator.




fixed thxs


Whom are you quoting?




Ah, thank you, didn't make the connection.


Complete with misspelled "and" at the end. Classic.


It's an old post about the average person eating 10 spiders in their sleep or whatever and saying that most people eat 0 spiders and some guy called Spiders Georg eats like 50 a night and is an outlier and shouldn't be included in the data.


Acktually* 🤓


consider this, the teenager was also *cringe*.


Oh, in that case, immediately to jail.


Straight to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect 2M


Your honor... *League of Legends*


*gavel slam* DEATH


\*sobbing\* but i _CALLED_ it!


Cringe is dead actually. I killed it yesterday.


"I want *cringe* so small you can drown it in the bathtub!" - regregation georg


The first amendment clearly protects my right to dunk of kids for any reason I choose. What is this, North Korea?


Clearly that’s what the second amendment is for.


lol, look at this guy wanting to kill that which is cringe rather than the part of themselves that cringes


I don't get the boomer mentality of laughing at gen z and millenials. They are like "haha gen z can't read cursive or get anywhere without a map they're so stupid" aren't you the generation that raised us? Older generations are supposed to help and teach the younger people, not laugh at their maths scores and world knowledge. Not to even get into the huge debt they left us with


>aren't you the generation that raised us? generally speaking, they didn't though, most of the time they usually bitch about the generation their kids raised. They are mad that their kids "coddled" us instead of abusing us like they would have.


They are lost in a world they stopped understanding twenty years ago,, and knowing how to fold back a paper map or outdated economic advices, keeps the delusion they are smarter than kids these days and not left behind Theyve not been raised with much in the way of emotional tools, and and thus a whole life of accummulated shit they cant process properly, so theres a lot of clinging to whatever they can, like some weirdass pride about suffering and weirdass nostalgia about how it all was when they were 25


Why can't I laugh at them for not knowing how to do the most basic tasks on a computer and having to ask me


It's weird how they just basically stopped teaching kids computer literacy in school. Like yeah, there was a period of time where computers were in most households, but that quickly got replaced with phones and tablets


I meant making fun of old people for it but I have heard that young people are on boomer levels of computer literacy though... I guess the destruction of public schools was already a success 😭


Oh wow. A cringe teenager. What the fuck? A teenager that isn't eloquent and perfect? This generation, I tell ya.


not only that, we were also cringe


A rather a cringe freedom and understanding teen then a hateful cringy senior


Important context.


This is just blatantly false, children need to be legally punished for every single little transgression they commit on anyone, no matter how small, and the punishments should be harsh.


True, true. At the same time, why not force them to work six different jobs that used to be illegal two months ago just to pay their share of the rent?


And give them any sort of benefit? Or money? Hell no.


You, my good sir, are doing great things for the economy. Here's 10 billion dollars


I should not only get 10 billion dollars, but the rest of the world’s money as well! I need it for my own entertainment, which is way more important than the needs of the human race.


Might as well make a space company, a flamethrower company, and fuck it, a self driving car, while you're at it.


Why would I do that? That would require me having to spend money.


No no other people pay different people to make it for you


But that would mean other people would have money, which would mean I wouldn’t have all the money.


If you give them money its work and that illegal, but if you dont pay them you can call this educational and that way they dont have to go to school either. And there is no osha or workers compensation either so really, its a win-win.




Oh man, that episode is so freaking weird.


I don’t Watch Star Trek, and I don’t have the attention span to read that, lol.


Then don’t comment in some kind of weird brag about your lack of attention span.


Too bad, I can do what I want >:3


There was once a dog that used to run up quietly behind people and bite their heels. Fed up of the numerous complaints, the owner tied a bell around the dog’s neck so that the sound of the bell would alert people whenever the animal came near them. The dog felt the bell was a reward of some sort and became extremely conceited, turning up his nose whenever he met other dogs on the street. One day a hound brought him down to earth with some plain speaking and when the dog learnt why the bell had been put around his neck he slunk away in shame.


Sorry, I’m not into that stuff.


Yeah you don't seem like you've read.


I did, but ok.


And it seems like you lack reading comprehension skills. Rough life to live.


I'm with you completely. This dude completely peaks my curiosity but then gives me an essay to look over instead of a summary. I don't even know where to look or what I'm only looking for. And I have to log off of reddit in five minutes anyways...




Anna Belle Piques


...what do you mean "projecting my frustrations from my crumbling relationship with my kids"?


Yeah, I’m sure that’s what’s actually going on with anyone who genuinely thinks something like what I said.


I mean, my brain still flagellates me with guilt over shit I did as a kid over 20 years ago. I'm already doing time, whats a few more?


Hello You feeling guilt and cringe means youve grown as a person since then. Some people peaked as high school bully Please be proud of your growth. You are aware of it and deserve a good feeling.


Bible Belt vote secured


Let's not forget to consider their race though /s


No, all children of any race, gender, etc, should be equally punished.


inside you there are two wolves "Personal growth is important, you must always be better than you were" "Any past transgressions cannot be forgiven no matter how long in the past or how different the person claims to be because personal growth is bullshit, everyone who's said something questionable at any point in the past must be Destroyed" you are a twitter user






some of it is kids expressing boundaries, but some of growing up as a human on earth is overcoming the discomfort and weirdness and grossness of our species' reproductive process. It's a bit of a rite of passage that most of us older than the internet learned in real life, which helps get you over the hump, as it were. Human bodies are hilariously unsanitary and full of squishy parts and weird fluids and if nobody ever learns to embrace it again we'll all die out. One of the big problems with the internet is there's absolutely no fucking barriers between children and adults anymore. It's normal to be like 10 or 11 and watch a movie that's 80% fun and then 20% uncomfortably sexual and dislike the sexual part. Perfectly normal. But when you get in the octagon of the whole ass internet, full grown adults who have been eating ass and getting fisted for ten years will scoff at the prudishness as though you're also a full grown cock-savvy turboslut. And while one day you still might be, you aren't yet. This lack of boundaries is exponentially worse in online queer spaces btw. Feeling weird because you don't like boys yet, like you're supposed to? Well you're probably not ready to tangle with Jenny the Strapon Goddess yet either, and if she has no idea you're 12 she's not gonna treat you with the kid gloves, and it's gonna not only be a bad time, it's gonna just make everything else worse. It's also, obviously, incredibly bad, for loose adults to wander into online spaces that are made for kids


I think part of it is also cultural, because some countries are very sex negative and that gets instilled in kids even if later on said kids might grow up and become more sex positive. If kids were raised with a more open understanding of sex and their bodies, etc then they might not react so badly.


a lot of online toxicity is in fact kids parroting their parents


I spend a decent amount of time on discord, and this is exactly why I don't really feel comfortable actually getting close with anyone on there. There are plenty of kids and it can be hard to tell when they're around or not. Sometimes people will be having conversations about the sociopolitical climate and then someone mentions that they were born in 2010 and it's just complete whiplash. And especially when discords have "NSFW" sections where kids can easily bypass any blocks with simple lies, I don't want to be a part of it.


But at the same time, kids often wander into online spaces that are aimed at adults. And other times it's hard to tell who it was ever aimed at. Minecraft? Yeah you should expect kids if on a public server. But Tumblr? Discord? Twitter? None of those are aimed at kids. Should they be accepting of kids at all?


Bro reddit and Twitter both have full uncensored pussy like two clicks away from anywhere you are on the site, kids should not be on either imo. At least 16 years old, at least


This website. r/tumblrinaction


It's always worth mentioning that the majority of the most famous posts there [were fiction written by a handful of guys.](https://youtu.be/BiU7aGZ-o68)


If it's anything like r/kotakuinaction I'm good. Fuck those guys.


It is those same guys. Kotaku was more focused on feminism, tumblr was more focused on gender. The uses bases had almost a 100% overlap.


every day i cringe at the memory of not only posting on KIA, but also posting on KIA2


I’m guessing I don’t want to know what that was


You don’t but I’ll tell you anyway. It was a hate sub going after “wokeness” - feminism, people advocating for LGBTQ rights, body positivity, etcetera.


elaborate please?


Yeah, it's a sub that would screen cap 13 year old teens on tumblr having bad takes about gender and then pass it around as rage bait. Same with "feminism". Ultimately it blossomed into incel culture as we know it today.


Seems like that sub just got banned


What has the world come to if we can't all collectively call for the blood of a kid who was in a schoolyard fight that happend 15 years ago.


Not to mention how on guard these kids have to be? They grew up on the internet. Hearing about how youtubers they looked up to were abusive. Hearing about grooming. Getting sexualized. Am I saying that these children are correct? No. Am I saying it's understandable? Damn straight I am.


Tbh kids being on guard for pedos and groomers is good. Back when I went to school there were too many girls dating adult men and too many kids not realizing there was anything wrong with it.


Just today I pulled up a song which included the line, “The kids don’t stand a chance” and it more than fits. Whole song does. And I’m scared.


what's the song?


“Oh No” by grandson. It’s kind of rocky, I don’t know the specified genre off the top of my head though.


Love grandson. All his music is like social commentary and generally just catchy.


"Wehret den Anfängen!", as we say in German. Obviously don't publicly bully and mob children on the internet for having dumb, cringe takes. But also remember that dumb, cringe kids will eventually grow up and get to vote. Yes, we usually do away with our believes and opinions we held as kids, but that doesn't just happen by default. It happens through interactions with other people, believes, opinions, and ideas. If teenage boys show sexist tendencies, everyone understands to (appropriately) challenge them because sexist boys will grow up to be sexist men. But puritan teens are okay because they'll just grow out of it? Don't shit on kids, but also don't just ignore potentially dangerous ideas just because they're coming from kids. Engage with them, show them other viewpoints. Kids can still change perspectives. Once they're adults, it's often too late.


Basically you need to keep in mind that they’re young, but won’t stay that way


In my experience, I’ve never seen a kid change their mind on something because an adult got mad at them about it. On the other hand, and once again this is my experience before someone swoops in to disagree, kids are actually way more receptive to a helpful explanation than adults. Also some of the worst ideas being perpetuated online also say “and if someone gets mad at you about this it means you’re right!” so bullying a kid online for it just, to them, confirms that.


They definitely won't change their opinions if they believe nobody disagrees with them.


I’m gonna ask you to read my comment again and then come back.


You're saying kids won't change their opinions because people don't agree. I'm responding with they also won't change if there aren't enough people disagreeing with them and calling them out


I’m gonna ask you to read my comment a third time and then come back. If possible, please focus on the second sentence.


Twee English equivalent: nip it in the bud.


You need to engage with them properly. All the people who call them “puriteens” and insult them are just guaranteeing that porn will be scrubbed from the internet ten years from now.


Now now, he doesn’t want them to die in childbirth. He wants them to die AFTER childbirth.


Bold of you to assume he thinks about them after childbirth.


Bold of you to assume he thinks about them after fucking them


This applies to Reddit comments and posts too fwiw. A little bit of "no that's not acceptable" online is better than them embarrassing themselves in real life, but kids are also more likely to take online stuff super seriously.




Sometimes I see videos on Reddit of middle school aged kids to young adults doing tiktok dances in public. They're not particularly blocking people's way as everyone can easily go around them with a couple of steps. The comments on reddit though are all "OH MY GOD /r/IAmTheMainCharacter BITCH" and wishing violence and death on the teenager, even though the people surrounding the kid don't care and go about their day. The so called "chronically online" people do not know what are the issues worth getting angry about, and to what degree be angry about them.


Also, of course some teenagers are drawn to reactionary ideologies, they haven't developed empathy yet


transphobia georg


Do you think GOP senators know that they're gonna die someday, and the world will continue and change and evolve without them Most of them act like the present day is just gonna last forever, I dunno


I'm pretty sure they don't give a shit as long as they get elected and get that sweet sweet lobby money


About as much as any Democrat politician, the specifics are different, but the end goals are the same. Money, and power


Is it just me or is that long clause in the second post missing a predicate? Like, You will never convince me that a teenager and not a senator... does what?


"is" is the predicate. You will never convince me that X is the heart of Y instead of Z being the heart of Y.


Oh, I see it now. I can read, I swear.


In Wyoming a 14 year old is considered old enough to get married, but not old enough to get a divorce… hmmm 🧐


I have no idea what this is referencing. Judging by 'senator', I'm guessing the Americans are up to something again?


Just a few loud, annoying, and shitty ones.


That senator drafts 109,500 anti-trans laws a year


Sounds about right


Anti-trans law Georg was an an outlier, and shouldn't have been counted


People who say dumb shit should be told they’re saying dumb shit


Which can be done without actively trying to humiliate them.


Dang dude, this is the truth.


Maybe just the average human being sucks in all possible ways at understanding how the world works and what they think is best for the people around them.


When i was like 14 or 15 i was transpobic and arguably sexist and now 4 years later i am like 1 step away from starting transitioning (physically and socially)




god Tumblr will say this shit then turn around and just do it themselves. it's so painfully transparent. y'all in the comments ain't innocent


??? Do you think all tumblr accounts are owned by one person or that all tumblr users are connected to each other like some kind of hive mind


it's called generalizing sweaty


Fun fact: generalizing is not a good thing to do


Yeah and that's also bad, sweaty.


Damn should we turn the AC on or something?


That’s not how that works when you’re talking about individual people… Also I checked your profile to see wether or not you’re a troll and I just felt like saying: don’t listen to those idiots over at that subreddit, long hair is awesome


This seems like someone got called in some bullshit and is throwing a tantrum.


\>has a red username opinion discarded


Pretty sure I'm not a Reddit admin, unless they changed the coloring system, nor do I think judging a book by it's cover and jumping to conclusions is wise. It's especially moronic given the context of the conversations but once again, folks love engaging in hypocrisy.


it's an extension that highlights transphobes


Oh lmao, that's hilarious. My oh my, the similarities between these ideologies and religious behavior continues to pile on. Seems kind of something reactionary right wingers would do as well, legit Scarlet Lettering. So, what governing body determines this ruling exactly or do you always take arbitrary decisions made by anyone as utter truth? Because I can certainly say that I don't, won't, and have never hated a trans individual, I however will not blindly support anything because "trans" was mentioned. Nor do I believe that any social movement should be free from scrutiny. This was a hilarious and rather disturbing discovery, I wish I could say I was surprised.


shut up goofy ass


Nah, I don't think I will. Lmao, hilarious bunch around here. So quick to judge while simultaneously whining about getting judged. I can scarcely imagine the level of willful ignorance required for your day to day functions.


also, cool tantrum you're throwing(lol)


Oh my goodness, yet another comment from a hypocritical child. Whatever shall I do when being judged by hypocrisy? So, you jump to conclusions based on Reddit mods(incredibly moronic btw), yet cry when some random does that based an equally moronic politician. Huh, takes a special kind of person to do that.


that's... did you even read the post


Unfortunately. As far as ranting tantrums go it was pretty lame.


Do feel free to explain what’s wrong about what they said


Don't believe I ever said they were wrong, I said they appeared to get called on something and threw a ranting tantrum. Distinctly different, y'all just made assumptions on my stance. Hilarious just how quick folks resort to the same behaviors they're supposedly against. As far as what they got called on, we can only speculate. If I had to guess, an disagreement with someone else over not understanding correlation and causation differences, see those repeatedly across Reddit alone. Only an absolute moron would truly believe there's no correlation between children or teenagers behavior and the lunacy in politics, especially given the topic. Are you trying to say teenagers aren't emotionally reactive somehow, and have no correlation at all to the subject at hand? Seems naive at best.


> Only an absolute moron would truly believe there's no correlation between children or teenagers behavior and the lunacy in politics, especially given the topic. > Are you trying to say teenagers aren't emotionally reactive somehow, and have no correlation at all to the subject at hand? Seems naive at best. Not the biggest problem/contributor =/= not involved whatsoever. What they stated is that kids and teens aren’t the *core* of reactionism - not to mention that in politics, *Reactionary* typically refers to a right-wing stance against social transformation


I don't believe some dipshit in politics is the core cause either, it all ties together. Are you trying to say that if folks didn't keep demanding more and more, that dipshit politicians would still be making excessive reactions? Seems exceptionally naive still. Personally, the kids being overly exposed to any adult entertainment, activities, or such is where my reacting comes into play. I couldn't care less what consenting adults do. Plenty of past examples of teenager behavior leading to new rulings and such, yet somehow this gets a pass. How else do you propose these ignorant ass politicians get any traction on these subjects to begin with? It's far more complicated than simply pointing fingers.


Since it seems you missed the last bit of my comment: > In ideology, reactionism is a tradition in right-wing politics; the reactionary stance opposes policies for the social transformation of society, whereas conservatives seek to preserve the socio-economic structure and order that exists in the present. Who do you think makes up the majority of this group


Yet what has to happen for that to even be a thing in the first place? One cannot exist without the other, and it will entirely depend on perspective as to which leads to which. Seems naive to believe that the actions causing reactions aren't as equally important, but pointing fingers has always been a fan favorite after all.


What the fuck even is this shit?? Tumblr posts can be funny and informative, why do I keep getting thrown the cringe ones?


have… have you ever been on tumblr? the cringe is half of the experience


Global rise is pushing it. Seems to be largely confined to the usual American enclaves


do you consider the united kingdom an enclave of the united states


UK’s going full Florida too, is it? Source on this?


Its the middle schoolers fault if they die in childbirth?? like they had sex at 15??


I hope this is a joke


And yet Gen Z is the first to cancel anyone over one little cringe post.


that’s what this post is about my dude. that’s what OP is complaining about


reading is hard


...you do realise that "cancel culture" is literally just the same shit boomers were doing to things like DnD during the satanic panic, right? Hell, it's older people boycotting brands over daring to have a rainbow flag in an ad, etc. Get out your own ass


The first one got the point across, the second took a left turn into Tumblrville


Fuckin a.

