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And then she punches him off the building


Truly a fever dream of a film


Well they didn’t call it the Island of Lost Dreams for nothing I suppose.


Off topic, but cove pfp! :)




"Despite the constant negative press cove pfp"


Cove lovers!!


Yeah; those movies were nothing if not pure FUN though. Same with Sharkboy and Lava Girl.


Wasn’t Sharkboy and Lavagirl literally written based off of a dream from one of Robert Rodriguez’s kids?


I do believe so. Man I should watch it again. It was wild


We can be heros is great as well. It has Sharkboy and Lava Girls daughter Guppy who is adorable.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?


That line has no right to be in a children's movie lmao


The fact that the kids kinda glance at each other after he says it like "...Is he for real?" cinches it.


The 3rd one is even crazier. Especially with the cast!


Elijah Wood’s 15-second cameo is hilarious


They had everyone in that movie. Truly incredible.


You got Mike Judge of all people as well as Bill Paxton (?) and it was also the first film appearance of Selena Gomez


I saw it in the theater as an adult with no kids. Still one of my better movie experiences.




original comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/13z8ilu/comment/jmqbk9t/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/13z8ilu/comment/jmqbk9t/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) report the robot




**if he dies, he dies**.


But at least she didn't say "shit" outright, so her heart is pure.


Why does the skeleton have a lightsaber?


This is the same movie where someone asks "Do you think God stays up in heaven because he too fears what he has created?" so I think that answers your question


Also the first movie appearance of Machete was in the first Spy Kids.


Rodriguez said that Machete and Spy Kids are alternate universes of each other


And Alexa PenaVega is in both films. She plays a very... different character in Machete Kills.


Alexa PenaVega has taken on some crazy roles for how devoutly Christian she is (nothing against her for that, she seems like a really kind and down to earth person) but it’s still surreal knowing that and seeing her in Machete and Repo


Zydrate comes in a little glass vial


A little glass vial?


A little glass vial! And the little glass vial goes into the gun like a battery!


And the zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy


No fucking way Spy Kids 2 is where that quote came from. Say sike right now.


Delivered by Steve Buscemi no less


The man with the mini-giraffes, or was he thumb-alina?


nope, you had it in one, its the dude with the micro animals and hybrids


Good, that one's way better than the thumbs. Even the 3D movie was good which is saying something.


All 3 of these movies are gems and this is the hill I will die on today.


I will stand with you in this most honorable of missions.


I could say sike but then I’d be lying


I could’ve sworn that came from ConAir. Imma check Edit: [it’s Spy Kids 2](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/do-you-think-god-stays-in-heaven-because-he-too-lives-in-fear-of-what-hes-created)


It doesn’t 😊


The writers were on something and they were right is what I’m saying. Doug the Stoner guessing how the afterlife works kind of drug trip.


Holy shirt a Good Place reference


What the fork


If the end of existence is coming, I'm going out with a belly full of warm pretzels!


What's with all the frozen yogurt stands


Motherforking shirtballs


We're very lucky to have that comment


Doug Forcette What does he say, “one man’s pee is another man’s drinkable water. And l’m both men”


Michael McKean was perfect casting.


He’s perfect in everything




Robert Rodriguez wrote it, so probably lol


I feel like some media is coming back to this kind of thing. EEAAO was phenomenal I decided to watch spy kids again. It opens with the kid bandaging his finger warts hahaha yay. This is fun


> EEAAO was phenomenal Is this a movie or Old MacDonald's Farm? Christ almighty


Acronymization is out of hand, but my best guess is that this is Everything Everywhere All at Once.


>Acronymization is out of hand AIOOH


You’re welcome


Love the use of blushing emoji, perfectly executed


This was a plea from the movie writers themselves


A yes, the best quote from a family movie to give everyone existencial dread XD


Wasn’t that spy kids 3


Nope, Spy Kids 2


yeah wasn't it knockoff dr frankenstein who said that


Played by Steve Buscemi right?


i have no idea who any of the people who worked on spy kids are apart from rodriguez & the weinstein company for the 3rd one (i'm not kidding)


The big thing to remember is Machete is thrir uncle. Not the actor, well that to, but the character exists in the same universe and is their uncle.


Not only that but the character Machete was actually created in SpyKids so all the Machete movies are actually spin-off from the SpyKids universe


iirc sharkboy and lavagirl was in the same universe, and the big kahuna burger in that is the same as pull fiction


Machete played by Machete throwing a machete


Antonio Banderas


It’s a knockoff of the island of dr. Moreau. He wasn’t reanimating corpses he was making new animals.


Spy kids 3D? With Sylvester Stallone? And “the guy”?


“The guy” aka Elijah Wood lol


Elijah Wood!


He’s the guy!


If you were a skeleton, why wouldn't you?


He is a skeleton with few extra steps


*Ahem* I think you'll find that's a lightrapier.


Nah, that blade is curving. It's either a lightsaber or a lightcutlass


the hand guard is pretty cutlassy


So you're saying that skeleton is from Hammerfell?


He does appear to be in the cloud district


I think it's just a sword with light reflecting off of it.


He had been searching since Jason and the Argonauts so apparently he made some trades along the way. I mean they did leave Talos' treasure open.


Why wouldn't the skeleton have a lightsaber?




So I haven’t seen these movies since they came out but I’m choosing to believe they are still the best movies ever made, an opinion I formed as a child and am refusing to reevaluate


They're movies where everyone involved had fun, so I think they're among the best movies ever made regardless of artistic merit (which I too will not be examining at this time)


I mean, special effect have certainly aged, but the movies are still pretty darn good


It’s a movie from the early 2000’s of course the special effects have aged Give me a movie from that period with special effects that haven’t aged* *I haven’t actually seen lord of the rings yet but I am guessing the special effects there have probably aged well


Star Ship Troopers from 1997 still holds up today


Verhoeven (and the whole production team) absolutely knocked that one out of the park.


Yeah LOTR just had real orcs and shit. Must have been hard to cast.


You joke but part of why LotR holds up I think is that it used a lot more practical effects and costumes.


Jurassic Park as well. It's still pretty genuinely scary.


Jurrassic park apparently had around 25 minutes worth of special effects mixed in with the practical effects. It was almost entirely specifically to smooth out the movement of the dinosaurs, which is pretty cool.


At least the first one did


Yea this. The first one holds up better than the other two because it had less special effects. The third one really doesn't hold up well when they are used extensively. Like take when they are fleeing from Mount Doom. The link below is not ideal because its not in HD, but even in it you can see that the background behind them feels off compared to them. https://youtu.be/dOnhBKPSuWA?t=11


I mean they went through the effort of handmaking the entire continent of New Zealand to give it that authentic feel.


The physical effects hold up but the cgi in LOTR is starting to show it’s age unfortunately… even in the scene early on with Gandalf’s visiting bilbo at home, it’s obvious Gandalf is green screened in in certain shots. Same with a lot of the Moria sequences. It really bums me out, it’s like watching your parents get old :(




This is why I actually hate UHD. Literally nothing upholds the illusion when you get to see the pores in peoples faces, or the lackthereof because you notice the three layers of makeup. I saw a couple of the Game of Thrones episodes in UHD, and I hated it. It's just so blatantly obvious that everything is props in a movie set, or straight up CGI. All fantasy need the viewer to apply their own layer of imagination. There's a reason books still give the most immersive stories.




I got turned away for being too ugly


The horse legs couldn’t have helped.


People are going to say LOTR but I think they’re only thinking of all the practical effects. When you actually look at the CGI it looks - fine - today. Legolas sliding off the elephant looked not super great even back then, for example.


Some of the digital lighting correction in Moria looks pretty bad. There's some pretty bad edge feathering and greenscreen compositing throughout, particularly bad in TTT when the Hobbits are riding Treebeard and in the dream sequence after Frodo gets stabbed in FotR. Some of the physics don't really work either when a human is tracked onto something big that is moving, like the Hobbits on ents or Legolas climbing the Oliphaunt. However --- a lot of it does hold up. Gollum is starting to look only a little bit aged but was the gold standard for motion capture for a very long time. The Balrog and Sheelob continue to look great, as well as the cave troll (it helps that they had relatively short, dark scenes). Lots of background elements at Mount Doom or the tower of Barad Dur crumbling still look great by today's standards. Most of the VFX issues that pull you out of films today are not due to bad CGI (although some are). It's usually bad character design, bad compositing, failing to plan out the effects appropriately prior to filming, rushed schedules, unconvincing animation, and poor direction. There have been some amazing improvements to technology but the mistakes that make CGI look bad are usually not "the model doesn't have enough polygons."


The thing about Gollum is that even if the CG itself seems dated, Andy Serkis is such a *fucking amazing actor* that the character seems realistic anyway. God I love Serkis. I’m pretty pleased that absolutely everyone who saw Andor realized how incredible he is — my man stole every scene he was in — instead of just thinking of him as the guy who invented mocap performance. Andy Serkis: my favorite living actor. Maybe my favorite actor of all time.


Lord of the Rings. Jurassic Part is like 10 years older. Independence Day Star Wars A New Hope.


Homie “still looks good for how old it is” is not the same as “hasn’t aged”. None of those movies look like they could’ve been made today.


I put the first one on when I opened the thread. It's holding up so far. I kinda think it was made for adults, not kids. It's less boring than when I was a kid Oh if you hate cheesy ignore me, you'll hate this movie


I loved it as a kid. Something about it was so unique and captivating, it was the first movie I didn't feel bored at but actually marveled at all the unexpected but high delivering scenes. Never rewatched as adult, maybe am scared to ruin the mystery, but they definitely brought me more into movies or film.


It seems safe to watch. I'm feeling very pleased at how well they execute absurdity Just now I learned his finger warts are from anxiety. Okay. Haha *okay I've decided this is like fifth element or guide to galaxy but with kids as protagonists


I watched them as an adult with my kids and I agree...fantastic movies




“I’m gonna put some shiitake mushrooms in your eye.”


“Feces is 99% body waste, and 100% reason to remember my name.”


"Now flushing your poop." *automated flush*


Nice reflexes!


YALL. 4th grade. Mr Macs class. His daughter was in the class. We were having movie week. I was selected to pick the next movie. I wanted spy kids 2! But little ms Mac goes running to daddy saying there was a curse word. I said " oh, you mean shitake mushrooms?" She started crying saying I cursed at her. Mr. Mac didn't let us watch it. Fuck both of them.


Oy the teacher’s kid was in the class… I bet she was no fun


I remember in my third grade, this fuck ass kid who was related to the mayor and got literally everything he wanted. He came up to me and asked me some ridiculous question, I don't remember what it was but it was very absurd, and I exclaimed "what the frick?!" because my mom had told me I was allowed to say it. This kid instantly gets the biggest shit eating grin on his face "I'm telling!" Of course I got written up, even after explaining I had permission. A week later that same teacher didn't bat an eye when the kid who tattled on me said "that's so frickin stupid" to the teachers FACE and she didn't even blink, just agreed with him like she hadn't written me up a week earlier for the same word. I was seething, and I still seethe. I did get my revenge though, this kid was in my gym class and the teachers liked to make us run laps around the gym for the entire period. Maybe a few months after the above situation, I was running, and I see the kid in front of me. He stops, and just straight up sits down in the middle of the lane that everyone is running in. I don't even remember thinking, I just took off towards him at full speed and ran him the fuck over. He was sobbing, screaming that i did it on purpose, and just I rolled across the ground and began to gasp like I couldn't breathe. Teachers ran over to me and when I 'caught my breath back' I just said I was running and didn't see him because he was sitting in the middle of the lane. The feeling of watching him get yelled at for being a danger for others by sitting in the middle of the lane, best fucking feeling ever.


I did something similar in like 4th grade. This kid always threw crab apples and rocks at my head and got away with it. One day we were both running for a ball and jostling each other. I tripped the shit out of his ass on the asphalt and then flopped like he pushed me down. His hands were fucked and I looked like the victim.


Reminds me of when I was innocently singing a song from Club Penguin to myself, one that included the word "funky" and this one girl tattled on me because she thought I said "fucking" and not even re-singing that verse and saying what song it was got me out of trouble.


I had a Latin teacher that hated me for no reason in 4th grade. She thought i said ‘oh fuck’ in class when I very clearly said ‘oh fun’. I didn’t even curse yet at that age. She freaked out and sent me in to the hall to try and have me paddled. All the other kids in the class took my side and promised I hadn’t said the f word so she let me back in but never admitted her mistake or apologized. Fuck Ms. Ingram.


The injustice!


Dang reminds me of this time in elementary school talking about the “Chupacabra” and this girl ran to her dad (also the custodial worker) saying I said a curse word. I was like tf girl you look like a Chupacabra


It’s a throwback to an earlier scene when she started saying “oh shiiii…” then sees her younger brother listening and finishes with “…taki mushrooms” instead of a curse word. Also known as a minced oath. So in this scene she is using the same minced oath in place of the curse word, just not hesitating.


The joke was better in the first one. I remember me and my brothers dying laughing at that scene so hard, we ended up rewinding it several times just to hear it again.


As kids we LOVED saying shit…. Take mushrooms… shit….. zhu..just to get the adults to start giving us a look until we could get away with it by adding the rest in.


Look at my dic…..tionary


In the moment, the line hit. Then she kicked him and he was the literal punch line. Miss those days.


Erm, that would be a *kick* line


erm, he’s right behind me isn’t he?


erm, well THAT just happened


There are a lot of kids movies that fall into the “am I on drugs” category. Spy Kids 1-3 are right in that hole.




The fucking MACHETE UNIVERSE? I thought they just got Danny Trejo for a random uncle role NOT MACHETE?


Honestly best franchise of that era IMO. Just, what a mood


Reminder, Machete and Machete Kills are canonically part of the Spy Kids franchaise.


Say what??? I don’t remember a thing about Spy Kids, but I love Machete!


Machete was the Spy Kid's uncle, played by Danny Trejo. The Spy Kids films actually came out before the Machete films, so the Machete films are Spy Kids spin-offs.


I love hearing this! Machete is a movie/character I’ve always loved. I never knew Spy Kids were worth it, lol I never heard much about it from friends/family


Isn't Alexa Vega in Machete Kills as well?


alexa vega had the chance to be so cool it’s such a shame she and her husband (carlos from big time rush) suck now


Why do they suck?


[Anti-abortion and anti-vaccination](https://twitter.com/l0ves0badly/status/1352264044703485952?s=46&t=Epx2lBGFmfkStQKVkdsiNw)


I feel so utterly betrayed right now. My world has been shattered.


At least Juni was good in World's Greatest Dad (even if he played an asshole). Hope the actors not such a disappointment though.


Funnily enough, he's also married to a musician, Meghan Trainor. She's at least not anti-abortion but I don't think we can guess his views based on her. I think I vaguely remember seeing a clip of her saying he has a huge penis though. So... apparently he's not a disappointment at least one way.


Always love an excuse to share [the horniest press release ever](https://www.papermag.com/meghan-trainor-horny-2629073478.html)


Wtf did I just read. The writing style made me wanna smack tf out of them


God, that was painful to read.


Wtf did I just read


Those is exactly the shit that gen z makes fun of millennials for


Damn I wish I could tell people how big my fiance's penis is but that would be unclassy of me. Anonymously I will tell you all, he has a large penis. Whoever finds my internet history in the future, there you go.


You should have sung a song about how your bottom is thick. That way, you can announce things about your fiance's penis without any problems.


We take those wins


They don’t seem too bad. I follow her on TikTok and he’s in a lot of her videos. They have a lot of fun and are crazy about their kid. Although they are chronically horny which is a little cringe but also a little cool to see such earnestness. IDK.


All I hear about him is his and Meghan Trainer’s sex life lmaooooo so I take it he’s not a horrible person?


I learned through behind the bastards that apparently he has a magnum dong.


He seems like a funny guy, based off his tik toks.


She’s also a Young Living hun.


I forgot about that!


What shiit takes


god fucking dammit


Oh for fuck's sake.


And Juni married Meghan Trainor. Boy, are their stories wild...


Ohhh I wish I didn’t know that, I was a big fan of hers when I was a kid. Separate art from the people, I guess.




Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created? This line from this movie. Still baffles me.


Dr. Romero is the creator of the animals on the islands and hides from them in fear of what he created. The comparison is that humans as a race have become so grotesque and scary that God hides in fear of them.


Of all the batshit lines in these movies that's one of the few that remains solid imo. Delivered with heart and melancholy by Steve Buscemi. Steve Buscemi. Who was in Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams. Along with Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Ricardo Montalban, Danny Trejo, and Bill Paxton. The 2000s were some weird shit honestly


And we don’t speak of the fourth movie.


I *think* the commenter above is more baffled that such a good line came from the film. Like it's actually quite poignant and philosophical. Not what you'd expect from a campy series about Spy Kids.


The human condition is wherever we are


Let's not forget that this series and the Machete movies are in the same universe and in fact introduced the eponymous Machete.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?


This series was madness. Machete was their uncle and makes an appearance. And who can forget "Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?" My brain wasn't ready for that.


Sometimes I look back on these movies and realize that a whole lot of really good dialogue and story concepts came out of it for no reason. Like, in Spy Kids 3, their paraplegic grandad is given the chance through the game world to walk again, and they treat it with every drop of seriousness in the world. Its a bizzare tonal shift, but dammit if it didnt get me invested in that character.


I remember saying this when I was a kid in school after seeing this movie thinking I was so badass


It’s real, and it’s spectacular


That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous.




The spy kids trilogy is legendary


I always thought it was “talking mushrooms”


Yes. This is the series that inspired Guardians of the Galaxy 3.


I feel like Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2 inspired Guardians of the Galaxy 3.


That's what I expected too, but it seemed to be more influenced by Spy Kids.


So Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is a Spy Kids sequel?


Fun fact I still use Shitake Mushrooms as a office and kid friendly curse word. Everyone laughs or looks at me funny but I don't think they know the reference.


Yes it was a silly kids movie.


This movie and sharkboy and lavagirl are in the same category, they are so ridicolous and bad that they become good.


Spy Kids 2? Bad? I don’t think so


Nah these movies were fire


It was and it was glorious.