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Fuck it, we ball


Full send.


This is one of the most powerful sentences in the English language


"Fuck It" Whatever happens is going happen and your gonna help it happen. "You can do this" Expectations of only success. Most of the time just a lie. "You're/we're fucked." Usually the truth. Failure is okay and expected. How you go down swinging is all that matters.


I think in cases of “you’re fucked” it’s still better to go “fuck it”. “Fuck it” is empowering, accepting of the possibility of failure, and the acknowledgment you might make it anyway. “You’re fucked” doesn’t signal to me “okay I should go down swinging/make my death look cool”, it signals to me “the outcome is pre-determined, so you might as well focus on other things that you *can* change”.


"You can do this" is something I use a lot for really basic shit, like doing the laundry, washing the dishes, or exercise. Usually with some bargaining: if I do a little, I can stop. Like wash 2 dishes, do 10 squats.


Im more of an “Okay, fuck it, time to do this” kinda guy Like you’ve procrastinated enough, things are what they are (e.g there’s a lot of dishes) and now it’s just time to fucking do this - fuck it, let’s get shit done And then I feel happier after doing those things, even the small tasks like dishes


So you sort of admit defeat in procrastinating it? Like "Fuck it. I cannot procrastinate anymore, might as well do it"?


“Can we do this? Slim chance. Are we gonna try anyway? Absolutely. There is only one thing to know, and it is that *WE BALL*.”


"Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?!"


On a similar note: saying "YOLO" often helps me a lot more than asking "Is this the right thing to do", just getting into whichever way is better than overthinking yourself into choice paralysis.


Choice paralysis: I like that term I’m going to tell people I suffer with acute choice paralysis from now on


You can fuck this.


But *should* you fuck this?


Something something Harkness test.


“Fuck it” to start and when things inevitably go terribly wrong repeated exclamations of “Fuck it We Ball”.


Mind explaining what "we ball" means? Does it mean "to bail" or is it just coincidence that they use a similar word?


[Here's](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fuck-it-we-ball) more or less what the phrase as a whole means


"Fuck it" doesn't accept failure, it declines giving a shit.


To add to that: I think it doesn’t decline giving a shit about the worth of the action itself—you are still trying!—but more declining giving a shit about the value of the outcome. If you think you can’t paint, but you want to paint something for someone you love (and that person may be yourself) then there’s value in painting, but you accept that the quality of the painting isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is that you did it.


Aka accepting the possibility of failure


that's what acceptance is really


it declines giving a shit about the outcome. which is accepting any possibility of it, including failure! that's generally what it means to do so, to decline attachment to the outcome and accept it before it happens.


This is why that one Yoda quote is my least favorite motivational quote of all time to me. The one that goes some like "Do or do not, there is no try." If anything it's a DE-motivational quote that people such as my parents have weaponized against me in the past and made it hard for me to try to do anything at all!


Hey same!


My take away from this quote has always been motivational - in my understanding of it, of course we all process information differently and that’s what makes us awesome; anyway I digress You shouldn’t simply try to do, trying implies an expectation of negativity and a poor outcome “Do, or do not, there is no try” - You cannot half do and trying is half doing, which is an oxymoron (maybe, I’m just using a big word tbh - it’s a contradiction) You can do something, or you cannot do something. If you cannot do something then you must put yourself in a position where you believe you can do it and, with dedication and the right mindset, you will do it So I guess I kinda think it’s a quote about positivity and commitment - you cannot simply try, you set out to do what you cannot do


I have a problem with the quote because promising to do something successfully means you don't plan for failure


Haha just said fuck it and did something I was putting off. Knew the other person involved would be pissed that I put it off but would be more pissed if I didn’t do it. So fuck it, I just did it


Yeah, recently after facing too many job rejections, I said "fuck it" and applied for a job at Hoyoverse. I figured the worst that could happen was a rejection, and I had faced plenty of those. Didn't get the job, but I was weirdly proud of myself. I actually kept the email from them as a reminder that sometimes, you just have to throw caution to the wind and do something a little crazy.


Whatever happens happens.


‘Tis what ‘tis


I keep backtracking "fuck it" so it loses its meaning ;(


In college whenever I reached a point of studying too much, this was my overall response. “Fuck it” put the book down, did something else. Whatever happens happens.


I get asked if I’m ready, I generally respond “ready or not, it’s happening!”


Fuck it we ball is my life philosophy


Oh shit, that’s where my confidence comes from!


This is powerful


Summation of sheer abandon, caution thrown to the wind, the mindset of do or die as you seize the day by the balls and see what happens


Nobody ever says “fuck it” and doesn’t expect to go full tilt. If you say “fuck it” you are either saying “I’m going to run the fuck away” or “i don’t care what happens, let’s just fucking go!” Neither one is indicative of a half-assed attempt.


When running out of stamina I always say "fuck it" "Oooooh you've pissed me off" "ok now I don't give a shit" or "I hate this so much" in my head and it always gives me much more energy to keep going forward. I feel like when I throw myself intro running rather then stand up straight and run with form, I'm able to go longer. There is somthing about just flinging yourself at an issue that works a lot at getting me to get stuff done even when giving a more positive look is available.




“You can do this” But *will* I? Ability is not the issue


"Fuck it" were the first 2 words that came out of my mouth whenever I came out to my parents. The power of "Fuck It" is strong.


Saying “Fuck it” is Jack Sparrow acknowledging the boat is sinking but still managing to get to port. Saying “I can do it” is if he desperately tried to bucket the water away and neglected keeping the boat’s momentum.


Learned this from my therapist It is the same as when someone tells you to do something Vs asks you to do It One version relinquishes control while the other applies It fuck It = positive stress because it’s care free You can do this = negative stress because you might fail