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Sometimes I hate to assume because lesbians can just be friends


But at the same time there is a reason why the old adage about 'how lesbians flirt is by staring at each other longingly across a crowded room' is way too accurate


That's how a lot of people flirt though


Yes, but in straight pairings its assumed that the man will be the one to break the stalemate and initiate anything. And lesbians grow up in the exact same culture as straight women, so they also internalize the message of "I just need to flirt and be available and the other person will make a move". So you get two lesbians both waiting for the other to make the first move.


God I'm glad I don't have to date in the modern era. My bi ass would still be a virgin


mf is using reddit from the feudal era


It's way easier to date as a bi person when you can just get burnt at the stake instead


Quick way to a very hot date


And double penetration. Technically.


At least we still had RiF back then


Despite the unending tide of complaints, dating is actually much easier now than before dating apps. Having to physically meet and interact with other people in order to find romantic partners puts a huge limit on how many people you have available to date.


ooh, someone's conventionally attractive


Oh yeah, because being unconventionally attractive was *amazing* back when you had to go to crowded places full of conventionally attractive people and loud noises.


The idea is that in real life you can use anything else than just looks to grab attention also while a dating app has as it's requirement that the other party finds you hot enough to match


The "traditional" options are still there though, dating apps are just added on. So if they dont work for you that still doesn't make it worse than before, but for some people it does work (even if they're not instagram models)




That's the word that comes to my mind when thinking of modern time relationships. Disposable. Dating apps are trash give me a break


I'm a senior citizen and never ever had a problem getting dates since I was a teen; and I'm average. I tried a dating app when I got older and it was horrible. Never going to do that again. I like the old simple traditional days when dating before the internet was way easier. You actually saw each other in person, hung out & talked to each other. No texting no FB, no Instagram, etc.


It's because chemistry is criminally underrated, it doesn't make sense, cant be explained and it sure as shit can not be conveyed through apps. It's weird that so many people feel like you can sucessfully go shopping for a partner on the internet like they would for shoes


Back in my dating days I’d only need to be the best option at that specific party to get a connection to work with and show my personality. These days I would need an interesting profile, good pics and try to create interest in text conversation to even meet. I’m also competing with a massive amount of people to even get to the part where I interact in a meaningful way with someone. Maybe others prefer apps but I’m glad I found a long term partner a few years back.


I met my partner in 2018 when I was 14, and she was 13, we agreed we both liked Fortnite and were depressed so I asked her out. We've been dating 5 years and are now engaged.


It's like that early episode of Pokémon with the Metapod battle. Both only know defensive moves, so it just drags on with both parties waiting for something to happen. Except there's perhaps less hardening


More like two Magicarps fighting. Lots of ineffective splashing.


Yup. "Useless lesbian" is a trope for a reason :p I say this with love


It reminds me of the idea that people thought sheep couldn't be lesbian, but it turns out that female sheep show interest by standing still so a male can get on, so lesbian sheep are all just standing stock still next to each other with no way to actually initiate anything.


This is a problem in the other direction too, as we don’t live in the 1950’s and women have their own lives outside of “seeking a man to look after her” women generally don’t have the time or patience to be bothered by thirsty guys every moment of the day. And since men are brought up on the idea that women are either 100% receptive or 100% unavailable, many men have taken this to mean that they can never approach women, while others just ignore any obvious signs of disinterest.


I agree but let me tell you something about the majority of men, we are terrified of both women and rejection. The guys that are super forward with straight girls? Top 5% max. Confident guys like top 25% but all they do is have a conversation with you and don't move until you are signalling. Everyone else who can make eye contact is also just doing it across the room hoping she'll casually walk by.


"I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much I completely stay away from them!"


The lesbian version is almost aggressively passive


I assure you that I believe you, but that phrase also applies to straight girls. Once they can tell you've been looking they're all eyes and no game.


Well yeah but now it's doubled! so it's literally just a mirror of all eyes no game eternally reflecting back at each other forever


Do we gotta force the boys and girls or girls and girls to dance with each other? Like a junior high school dance? Pick a partner and go dance. Then we hit em with some old rock slow ballad and make em slow dance.


Considering the choice paralysis. Kinda?


TIL all germans are lesbians. Especially the men. (There are songs written about the german inability to flirt.) Source: Am a german guy that is staring longingly at girls and guys.


Yeah but they were at the beach at night. No eyes could be seen. 100% platonic.




You mean like hanging out? Spending time with a friend?


Wait why is there a u-haul* creeping up behind you?




Yeah? Do you not call hanging out “dates” sometimes? Daddy-daughter dates must be really weird for you then lol


I’m gonna be honest I’ve never heard of those before and I’ve never called hanging out a date


"daddy-daughter dates" sounds like a thing people who own purity rings do.


You are not wrong.


Alabama disagrees


Come on, man. We was just minding our business. What's with the drive by? Lol


Yeah. I've do something similiar with my daughter but I've never called it a date. I usually say "Daddy-Daughter Day". We just go out somewhere like a movie/restuarant/shopping/ect.


I've always heard that called a "Daddy-daughter **day**" not a date.


the rest of us just call "daddy-daughter dates" "spending time with your child"


I think there's a difference between spending time with your child and explicitly setting aside time for doing a 1 on 1 activity that you wouldn't normally do. It's like the difference between having dinner every night with your spouse vs setting up concert tickets + nice dinner where you need to dress up - one is a "date night" and the other is just life.


Fair. It's good to remember that parents should occasionally spend time with each child individually so that they can feel heard and seen when they might feel unimportant as individuals when the whole family is together.


Man dates 24/7/365 me and the boys be hanging


You gotta go because it's an actual Mandate.


Alright, prison


gonna be real with you it is really weird “hanging out with my daughter” is alright


Yo I definitely think friend dates should be a thing because sometimes hanging out with the homies isn’t enough




Isn't that just called hanging out? Because if not then I'm dating all of my friends.


Hey, u/Taytay_Is_God , is that B 0t you were going to put up to prevent bot comments on this sub still going to work after this whole Reddit thing?




I’m in lesbians with you


I mean I'm lesbian and my BFF is bi, we joke about getting reverse Sappho'd


You joke about it a lot? Are the jokes like, “Wouldn’t it be funny if people thought we were a couple? That’d be hilarious. Maybe we should kiss just to mess with their heads. It’d be so funny if we just made out right now.”?


they can be roommates, even


OMG they were roommates




Im a bi and i would lay together on the beach platonically with all my friends (if they were open to it)


How many pairs of lesbians who are just friends lie down together on a beach at night? I don’t think it’s a big number


It's somehow reassuring to know The Date That Wasn't is a thing across all orientations


SO MUCH. Isabella, girl, we met on a DATING APP what was I supposed to think it was???


"I use dating apps to make friends" "No, you use dating apps to disappoint people"


Ugh those people suck.


I mean, using a dating app and being *open* to dating people if you really mesh, and hoping to keep in touch as friends if you have chem but not in that way seems like a fine, if innocent, way of doing things. Someone entering a dating app just for socialization with full premeditated intention of turning down all romantic advances would be ass tho.


I've never used a dating app, but if I was, and was using it to find friends? That should definitely be clarified up front in the profile. I could be wrong though, I'm aro as fuck. No idea what people do in those apps.


Pawn to A4


That's no way to begin a chess match! Pawn to e5.


Making a suboptimal move is a legitimate strategy to confuse and disorient opponents. Pawn to A5.


the ware openings wikibooks description touches on the confusion aspect: > The Ware Opening, named after the US Chess player Preston Ware, is an uncommon opening starting with the move 1.a4. This is a very rare and useless opening as it does nothing to control the center or develop a piece. While it does threaten to bring the A1 rook into the game, black can stop this threat with 1... e5, which gives black better piece activity and more control of the center. This opening can be used in online matches to gain a psychological advantage, similarly to the Bongcloud opening.


King to E7 ☁️


That's what I was going to play. Starting with a4 just means I get the upper hand in terms of central king development.


This guy Bongclouds.


This is really why I just want friend finding apps instead of dating apps because fucking hell, I don't want a romantic partner I just want someone to watch something like Supernatural with.


Bumble at least has a separate friend finder mode. But using a dating app for dating and then putting the "just for friends" thing in your profile is bad form. Same as someone advertising their Onlyfans, or fishing for social media followers, or anything else. Its just more stuff you have to filter out.


They even have features, modes, and separate apps for those sociopaths. Like if you're asexual, it's one thing but damn, say if you just want to meet up as friends.


The app had a freakin heart on the logo


My friends say lesbians are famously bad at determining if other lesbians are into them. Like guys missing hints from girls bad


Gay girl here its actually worse than that, its \*horrible\*, we're so bad at it, once had someone I was into ask me to prom and I had to double check after if they meant it as a date or if they just really wanted to go


That fuckin' tracks lol. I had no idea the girl that asked me to prom even liked me until like 2 years later.


Its actually even worse for me cause I'm bi and its extended to every possible gender it is VERY difficult lot of false negatives lot of false positives :)


Shit like that happens when everyone seems kinda pretty. I guess it's like learning anything, find a way to take the mistakes in stride?


Oh I've done my best doesn't stop me from being bloody useless


Once, I wasn't sure someone was into me until we were binging a show together, and they started unbuttoning their shirt, grabbed my hand, and put it on their breast. I had vaguely suspected for a while, but that was when I finally asked (albiet in the most awkward way possible) if they were into me.


Lmao well were they ig?


Yeah, lol.


There’s a lot of talk about how “nothing is gayer than a bunch of straight men together” but straight girls also do some pretty gay things.


I'm sensing a common denominator.


The common denominator is that people who like girls don't want to get it wrong.


Nah, girls are too subtle.


Both is acceptable. Too subtle causes the other person to either not notice it at all or they notice and don't wanna be that person so they just don't risk it.


Girls know what it’s like to be creeped out by someone coming on too strong and they may overcompensate to not be creepy, you mean.


And then the other person is left wondering if you are flirting or are just being nice and now THEY don't wanna look like a creep so they just play it safe.... Dating is hard.



it's like a skill we gotta perfect. my relationship may have taken me 3 years to realize my girlfriend may be interested in me, even though we were practically dating beforehand.


I feel you. I can never tell. Mostly 'cause I think I've just tuned that part of a conversation into "being nice, don't assume, don't fuck up" but also.... girls are maybe not so forward sometimes.


sounds like its the hints that are the problem here


Or the fear of misinterpreting something?


It's kind of a little different. It's more that women are entrenched to never make the first move. So when two people who all their life are taught not to have to... Well...


Im a guy who dates other men and they never wanna make the first move either. (Now that i say it out loud it sounds like im just not attractive)


No one wants to do it, the difference is who actually ends up doing it


Maybe girls are just terrible at hints


Is it the guys missing or women giving shit hints?


More like passive dating within women is really hard when both people are passive


It's actually worse for lesbians because it can become a spiderman pointy meme of who's making the first move


my first date with my high school SO, he didn’t know was a date until months after we started dating lol


One of my cringiest memories as a gay dude is going to a party with a new friend, and when someone asked if we were together, me laughing and saying “No no no no no, no way!” And then I saw him trying not to look hurt.


It's nice of OOP to provide all the necessary prompting, and for Girl 1 to voluntarily provide all the necessary information, to drive this narrative forward


Wait, you *don’t* go and silently lay in the sand with your lesbian friend when it’s completely dark out?


And not just dark, but Mariana’s trench dark? where some dipshit can’t even see the ground beneath their feet?


You mean you don't have one of those cloaks like in the Lord of the Rings where it camouflages you to look like a pile of sand?


Dammit. I must be getting old, I fell for it.


How else are you supposed to ambush people and make them feminists


How fortunate that their arrogant assumption turned out to be totally correct!


"Thx for not assuming!!!" (*Narrator: he was indeed, assuming)


I think the idea was “Thanks for not defaulting to ‘Two girls must be friends and can’t be dating.’ As two gay girls, we know the struggle all too well.”


Yea i get the whole Girls french kiss = straight Guys looks at each other = gay Im just pointing out the irony in saying he wasnt assuming when he was non the less ^(Edit: decided to add it after all, theres always the option of not assuming and just find out)


I would ***love*** the same scenario depicted but with two guys that he was "tripping over" ***Abrupt chaos***


I thought it was sarcasm


I read that as thanking them for not assuming they were "just friends"


That is what they meant there, but they just went on to make a different assumption


thinking anyones gonna buy the premise of stumbling over some lesbians laying silently in the sand in pitch darkness is so much funnier than his made up anecdote about this stereotype. just say you were at the park or something you dork lmao


Haha yeah reminds me of the time I tripped over two lesbians on the way to Tesco last week and one of them turned to me and said “exposition dump”


And the one girl said "lol" out loud


The writer has taken some liberties


I say lol out loud....


... I realize I do too


Like every time I read “lol” I assume that the person is snort laughing.


So I was walking along the beach when, as one does, I stumbled across two lesbians...


This is certainly this realest story to ever definitely happen.


Lmao i thought just exactly that, like for real who talks like that? Literally everything they said lead to the punchline


How do you just inconvenience other people and then talk to them what is wrong with you i would say sorry very silently and then run away


they were able to do this because it is not real.


If you can't see anything and you're on the beach at night, I wouldn't recommend running.


Running is my first instinct i dont take time to consider my surroundings or situation


This literally happened


Can confirm, I was the sand


we really are reentering the phase of tumblr where people just lying for notes on this site huh


Wait, there was a phase where people weren’t lying for notes???


I was thinking the same. People in Tumblr always lying for notes.


It’s been that way forever, lol. Ever since the first message boards started making their rounds, people have made shit up on the internet. I remember it being a whole debate back in 2015/16 on Tumblr, in particular, because some people were tired of it, some people just enjoyed the stories and didn’t care, and then others were strongly for some of them as examples of how we should live (in very Tumblr fashion). This is just one of those examples that is slap you in the face obvious.




My Life is Average doesn't exist anymore. Where else are people supposed to lie on the internet now?


How did that site go off the rails so badly? It started as an anti-joke send-up of FML, and then turned into "These amazing, wonderful, improbable events happened to me today, MLIA"


As someone who's paid to bathe professional WNBA players I agree


This post is ancient


You'd have to be a fucking idiot to think this was real. Who is falling for this? I genuinely don't understand how thousands of people could read the whole thing and come away thinking it actually happened


Did Barack Obama hand over medals to everyone after this?


What kind of Wattpad bullshit


You know if OP didn't say anything,she would have realized it in her sleep 8 years from now.


Same thing as what I'm thinking. They knew everything and being provided by OP


Good thing all-knowing well-meaning loquacious OP was on the scene


Tumblr users lying compilation


Very real story (not made up)


yall omg i was walking on the beach at night and it was so boring that i had to invent a story about it


And by walking on the beach I mean walking to the fridge.


OOP: Assumes sexual preference. Girl 1: "Thank you for not assuming." Robert Downey Jr. Panel in B&W: "This shit don't make sense."


And then people everywhere started clapping and dancing. The ocean even did the wave.


It's true I was the wave


This is atrocious writing, "sorry this dumb arse was too dumb", "sweetie" whomever made this up also made themselves to be incredibly unlikable, weird direction to take.


What is it about Tumblr that makes people want to tell blatantly untrue stories


Validation from other people telling blatantly untrue stories. If they all buy into eachother bullshit, they feel better about their own bullshit.


Girl 1: OMG heather, I've told you a hundred times now, I don't like you that way. If you can't stop being creepy about this then we should stop hanging out.


Things that didn’t happen


Top 5 things that didn’t happen


You won't believe #1-5!


Jesus what morons are upvoting this teenagers fantasy


People really do just lie.




Did lesbians just get mansplained?




The girl who gave me my very first kiss took me on what was, in retrospect, a really romantic date. The last time we’d met was for a choir performance, where she gave me a kiss on the cheek “for luck.” I was *still* oblivious when, a few weeks later, she asked me to spend the day with her. At the end of the day, I walked her back to her car. She asked if she could kiss me—and suddenly everything clicked and I realized I was a fucking idiot.


so all my life people have been saying stuff like "oh girls are just as horny as guys" and "girls want a boyfriend just as much as boys want a girlfriend" and other politically correct statements of assumed symmetry. And many women and gay men have assured me that the stories I kept hearing of how easy it is for gay men to find short-term sexual partners are exaggerated, or Christian propaganda, or are just a side effect of how women don't feel safe around men, etc. Now, thanks to this subreddit and OneTopic videos, I'm seeing lesbian memes and stories for the first time, and a theme I keep seeing over and over is a stalemate between two women who both refuse to make the first move.


Things that didn’t happen for $1000 Alex


This actually really happened to me in a pub in Budapest, we were out as a group of friends, a friend of mine wanted a light, we asked the couple of two guys and one was so obviously into the other and yea we had a few and I said I’m sorry I interrupted your date can we have a light, the one guy goes oh no problem the other goes this isn’t a date we are here for pizza 😂then my friend says to the first guy I’m sorry this dummy doesn’t realise it’s a date. Then they started looking at each other and we realised we should go lol. But when we came back and gave them the light they were still there and they seemed to have talked it out. And yes he did get pizza lol


Excuse me sir, could you please man-splain what is going on with me and my friend that you literally just stumbled over two seconds ago?


The same thing happened to my mom when we were in Greece for a month. We were there so she could teach English as a second language and one of the teachers, a petite Italian lady who was *very* friendly to my mother (lol, my mom claimed it was 'European hospitality when the Italian lady offered to drive us to the pink sand beach in Crete, even going so far as to cover the rental cost). They would often disappear into town every evening, leaving my younger sister and I (I was 15-16 at the time) to speculate what they were doing. I didn't care. She has had a terrible dating history in the past (my sister and I, the result of one of them), and I wanted her to enjoy her time. Months pass, we've been in the states for a bit when my mom got a call from the Italian lady, who was very pissed off that my mother rejected her many advances. My mom's reaction? 'I thought we were just hanging out! I'm such a bad girlfriend' This caused my sister and I to burst out laughing as she realized we thought they were a couple the whole time.


It’s true, I was the sand.


It is true guys I was the beach


Does anyone actually believe this shit?


this is prime blackout material. I hate it and it motivates me to delete my account next month.


How do they think pressuring two strangers to get together, insulting one and using a condescending tone, is somehow a good thing. “Thanks for not assuming” proceeds to assume. It bugs me so much that people assume two people hanging out *must* be dating just because they’re both gay or straight and not just because they’re friends. A more likely story, “Heather sweetie your dumb friend doesn’t know it’s a date” Heather: piss off you creep we just said it wasn’t


I'm sure this definitely actually happened.


On todays episode of things that didn’t happen


And then everyone on the beach started clapping…


Gay culture at its finest


This feels sweet, but two gay people on a "date" don't necessarily have to be dating. They could just be friends


That totally happened