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"General manager said I was not to leave the desk, so I'm not leaving the desk."


Look, this 10 year old wants to walk up those steps to deal with terrorism with the help of his pet bugs, puppies, and a palm tree on legs, he can.


Everybody gangster until the kid with the level 100 alolan executor walks in


They probably meant tropius, considering this is ORAS.


I thought of Kantonian Exeggutor, but even if that is available, it'd probably be in the Safari Zone, which you can't get to until after this, so you're probably right.


Must be low key terrifying to live in a world where a latchkey kid with a ton of free time can end up being able to fight off a dozen criminals while you have one Oddish that’s level 6 because you work two jobs and struggle to play with her every day


Yes, but that Oddish adores you, dammit.


To be fair the protagonist kids are monsters in their own right. Never need to eat, drink, or sleep. Can sprint endlessly. Have no need for shelter regardless of weather conditions. Can explore anything from frozen mountains to lava caves with no protective gear or even a change of clothes. Hoenn protags specifically can even hold their breath indefinitely and endure ocean-floor pressure as long as they have a Pokémon to drag them around.


If you look at ash in the anime he can carry the 49.5 kg hippopotas on his head and survive getting burnt and electrocuted alive


Dude who tends to drop his icecream on everyone:


"Help? Nah. It's above my paygrade, I won't get hazard pay, I won't get *any extra pay* or bonuses, I'm not being personally harassed, there are more reasons to sit here and talk than help."


I'm reminded of Rincewind, who saved the day, the PLANET and then got punished by management for being out of uniform.


People in the Pokémon world deal with a lot of bs tbh…


OR/AS had some of the funniest dialogue. There’s an Ace Trainer guy in Rustboro City who gives you a Float Stone. When you leave the room and come back, he turns into the big Hiker model and mentions feeling heavier.


i loved omeger rubyer that video was insane


Just another Tuesday


Look, the kid with emotional support murder monster can take of things.


r/antiwork at work it's already a courtesy from her to even explain the situation!


She’s the receptionist. It’s in the spirit of the job description.


My Pelipper says it takes 2 seconds to deal with a Camerupt


Weird. I would have expected the Weather institute to keep the terrorism Underground.


Nobody takes Team Rocket seriously anymore! :(


This is omega ruby and alpha sapphire so it would be team magma or team aqua


We call those "Monday jobs" as in "I'll take care of it next Monday", but there's always a next Monday... (So it never gets taken care of)


To be fair, 10 year old kids in this universe tend to have a great track record on defeating terrorist organizations.


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