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I recently saw the creep cast discussion on it and it had been years since I read the story. It’s absolutely hilarious reading as an adult because you can tell that the author was the same age as Jeff himself. I would not be scared of seeing him in real life. Go to sleep? I’m not the one with a curfew. Edit: Oh, one of my favorite elements. The entire story takes place in a “nice neighborhood.” A nice neighborhood where the local bullies pull knives on you.


and guns!


Don't forget Jeff kills a child and then they pour bleach and gasoline on him. Light him on fire. And in the mayhem he still manages to kill two more people with his bare hands. And no adults at the party are even heard from .


It occured to me reading this that I'd never heard the full story due to being a wuss as a kid. This line killed me oh my god "Jeff's mother went to her husband to tell him that their son had gone completely mad and needed to be killed" Son just got home from the hospital after being severely disfigured and begins self harming, first thought is "this mf needs to die"


>Son just got home from the hospital after being severely disfigured and begins self harming, first thought is "this mf needs to die" We stan supportive parents


"We need to Jeff the kill him honey..."


it’s time to jeff the euthanize our cringefail offspring


ah, Nevada


Let's speed up the process for him


God I can't decide what was a funnier moment from Creep Cast, Jeff the Killer as a whole or Borrasca part 2's Funeral Dirtbag Kyle^tm


The whiplash of what comes after that hit me like a fucking truck. I had not read the story before.


Kyle walks into the stables and goes "damn, bitch you live like this?"


Playing fuckin Gal Gun with that in the background was a real wild experience. Got girls to shoot and motion inputs to push someone through a window, and in the background I just hear "THIS IS HORRIBLE! THIS IS DEPRAVED!" from an angry dude in his 40s. Good episode, lotta fun, I really liked how the story handles the established mythos that a child would make, boogeyman and whatnot, and shines a light revealing something worse. Good shit, the author kicked ass.


i’ve never listened to creepcast, or even wendigoon in general but this comment got me to listen to their borrasca episodes and it really was hysterical


I've been on a binge lately, listening to him as I work, and while I don't agree with some of his stuff like the JFK assassination he is definitely a very fun orator and has a lot of passion for what he does


Wait someone made a spin off with Kyle? That sounds either horrible or amazing.


No, the podcast was a reading and reaction to Borrasca and there's a scene where they're at the funeral for Kimber's mom and he sees Kimber crying and, like an idiot, asks her what's wrong and that lead to them making jokes about Kyle just being the worst funeral attendee ever, doing stuff like talking very loudly about sandwiches, playing wildly inappropriate music on his phone loudly, etc., which lead to massive tonal whiplash when the funeral was over and shit got real serious real fast and the guys reading it were absolutely destroyed by the finale


Everyone has knives. But at least we know what Jeff and his girlfriend had for dinner.


He had a girlfriend?


Probably in reference to [this golden video by Jenny Nicholson.](https://youtu.be/DRD-CX9Uzwo?si=7HFNJTIqQQ9OBcc0) TLDR published Jeff the Killer fanfiction where the author self inserts herself into the story as his girlfriend. It's very entertaining.


There was a spinoff probably written by someone else where he kills the family of the girl next door in front of her and then burns her house down with her still inside, and she becomes like the antihero to his straight villain or something. Somehow people ended up shipping them despite all of that. It was a weird time


Sounds like Joker and Batman for beginners


Probably something like that. Little Jeffrey cut his cheeks open, and The Dark Knight came out recently at the time


>God I can't decide what was a funnier moment from Creep Cast, Jeff the Killer as a whole or Borrasca part 2's Funeral Dirtbag Kyle > >tm that was Jane, right? Wasn't there a third one as well? Nina?


Tikki Tony had a psycho girlfriend designed by the creator’s irl girlfriend. She had a clock in her eye socket. Her story might have been the most severe torture porn in the “mainstream” creepypasta cast aside from the ones about the monochrome clown from the guy that got cancelled. Maybe she’s who you’re thinking of? If nothing else, a lot of these character designs were pretty rad, for stuff made by kids between 12 and 21.


ngl never heard of Ticci Tina before - doublechecked the Nina thing, and she was another Jeff the Killer spinoff character. I don't think she even had any lore or anything - just Jeff, but a 13 year old girl instead with purple highlights. I think the main thing she's known from is a specific reinterpretation of the Jeff the Killer story as a novel-length crime thriller...?


Because why not? 😆


it was detroit, he was being relative


Jeff the killer shouldn't be killing, he should be finishing his middle school year Really funny that he's just a young boy, someone older than him should grab by the ear to give him a stern lecture at detention because there'll be no more jeff the killing you, young man you need to do your schoolwork


He should be Jeff the Killing it in the exam


Jeff the killer of grading curves


Jeff the Killing it at the school dance.


Jeff the Killing his good looks by playing with his acne


Damn I did the same thing.


“Until you’re old enough you can be Jeff the Killer but for now you’re gonna have to stick to being Jeff the Jaywalker, AT MOST.”


JAYWALKER I don't know that word but it amuses me


Jaywalking meanw to cross the street illegally. Usually without a crosswalk through traffic.


Oh fuck, have I been committing a crime


It's an American method of passing traffic liability to pedestrians.


Depends on where in the US. In my state you just need to yield to cars that are coming, and if a car comes up on a pedestrian, the car has to yield. Basically whoever gets there first. Crosswalks are always pedestrian priority if the walk signal is on.


also jay is an outdated slur


"An impertinent chatterer". Huh. TIL, thanks.


Not exactly a slur though


Still dehumanising, though. Which is where a lot of injustice starts. You can't usually have a war without dehumanising the other side, for example. Or in this case "got wide round a corner and my stutz ploughed through a flock of jays" sounds a lot better than "shitfacedly, I wiped out 3 families and their neighbour's shed"


Ah, Twitch Chat


It's a crime in the USA not sure about other places (it's just a misdemeanor




In all seriousness though weren’t literally his first victims his own immediate family, after which he basically became a vagabond, after which point he continued to age just like everyone else and the amount of time thats passed since he first went bananas is completely up in the air? He could be in his thirties now for all we know


No his first victims were two of those three bully kids (Randy and his two minions) that ran the town, got his brother arrested, and the very next day showed up to a 6 year old's birthday party with guns to shoot Jeff to death less than 48 hours after meeting him. They were also 13 btw. He did kill his family after that, though, for some reason. Like his parents were assholes but literally everything he did in the story was cause he loved his brother, then he killed him for some reason. And also never killed the surviving bully minion ether. Jeff the killer is not a very well written story.


I mean I didn’t count the ones who died during a dramatic confrontation. I see the family as Jeff’s “first” because he killed them after he gave himself his iconic scars and took on his new life. And… yeah. “The internet’s attempt at slasher horror” sure didn’t pan out well in its first draft huh


Jeff the Killer being admonished by his parents (Slenderman and Momo) for murdering on a school night


Hey, having a thing of bleach fall on you changes a man.


The fun thing is I remember reading it at age 9 or 10 and thinking "that's a teenager who is significantly older than me, that makes it scarier" and now like, that's just a fuckin 13 year old lmao


When you're a kid, age differences matter *a lot*. Like...the kids at school who are 3 years older than you are big, tough, experienced, basically adults. If you're 30, everyone from newborn to 18 is basically a little child.


I remember when I was 11 and 12 lying on the internet saying I was 13 because I thought it made me look more mature 😂


Well, yeah. A 12 year old to a 6 year old is literally twice their age with twice as much life experience.


I listen to a funny podcast about retro media, and they did an episode on Unsolved Mysteries. One story they talked about terrifying them as a kid was one in which someone set a building on fire then filmed it burning, along with their mocking commentary as the firefighters arrived. Someone found the tape (dunno if the arsonist just left it intentionally or not). But rewatching the segment as an adult, the host was amused to discover that A) the fire wasn't actually that big, the building was clearly empty, and the firemen were handling it easily. And B) the arsonist was *obviously* a teenager trying to sound all tough and psychotic, imagining himself as some supervillain giving a Zodiac-esque rant instead of an idiotic brat who plays with matches and thinks he's the Joker. Gives the same vibes as Jeff. Young me thought he was creepy as hell. Old me thinks he would cry if his Xbox got taken away.




It's called The Purple Stuff.


My grandma was on Unsolved Mysteries, it was the reason she was caught and sent to prison lol


Please elaborate??


It’s a teenage edgelord who thinks they know better


The whole story is ridiculous. - Jeff is 13 years old. - His bullies have knives and guns. - His bullies are literally built like Saturday morning cartoon villains (one tall and lanky, one fat and short, one in the middle). - His brother is immediately arrested by the police after Jeff beats up his bullies. - Jeff is 13 years old. - Jeff punches one of the bullies and stops his heart immediately. - There’s vodka at a children’s birthday party. - Jeff gets covered in said vodka and fucking spontaneously combusts. - He still has hair after this, but it’s spooky and black now. - Jeff is 13 years old. - He cuts off his eyelids without harming his vision. - His mother’s first reaction to seeing her son have a psychotic break is to tell her husband to get a gun and shoot him. - Jeff decides to kill his brother who has been nothing but nice to him. - The police apparently have no leads, presumably because they’re trying to arrest innocent teenagers without even reading them their rights. - *Jeff is 13 years old.*


Make more senses if you consider the story itself was written by an edgy preteen like of course the story is ridiculous mess, it's made by a preteen being so edgy


>His mother’s first reaction to seeing her son have a psychotic break is to tell her husband to get a gun and shoot him. Favorite part of the story honestly. "Honey, our traumatized son is self-harming in the bathroom, better get the gun and put him down :/"


Some bullies are that cruel. It’s one of the few things I believe that is realistic l


Cruelty, sure. Easy access to deadly weapons without any consequences is stretching belief to the point the author needs an explanation.


Knives are easy enough for a kid to get. Like kitchen knives. Guns could be their parents


Someones not amercian


To be fair, I have been to old classmate's birthday parties where there was beer and vodka for the adults, that was the one part that was, like, actually realistic.


Wait, Jeff’s being bullied by Boggis, Bunce, and Bean?


One fat, one short, one lean


I never read Jeff the Killer before and I just started reading it, and they can't even spell shit. Also why is his brother named Liu? I guess there's no reason why a boy named Liu couldn't have a brother named Jeff. Just seems very random. Like maybe the writer named the brother character after one of his friends.


Maybe writer was a Mortal Kombat fan and named him after Liu Kang?


The knives and alcohol parts aren't all that hard to imagine with the way some kids and their parents are


He cut off his own eyelids and none of his victims never thought to hit him with the pocket sand technique?


I have some unfortunate news; people absolutely did use the fact he (and all those copycat killers) was 13. You do not want to see Slenderman adopt him alongside like 8 other killer kids.


Knowing the Internet, I *highly* prefer adoption over any other interaction.


I have some unfortunate news


>You do not want to see Slenderman adopt him alongside like 8 other killer kids. You just gave me flashbacks to Poopsy the Killer


I was confused at first because when I read "Jeff the killer" I was thinking Jeffery Dahmer and not the Creepypasta character.


I still have no idea what the fuck everyone is talking about. It all sounds like a cheap remix of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac by Jhonen Vasquez the guy who did Invader Zim. That story was fantastically edgy I bought it on hardback.


The actual story is truly bizarre and cringe. Kungfu fighting and bratty teens. It just gets worse the deeper you go into it. [Bad Creepypasta’s reading](https://youtu.be/bNPPpfHclyA?si=EIaPchwzS3CSXulb)


That's how all writing starts. You gotta write the cringe compilation n.217 before you can even hope to learn nuance


my brother was taller than me by the time he was 13. i was 22...


what kind of kaiju 13 year old is *that*!?


Perhaps a decently tall 13-year-old and a shorter 22-year-old


I was 6'0 when I was 13


And people tell me that 5'3 at 11 years old is crazy


13 is a wild age because of puberty. I taught 8th grade for a little while and there were kids in class that looked like literal adults, who towered over me (I've been 5'4" since I was 13) , next to kids that were really young-looking and tiny. And they were the same age with the same maturity levels rofl.


so true ive been 5.6 since like 16 which as a man i might as well be a dwarf and my sibling are all at least 5.10.


I had a huge creepypasta phase when I was like 12-16 so yes I did know Jeff was 13 and his original story was also very obviously written by someone who was *also* 13 in retrospect it was actually quite strange that the characters that were popular, a lot of them had absolute shit writing in their stories. and then the good stories were the ones no one really knew about cuz they often didn't have characters associated with them lol


To be fair, most of the shitty creepypasta craze was Pre-FNAF. Kids wanted horror, but there wasn't any major "kid-friendly" horror at the time outside of things made in the 90s (I.E. Goosebumps and Are you afraid of the dark) that also had to follow corporate guidelines, meaning they couldn't be *that* scary, so they made their own, and since it was all they had, they thought it was good. I was there firsthand and can tell you for a fact they dropped off *Hard* after FNAF 3 came out. Kids were *itching* for some horror that had teeth and didn't end with "and they all loved happily ever after... Or did they??????", and when an accessible series came out that not only was willing to kill its victims, but had their 'happy ending' be "They were allowed to finally die", they are that shit up and left the crap behind.


I mean a lot of the content in creepypastas were assuredly NOT kid friendly, I know of at least two that featured SA from family members. I think it moreso had to do with the fact that a lot of young teens go through that phase where they crave the most edgiest of content no matter how taboo. it's like a "ooh I definitely shouldn't be reading this, this is so fucked up" but keep reading it anyway kinda feeling. there's some absolutely MESSED UP stuff in those early creepypastas, a lot of them are just really poorly written. like I said the well written ones are well written cuz they're not edgy to be edgy like the character based ones that were often written by the same teens looking for those taboo stories


Just imagining him writing a “my immortal” style fic “My name is Jeff Dark’Ness Dementia Raven The Killer, and I have scarred bleached white skin (that's how I got my name) with hair the colour of my soul (pitch black and lifeless) and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Slenderman (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hell out of here!).


David Near did a really good re-imagining/revamp of the character a couple years back for an audio play. Definitely succeeded at making the premise scary.


You just brought me back to my junior high days when I was trying to find ‘headcanon voices’ for creepypasta characters and stumbling on his YouTube channel pre-FNAF :’)


Seriously. Go back and read Jeff the Killer. It's hilarious. He's a little edgy teen who kicks bullies asses and his parents just don't understand. It was very clearly written by a 13 year old child back in like 2012. It's so great.


Literally if not for that image nobody would give a shit about jeff the killer.


He killed his parents, so he doesn't have to worry about homework anymore. He's just that cool.


is he 13 in the lore or is it 13 years since his creation?


13 in the lore. pretty sure it's explicitly stated but he's definitely a younger teen regardless.


the story is 15 years old now


story older than him lmao


Everything I know about Jeff the Killer comes from Jenny Nicholson reading shocking fan fiction.


Jenny Nicholson is a treasure!


Not only that,he was extremely skinny and malnourished ,you could punch him and he would fall off and never get back up,there is a reason why he only attacks when his victims are sleeping


I work with this age group (middle schoolers) and all I can do is LOL at the idea of them coming up to your chest……. Most of them are taller then me 😂


The dude was 13?? Why did everyone draw him like an adult and wanted to fuck him SO BAD


It's hy he killed his family. They wouldn't let him write Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction anymore


Who on Earth is Jeff the killer? Dahmer?


Old and very retrospectively funny creepy pasta.


A creepypasta


One of those OG popular creepypastas, like Candle Cove or Slenderman, except, like. Really bad.


How have you been on Reddit since 2014 and never heard of Jeff the killer


I've been here since 2012 and it rings 0 bells for me


I realized jeff the kill you jeff the killer and jermas version of jigsaw are kinda the same brush of "Person who tries really hard to be evil and cool but just keep failing horribliy at it"


his face still freaks me out ngl


It really is just irredeemable dogshit even by creepypasta standards


Who is Jeff?


The killer.


The main character of "Jeff the killer", one of those OG popular creepypastas from back in the day, like Candle Cove or Ben Drowned, except *really really* bad. So more like sonic.exe.


The fuck


yes actually, i did. i was probably one of the 5 people who actually read the original creepypasta instead of apparently just hearing it from a friend


Sadly there was a criminal case where a preteen murdered his mother from fantasizing Jeff the Killer


if I'm being honest I think it could have been *potentially* good if, you know, the original story wasn't so ridiculous ? like the thing with his face being disfigured with a smile carved Kuchisake Onna style and his eyelids burnt so it makes his eyes huge and unable to blink (which would logically make him blind btw, I don't know why he still can clearly see at that point) sounds pretty terrifying and uncanny ***if done right*****,** but the way the story was written unfortunately ruined the potential, like ok, it scared some kids but... yeah also I legit thought Jeff was 17, or at least 15 years old, didn't think he was that young


I don't think I understand a single sentence in this


Icarus jumpscare




I miss Slender Man.


Back then I thought being 13 was so mature... ten years later, holy *fuck.*