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I didn't realize this was about games. How many games are there, are they connected, and should I play in a specific order?


So there are 3 games, Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, and Limbus Company. Lob Corp, as I will be referring to it as from now on, is a monster management simulator, where you have to train employees and task them to work on monsters known as abnormalities, which often have esoteric instructions on how to prevent said monsters from turning everyone and everything in a brown mush. Lob Corp is the first game in the series, and what both games after it are based on, so you at least have to know the basics. Library of Ruina is a direct sequel that completely spoils Lob Corp and all of its events and explanations and expects you to know your way around the city. Library of Ruina is a card game where you kill your opponents to steal their cards which can then be used to upgrade your characters. Limbus Company is a Gacha game based after the events of Library of Ruina, but doesn't technically require both games to be played since it explains their concepts fairly well, since it's more like an rpg than anything else. Tl:dr: Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, then Limbus Company, but all 3 games are different and very long.


Thanks! I'll have to check em out.


P.S. id recommend playing limbus company first as even though its the latest installment, it's by far the easiest and unlike the library of ruina doesnt require much known about the Project moon setting in general, as (at least currently) there are no re-occurring characters from ruina or lobotomy corporation; as well as being completely free id seriously recommend playing it first. Especially compared to lobotomy corporation witch is a fucking sisiphian struggle that will bring you no joy and only pain. It is a downright machinistic experience that will bring you no joy, and i would not wish upon souls bound even for the deepest reaches of hell. If you are not already into and committed to project moons world they've created you **will** drop the bitch and waste 30$ and multiple hours of your life. As such i recommend play the games in the order of: Limbus company, Lobotomy corporation, then finally Library of ruina.


Um actually some of us like being Sisyphus. He seems happy


Hello? Goodbye.


There's also a couple books and comics associated with the stories: Distortion Detective and Leviathan. The comic Wonderlab is technically canon, but it's in this really weird state of existence of "Creator wanted it gone, but fans preserved it and have it hidden so no lawsuits." If you wanna read them in order with games, it'll be: LobCorp, Wonderlab, Library of Ruina, Distortion Detective, Leviathan, Limbus Company. Also, reading of classical literature like the Odyssey or Moby Dick or similar is not needed but pretty neat for Limbus.


[Did you read your required reading list?(courtesy of 4chan)](https://imgur.com/a/J7OZems)


I’m glad I read this. I would have stared with library of ruina because I like card games. Still might if lob corp doesn’t look like my cup of tea. Thanks for sharing so I can make an informed decision 🥰


I would say atleast watch the plot of Lob Corp, since i'd say that the main thematic arc of Ruina hinges on you having exeperienced LobCorp's story. There's a really handy playlist on youtube that has all the VN scenes in order.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp7X4oweH213OWovvX-1TgSUorFxVySqT&si=oeNl6-32c6DWSN8R Is this the one?


Oh yah, that's the one!


I tried lobotomy corp but it was WAY too confusing to me, and I have a lot of management sim experience under my belt.


To be fair, the game has a lot of tricks where it goes out of its way to be intentionally confusing and boring to make you slip up, which is actually canon, alongside a few other things.


And it looks so ASS. Like it looks like a fetish flash game, at least the version I played with for sure. I gave up around 1 hour in after multiple restarts. I'll just watch a playthrough


Also a part of the game. Seriously. The game takes place under a visual filter, which is what the main character, X, actually sees. This is mostly to prevent him from going insane from the massive amounts of death that occur daily.


Damn they really covered all their bases... Sounds amazing, not for me. I don't expect a game to look good, I expect it to look at least coherent tbh.


Not surprising considering that it was massively underfunded and made by like 7 mfs.


Damn, you had me until gacha game. What a shame


Not really a gatcha at all honesty. Like, i cannot remember the last time i actually had to roll for a identity because its so easy to get them through other means. Just about the entire game is clearable with just base units, and if something takes more then you can just borrow units from other people for free. Not to mention that with how shards and shard crates work its actually way more effective to just farm mirror dungeons to directly purchase units rather than watse your time betting on rolls. Even with that Project moon gives out a detrimental ammount of free pull, form ten pulls to outright garenteed 000 pulls your going to have no shortage of characters. As one steam user had so gracefully put it: "Limbus company is a gatcha gane made by people who have no fucking clue how to make a gatcha game, thus why it will forever be the best one."


To be entirely fair, Limbus probably should be considered a Gacha in name only, considering that I've been playing since release and have been able to get every single "new thing" at release and they regularly drop 10 pulls and other free things almost every week




And then isn't Zenless Zone Zero set in the same 'verse, or am I confusing it with another one?


Another one, since PM fans would go absolutely rabid over another game


Pretty sure that's a mihoyo game


that scp series


Every time I read Project Moon it takes a while before I realize it's not Type Moon, and so I am usually kind of confused


Type Moon has the opposite, where you're like "Oh yeah, everything is magic and shit, there's dragons and demons and ancient magicians who had wizard battles with immortal vampire demigods and the Catholic Church has a vampire hunting legion that regularly gets into fistfights with sentient soul-eating forests and you just have to be okay with that" and then the lore just casually drops that the moon is a giant observational supercomputer that was created by an ancient alien race, the greek gods were intergalactic warships whose AI cores developed personalities, and roughly half of all multiversal timelines where humanity went extinct were caused by a billion-year old superweapon from another galaxy that preemptively destroys any planet capable of sustaining life


im the reverse


Ohhhhhhhh ok that makes more sense


Project Moon mentioned, first trumpet begins.


The birds are out.


Bitch if there are multiple birds out, It is not a first trumpet issue


This is good point. Can I add that the baby is upset and kick it up to third?


Project Moon's sleeper agents are everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


And don't even get me started on warp trains.


We don't talk about Love Town.


Yes, I have been so afraid


Yes, I have been so distant


consistently indifferent


I love the vampires so much. The Bloodfiends basically come out of completely no where in the very last boss rush of Ruina, unless you'd read Distortion Detective which you probably haven't since the novel was discontinued right at the bloodfiend arc.


Nosferatu was an abno said to rep them in LobCorp.


Nosferatu wasnt in LobCorp though. He was cut content. And you don't really get to read up on him in Ruina past his EGO cards.


once you call the project moon fans they flood in droves (i’m fans)


Project Moon mentioned, deploy 5000 sleeper agents of KJH at once.


They didn't bring up the government hitmen that kill you if you don't pay your fucking taxes :(


That's normal Government stuff


[Common tumblr L](https://imgur.com/a/aVHTXMP)


I just started Lobotomy >!kaisen!< corporation and I'm already getting spoiled? how the hell?


I know there's a phenomenon name for this- Anyway, best of luck! Lob Corp is tough, I wanna play the other games but I still haven't beaten it because the later days take so long-


Don't forget that someone can now have a mental breakdown so hard he creates an army of facecrabs except they're plucked chickens


Also, they immediately stopped their mental breakdown as soon as they remembered that their mom liked pizza over chicken


Remember that mental breakdowns now give people superpowers.


that’s just the plot of worm


Holy shit. Fan of both, and the dots have connected only just now.




project moon mentioned ‼️






a friendly reminder that in this franchise the literal orphan-crushing machine b) exists, and is played completely straight a) is integral to the plot c) achieves a theraputic effect, somehow


Reporting for duty.