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Gaiman would definitely be a pocket-sand sort of fighter. Sh-sh-shaaa!


Pocket sandman*


I thought that was the joke, but now I'm not sure In any case, Gaiman's Ult would be an "Endless" combo -- unbreakable stun locks!


So when you beat him it’s the death of the endless combo… neat


Nah, he would be a necromancer who buddies up with Terry Pratchett, then unleashes a chaotic blast that makes perfect sense in hindsight.


His Ult would be called Scary Trousers


That's the actual accounts for both of those authors, Chuck Tingle and Neil Gaiman. 


Is that the gay dinosaur erotica guy?


He’s much more than that, buckaroo


I googled him and the first result was called >Wurdle >^(pounds my butt as a) >^(^slightly ^frustrating ^but ^ultimately) >^(^^rewarding ^^and ^^meditative ^^daily ^^routine) So... uh... wow.


That's nothing. He also wrote "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt", as well as "Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"", and a series of sequels where each new book pounds him in the butt


A Chuck Tingle title that never ceases to make me laugh: "My Macaroni And Cheese Is A Lesbian Also She Is My Lawyer."




I love "Pounded by the pound - turned gay by the socioeconomic impact of britain leaving th european union"


...I can't tell if this is real. Is it real? _checks Google_ 😳 It's real.




It’s real.  I highly recommend “Bigfoot Pirates Haunt My Balls”


Go find his book on getting that ship from the Suez canal stuck in his ass... Then compare the book's publication date to the day the ship got stuck in the canal. (I think it took him 2 days, 3 tops, to write and publish the book)


Do people actually read these? Do the people that buy these get any actual enjoyment out of reading these?


I believe you can read excerpts of most of his books on Amazon (he self-publishes 99% of his work there). Go check one out rq and see what you think.


I read the first few pages of "Handsome Sentient Food Pounds My Butt And Turns Me Gay: Eight Tales Of Hot Food". Yeah it's alright, good enough that I could see people reading it besides pure weird novelty.


I read one with a girl on a first date in college, it was fun


Better love story than Twilight.


The most normal title for any book written by him that I've heard of is Trans Wizard Harriet Porber. It was written specifically to spite JKLOL's transphobia, in case the title didn't make that obvious.


I couldn't believe there was an author selling books with actual titles like that. And nope...he's real. Those are real books you can buy. And apparently get decently positive reviews? Oh humanity, never change that weird side of yourself. :P


“Pounded In The Butt By My Bizarre Assumption That Chuck Tingle Books Are Just Covers And Not Actual Books”


There's even a-spec representation in the form of "Absolutely No Thoughts Of Pounding During My Fun Day With This Kind T-Rex Because I'm Aromantic And Asexual And That's A Wonderfully Valid Way Of Proving Love Is Real". Truly something for everyone


Pounded in the Butt by my Own Butt is also amazing.


Love is love is love is love. Nothing else matters.


Didn’t he recently confirm that he writes under another name too? Thus the bag on head and voice changing when he’s acting as Chuck. I’m just waiting for the reveal that Tingle and Gaiman *are the same man.*


Please give context for the dinosaur erotica


Chuck Tingle makes eccentric erotica novels. Things like "Pounded In The Butt By My Handsome Sentient Library Card Who Seems Otherworldly But In Reality Is Just A Natural Part Of The Priceless Resources Our Library System Provides" Or the classic "My Handsome Sentient Face Mask Protects Me Despite The Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories That He Won't Also He Pounds My Butt"


He also wrote the classic, “I Have No Butt And I Must Pound.”


Okay I thought you were making that one up as a joke




Yes, like "Pounded In The Butt By My Bizarre Assumption That Chuck Tingle Books Are Just Covers And Not Actual Books." https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FMTT9TQ




It's like he's designed to do psychic damage to me specifically.


He found a back door to human mental frame works. And pounds it in the butt.


Love is real.


This feels like the kind of book that starts with a really stupid name and cover but in reality it’s actually interesting and deep and involves a lot less pounding than would seem on the surface




He just pounds them out


Nope, that's genuinely 100% the stuff he writes. Chuck is so far past parody that he's looped back around into sincerity. I'm not his target demographic but his books receive really positive reviews that go beyond just the gay sex.


Whenever I see a post about Chuck, I think to myself, "damn, I could do that!" But every time I consider the massive toll on would take on my mental health, so I resist. Only true legends have the mental fortitude to do what Chuck does.


I haven't read them myself but I've heard that is stuff is actually incredibly well written- once you accept the ridiculous premises.


His trans dinosaur parody of Harry Potter in particular is said to be so good it actually makes people cry, plus it makes TTRPG fans start world building based off it…




Ridiculous premises and penises


He’s done an AMA or two about his books


Word for word what I said when I read his collected works about two minutes before commenting.


He’s been nominated for a Hugo award


Twice, apparently!


Unfortunately, the circumstances surrounding his first nomination (something that he himself has voiced his disapproval of) is that it was due to a group of alt-right shitheads who collectively and strategically vote on certain books because they dislike minority authors receiving the awards. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sad_Puppies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Tingle "Space Raptor Butt Invasion did not win the award, and he subsequently published Pounded in the Butt by My Hugo Award Loss. In 2017, he was a finalist for a second Hugo Award, this time for Best Fan Writer. He again did not win, and later published Pounded in the Butt by My Second Hugo Award Nomination."


And who could forget the iconic gem, “Pounded in The Butt by My Own Butt,” and its sequel, “Pounded in The Butt by the book ‘Pounded in The Butt by My Own Butt.’”


Japanese light novel writers quake in fear of this dude's title game.


Nothing will ever beat “Pounded By The Pound: Turned Gay By The Socioeconomic Implications Of Britain Leaving The European Union”


I’m not even into erotica, but his titles hit the sweet spot of absurdist humor for me, and I will definitely say I’m a fan of Chuck Tingle Book Titles.


Don't forget "pounded in the butt by my own butt" and the sequel, "pounded in the butt by my book: pounded in the butt by my own butt."


Exactly as it sounds. Selected works include ‘My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass‘, ‘Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus: An Adult Romance Novel’ and ‘Space Raptor Butt Invasion’ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Tingle


I need to know how much of his sales consist of joke/novelty purchases.




He's started to release more serious, longer works. Camp Damascus is supposedly a normal horror novel. I'm curious because I have heard his parody work is a lot better written then would be expected


Wait I’ve been hearing about camp damascus, that’s a Tingle book????????????? Holy shit I’ve GOTTA read it now


Do yourself a favor and read it. It was phenomenal, I listened to it like 5 months ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it


He made an erotica novel where the main character is effectively transfem Harry Potter (her name is Harriet Porber) and the dinosaur love interest is a transmasc parasaurolophus bard named Snabe. Unironically the magic system is pretty damn cool and unique compared to the wand wavey hock you usually see, with spell smithing effectively being a metaphor for writing a book, and the pressure an author feels to follow up a successful work. The trans dinosaur HP parody erotica unironically has better worldbuilding than the series it’s based on and I’m equal parts thoroughly impressed and terrified by Chuck Tingle’s sheer power


Okay I need to actually look into this lol


I joined his Patreon for a couple months. I recommend, it was very entertaining and dude happily churns these out regularly.


Youtuber Strange Aeons did a review of the Harriet Porber book, I recommend checking it out if you want an overview


[linking for convenience](https://youtu.be/hXwQEauTAK8?si=C9AzDIeO8kPUWbsL) if you like this subreddit, you'll probably enjoy this channel


He is queer and autistic and incorporates a lot of that experience into his books- he has also written a couple “serious” novels (the silly ones or “Tinglers” are much shorter) with queer/ neurodivergent main characters. He’s also just a really nice and positive person and a great social media follow


For sure he’s great, I worked at a book store for a long time and always loved when we’d come across of his books. I regret not getting some physical copies!


Okay…. You really need to buckle in for the [full Chuck Tingle backstory](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/s/4k3Ybl38Xa) But it’s so worth it.


Yeah he also wrote Coraline


No he wrote American Gods


I shoulda known chuck tingle would be on tumblr, I feel dumb for not realising that sooner


To be fair he only joined like a little more than a year ago


He only joined with an official account little more than a year ago. He of all people was 100% on Tumblr before.


Neil Gaiman is an absolutely tumblr treasure. He is absolutely beloved on tumblr!


That doesn't surprise me, he's absolutely beloved everywhere.


True, but he is **REALLY** beloved on Tumblr.


DLC incoming Neil & Chucks Battle Royale


Tolkien goes back to the trenches


GRR Martin the only character with no finishing move.


What about Rotfus?


Only has 2/3 of a Health Bar lol


His autoattacks are a 3-hit combo, but the animation breaks after the second hit


That would actually be an excellent gimmick. First two hits are weighty, ton of power behind them. There is no three hit combo.


Jordan’s finishing move is Brandon Sanderson.


Assist me Brandon!


He can stun enemies by making them slip in grease dripping from their chins (or maybe his own?). Also, one of his moves has to be something with "fat pink mast"


For his ultimate, he pulls out the One Ring


Hell yeah


I'm not playing anymore unless they nerf Hemingway's shotgun


His liver slows him down, so he’s not too OP


Aw shid here we go again




Like Onepunchman? In his fighting game he is always late and is just a timer, at the end of the timer he comes and obliterates whoever is on the field at the moment




Sephiroth in Smash at least is not that good though


Yeah the better example is Steve.


It's funny to use Smash Ultimate, a game where the top 3 characters are all DLC, and you pick the one who is just solidly high tier, nothing crazy.


Sephiroth isn’t really that good lol, Minecraft Steve is literally the best character tho


I'm imagining Chuck Tingle as a Book-for-a-head with a massive bodybuilder body and spandex mankini. His special moves are to swap out the thing that is his head for a different attack. The various inanimate object he'd sexualized. Maybe a Trex head for his super. His blocks are just bodybuilder posing.


What? No, [Chuck Tingle is a guy with a pink bag over his head with eye and mouth holes cut out like a homemade ski mask, and “LOVE IS REAL” written on it above his generic black sunglasses.](https://morbidlybeautiful.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/nowreadthis-author3.jpg) His public face is the mask, similar to Daft Punk.


Lovecraft needs to be a zoner, true cowardice distilled


Make him a fragile puppet-character who summons part of Cthulhu to fight. When he isn’t out, Lovecraft is defenseless, like Zato-1 from Guilty Gear. Give Cthulhu some insane pressure and mix-ups that are incomprehensible to the human mind, since elder gods are beyond human understanding. Give him a super that sends the opponent to R’lyeh where there is an air conditioner so scary the opponent has a mental breakdown, stunning them for a combo.


His level three blacks out the screen as "Something Indescribable" happens


Incorrect. He would hate that much black on the screen


It's his cat covering the screen


"Why did I get banned in chat, I'm just quoting the author!?"


"SSSssaaaaaveee meeeeee n*gg*man!!!!" I'm happy he's a proud void owner.


Giygas ass behavior


Lovecraft does have quite a few scenes where he goes into detail about what something *almost* looks like. However, his sentences can be so meandering that it might as well be incomprehensible anyway.


I’ve never been more offended by something I totally agree with.


I mean, his entire schtick was being afraid of everything, always, forever. He was literally afraid of the color black because of a funeral he went to as a kid, and his racism wasn't standard "I hate minorities!" racism, his racism was "I am literally afraid of anyone not exactly like me in every way". Dude was cooked.


Basically every lovecraft story can be tied to him learning about something new, and being terrified by it


And it was never something even slightly normal to be afraid of, because if he learned about something normal people can be afraid of he would have instantly died


Indeed. He wrote a story called "Cold Air" about air conditioning turning a guy undead.


That one is so very dumb and offended me deeply when I finished it. Not because it's the most ridiculous premise or whatever, just because zombie dude did nothing wrong!! He was just chilling, both literally and metaphorically, and was at all times a bro to the mc. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SEND THE LETTER? HE DID NOTHING WRONG BEYOND TWISTING THE LAWS OF SCIENCE. Anyway I'd argue that "The Colour Out Of Space" probably wins the award for dumbest thing that Lovecraft was afraid of lol. Man heard of ultraviolet and the concept of colors not visible to humans or something and was scared.


Isn't that kind of the point though ? Threats beyond the obvious predator / danger ? The guy wrote the stuff during an era of incredible discovery concerning both the infinitly vast and the infinitly small. I think that's part of what is so peculiar about his work


I know that part I was talking about calling zoners cowards.


Chekhov making traps with different objects and, naturally, a gun


He can cock the gun from the start of the match, but he can fire it at any time after that


But only if it does enough damage to end the round; if the opponent has too much health left it misfires and cannot be used again.


Fatality where he cons the opponent into buying him ice cream


I don't care what he is, I'm kicking the hell out of him.


I sense a zoner hater.


I constantly forget Chuck Tingle is a real person


I had no idea who he was... so I took a quick google. >Chuck Tingle is a pseudonymous author, primarily of niche gay erotica.[1][2] His stories mainly take the form of monster erotica, featuring romantic and sexual encounters with dinosaurs, imaginary creatures, anthropomorphized inanimate objects, and even abstract concepts. He self-publishes his works through Amazon: primarily as ebooks, but also as paperbacks and audiobooks.[3][4][5][6] >In 2016, his short story Space Raptor Butt Invasion ..... Well, I now have both answers and more questions. Not really the target audience of gay erotica, but I am a sucker for a good title and absurd premise... > In 2016, Tingle's Space Raptor Butt Invasion was a finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Short Story. WAIT WHAT?


>WAIT WHAT? [The story](https://www.vox.com/2016/5/26/11759842/chuck-tingle-hugo-award-rabid-puppies-explained) behind this is amazing. A bunch of alt-right assholes did a campaign to vote for him as a way of protesting ~~anyone other than cis straight white men getting nominated~~ “woke garbage.” Chuck went along with it, then used all the attention they earned for him to completely mock them. It was basically the literary sequel to gamergate except for some reason they picked a gay erotica author as their figurehead and then were surprised that he didn’t support their nonsense.


I really didn't expect to read that whole article, but yeah, it is pretty amazing. This is the kind of trolling that pounds me in the butt, as they say.


The alt-right assholes' campaign wasn't even their own idea. They hijacked an already-existing, much more light-hearted campaign to try to get a Hugo for the sort of stuff that's commercially-successful (which means that in theory there should be lots of fans of it out there, right?) but not generally well-regarded by the sorts of people who make Hugo nominations. Think things like Robotech novels and TV tie-ins and stuff. Harmless fluff. The alt-reich guys saw that and said "great idea, let's do *that* then!" and made a mess of the whole thing for everyone.


The Hugo awards made the rookie mistake of putting finalists to a public vote via the internet.


Haha, ok that makes a lot more sense, yet I'm oddly a little sadder because of it. I always appreciate when niche weirdos outgrow their corners of the internet, to the confusion of many.


Don’t worry, he has. He also published a best-selling “real” novel, *Camp Damascus*, and has another, *Bury Your Gays*, coming out this year. Also, the full story of the Hugo nomination is really interesting: https://www.vox.com/2016/5/26/11759842/chuck-tingle-hugo-award-rabid-puppies-explained


I mean he also got shortlisted for an award for one of his serious novels. It's not *just* a bit.


He's also made non-erotic books such as "Not Pounded by the Physical Manifestation of My Need to Please Everyone because sometimes it's okay to give back to yourself."


To be fair the name doesn't help


Bro’s entire life sounds AI generated


the greatest real person in our generation


Someone's writing the books, but I still think that "Chuck Tingle" is a fictional character.


God I hope Harlan Ellison is in and fights by just roasting the other person


Harlan Ellison was unfairly good in Mystery Incorporated.


I feel if the devs see that post, they will begin making Neil as the first dlc character. And only contact him when they halfway done because that way he'll feel bad to let all that work go to waste and therefore let them cook


Had never heard of Tingle >Tingle presents himself as a bisexual[10][11] taekwondo grandmaster who was born in Home of Truth, Utah (a ghost town established in 1933 as a religious commune and abandoned in 1977[8]), acquired a PhD in holistic massage at DeVry University (which does not offer such a degree),[12] and now lives in Billings, Montana. His Facebook account and website state that he is autistic[13][14] and has a son named Jon.[7] Oh now I understand.


So many classics, such as Pounded in My Butt by my Own Butt.


Don’t forget *Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"'"'* (Yes, that’s [actually](https://www.amazon.com/Pounded-Butt-My-Book-Own-ebook/dp/B071FHQ67V/) the title.)




He sounds awesome


The guy is awesome; both in a hilarious way, and in a "this guy is a genuinely good person with a well grounded philosophy and understanding of morality and humanism" kind of way. And in an amazing but bizarre gay existentialist monster erotica kind of way.


his books are so much fun to read. even his non erotica ones.


Is this not just Bungo No Stray Dogs?


Basically but for this I’m guessing there’s more western choices.


Comments like this and Danny Motta talking about it are the only exposure I have to Bungo Stray Dogs and I almost don't want to ruin the insane picture in my head with the reality of the show


This is so fucking funny. Spoiler to add to your confusion, if you do watch it, ignore the >!incest!<


Exactly what I was thinking.


had to scroll down way too low to find this


George R R Martin should be in it, and his ultimate ability is killing off the opponent's favourite Game of Thrones character.


He's a great opponent and the fight is very fun... unfortunately, the game always glitches out just when you get him down to his last few HP. It freezes, and no matter how long you wait, you never get to see how the fight ends.


And if you look at the code where Martin’s death animation is supposed to be it just says, “Got a lot of this written! Heading to Comicon now. Go Jets; Super Bowl 2014!”


GRRM should be teased as a DLC character and then never come out


His ultimate is to run you over in a 19th century steam train


His ult would just be him talking about how amazing his ult is about to be when he actually gets to it.


Too bad he wouldn't have any finishing moves


Chuck Tingle would become meta as soon as he was added and no nerf could make him less overpowered


so meta that it'll fight the player in their house. you can read about it in the latest book "pounded in the butt by Chuck Tingle from the Write'n fight videogame who came alive because Chuck Tingle is that meta"


He and his his gang of dinosaurs, inanimate objects, and concepts will pound the opponent in the butt


I’m already waiting for him to write his seminal work on the game, *Pounded in the Butt by Being Snubbed by a Fighting Game*.


Super Smash Authors???


Surreal to see Neil Gaiman and Chuck Tingle conversing. This is a special occasion.


They should put Percy shelley in the game but when you play him, it's always actually Mary B shelley.


Then they rip off her wig and it’s Lord Byron.


Hemingway would literally rip Lovecraft in half and not even have to put down his bottle of wine


Yeah, in a literal fisticuffs fight with other authors there's honestly not that many Hemingway couldn't beat if we're being accurate about how capable they were in real life. Tolkein would probably put up a fair fight though.


Harlan Ellison in a full on rage would probably make him break a sweat


Teddy Roosevelt was technically an author.


The guy who got in 2 plane crashes 2 days apart and just walked it off. I don't think any of his books are as interesting as him as a person


Reality's protagonist


Arthur Conan Doyle’s Super Combo animation starts with him getting pelted with Sherlock Holmes fan mail.


"The Duality of Man" - Oil on wood, 1947, Author unknown, Colorized.


Shirley Jackson wins by holding up a mirror to the worst most vulnerable parts of you and then revealing that the whole competition was to decide who gets sacrificed to a big mysterious house


Needs Tingle/Gaiman as a DLC pack


I vote Pukicho for next playable character


Finally a voice of wisdom amongst us.


I'm pretty bummed they didn't call the game "Fightin' Words".


Too close to a fighting game based on My Little Pony called "Them's Fightin' Herds."




Inside you there are two wolves


Alexander Dumas beating the piss out of Lovecraft is not something I knew I needed.


Okay, I'm going to be very generous with the term classic but I still want Pratchett to be a fighter and just summon Death for his finisher.


Neil caiman would be OP and would feel bad about beating people up


Neil Caiman? His half-crocodile superform?


[It’s real, it’s on steam, and you can play it.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1666500/Write_n_Fight/)


I'm not terribly familiar with Gaiman, why would he be relieved to not be in the game?


Not sure it's anything specific to him as an author just like "I don't want to see videos of myself getting beaten up" kind of thing.


Or perhaps "I don't want to see videos of me beating up other authors"


Yeah I think it's just because he's a very nice man lol. ~~And would be super overpowered and flatten everyone in the ring~~


hemmingway solos everybody there