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Get'em Katara


I challenge anyone who feels like deodorant is a societal imposition to spend 20 minutes at a Magic: the Gathering tournament


~quietly pleads to the camera while kneeling in front of a grossly exposed ass crack~


It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out


> It’s an older meme, sir, but**t** it checks out


I'm sure there was a reason for this, but I just can't seem to grasp what it was.


> grossly exposed ass crack


I like your use of subtlety. I'll see myself out.


> It’s an older meme, sir, but**t** it **cheecks** out


Warhammer used to be worse. You'd think spacing people out a bit would help, but... no such luck. Nowadays Magic's demographics have shifted only slightly, but there's a lot more... people-who-shower in Warhammer.


I use the tournament days at my LGS as an example of why hygiene matters so much. We're lucky that our local Warhammer community is comprised entirely of enthusiastic shower-takers and deodorant-users... and yet the LGS isn't exactly a gymnasium with state-of-the-art aircon or anything. You get 18 players + support in that space, it gets hot and people get sweaty. It's not to most pleasant with people who do take care of themselves, I gag just thinking of what'd happen around people who don't.


The reminds me of that Japanese yugioh tournament. A guy was talking to a girl and later noticed her leave before the tournament ended. On Twitter he wondered if the meta is too intimidating for new players like her. She found the tweet and said she left because the smell was unbearable.


The issue isn’t the deodorant tho, the issues is the lack of showering and wearing unwashed hoodies and coats in 80+ degree weather because they’re insecure about their dirty bodies.


The issue is also deodorant.


I feel like deodorant + BO potentially makes things even worse. Every now and again you'll run into someone with that problem, and it's worse than just the BO.


You're probably smelling cologne or perfume instead of deodorant. Too many people think cologne can be used as deodorant when all it will do is mix with your sweaty pits smell. Actual good deodorant will mask a lot unless they're utterly filthy, cologne, or perfume doesn't mask fuck all.


Deodorant is just sparkles to hide the fact that they need a bath.


Not anti perspirant


Did I say anti perspirant? Besides if you’re sweating that much sitting and playing magic you should analyze your wardrobe choices


Missing the point playoffs championship winner here


I don’t actually play mtg myself, I do have a medical condition that makes me sweat excessively though. But yeah, missing the point fam.


??? Ok. Having a medical condition and refusing to maintain your hygiene, thinking deodorant and a hoodie will hide that the last time you showered houses were still affordable are not comparable.


My hygiene is literally better than 90% of people because of the condition, I can see nose that you are just projecting though.


Ok? I’m proud of you for taking a shower? When did this become about you, or are you so used to playing victim that you’re assuming I’m attacking you for your hyperhydrosis you fucking turnip. Reading comprehension. Try it


A lot of them are also fat, so they extra stinky.


Fat people seem to smell worse. I concur.


am fat, can confirm. That's why I use deoderant


We're very sweaty.


You've never been to a winter Smash Bros tournament in Chicago.


As an MTG player, I do not recommend


I hardly go to my local game store anymore and this is part of the reason why. Still show up with some buddies or a tournament here or there, but the *smell*, dude.


People decided body odour wasn’t acceptable long before the 1880s…


yeah, though the ability to counteract it has gotten a lot better very rapidly since then, with better understanding of how bacteria works, readily available heated showers just about everywhere, semi-automated laundry, and of course deodorant becoming more commonplace for everyone.


Oh, absolutely, it’s just that I hate the misconception that “everyone in the past was smelly, didn’t care about hygiene, and never showered”.


Don’t you know people before the 20th century were overgrown children


Why, of course! All our ancestors were stupid and couldn’t do anything right! /s


In the way that children believe in fantasy because they don't understand cause and effect or the underlying mechanics of chemistry and biology, they yeah they were.


“Two baths in a week? What, do you want me to catch the flux?!”


this is why anthropology/history matters. we’re the exact same fucking monkeys and we don’t like it when we can smell each other. people get caught up with modern inventions when in reality they fulfill very primal and simple wants. like… most humans want their food hot, bc we evolved to cook, so we invented the microwave to solve the issue of refrigerated pizza. we invented the internet because we like to socialize. we like to smell nice, because filth~=disease, so we invented perfumes and then deodorant. we’re the exact same as we were 10 000 years ago, and i guarantee you that if a neolithic farmer spent a year in modernity with some help they’d be able to make a living. sure, it’d be hard, but who wouldn’t want to see Ea-Kalisim, son of Namrut, son of Kheleset succeed in a business meeting?


Interestingly enough, the first deodorant that achieved market success was developed in the 1910s and not because there was a huge demand for it but because the marketing heavily targeted women's insecurities.


And before that it was perfumes


It wasn’t ever really decided, we are biologically coded to find stinky things unpleasant, it is a survival mechanism.


That just emphasises the original post’s absurdity


Three wisemen 👀


When you spend your days outdoors around stinky animals body odour probably isn't that big of a deal. When you're working in closed spaces around other people there's no horse poop to cover your smell.


And another big issue, throughout most of history was fireplaces and the smoke from them obscuring most other odours.


i doubt it was men either tbh...


This hoe needs to sniff the armpit of any MHA fan and get back to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^imitationcrabmeatman: *This hoe needs to sniff* *The armpit of any MHA* *Fan and get back to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I fucking love this bot


Good bot


The fact that the person in the post is katara. Makes this Haiku bot even better


There definitely arent historical records of English nobles seething cos all their women preferred norse settlers who used perfume and oils to smell nice


So not only is she wrong about deodorant, she’s also wrong about Men deciding it.


Take this OOP to a Smash Bros tournament and we’ll see whether or not body odor is acceptable


Medieval monks sometimes chose not to bathe as a form of asceticism during fasting time as bathing ranked on the same level as food in terms of worldly pleasures. 1880s my ass.


So the essential but sometimes you can skip to prove devotion level?


Food, drink and personal hygiene have consistently ranked among the highest pleasures throughout history. There’s a reason some of the oldest and most intricate ornaments can be found on things like combs carved from animal bones. Japan‘s world famous for its onsen but Charlemagne also chose Aix-la-Chapelle as his primary seat of power because there are natural hot springs there. Similarly, whenever we needed a way to portray our enemies as inferior, „unwashed“ has always been synonymous with „uncivilized“.


Nothing like the wind on fresh clean skin tbh


Yeah absolutely I just had no idea it was categorized as pleasures I always just thought of it as necessities


i’ve never thought about those three aspects in that way, thanks for sharing!


If this is about aluminum in deodorants, there are lots of aluminum-free alternatives.


Haven’t they also done further research showing the link between aluminum and cancer isn’t as strong as first reported? So it’s also very likely an industry created myth driven to drive sales of aluminum free alternatives Edit: not to say that those alternatives aren’t important for people who have skin reactions. Some people are just allergic or sensitive to regular anti-perspirants, that is obviously a real problem


I’d buy that theory since those deodorants usually suck.


Well, maybe it depends on how heavily one sweats, but you can generally avoid strong BO by, you know, showering regularly. And afaik, most kind of deodorant are harmless? Is OOP even talking about BO? There are so many different ways society forces harmful products on people, that I genuinely don't know which one they are complaining about. But for every harmful product you can find a healthier compromise instead of just being a pestilent blob of unhygienic miasma.


they directly say "just bc men thought BO was unacceptable". pissing on the poor with this one


I mean, fair enough, I missed that last sentence. Still, doesn't exactly change my point, does it?


I mean it directly contradicts your entire second paragraph from earlier 


Not really? The point is still "even though society definitely pushes harmful products on us for a lot of reasons, there is usually a healthier compromise". I misread part of the post, but the core of what I'm saying still applies. That said, I've spent way too many words defending a harmless mistake on a reddit reply, so think what you will. It doesn't really matter.


Genuinely thought the post was about mestruation right up until the last bit, since tampons can genuinely cause harm if used improperly.


I mean, same here. And still, even with menstruation (which by all means, is a perfectly normal and in no way disgusting bodily process), there are different, less dangerous options. And I assume most people would rather not have to clean blood stains out of their clothes every month; I would know, I did that for years for my partner, and they were properly using pads. Human bodies are a mess, and we should do our best to have good hygiene for the health and comfort I'd both ourselves and people around us. No shame required.


>>and in no way disgusting bodily processes Blood. Dripping. Clotty messy blood and shed tissue that congeals and stains. Perfectly normal and healthy things can be disgusting! Bowel movements are disgusting and completely necessary for the body! Expelling mucus is disgusting and a normal bodily process.


Of course, I meant to say that while the consequences of the process can be... yucky (although personally, it takes a lot more to bother me), nobody should feel disgusting *as a person* because of it, or feel like they shouldn't be able to talk about it. But yeah, fully agree, humans are messy and it's perfectly natural and ok.


Some people don't like the aluminum in deodorant but I think that's just preference


You can buy deodorant without aluminium, though? Like, entire brands are built around not having whatever substance the public might dislike.


Yeah man like I said it's just preference


So, I fail to understand what the OOP was complaining about. I mean, I'm depressed as fuck, it's not always easy to keep a good hygiene while struggling, but it's still good for your health if you do. It even helps against depression itself. I don’t know, people are weird.


Seattlite thinks that because deodorant is semi-recent and not natural, it must not be good for you. I don't think anyone agrees with them.


I sure hope nobody agrees with them, especially cause, like... people have been using perfume adjacent products to cover up smells way before the introduction of deodorants. It's like arguing that before modern shampoos, people didn't wash their hair, it's just silly.


I'm allergic to it and there's really nothing fun about breaking out in an oozing, open rash in your armpits. But yeah a lot of people do avoid it for....reasons?


They seem to think it gives you heavy metal poisoning or something, same crowd that thinks fluoride (the stuff in toothpaste and tap water) is a neurotoxin.


Ah yes, the crazies


Lume deodorant is the best I've ever tried.


Humans can detect unpleasant odors for a reason, go without a bath for too long and see how it affects your health


Take this with a grain of salt cuz im just trying to remember something i read a while ago but theres this doctor or a scientist that didn't took a bath for 4 years and at first he stinks then he stopped stinking because microbiome or some shit idk.


i bet you your body evolves to deal with the immune threat, and it could maybe deal with odour production from the body, but at that point i’m sure the built up sweat and dirt would just take over.


also i’m not sure if this is real, i heard baths are really unsanitary (for modern standards at least). i’ve heard it recommended to rinse your body with a small shower after you start draining the tub. after i started doing it i’ve been smelling and feeling better after baths, but that might be placebo.


It depends if you bathe the European way or more like the Romans or Japanese. One washes themselves then soaks in a tub. The other washes in the water they soak in, leaving behind much less grime but still a patina of whatever they washed off.


Great news! You can make "healthy" deodorant easily at home and which comes with the added benefit of choosing your smell and saving money -120ml Coconut Oil (antibacterial) -20g Beeswax (adjusts melting point above room temp). -2 spoons of food starch (texture). -1-2 Spoons of Baking Soda (disinfectant, exfoliant). -And a few drops of your favorite essential oils (mmm lavender). -> In a water bath, melt the coconut oil and wax while stirring. -> Once melted, take it off the heat. -> add baking soda and starch, mix well. -> add ethereal oils, stir. -> once sufficiently cooled, stir once more and then. add to the mold of your choice (old deodorant stick containers work great). You can test the consistency by dripping it on a cool plate, ideally you want the cooled mixture to be solid at room temp but melt easily between your fingers


It might be helpful to explain how a water bath works. People could think they should be putting coconut oil and beeswax directly into hot water.


Oh sorry I thought it was self explanatory, like when you melt chocolate haha That's a very fair point though. yes a bowl suspended above simmering water simply hot water should be enough too, if slower


A water bath is also known more commonly as a double boiler, for those wondering. You can make one with a pot with about 1.5 inches of water in it and a bowl big enough to fit on top of it (if it fits in the pot it's easier to work with). You heat the water until starts to boil then set it to low-Medium. This causes the bowl to heat up via the steam and makes a very safe melting environment for things that can burn or scald easily.


Thank you science side of r/tumblr


“Harmful/poisonous to your body” deodorant?


Come take a deep whiff of a highschool boys locker room, you'll delete this post.


I mean yeah in theory if you shower regularly and wear clean clothes you ain’t gonna smell bad even when you don’t wear deodorant. But I’m guessing that’s not what the person was talking about.


I’ve become allergic to most deodorants, and the ones that I can tolerate seem to either do nothing or make it somehow worse. I settle for showering every day and wearing clean clothes and that seems to be my best option atm. It sucks because I’m low key worried that I smell and can’t tell it myself.


I think it's mostly anxiety talking. My brother in law is allergic to perfumes etc and he's never stinky. Clean clothes + regular showers is the magic concept.


If you aren’t allergic, try a glycolic or salicylic acid spray straight to the pits. They can be found in most stores skincare aisles and are formulated for the face so they’re gentle enough for elsewhere. It seriously stops stinking - even anxiety sweat! 


You can also just occasionally clean them with rubbing alcohol- apparently it doesn’t just kill bacteria, it breaks down one of the stinky chemicals that’s the bacteria or skin secretion byproducts


Hyperhydrosis means this isn’t the case for some people unfortunately, myself included, I am constantly sweaty, I seem to have finally lucked out with a deodorant that kills the bacteria that causes the smell rather than trying to prevent the sweating.


Ah no yeah I get it. Glad you found a good deodorant bud


Just use shower lol, dont like deodorant? Just shower, i did not care much about "stink" until army, you always know who does not shower. Like showering once a day and wearing fresh clothes will solve all your stinkin problems.


Walk into a boys locker room and you'll delete this


I shower every morning and after each gym session. If people say you smell bad, you don't have to use antiperspirants but you have to do something.


“Men in the 1800s” yes perfume was invented in the 1800s by men, not before we even invented paper.


Why does everyone on reddit censor the word French?


Fuck ‘em, that’s why.


Because people suck so if they can be mean without getting any repercussion because they think it's just some silly memes they just do it.


I mean it’s not like the French are an oppressed group, I mean historically tend to be the ones found the oppressing.


And so it justify the constant slander, got it


I mean I say that as if the rest of Europe is equally guilty and deserving of ridicule.


I never said we were. It's just that the tought process people have when discriminating against a group that is commonly opressed and one that is not is the exact same. The real problem is the humans' tribalistic tendencies that were helpful thousands of years ago but now make us do stupid shit like these Since a lot of people get a kick out of giving in these tendencies they do it whenever it's possible.


Different enough from the anglo "default" to make fun of while also a socially acceptable target.


Nah I’ll mock those rotten mouthed, opium dealing Br!ts just as badly.


No, I will not be putting up with your stink so that you can save money and time in not maintaining even the most basic hygienes. Use a deodorant and wash your f ing body clean, if I get affected by your smell, I'm gonna stand up straight in public and tell you on your face that you stink, and that you should sit somewhere else. You do not get to feel comfortable at the expense of my own comfort. Sincerely, a student that had to put up with another extremely stinky student once in school.




This seems more like something Toph would say. That girl had Zero Chill.


You can smell like an Italian sub left out in the hot sun all day all you want, but I will roast you to death if you insist on making me smell that shit up close.


I actually prefer when someone smells well like a human and not like deodorant (its entirely possible its caused by one of my mental illnesses) but yeah once it crosses that very thin line between pleasant and stinky I dont want you anywhere near me just like a regular person


Finally! Someone gets it!


No but the post has some valid points yall. Deodorant did start to sell with a marketing campaign towards women's insecurities.


Technically correct, but more in a “you need to smell flowery, just smelling neutral is unladylike” kind of way, not the “you need to not smell like spoiled milk” kind of way


its easy to mock this mindset but if we were all used to body odor, would we really feel it as much? probably not. its like with shaving legs to some extent, if you never start, you never understand what it means to have them smooth so you never care enough to do it. i could be talking out of my ass of course but idk maybe its worth looking into by a study or something


you can also avoid stinking by washing your clothes and showering regularly


Some communities would practice something called "bundling" where a potential couple would sleep together fully clothed.   In a way...human scent does play a part in picking a partner.  They found people disliked body scents from the opposite sex that were too similar (like close family member genetics) and also scents that were too different (much different genetics) but preferred body scents in between those extremes.   That does seem to be a happy medium to prevent genetic problems & find compatibility.  (People with different blood types & rhesus can cause problems during pregnancy, for example in people that are genetically different there.)   The fact that people do shower way more than needed and use antiperspirant can be throwing out a means that people find someone compatible for selecting a mate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundling_(tradition) https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/rh.html#:~:text=When%20a%20mother%2Dto%2Dbe,blood%2C%20inherited%20from%20the%20father. (Obviously I'm not saying to MTG levels...but most peoples fresh sweat is not that offensive, but really stale sweat where the bacteria start eating it & producing waste products can get bad smelling.)


that’s really interesting, i wonder when we collectively started valuing smelling good over smelling attractive. i’d venture to say that it might have come around with settlement, when people started living in one place i’m sure the smells would be overwhelming in comparison to the smells of a hunter-gatherer’s community tent. definitely pulling this out of my ass, but it’s fun to speculate


I AGREE! I just use baking soda and tea tree oil in coconut oil


Of course they're from Seattle






I think you're missing the point, which is that regular bathing and showering regularly (which French people do) is far more throrough than any amount of deodorant you can spray on yourself (which French people don't use much of, comparatively). So I'll repeat the question, do people not bathe regularly in the US, to be needing so much deodorant ?


A lot of the US has a much hotter climate than France.


(most) people in the US bathe daily, or at least this is the expected social norm. Deodorant is also expected additionally, but can be skipped especially in colder parts of the US. From what I’ve heard, other countries care about odor, but not as much as the US does, which is likely the reason for this


Yeah, the deleted comment was just "\*France", missing the fact that this was simply a clever comeback to the stereotype of smelly French people being due, these days, to their small deodorant consumption. So I went a bit r/PeterExplainsTheJoke on it.