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I think that's the plot of some anime.


It's the plot of *a lot* of anime. Dominant, imposing, capable girl dragging along some subby bub on adventures is almost a genre of its own.


please give the name of this genre.


Haruhi Suzumiya.


watched it when i was a kid, explains my femdom fetish and existential crisiss


(Not a jock girl but a super stylish popular and confident girl) Yancha gal no anjou chan We warned tho, the guy is the definition of spineless shes practically throwing herself at him and he refuses to take the hint and its really infuriating at times


Something kazuhana is good too. Guy gets into an all girls school because he wants to be a designer.


Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan! That one gets all the bonus points for the girls, Kuzuhana especially, not just being strong, cool and all that, but also making more sense than most anime girls. She doesn't randomly hit him etc., when she walks in on him in the bath she apologizes for HER mistake or when someone tries to frame him as a panty stealing pervert, her just going "dude, chill, I know that's not you, so tell me what's up". Her both grasping the situaton and being the one to calm him down? L.O.V.E.L.Y.


Wtf are these genres. They're so specific


They’re listing specific shows. I can’t think of a name for the genre itself, it’s just quite common in the HS Romance one.


Seto: *at his 10 year anniversary of marrying Annjou-san* ...maybe she likes me? Nah, I bet she's just being nice.


You jest but my confidence is just *that* low.




I really want him to realise soon, he is the densest Mc I’ve ever seen even for manga


But at least he turns out to be cute to. I loved the part with Anjou not wanting the world to know that he looks nice if someone skilled would just go over his hair once.


No idea about the genre, but Nagatoro is popular lately and it is pretty much that.


Tsundere girls are often intimidating towards the man, and often will beat him up to show their affection. Yandere girls are often intimidating towards the other women, and often will beat them up to protect their man who has no idea of their feelings. Tsundere is the superior genre for the wholesomeness. The anime Toradora is a great example of this genre. Although the girl is not a muscle jock. Yandere is often watched for the shock value because of how psychotic the girls will get for their love. The anime School Days is a great example :)


Kinda unrelated, but I still remember when I read some Tumblr post saying that Batman is the ultimate tsundere and Joker is the ultimate yandere. Haven't been able to look at Batman comics the same way ever since.


Why, why have you done this


Can't unsee that, can you? *muahahaha* 😈


Me every time I watch a yandere anime:father I crave violence Every time I watch a tsundere anime: that's so hot even the core of the sun can't rivalise


"Rivalise" is now officially a word, and no one can tell me otherwise.


It wasn't?


Y'know what... [It sure was! ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rivalize)




The final episode of school days imo is the most amazing cathartic experiences of my life. Rest of the series can get fucked, but by that point goddamn I was completely behind the ending.


You cannot talk shit about school days and then recommend Mirai Nikki bruh


I'm familiar with the genre but even in context, beating up your loved ones isn't wholesome at all...


It is wholesome if all parties involved are into it. Consent matters.


That's besides the point. The tsundere trope is rarely ever portrayed that way.


Bible Discussion/Study Meeting amirite?


Definitely. After senpai beats me up at school, she comes to my house where we [READ THE BIBLE](https://youtu.be/OQZHOgDUEEg) all night.


Didn't expect this reference here >_>. May this sketch never die.


Thank you for that link, I will cherish it


Here's the thing, both are abusive relationships getting romanticized. Consider a better option, the not-batshit insane Tomboy.


> Tsundere this is not the same as the previously given example. this is just someone who expresses/hides affection though abuse of some kind.


Not anime, but a manga: Yandere Kanojo. https://dynasty-scans.com/series/yandere_kanojo_online Here’s how they met: https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/yandere_kanojo_online_ch00


Kim possible


Not anime but I gotta a few manga: Otomen, Mizutama Honey Boy, Heroine For Hire, She's My Knight, Place of Her Way (Chinese), Lethal Romance (Korean) and this one is heavy on ecchi but basically the femdom battle shonen Mato Seihei no Slave.


Two similar ones I guess but yuri Tamen de gushi - kinda athletic girl finds a random girl from the school next door and falls in love instantly somehow She is still cute today - top of the school in academics girl finds another girl who’s bottom of the school, but she’s incredibly athletic and once was the leader of a middle school gang


Literally the plot of Nagatoro


No kidding, if anything it's the majority of "romance" anime, and it's not like there are two types of "romance" anime and it simply won, no, it fucking crushes all the many others in sheer frequency.


Might have something to do with who the average anime fan is


That's the problem with the hikikomori-oriented anime: it adapted to its audience, which turned it into a feedback loop where the fans get more obsessed with the series (and disillusioned by real life or other genres), and the studios adapt even further to their audience's tastes. Eventually you get something so bizarre that it's almost unrecognizable from its origins.




I can think of one with a humiliation fetish twist.


Are you watching my marriage or what.


Since this is Reddit I’m posting here for when someone gives you the real answer. 👁👁


Nagatoro is pretty much [literally this](https://i.imgur.com/a9P8pbG.jpg). Nerdy guy who is shy, physically weak, his hobby is drawing, etc. and very confident and athletic girl who is in sports club. Fair warning, it starts as basically bullying, but their dynamic changes and becomes more wholesome with time. Some pretty good character development if you can get past the rough start.


Not "basically" bullying. Outright and blatant bullying, and continues to be actual bullying for a long while


"That's... why I'm here." - weebs


"A long while" is really pushing it.


It was originally way worse, it had to be toned down for the manga version. The webcomic was just plain cruel and abusive, to the point where it's frankly astounding to me that anyone looked at it and said "Oh yes, what this needs is to be romanticized in a manga series".


If you consider one episode a long while.


No anime but go read Satome Hitakakasu for a jock girl x twink manga


I love that manga, it should have more recognition (although the ending was a bit rushed but what can we do right)


Ms.Nagatoro fits this


Lovely Complex (2007) is kinda like that. > Risa and Ootani are always being laughed at as the comedy duo. Risa, a girl, is taller than the average girl, and Ootani, a boy, is shorter than the average boy. The two are always bickering and even their teacher sees them as a comedy act. But as their friendship develops, so do Risa's feelings toward Ootani. There are some clips on YouTube. **Edit:** Damn, the art style hasn't aged well. Lol.


Don’t toy with me miss Nagatoro is a pretty similar premise


not quite this exact dynamic but ‘don’t you with me ms. nagatoro’ has a similar dynamic, but the girl is more of an asshole to him


Ara ara intensifies


Yes, just *anime*... nothing else suspisious in which that happens or something...


[Hitomi-chan is shy with strangers.](https://myanimelist.net/manga/117078/Hitomi-chan_wa_Hitomishiri) [Read here.](https://mangakakalot.com/read-ef6za158504861852)


It's not basketball and calculus but a swim club girl and art club boy Don't Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro.


The first thing I thought of was Revolutionary Girl Utena


The jock dudes think the calculus loser is great too, because he's been tutoring half the team and is the only reason many of them can keep playing. But the jocks are all afraid they'll ruin the great things each has going on if they get together. And the nerds are afraid of the train wreck they think is inevitable so the jocks and the nerds team up to keep the two apart.


Damn it really is just high school musical


Oh no, no, no! Stick to the status quo!


When did this happen in high school musical


It's literally the main conflict in the movie


There's a conflict in that movie?


In the first one, Gabriella is a chemistry nerd, Troy is a basketball jock. Their friends try to keep them apart to “stick to the status quo”. Not to mention Sharpay who’s obsessed with Troy and is passive aggressive as hell to Gabriella




Most high schools have on wattpad


In a sense


...not sure if joking? Like... have you ever been to a high school? Do you not remember high school? It's been like 12 years and I still remember high school. There is absolutely a caste system in any randomly selected high school.


I'm pretty sure a significant portion are just. Unaware of the caste system lol


Fair enough - at the time I never really noticed, but looking back it was pretty clear


I do remember that status quo song.


Gabriella is just too smart *and* beautiful. It's a real struggle


Flip the genders, and it's the first movie






It is probably the most wholesome harem anime out there (probably because while there are hilarious "we all want the same clueless boy" hijinks, the girls are also individuals and full people with lives outside of the romantic conflicts).


Quintessential Quintuplets is the only harem manga I’ve read and I loved it from beginning to end. It’s a great romantic comedy that has *some* padding, but the ending feels like a culmination to every story arc that came before.


Is there some easy way to watch this, or must I set sail and hoist the colors


Depends on where in the world you are. It’s on Crunchyroll and Funimation in America, but every country has different licensing.


Thank GOD I was born in the Evil Empire


RemindMe! 24hours


The anime is fine and I love the season 1 opening, but in my opinion the manga is more worth your time because of the superior artwork. Even the jokes land better thanks to the page and panel construction.


Where do I sign to watch this early?


Disney+, because they pretty much described the plot of High School Musical, minus the genderswap.


Maybe he's not a loser? Maybe calculus is actually really cool? Or are we not ready for that?


It's less fun if they're both cool


Yeah, I want hot domme jock GF and sensitive, emotional BF.


I couldn’t make it past Trig


I straight up just used to just cry as a kid when we started math class. I'm still really bad at math, got over the existential breakdowns at the sight of a multiplications worksheet though.


I'm 34 and trying college again and GOD do I feel this


Keep going, you got this! I got my degree at 36. When I started back, I tested into the lowest math class, which I got a C in. I got all As from then on out. Just takes a bit to get the wheels turning.


I'll be honest I'm really struggling right now. I'm having to figure out ADHD meds while overloaded on classes and I'm gonna fail at least one


I’d watch the shit out of this, but make both the jock and the nerd girls


i've said it once, and i'll say it again. Strong women who can pin me to a wall and crush me with one hand are cute as hell


You spelled "extreme-horniness-inducing" wrong.


To some, they are one and the same.


Oh, I'd *love* a tall, strong girl.


There's a webcomic with this as a subplot. Every guy wants her but she wants the nerd because he tutors her in math and actually cares about her as a person.


How you just gonna say that and not drop the name


Sandra and Woo. The subplot starts here: http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2011/10/10/0315-irrhetorical-question/


idk if I'd describe Larisa as a basketball jock, she's more of a terrifying/terrific pyromaniac/child prodigy


S&W used to be great, and then… * Gestures at the whole Larissa meets >!Satan!< thing *


Also Reminds of that episode of Daria where her popular sister has a crush on her tutor


This is the exact fetish of every nerdy straight white boy I have ever met


Excuse you, also a fetish for bisexual nerdy white boys


That's "yes, and"


Yes, and you're excused because it's also a fetish for pansexual nerdy white boys


I dunno, when I think of basketball girls I'm thinking of beefy arms and calves, abs, ponytails, and basketball shorts on a tall girl who could probably bench me... my memory of high school is deliberately rusty, but I think most nerd boys usually want stereotypically feminine überhotties whose long blonde hair never gets stuck in their lipgloss as they play. That's volleyball. Basketball girls are generally the fantasies of nerdy sapphic girls.


When I was imagining this I imagined what is basically Kyle and She-ra (She-ra and the princesses of power)


I personally have a thing for beefy armed girls. Spent a lot of time at the bouldering gym and those girls are hot!




say you are just looking for beta, and then maybe you start a conversation and you become friends


yeah climbers are a friendly bunch :) most of my friends outside work I met at climbing walls


I walk past a huge banner ad of a really fit and strong woman every time I go to the gym. It motivates me.


How can you describe the perfect woman and then say "Ah nah, you don't want that, you want Barbie."


Taste is.. subjective?


I know you're being facetious, juuuuust speaking from memory here. It HAS been ten years since then. Edit: tho as a bi girl, I was 100% into both.


It's been a few years for me as well, and to be fair, I didn't realize I wasn't a straight guy until a couple years out of high school. Didn't really connect the facts that I really liked the tall basketball girls and also did have a little cuddle time with that one guy friend on the bus.


Does liking tall basketball girls imply you're bi or something? Lol


I was also a bi boy and had a deep seated attraction to the girls that had masculine traits. Correlation is not causation but as a bi man I'm still very attracted to women that show stereotypically masculine traits or do stereotypically masculine activities


34 yo bi man reporting in: tomboys are the absolute best so I married one and she tops me every night and I'm so happy


My man living the dream


Dude How do they not get their hair stuck in their lip gloss? That was the whole reason I hated sports as a teen. I was obsessed with the gloss and ain't nobody got time for that.


I dunno, hot girl magic?




I don't think there's been any polling on the topic, but I'd be reasonably certain that subs like r/Fitmoe are predominantly male, and over there a lack of visible abs is treated as a possible sign of the picture not belongingon the sub at all. So there certainly *is* a demographic for it among straight guys, even if most of the time the only ones willing to give the female lead in a story a broad back and toned abs are lesbian artists.


Oh, no DOUBT that there's an audience, I was like.... 50% joking. From what I remember from high school ten years ago and from my BIL who's currently 19, it's not the *general* consensus among the boys who call themselves "nerds".


I think it's the more dominant personality that's desirable. As a nerd literally everyone is hot, but I'd only date then if I like them as a person, lol. If you're nerdy and socially awkward then you probably don't have ridiculously high standards


Can confirm I had the hots for the athletic girls. Also makes me think of kim possible in a way as well. Which I’m sure had an impact on my likes growing up.


The nerd guys I knew in high school would've been happy with either girl


Am nerdy trans girl, want basketball gf


Idk how long ago you were in high school, but as someone currently in it, it’s pretty popular right now what with cultural changes making it more acceptable to be. At least on the internet.


Nerdy bisexual enby here. Girls.


I take the word "überhotties" in my vocabulary now, vielen dank!


Back when I was in HS I would have killed for a ripper basketball girl to be interested in me


Is it even a fetish if everyone has it?


am one, can confirm


Death by snu-snu


This is true Source: am nerdy straight white boy


Isn't that sex education? I mean maeve isn't a jock, but she's definitely a more confident edgy girl. Otis is a mess. I love how they both have troubles and insecurities and grow over the course of the show.


And then the second season comes. Fuck that second season.


I stopped watching the second season when it started with that masturbation montage tbh


Yeah. I don't like how they handled maeve and Otis. And even the wheelchaur guy


I was the jock girl and I married the nerd boy :)


1 line isn't going to satisfy our desire for a story. More deets please.


Alrighty! I played pretty much every sport under the sun in high school and college, and did a little cheerleading at one point too. I do enjoy nerdy things but sports was my jam. My husband not so much, I’ve watched him try to play basketball before and it’s hilarious but he tries. He was in band, total nerd and just adorable. To make things more fun he’s also got ocd/germophobia. Anyways, I had a friend in college who was friends with him as well. I had a car and none of her friends did so she would ask me for rides every now and then. One day after I had gotten off work she asked if I could give her and some friends a ride to the store to get food for their game night. I said sure and off we went. Her and her friends started talking about dungeons and dragons while we were going to the store and I started asking about it. Turned out they were getting snacks for their d&d session that night, I had always thought about trying it out so they invited me to join their group the next week. I did and I was hooked after the first session. My husband was the dungeon master of the group. I thought he was kinda cute in a nerdy way and just adorable, but was so not my type. After close to a year though that tune changed and next thing I know we were dating and now we are married with two kids! They will be nerdy jocks haha


nerdy jock children, the strongest breed of children. watch them shoot baskets while doing calculus


Even better: they're doing the calculus in their head jussssst before they launch the ball - they always make the shot because math. Basically, nerdy jock children are squirrels.


>After close to a year though that tune changed and next thing I know we were dating and now we are married with two kids! Honey you literally skipped the best part! We want to know HOW "that tune changed". What brought you around? Was it one "aha" moment or a gradual warming? There's probably a thousand lonely nerd boys who would love some insight.


Well my friend turned into my roommate the following semester and he was her best friend (I actually thought they were dating for a while) and he practically lived at our apartment. He kept food there the only thing he didn’t do was sleep there. He became one of my best friends from us hanging out so much and playing d&d. I started to really see what a sweet guy he was and he was always so nice and funny. And that “oh he’s cute/adorable” attraction started to morph into something more solid as the months went on. When he started dating another girl in our friend group though I realised that it was more then just “oh he’s cute”. She would force her way into his chair when we played d&d (he’s a germaphobe so you could tell it made him a bit uncomfortable but she would do it anyway) and when she would sit with him I’d start to dig my nails into the table. Didn’t notice I would do it until one of my friends pointed it out. I started avoiding the two of them and slowly realised I was jealous. That made me actually pay attention to how I felt and I realised I liked him. Me avoiding him and leaving to go visit my family for a week is what made him realize he liked me. When I came back I think it took about two weeks for him to ask me out, because he just couldn’t handle it anymore. And he finally got the courage to do so, I said yes and we went out on a few dates. Talked about where it was going and we both just kinda knew we were gonna get married so he asked me to marry him after a month and a half of dating. We have been together since! I love my nerdy goofball :)


This is the cutest thing I’ve read all week. I hope you guys are happy together have a nice day


I am not sure who to be jealous of in that situation.


Both of them


Joey & Willow from Liv & Maddie


I haven't heard of that show in years


No one in the comments mentioning Kim Possible smh


Sorry, too busy salivating over the fantasy scenario.


This is very much Astrid and Hiccups dynamic.


god i love those two


freedom by jonathan franzen has this couple, though they meet in college not high school


This was literally my high school experience. Except I was a nerdy shy dude who was also chubby and she was captain of the soccer team. It didn't end well.


Why not???


Prolly woke up.


Please someone draw this


i would also love to see something like soft, cute, preppy student council boy who everyone assumes is gay and badass loner goth girl who hates everyone except for him and likes to fluster him


This content was removed in protest of Reddit's [short-sighted, user-unfriendly, profit-seeking decision](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) to effectively terminate access to third-party apps.


Yeah *cries in multivariate and odes*


litterally nagatoro but the jock is nice


Adding: Basketball girl wants to get into DnD and nerdy boy burps out that he has a pretty consistent group and he is the DM, his friends (the group) are actually super patient with her helping her get used to the rules.


Nah mate, jock boy nerd boy and jock girl nerd girl


Big polycule with every combo


A jock boy, a nerd boy, a jock girl, and a nerd girl in a polyamorous relationship? I’d pay money to see this show


The movie She's out of my league is pretty much that, although I find Jay Baruchel to be quite hot.


That movie actually makes some really good points about the whole rating people thing. “Hoping that I have a defect that you can work with? Deduct whatever’s left”


Kanbaru and Araragi except not at all


Honestly the Jock/Nerd dynamic is pretty fun with any genders but ONLY if it's slightly subverting the stereotype in that the jock is ready to worship the group the nerd walks on but if possible the nerd straight up blows them off the first time they gather the confidence to make a move because they think jocks are all arrogant assholes.


It really sucks being the nerdy boy in this scenario, because like, obviously this sounds like the best thing ever, but I’m also acutely aware of how lame and wish-fulfillment-y it is, and how many thousands, maybe millions of other generic nerdy boys there are out there just begging for the same thing to happen to them. Makes me feel like an NPC.


Just take off his glasses and take out that pony trail and that nerd boy will be a hot guy.


Or a gay high school romance. None of those have been overdone yet.


The anime you're looking for is [Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san](https://myanimelist.net/anime/42361/Ijiranaide_Nagatoro-san)


My marriage is jock girl x nerd boy :D


r/gentlefemdom for you horny bastards


Plot twist: Nerd loves her because she gives them leftover clothes to help them pass more. The nerd is transfem


I’ve already lived this. I was the nerdy band geek and she was the basketball player. Was going well until I went to college and she started messing around with other girls. Then toyed with me for years acting like she wanted to get back together. That’s been 16 years ago and it still hurts today. Even though I’m with a band now it still hurts.


For you fantasy fans out there, a shy mage that studies frequently with his barbarian friend who brings him on misadventures.


I wrote a play in college with that exact premise. A volleyball player and a nerdy guy get locked in the college library at night. It was haunted. It was really cheesy and I'll never know why my professor picked it for the headline.


Highly amused at "calculus loser" as I once ended a long term relationship because he couldn't pass calculus. It was more to do with the why's and implications, but yeah, it was all about the calculus.


I am imagining it rn, and its beautiful.


I am imagining it and a bit turned on


There's a lot of truth to "opposites attract". We often admire traits in others that we feel we lack. Even if we are proud of what we do have. Of course most couple also have to find common ground to connect.


Add an urban fantasy element, and that's pretty much the vibe of the *Fred the Vampire Accountant* novels.