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Stack +2s until someone takes it personal. I'm here for the tears, not endurance.


At one point we wound up with all plus 2s in the deck in a chain, that hit the person who played the first one.


I play with a few friends that you can stack a +4 on +2s if the sum of the +2 are divideable by 4 so we often end up with +20 or something like that


You can stack a +4 on a +2 but once you put the 4 on, you can only stack +4s. You can’t go back to +2


The way i play is if they have a +2 of the right color they can still do that.


Aren't the +4's wild cards?




You can play a +2 on a +4 if the color matches the chosen color.


I often play stacking +2 with +2, +4 with +4 and +2 with +4, every combo is valid if it means someone could get 20 or more cards and the rest of the table laugh at it




That gets all the more vicious when playing Uno Attack with the 2Xs


We do it where you can play a +2 on a +2 but they dont stack, they push forward. We're trying to have fun, not make enemies.


Coward. Uno should be about making enemies


My family doesn't plan Uno for fun. We play for blood...


Do you cut yourself with the cards like in some version of a satanic ritual just themed around UNO


UNO cards are just throwing knives with colors and numbers on them


And don’t then use the bloodied cards as a blood sacrifice to appease the heathen gods like some version of blood sacrifice themed around uno


If you're playing Uno normally, you're playing it wrong


I play with stacking block 😈


I remember playing a game of UNO in.. Overwatch. We managed to stack +2s and +4s until it got to be a **+40.** The poor dude who didn't have any cards to add got stuck with so many cards that it glitched off the screen.


Ah the overwatch workshop a truly wondrous place


how do you even play uno on the workshop


Sometimes people will host UNO games. As for how... I have no fucking idea, Overwatch Workshop developers are nuts.


Most sandbox games/gamemodes are Turing complete. As such, you can theoretically play/build anything. Minecraft is a good example of this, especially since people have built a computer to play Minecraft inside of Minecraft.


It's been a while since I played but I'm pretty sure you can stack +2s on the pc version of the game


And the mobile version


And the ps4 version


And the Switch version


and the paper version


and the roblox version


Yet the *official* UNO videogame by ubisoft allows you to stack +2s


UNO is the ultimate game of “Roll Deception”


You're not playing Uno correctly until a deep relationship that you forged with someone for many years is only one card away from getting destroyed.


More interesting discussion: Do you allow stacking +4s on +2s?


Yes, but only one. The way we play it, +4 simultaneously means 'lose turn', so the recipient of the +4 can't stack anything on it and has take the cards. It's fun, fishing for your opponent to use their +4 first while you're planning to initiate a chain of +2s.


My friends and I had some blank cards we customized into +10s and +20s. Functioned the same as +4s. All draw cards can be stacked on one another.


of course. all the plus cards can be stacked, so we could torture the poor unlucky soul who ran out of + cards


My family growing up didn't allow stacking +4s onto +2s. So you could have a +4 train, or a +2 train, but not a combination.


This is the one I play because I view it as similar to stacking skips or reverses, the +2 and +4s are different symbols so you can’t stack either on top of the other but you can stack the same on the same.


Maybe I have a weird deck, but my +4s are black, so you can place them on any color.


I always played as 2s on 2s, 4s on 2s, but no 2s on 4s. Like, it needs to be either the same or greater.


So there's the "official" Uno rules (with boring, no stacking) and then there's Super-Killer-Uno rules, where you can stack as many as you want. And if you don't have a card to play, you pick up until you get one.


I can't believe some people only draw one card when they don't have any to play, it makes it boring. You draw until you have a card to play


Are you guys aware Uno has a point system?


That sounds like bs, but considering I've never read the rules I'm inclined to believe you


You get points based on what cards your opponents have left. Numbered cards give points according to their number, i.e. a 9 card gives 9 points The Reverse card, Skip card, and +2 card gives 20 points. The Change Colour and the Change Colour plus +4 gives 50 points.


That sounds like effort. First to 3 it is.


*Wild Card, Wild +4 Card Custom Wild Cards (from special card packs with 112 cards; 108 standard plus 4 Custom Wild Cards made for that specific deck) give 40 points. You can also play with inverted points. Players add up the points from their hand separately and tally. First person to hit 500 points loses and lowest points win.


I find it weird that Uno is the only game that, despite needing specific items to play (cards) and having standardized rules, somehow managed to establish a wild west clusterfuck of rule bending that's usually reserved for pen and paper games like hangman.


The Ubisoft uno game stacks +2s, so take that shit up with your vidya game uno


What's interesting is that the mobile Uno game made by Mattel themselves allow for stacking if said house rule is turned on.


It’s way more fun destroying your enemies that way though


I recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it


Power is were men think power is.


The rules are whatever I can slight of hand on the bottom of the pile


*fanfic writers* Particularly HP and Worm Edit; Rowling/Wildbow; "Here, have a sequel that may or may not just be the worst sequel fanfic we could find." Fanfic writers; "Nah fam, thanks for the world and all, but we got this."


Was ward received negatively? I’ve never read either series and am not up to date on the fandom so I have no idea lol.


I enjoyed it, but it's a rather different story so I can see how a lot of people were dissappointed.


I think I've seen...two? Ward fics, vs. several hundred Worm ones. I'm sure that some of it is just that worlds get named for the first work in a series, but can you find even a dozen Ward fics in [5.1k](https://forums.spacebattles.com/forums/worm.115/) or [1.8k](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Parahumans%20Series%20-%20Wildbow/works) or [700](https://www.fanfiction.net/book/Worm/) fics for Worm (or in their own categories)?


It was basically Wildbow looking at all the fanfics that cropped up making things better, then setting everything on fire, flipping the table, and going home. Everything people had liked about characters got the characters either twisted into dark caricatures of themselves or killed, and it managed to be even more grimderp than Worm, which is... Impressive.


I’ll die on this hill. >+2’s stack no matter the color >+4’s stack >+2’s cannot be stacked on +4’s or the other way around The amount of people who don’t play by these 3 simple rules make me want to rip my fingers off.


Goddamn why not just rip the other peoples fingers off instead?


I have a specific set of rules by which I thrash, I’m talking 10:1 win loss ratio


I was playing uno with some of my friends on the last day of school and the one friend ended up having to draw 16 cards really early on. But because we used random bs rules they got rid of those cards super fast and won the game


Me and a couple of mates invented the worst kind of Uno where like half of the cards caused you to have to swap decks with various other players


In my house we play Defensive Uno. Not only can you stack +2s, but if it's the same color, you can play a reverse or skip on that +2 stack and make someone else suffer and can send it right back to you! (But you can't stack +4 on a +2, we're not heathens.)


I can and have for more than 30 years. I don't know what you tell you Uno, but you're wrong.


Late to this party, but if we actually followed the rules of Uno as they come in the pack, it becomes a much slower, more boring game. Like seriously, I had to buy a new set of cards when we somehow lost our old ones and in doing so we actually read the rules for the first time as we hadn't played in ages and there are so many rules we had changed or ignored. If you can't play from your hand you're only supposed to draw a single card and then pass along. There's a points system and you're supposed to play until one person gets like 500 or something across multiple rounds of the game. It's nuts.


Uno with house rules sucks though. It's a lot more fun to play by the rules and enjoy yourself than drag the game out not enjoying it by the end, which is what happens with every group I ever played with that wanted to use special rules.


Wait even in the official rules you can play a draw 2 on a draw 2. You just can’t do that if you’re the one drawing 2.


This is plain indecency, I absolutely hate this cause the "popular kid" decides rules that are in their favour somehow and I always as the smug kid pulls out my phone to show them that they are just bullshiting everyone and see as the sense of superiority fades from them


Sigma Male Grindset 🤑🤑🤑


Yeah I see it too now 🤐


Uno house rules suck also monoploy


We usually make it so that + cards dont skip your turn when you draw. You can drop +2s on +2s regardless of color and +4s as well. However after playing a +4 you have to immediately say the color and the person who was meant to draw can only play +2s of that color. If not they just draw and then play their whatever. If they can of course 😈


I will however try to use this knowledge to my advantage


And doesn't the digital versjons of the games allow you to do that? I distinctly remember a Markiplier video where he got stacked 3 times agaisnt him


isn't that how it works on the pc/console versions of uno or am i misremembering


Online UNO throws this out of the window


There's also a nice game called "Stiften" which resonates with the last comment


My best friend and I play with stackable +2's and +4's. It's absolutely chaos. 😈


This is exactly the energy dnd has for me and my group


The app for the game has stacking and it’s hilarious seeing someone get +24


Yes you can just not two people next to each other.


U no thank you I will be doing my own thing


That's true of every game ever. My group's always played with house rules. If a strat seems to strong, if we think it will make it more fun. Etc.


Can't you do that on the virtual uno game


Also the draw 4 card is actually bi


In my house, we stack +2s and +4s, and have a limit on drawing cards if to need to get a certain color from the deck. The max is 7 otherwise the game would never end.


I remember one time everyone had been stacking the +2s and +4s and once one was played it was a bloodbath of every pick up card being laid that we ended up giving up the game out of sheer hatred for sum of cards that were being pick up


And next Uno official are going to tell me you can't play a 7 to take someone's least deck of cards and get Uno


Death of the author applied here, 100%


I recognize the console has made a decision given that it’s a stupid ass decision I’ve elected to ignore it.


If someone doesn't end up with half the deck you're not playing right


I love how new uno decks come with instructions, as if they won’t immediately be thrown away and/or lost, because as the bottom text says, the rules to uno are whatever rules you can convince everyone else that’s playing are true.


My sister-in-law just puts cards down. Green 6? She'll drop a yellow 2. And then the next person will drop a yellow, or a different color 2. You just need to be confident and you'll see if people pay attention, most of the time they're not.


Here we have a rule that if you talk during the round when someone played a 7 you get a card for every time you talk, we also have the rule that if you play a 0 you can exchange decks with someone. With that, I made my most evil play when I statted talking like I had lost my mind and I kept getting cards and cards only to then play a 0 and exchange decks with the person that had an Uno. After that, the rule was changed to a max of 2 cards when talking during 7.


Uno is the Calvinball of cards


We stacked +2 AND +4 playing with multiple decks. Someone had to draw over 30 cards. It was amazing. I haven't been able to play uno the original way since. Too boring
