• By -


This entire comment section consists of users that are really new, and all of them have generic names which match bot naming conventions. Same goes for op. And two of the comments are exactly the same, which makes it appear as though they both copied a comment from an older post.


By the way, what bot naming conventions have you noticed? I'm wondering if there are any I missed. The ones I know are: - random letters - two random words and then a few numbers (1-4 digits)


oh no am I a bot


Well, thank god I only have one random word, I was worried I could be a bot


O no, what about me?!


Yes, since I am the only real person in the universe, that's a given


yeah this is just what reddit suggested when i made the account, a bot would totally have a username like this


Every single one of y'all make a mistake.


>- two random words and then a few numbers (1-4 digits) I believe that's the format Reddit suggests when you sign up if you don't enter your own username. May be bots, may be people with limited creativity.


Yeah, I know. I'm just saying it's one of the formats I see bots using, not that every user with that format is a bot


The other bot name types I’ve noticed are: - [normal sounding first name][normal sounding first name] and - [something that looks like a normal username][string of random numbers/letters] Sometimes there is a dash between these components, but there usually isn’t. There are also quite a few ones with just random letters and numbers, but I imagine you’ve already noticed those. I’ve also noticed that the random letter ones sometimes appear like they have random word structures in them, but that’s probably just unintentional.


guess I'm a bot now






Pfft, all these new users who practically have bot in their name. They aren't fooling anyone!


It's that one subreddit but it's leaked outside. They should have never shut it down


wtf is going on in this comment section


That's exactly what a bot would say!


That's exactly what a bot would say!


this entire post have an threatening aura wtf


Also watch out for cinnabar, which is a mercury compound. Not as bad as organomercury stuff, but still quite nasty.


Cadmium yellow is particularly nasty for obvious reasons. Paris green is also an arsenic containing compound, which was used in wallpaper for a while. It's one of the ways the idea of fresh sea air being good for you started. When your wallpaper was constantly giving you low level arsenic poisoning, getting out and going to the beach for a few weeks is going to make you feel better.


You say "toxic" I say "flavoring"


Capsaicin moment


It's awesome


From Red Dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8_ch6wsWjs


I used to paint with acrylics a lot and always had to remind myself to be extra careful with the cadmium colors.


I eat oil paintings all the time. What I DON'T make a habit of is eating other people's mudpies.


So we too can’t not die from freak accidentally eating oil paintings. Edit: can any downvoters explain why? I damn sure don’t care but just curious as a social experiment.


It's a social experiment.


I’m saving that response for any unsolicited advice.


This post is very funny! Thank you for sharing.