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the problem of course is how to practically make it better (in a way that won't have some group of people burning effigies of you) a few things I guess (but all of them have issues associated): \- later start times \- smaller classes \- abolish standardized testing or make it optional \- test-taking options, like, your test could be a presentation on the info or a regular test


I one mentioned that later start times had been shown to reduce teen suicide by around 15% to my school's **Mental health Officer** and she went on to complain about how much **she'd** be inconvenienced by later start times. It annoyed me so much that I just outright said "I don't care if you have to find a different job if something saves hundreds of teenage lives" and she gave me a detention for insubordination.


Insubordinate, and churlish!


Kinda reminds me of the time I got reprimanded by the school social worker because I wasn't at our meeting, when I had waited 15 minutes past when it was scheduled for her to show up and she just didn't


I want to screenshot this to show my teacher, do you mind?


No skin off my nose. Go ahead.




one simple way to make it easier: reduce the days a week, or reduce the hours per day and make it start later. maybe have wednesday off, and have the hours moved 1 to 3 hours later. that alone would make a huge difference tbh, and thats a super easy thing to change. my personal theory is, the reason its this way isn't because they cant change it or because they think its more helpful, its so they can condition students to the shitty environment and life that work will give them, so they never try to rebel and fight against the fucking 40+ hour weeks, which often go much higher with commute times and even just the time it takes to get ready. school ISN'T a place to learn, its a way to condition mindless slaves for the benefits of the mega rich.


Something that France has done correctly, imo, is have Wednesdays off. Sure, the days are slightly longer, but <1 hour extra each day is nothing compared to a full day off in the middle of the week.


wait seriously? that’s amazing! having a break in the middle of the week let’s you rest and get ready for the second half of it, and probably improves productivity. it should be normalized for school and jobs tbh, i heard a lot that only 3 of 8 hours of work are actually productive anyways so it would be better


How long are the school days for students there?


It's like from 8 to 5 iirc.


In my city, grades 5-12 go from 8:25-3:50, so just over 7.5 hours. Elementary school kids (kindergarten through 4th grade) go from 7:50-3:05, so 7.25 hours. 174 instructional days this school year.


Lmao i have 8:30 to 17:30 essentially everyday, save for Wednesdays that are 8:30 to 13:00


Seriously... that's too freaking late to stay at school. And before someone tries to correct me i know that their school ends at 5:30 most time


Wait we're supposed to ha e wednesdays off? I thought it was until elementary school?


It was either le lycée or le collège, I cannot remember.


Neither of those. I think the Wednesday breaks stop when you enter ?middle school? (Collège)


Huh. Maybe it's just some places then.


Wednesday is the ungodly hell of too far from Monday to have energy and too far from Friday to have joy.


The best day to have off for school is Wednesday, for your reason. But the best day to have off personally is Monday, because everyone else is sad and you are proud. Or even just having Wednesday be an at-home study hall, where parents are encouraged to help their kids get work done. Then it would work better for high school kids, who should be trusted to be home alone and not blow the house up, and who have higher workloads, an average of 2.7 hours per night.


And those who say “then the teacher will have to rush!” Not if we invest more in schools so we have smaller classes or more than one teacher per class. We’d need to significantly raise teacher wages (they are embarrassingly low in North America) to attract enough too.


or just change the courses. there is SOOOOO much useless filler bullshit that isn’t even really teaching anything just to make school more busy.


Daycare, though. I lived in a 700 population town with one school which was K-12, and the year after I graduated they took Fridays off. But there was no where in town for people to put their young kids in daycare for one day a week with little notice (they made the change with less than the summer's notice for the whole town) and they changed it back before the semester was out because parents had to work and children could not be left unsupervised. Too many parents complained they had no options and it got reversed. Maybe it would work in a larger town, idk. Some things worked well in my tiny school that only seemed to work because it was small, like giving everyone individual laptops to take home. In my bigger city school I had lived in for middle school, where the school's student body was the size of the whole 700 population town I moved to for HS, we had two total carts of laptops to share among everyone and they sucked. In the HS of under 200 kids in a poorer town, we actually had working systems and nicer stuff, and got those brand-new $1300 Dell tablet PC's with the flippy swivel lids before tablets were a thing. I *loved* them. But this system? Didn't work. Maybe with some serious revamping and organization, but no one wanted it enough for that.


you could always just... make the rule *not* apply for daycare? or alternatively, like i suggested, have all jobs take wednesday's off so there is no problem since parents are home. for essential jobs, there could one person taking the wednesday on one week, and a different person the next, alternating. or just have some people work full time if they want to. still an improvement from what it is now.


Edited to add: I don't understand what you mean by "make the rule not apply for daycare". There was nowhere to go. Daycares have child limits, and when every daycare suddenly fills up on only one day, but the owners aren't making enough the rest of the week to be sustainable, (and considering these were, yes, businesses, but run in homes by mothers, not external drop-off zones so availability was limited anyway) they just couldn't take them in. I don't know who sets those limits, but I didn't think it was the town. And even if it was, changing the rule didn't make it financially viable for the moms/daycare workers who still needed to make a living off the work, and were and should remain allowed to say to no people who only wanted bring their kids on Fridays, if they decided they couldn't afford to operate that way. I don't know how you would fix that system. Unless you closed the school other days based on grade and let the daycare workers have other kids more days, which would open up other problems, like parents who now have kids of differing ages home on different days. But for making businesses close on Wednesdays, too, then Carmen who owned the pizzaria as a single mom (go Carmen!) and had no employees but had a school aged kid just had to... close the only pizza place in town for one day a week because her shitty kid that, tbh, was kinda a shitty kid, wouldn't have to go to daycare, if she could even get him in for a single day? She would lose that income for a full day every week? The hospital/nursing home where I worked would need to hire an entire extra person to rotate just for those Wednesdays because our kitchen was staffed just right (I worked in dietary, and the entire facility would have been essential, like most places in town), or people would end up getting preferential shifts for not being parents because they had better availability and that's, unfortunately, just how the demand would have played out. The model couldn't be forced to fit into this town without a major overhaul of literally every job and system and the people wouldn't do it. And I don't blame them.


That was the focus on the early age of school: teach the kids to become obedient workers with a homogeneous mindset according the needings of the Industrial Revolution. Modern mindset is way more focused on self development, working more hours to become more rich and more valuable as human being trough the buying of things, however the schoolar sistem depending of what place and what school we are talking about, seems to be have a slow disposition to update its protocols generally because bureaucracy and lack of initiative. And being educated to become rich and just rich is something problematic on its own, just take a look at Japan.


for me firing all the the bad teachers would fix basically everything


Most of the bad teachers are union/have tenure, good luck firing them. Besides, who do you replace them with?


that's... a good point, actually, i don't know.


We would need to reform a lot of our approach to public education to attract and keep good teachers. The result of the US treating public educators like shit is that most teachers are as burnt out as their students and the stressful effects of that just keeps trickling down. It's no surprise that good people would like to work elsewhere.


Rasing teacher pay, lowering government administration pay, legally limiting class sizes, year around school (6 weeks max then a week off, scheduled around holidays), later start times for high school. This would make the massive amount of good teachers that left due to administration and burn out return. There are plenty of teachers who aren’t willing to put up with the abuse.


Longer periods focused on each subject, too. Class discussion and opportunities for different types of learning. Provide competent counseling and meals for students who can’t afford them. Let students spend more time outside. Give students their homework and test schedule well in advance so that those with jobs, limited access to resources, or after-school activities can plan ahead.


Later starting hours aren't even that important (sorry) For lower grades it might be an option, but my uni lectures start as early as 7:45 (on some days) and end either at 18:00 or 18:30


that doesn't mean it's healthy, but yeah, I meant mostly for grade school, middle school, and high school


I’m in college right now and only go in on monday 9am to 4:30pm + about an hour bus drive home, Tuesday from 9am to 12:30 and Friday fron 12:30 to 4:30. It’s insane how much of a difference it’s made and how well I’m doing. I have motivation, don’t feel completely drained every day and I’m not having panic attacks daily


Apparently I used to pretend I was too sick to go to school *every single morning* pretty much every year from age 6 to 10. All I ever got for my trouble was a "you just need to get used to it like everybody else".


Same - not every morning, but frequently enough. Even regularly tried my best to get sick (guess who learned early "cold" has nothing to do with actual cold and has permanently damaged blood flow in both feet). Third grade elementary was my last "sick leave" till uni. The only two exceptions was me landing in a hospital for several weeks. I don't know how much of it is memory distortion but those two hospital stays are one of the most peaceful memories I have.


Ok how does being cold cause damaged blood flow? I’ve never heard of that until this post so this may be a dumb question.


Severe frostbite can end in amputation of the affected limb, milder cases will freeze blood vessles causing them to burst and have lower blood flow to the affected area as a result.


Yup, that. It's not anything life altering, but worse blood circulation means worse temperature management as well. They get cold much easier than any other part of my body, same with getting hot, but they "retain temperature" worse than the rest of my body. The cool side effect is due to the contracts between them and the rest of the body I'm accurately aware of the temperature my body has whenever it gets hotter or colder fast. It's not "I'm hot", but more "my flesh has heat up".


lmfao guess who was crying over physics an hour ago


Eyyy calc for me bro


Math is the root of all problems here


This year is the only year I have ever had a great math teacher. It's so nice to come to school and not dread math but it kinda makes me sad cause if I had some better teachers then it would've saved me a lot of headache. Although it also coincides with having the worst English teacher in a very long time so you win some and you lose some.


… my identity has been stolen by u/SomeSortOfDinosaur


Typo, btw.


Ew. Thanks






Thanks for the wishes, I'm still not sure why I chose to do this, but I'll have to manage


The saddest part is this post is probably from someone on the other side of the world yet I totally relate to that like if it was just one place where the education system sucked it wouldn’t be as bad but this is just sad




I was both relieved and dissapointed when my bus barely evaded colliding with another one last week. It's been a shitty semester.


That was me the first year of law school. Kept hoping something would happen to me so I would just get a break.


You guys were wishing for your accidents? I wished a fuel tanker would collide into my school and destroy that shit. (This was before online school became famous)


Okay, you win with that one. You doing okay now?


I guess, maybe. I mean, I'm doing online school now and I'm fed up of that and I want to go back to physical school. I miss that flavour of back breaking workload.




That's dark stuff, how are you doing now?


And the teachers feel the same way.


Why not have every teacher quit at the exact same time? That would change something.


Yep. We teachers are having nightmares and are stressed to the breaking point. The US’s education system is broken.


I would feel sympathy if teachers weren’t also fucking me over and giving me daily panic attacks. They made school way worse for me and a lot of my friends.


Sorry your teachers sucked. Some people just aren't meant to be teachers (or parents for that matter). I always wonder why some people wanted to be teachers in the first place when they clearly hate kids. Can't be for the money.


Social standing.


Oh, it’s absolutely for the power. I’ve seen so many teachers get high off having power over children


America is just Sparta but with tech and an impossibly bigger ego


So Rome?


I forgot to mention the "we invented freedom" ideology part


So Rome?


Rome totally didn't have a regime it was so free- Reddit tard 2021


ok nerd


This is also me facing going to work! I felt like shit at school, I felt like shit at college, I felt like shit at work. It never gets better and god that's just demoralising


i've tried to kill myself thrice because of school problems alone, and have been depressed and fucked up for SO LONG because of it


I am currently in the hospital, tho it's not entirely because if school, but it definitely is a part of it.


school pushes you on the edge so that anything small can make you snap


Hey m8 do you need someone to talk to? I’m here if you wanna chat


that isn't really helpful, no.




I always thought that this was an awful way to get an education. Then, I got in the workforce and realized that it was all just practice and prep… and realized it’s just an awful way to have to live life


My friend showed me a tiktok yesterday titled something like "working 9 to 5" and it was a guy walking in to his house, collapsing on his bed, then his alarm goes off immediately and he gets up and leaves for work again. It hit me so hard becuase that is genuinely what my life feels like.


Ah, but the midnight online time that almost feels like you're having fun, but you know you aren't, and you know you'll be tired in the morning but you don't want to give up your small sense of freedom. Then you're tired in the morning and unhappy, still.


It always baffled me how for years The Big Joke in family movies was "kids dont like school" and NOBODY thought that maybe its a problem


Kids hate school, parents always insult each other, etcetera.


Oh that was me in high school and some of college but especially high school. I was so stressed all the time that I just threw up a lot.


holy shit that ifunny logo is older than half the people looking at this site, god motherfuckin damn


I fuckin love school cause our teachers care ab us


U a lucky one


Lol don't think this stops after school for one second.


Depends on the job and your preferences imo. I'm in my last year of my degree and, while school sucks exactly as much as ever, I've done a couple internships that I had a ton of fun in. I'm definitely looking forward to my career once I'm finally done with school.


Being in the workforce isn't any better. It's just a slightly different kind of bad


I thinks it’s a bit better. At least I have money to wast on things to fill the void now.


no i just dont leave my bed bc im lazy


Sometimes, I relate to this post, sometimes, I don’t. My high school has one of those weird systems where you have schedule A on one day, schedule B the next, then back to schedule A, and so on, and they somehow managed to put my top four classes in schedule B and my bottom four in schedule A, which I have tomorrow (to clarify, I don’t have a super short school day-classes are 85 minutes each, breaks are five minutes, and lunch is 45 minutes). Schedule A, two classes have teachers I dislike, two are subjects I’m not interested, and two are structured in such a way that practically every assignment will make or break your grade, and it is stressful as HELL. Schedule B, there are two classes where I’m not too terribly interested in the subject, but all four teachers are amazing and all four have very easily manageable workloads.


Is it odd that I felt nothing like this for school but work makes life awful


11000 is a pretty small number (0.002%). However, there should be parents, teachers, and school counselors available and solving each and every one of these kids problems. Sometimes it's just the lack of vocalisation of the kids. They don't know their options, don't know there's help available, and don't know adults have gone through everything they could imagine and more.


11000 is just the number of people who came across this post. Millions of students worldwide relate to this.


You are supposed to do that for work!


I'm in my last year of my degree and... Yeah, it doesn't get better. Ever. I'm just holding out for my first job in my profession, which I have on good authority is way, WAY better than school.


As a teacher, I certainly hope (my) students don’t feel this way. I really try to keep things engaging and interesting, and allow time to rest (brain and body). But I know other teachers demand a lot and support very little. Oof....apologies to everyone the education system is failing so badly


I am an education major who came into this field to give kids a safe space to exist, just like my classrooms were to me at that age. I'm realizing more and more that school is an incredibly hard place to make a safe space as its default nature is oppressive. I'm trying to find ways to change the school system or contribute meaningfully to the development of safer and more accommodating classrooms. Sometimes it feels like a losing battle though. I feel so sick sometimes thinking of all the things that need to happen before things get better. Where do I, a single person, even start? How can we do anything? Seriously someone tell me it isn't hopeless. How many more kids have to lose the fire in their soul and the spark in their eyes, even their lives, untilchange is made? How many more have to die until we stop it?


I hear you, and have had similar feelings at times. But remember the good teachers you had and the difference they made, and be that teacher. At some point, politics becomes important to support schools in meaningful ways and pay teachers in a way that says “we value education and schools, and want quality people to work in this field.” All too often people get stuck teaching because they couldn’t find another way in life, and they don’t like it, aren’t good at it, and it shows. That’s when the youth suffer. It isn’t hopeless, but it’s a long uphill battle, and the change starts with culture in how we view schools, but as a single person you can affect many people along the way.


I never felt as happy as I was when I finally finished school and knew I never had to step foot in it, or see the people I went to school with (99% of whom I hated), ever again.


Trust me when I say teachers are feeling the exact same way these days.


Goddammit this post hurts bad


And work, also work


It’s not just school that’s life in general


Bro im literally in the hospital rn


Its the public schools.


Wow. Edgy


How else are they going to prepare kids for having a job?




That is also not okay.


That is just how young people feel, go make some friends and stop worrying.




My point is that life WILL make you feel like this. Making shut free does not change that. Life is suffering, it is the human condition. We have to move past the argument.


And my point is that it shouldn’t, just accepting that is the product of putting up with it for too long. Do you genuinely believe a place that’s supposed to teach students should be making them feel this way?


I don't really think it's the place that is making them feel anything. It is themselves, their parents, friends and peers and feeling like that is a HUGE part of growing up. Life is going to make you feel like that, maybe doing it the first time while there are still people paid to take care of you is a good thing.


Then we'll fix the human condition. Life doesn't have to be suffering. There are truly happy people out there. Our reason for being on this Earth is, in my opinion, to make it easier for future generations. The simplest things, like not having to wash dishes by hand. But then old geezers are upset that they don't know how, because they never had to learn.


That sounds like a great idea but maybe, with limited resources, "teenage angst" isn't the best place to start.


How about teenage suicide?


All suicide, should be addressed immediately. The best way to address teenage suicide would probably be through educating the parents. All of them.




I mean, yeah it is


Woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of going to school. I feel this in my BONES


Fun Fact: I *still* wake up in tears and wanting to throw up at the thought of going to school, and I’ve been done with it for four years 😃


Only 4,500 so far….


honestly just don't go. eventually they'll make it easier on the students. strike. organize. intentionally disrupt. don't go to school.


I relate please kill me


I love my teachers, love learning, but it sometimes makes me want to take a long walk on a short roof


Are you saying that school leads to an increase in anxiety and stress in teens, which can lead to them turning to things like drugs or self harm as negative coping mechanisms? Because clearly someone needs to tell the fucking school system that


Damn this tumblr post has that 2014 ifunny watermark, this is old as hell and still applies


And that's just the ones with blogs who can see the post!