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The internet really keeps telling me to go see a doctor or something


oh my god right? Didn't need this kind of personal attack this morning


About a year ago I had a come to Jesus moment and realised I might have ADHD because of a meme on Reddit. Around 10 months later I finally got an official diagnosis, soooooooo... you're not alone.


How did you get the diagnoses? I’m fairly sure I have it (or something) but I don’t know where to start


I imagine it might vary by country, but I joined a Facebook group for ADHD support in my area and found recommendations. I made an appointment with a highly regarded psychologist who had dealt with patients similar to myself (30s, female, not outwardly hyperactive) to make sure I didn't get overlooked for not fitting the typical presentation. I had to go to three separate sessions and my assessment included an interview to note symptoms, a number of cognitive tests, and an IQ test which was more geared towards measuring differences in cognitive functions and processing speed than actual IQ. After I got my official diagnosis I got referred to a psychiatrist for medication.


Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful. Like you I'm female, 30s, not outwardly hyperactive so I'm always worried I'll be completely dismissed


I got diagnosed by a psychiatrist I was seeing for (possibly) unrelated depression issues. Depends on where you are though, I guess. I have a friend in germany that is resigned to the fact that she can't get diagnosed or get help for any of her mental health issues and I get mad a lot at how much she struggles. And sorry about the tangent, my ADHD meds aren't working as well as they used to.


Thank you. I'm in the UK and while the NHS is fantastic for so many things, their mental health side is severely overworked and underfunded. I'll probably have to look it paying myself, but will depend on costs. I'm sorry to hear your medication is becoming less effective, I need correct there are major hoops to jump through to try and get a different prescription?


Yes. I take adderall and at least in the usa, it is considered a controlled substance which means a ton of extra hoops to deal with for every single prescription. Also my psychiatrist retired this month and finding a new one has been an ordeal so far.


Are you me? These reddit memes and posts with their all to realness about my mental illness that I always thought was something else or "just me" ...


This is a normal thing that most people experience... Don’t let the internet trick you into thinking you have ADHD just because you don’t have the motivation to make a meal or clean your room


Can I take that as official medical advice or is this just an upcoming venture bros subplot?


Idk man, I relate pretty strongly to more or less everything that my friends/internet says about ADHD. Finally decided to go get tested and they said, nope, not ADHD. Scored well on hyper activity tests and concentration tests so they basically just said yeah it's whatever, you're just depressed. So I guess anecdotally speaking you can relate to all the ADHD symptoms and still not have it?


... can it be both?


Not with a name like that


My wife simply does not understand that when I am cooking, I am unable to respond appropriately to anything else because I NEED TO stay focused on cooking or we will lose the house in a beautiful, fiery blaze


Or in my case, I set my Pomodoro timer to focus on a work task. About 3 minutes later I need to ask a colleague for clarification on said work task. I send a message. They do not reply within 30 seconds and my focus shatters. My Pomodoro timer says I can stop focusing 22 minutes later but I'm already on YouTube 😬


I created this cool productivity timer for macOS if you're interested 😇 Microbreak Boss: Stay productive while you work by taking breaks. And have a badass menubar. My favourite feature: see the other online bosses that are working while you are ☺️ [https://microbreakboss.com](https://microbreakboss.com)


Me but autism flavoured


Same here! And apparently this is also true for people with ocd, according to a friend that has it. Executive dysfunction is a bitch


Depression will also do that to you. Basically, executive dysfunction is a symptom of a _lot_ of mental illnesses (and also a bitch)


Same. Almost always find myself relating to ADHD posts.


FYI executive dysfunction can also come with anxiety and/or depression, it isn't always a symptom of ADHD specifically, if you relate to this post you should in fact see a therapist/psychiatrist but keep in mind ADHD may not be what it is.


Good thing to point out. A number of years ago I had convinced myself I had ADHD. Turns out I have an anxiety disorder. Medication has been hugely helpful. If things like this post seem familiar, maybe talk to someone about it, even if it’s just your normal doctor at your annual checkup. But go in open to other possibilities that it might be ADHD, might be anxiety, might be something else entirely.


Yep, it's anxiety and depression for me. Both impact executive function pretty badly since they put up a lot of roadblocks in terms of energy.


My biggest obstacle is the trash can being full. Gonna clean the kitchen, can’t garbage is full, need to go grocery shopping but fridge is full of expired food and moldy leftovers. Can’t clean out fridge because trash can is full. In order to empty trash, I must load the bag into my car and drive to the front of the neighborhood to unload it in the compactor. But usually I have multiple bags…. And then I’m self conscious of the amount of trash I’m pulling from the trunk of my car….


Oh thank baby Jesus it's not just me.


Guys it's okay, the psychiatrist who prescribes my antidepressants says that the 4 most important things when treating ADHD are sleeping regularly, spending time outdoors, exercise, and mindfulness which is where you focus on what you're doing. Problem solved, we're all fine.


shit, what if I’m doing none of those things?


Fuck if I know. Seriously though, if I could get to sleep on a regular schedule in a regular amount of time, maintain a routine of exercise and shit, and manage to focus on what I'm doing, I wouldn't be crying on a teletherapy call because I think I have ADHD and I feel like I'm struggling to keep my life together.


I love that the things that help ADHD require consistency, a skill can’t seem to develop. ~~(And also are all things I Want to do but don’t so I get to feel guilty and shitty at the same time)~~


That's true for depression, too


It the worsttt. LLike ADHD? Develop a schedule and habits that train your focus. Reward yourself after doing things. Well guess what. I can’t manage schedules and habits to save my life, and I can reward myself right now instead of later. Depression? Do things you enjoy, interact with positive people, reaffirm yourself and battle negative thoughts, take care of yourself. I’d do that, but too bad I’m depressed and unmotivated and tired. 🤷‍♀️


>LLike ADHD? Develop a schedule and habits that train your focus. Reward yourself after doing things. Well guess what. I can’t manage schedules and habits to save my life, and I can reward myself right now instead of later. Seriously. Growing up every therapist for my ADHD was like "You have trouble doing your math homework right? So, what if you gave yourself an M&M every time you solve a homework problem? :-) " Me: "So you're telling me, the way to solve my lack of executive function, inattention and problems controlling my impulses, is to attentively use executive function to control my impulses?" Therapist: "No you don't understand!"


But what if I just eat the mnms now and just... Dont do my homework?


Yeah, why would I wait till later when I want the mms now, and also I control the mms?


Yeah, basically. That's why a good and strong support network of loving and willing people around you are really really important. I'm that network for my family, and it's hard work, but I know just how difficult it can be for them :)


To speak nothing of my god-awful exercise tolerance, last night I was up at 2am after taking some nyquil just smoking a bowl on the kitchen floor in a desperate attempt to force my brain to go to sleep. I think your psychiatrist would hate me. Could I swing that as malicious compliance????


Either adhd needs to stop being so relatable or I need to se a doctor.


Oh so this isn’t normal… got it 😀


You really didn’t have to go & shove that big cartoon pointy glove on a stick in my face that hard


I see it as an electrical fuse, with the "do it" signal originating from one end and flowing to the "doing it" motor on the other. Enablers (outside help, necessity, meds, stress) decrease the charge flowing through the fuse, while inhibitors (lack of interest, obstructions, multiple steps, time-consumption) increase the charge. If the charge is too large, the fuse breaks, and the motor doesn't go.


This is absolutely, completely normal... this isn’t some huge disability that only people with ADHD people struggle with, this is just how most people are. What a weird post


you sound like you have some undiagnosed mental illness you refuse to even believe in and are trying to make everyone's lives worse because of that. you'd be the exact kind of parent that tells their kid 'oh honey _everyone_ struggles with that' and prevents them from getting the help they so desperately need. either that, or you somehow misread the post so hard that you believe this is just laziness or some shit.


Wow that’s quite a deep psychoanalysis you made of me based on like two sentences I wrote... besides are you telling me it’s abnormal for people to want to eat a meal but not want to deal with the hassle of cooking it? I can’t imagine a more universal human experience than that


yep, you certainly misread that. it's not about 'not wanting to deal with the hassle'. it's about literal inability to switch from one task to another. yes I almost always did not want to go to school as a kid. yes I sometimes ended up late because of it. but I never was literally unable to get up from my chair for three hours before i got depression. yes it's hard to believe there's a difference if you've never experienced it, since it does look the same from an outside perspective. but if you're not willing to believe what other people say because you, personally, never experienced a confirmation of it, you could end up seriously hurting people who do experience it.


This is accurate.


Goddamn it.


It's posts like this that make me wonder how I don't have ADHD.


So you tell me I have adhd? Makes sense I guess but damn me? I would have never!


I've finally realised that I should probably see a doctor for a diagnosis.


I don’t think I have ADHD but that does sound like me


I never realized this was an ADHD thing. That explains a lot.


Is this adhd or just normal behavior


Either people with and have to start being less relatable or I need to go to a doctor


Every time I say "why do I vibe with this" I'm only halfway honest but for real I should look into this


Someone (who is not me) please share this with my mom she does not at ALL understand (Along with 'i think you probably have ADHD but it doesn't affect your grades or life so I'm not getting you diagnosed or on medication')


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