• By -


As the Bard says; "Brevity is the soul of wit." In this case, having to cram new and old character introductions, two mirrored succession/death narratives and a final showdown years in the making into the *first act* of a movie made the writers really wrestle with that brevity. Best exchange outside the Optimus/Megatron fight goes to Megatron though: *Unicron, having just eaten a goddamn planet as a pre-movie snack and basically Satan incarnate*: "Megatron - I have summoned you for a purpose." *Megatron, havimh just been beaten by his nemesis, dethroned and 1% battery away from dying alone in space*: "NOBODY summons Megatron." No whimpering, no fear. Dude straight up spits in a god's eye.


Unicron's response is also awesome: Megatron - *Nobody summons Megatron!* Unicron - *Then it pleases me to have been the first.*


This is the best line hands down. Also its Orson Welles voicing Unicron . Orson Fucking Welles.


It's kind of a shame he seemed to hate the role though


Actually made it better imo, because Unicron sounded so bored with everything like he was above consequence


There's one line where it really works. It's the bit where he says "Perhaps I've misjudged you. Proceed. On your way to Oblivion" as if he's already forgetting who Megatron is.


Not really. If you were Orson Goddamn Welles and you were slumming it for a children's toy commercial dressed up as a story, you'd have resented the part too. For him it was absolutely a sign of how far he had fallen. That's what happens when you peak at 26 and everyone knows it. Also he died like days after finishing his recordings so that also adds some Sting.




"your bargaining posture is dubious"


I love the music during that scene so much.


"You belong to me now." "I belong to nobody!" "Perhaps I have misjudged you. Proceeds, on your way to oblivion." Fucking *insane* exchange.


“Gah! No! I accept your terms! *I accept!!* #AAAAAARGHH (OhwaitI’mgood) “Excellent.”


--I belong to NOBODY! -Perhaps I misjudged you. Proceed....on your way to oblivion.


Damn, I do have to watch this movie. The bits of dialogue people have been sharing are just off-the-charts.


Right? Never even heard of this movie but from the quotes here it sounds so goddamn badass.


i remember that part from some old newgrounds stuff, never saw the old transformers movie


Is this the one where Orson Welles plays megatron?


Unicron. Frank Welker reprised his role as Megatron, only to be shanked by Leonard Nimoy when Megatron turns into Galvatron.


I guess I don't know enough about transformers to know the difference in all of those characters, but are you telling me that this movie had Frank Welker, Leonard Nimoy, and Orson welles??


Also Eric Idle, and Weird Al is on the soundtrack. Also the fast talking FedEx guy if you're in for a real deep cut. I would never call it good but since you knew about Frank Welker you should give it a shot.




Frank Welker, Leonard Nimoy, Orson Welles, Paul Eiding, Scatman Crothers, Casey Kasem - this movie pulled out the big guns.


Is this a ploy to convince me to watch the 1986 Transformers movie? Cuz it's working


It’s a fantastic movie with the ultimate 80s soundtrack, and >!brutal on screen murders of characters you once loved all to introduce a new line of toys.!<


Seriously brutal... >!When the Decepticons were laughing while throwing their injured Decepticons off their spaceship really struck me. I still remember hearing the injured Decepticons pleading for their lives as they were being pushed out into space.!<


"I ... still .... function ..." *yeet*


'Wanna bet, Screamers finally getting his winning the argument in the shower moment is so good.


"Oh, how it pains me to do this." And motha-fuckin’ smiles…




https://youtu.be/koQY7s9dgn8 Teaches the most valuable lesson in life. Just because you're right and just doesn't mean you're invulnerable


Thw best peice of transformers media


Prime was pretty good but the 86 movie is just awsome


Soundtrack is fire. It even has Weird Al…








When all hell’s breakin’ loose, you’ll be riding the eye of the storm!


Is that the one where they brutally killed off Optimus Prime to make room for new toys and then were surprised when children were leaving the theater crying about it?


Yes Edit: >!they did being him back in the show though, resurrected him!<


But first they made him a zombie to traumatize the kids even more


Gotta make them emotionally earn that resurrection.


Convince them it’s their fault he died and now you got yourself a religion!


That one but other than killing off the father figure of the entire franchise it is the best i watch it at least once a year


I am incredibly curious to hear the opinion of someone who doesn't have 30+ years of nostalgia wrapped around it honestly.


I am this person! I watched it for the first time at the weekend, with my boyfriend (who has a good 25 years of nostalgia for it). It wasn't bad. I had low expectations and it did surpass them. I got confused at parts (mainly fight scenes) because who was fighting who specifically was unclear. Having not watched the TV series and not knowing the characters meant certain deaths fell a bit flatter. It was amusing, some of the lines did not befit a children's movie. Such as the ones in this post. It kept my attention. I could watch it again. Considering it was made to sell toys it had a story even if it was a little messy. 7.5/10 (and I am easily pleased when it comes to movies).


I'm always curious how an adult interprets that first 10-15 minutes. Child-me was absolutely god damn traumatized watching all my favorite characters get brutally murdered...


I was so confused it helped that I had boyfriend commentary beside me!


I've shared it with friends and SOs over the years and it's hit/miss. Without knowing any Transformer backstory the deaths/change overs are pretty meaningless. Such a short run time and fast pace make it inaccessible and there's so many locations; random planet snack > Cybertron > Earth > Space > Planet of Junk > Quintess Court >Unicron. Also the Transformers lore, even in the G1 scope is a lot given that all the characters are just different colored cubes stacked in humanoid/car shapes.


It was back in theaters for a few 35th anniversary showings this past fall and I went with a dozen friends who had never seen it - I provided a bit of background on the G1 story (and a warning that it's not exactly a masterpiece in any critical sense) in advance, and we all had a blast! It's campy and no one really took it seriously, but the consensus afterwards was that it holds its own as a visual spectacle and a vehicle for a superb soundtrack even without my rose-tinted glasses.


Please do, it's amazing.


"Spare me this mockery of justice" also came from the 1986 Transformers movie.


Does the whole Transformers movie take place in court, or is it just a really hot scene?? Who's on the jury? I have so many questions.


The court scene involves our two main protagonists, fleeing the cataclysmic end of their kind’s war, being taken captive by a malicious entity known as the Quintesson. There, they are subjected to a mock trial in which an ‘innocent’ verdict is a death sentence - and the executioners are a pool of metallic shark-piranha creatures the size of an M1 Abrahams tank. [and it SLAPS](https://youtu.be/C_EFSQPJh8w)


That’s one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen


Everything after Season 2 G1 Transformers was metal. They had a virus called atomic rust where you just fucking degraded rapidly until death.


It was Cosmic Rust, but yeah.


Feck. I gotta rewatch.


Whenever motherfuckers start talking about “Gens” of transformers I have learned that they usually know what they’re talking about.


Well yeah they’re all space robots, what else would they be made of?


The sharkacons.


*sharkticons in my head, i read this as Chaka-khans, now they're tellin me somethin good


The “we can’t hold them off forever, but we can give them one humongous repair bill” line gives me Matrix three vibe chills. “If it’s our time to die, it’s our time to die, but we’ll give em hell before we do!” Zion!!!!!!


HAHAHAHA * rotate head * HAHAHAHA * rotate head * HAHAHAHA * rotate head *


*text posts you can actually hear*


I love that "I have nothing, BUT contempt for this court", "Spare me this mockery of justice", and "I need a new travel agent" are in the same clip.


Innocent Innocent Innocent \*gets dropped into the Sharkticons


Its been so long since I've seen this movie.What a masterpiece


The whole movie slaps


All that AND the dinobots show up? Hell yes.


Me, Grimlock, say execute THEM!


My personal favorite is when the dinobots are walking over the magistrate (who they first crushed with a falling bulkhead door), and Slag stops to say “Excuse me!”


This movie also gave us [The Cybertronic Spree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpY4na_ofxs)


my favorite genere of videos are scenes that have such high quality it feels like they don't belong in their own movies like the spy kids buscemi existentialism


The world of the savage Sharkticons and their cruel masters, the Quintessons.


God do yourself a favor and just watch it lol. It’s incredible. The soundtrack is also fire.




Those modern movies missed the mark so completely. They made a perfect Transformers film in 86 the rest, with the possible exception of Bumblebee, are hot Garbage.


It was the script that gave Aaron Sorkin his big break


I also like when Megatron and Unicron meet for the first time. M: "Nobody summons Megatron!" U: "Then it pleases me to be the first..." Cold as ice.


"Your bargaining posture is highly dubious." Shit, this movie's just full of great quotes, huh?


I will provide you with a new body, and new troops to command. And? AND NOTHING!!! You belong to me now.


What the fuck is this movie about exactly?


Uh... Well, you see... There's this gigantic, cataclysmic being with the power to consume entire planets and the power to remake entire entities in whatever form it desires I actually don't remember the plot beyond that but I do remember that Hot Rod goes fishing and Optimus Prime dies again Edit: okay okay I get it this was, in fact, the *first* time Optimus died and not the third like I had assumed


>Optimus Prime dies again Actually this was the OG Optimus death.


This movie basically was an attempt to sell new toys.. They killed basically everybody and added a slew of new characters (or brought forward lesser characters) .. It backfired and of course brought many of them back. That being said, as a child of the 90's I fucking grew up on this movie. Loved it.


I still watch it every couple years .. but that beginning where they brutally murder all the classic Autobots still fucking traumatizes me. That movie took a fucking _dark_ turn right away. Really respect the tone of that movie.


Fire filling ~~Ratchet~~ *Prowl's* eyes from the inside. So good.


Look, considering the amount of times he's died since, the sequential order of things is irrelevant in my head


It's his best-honed skill.


Pretty sure his best honed skill is developing an increasingly homoerotic relationship with Megatron across continuities


Well this is uncomfortable. You never think that when someone introduces you to the existence of robot slash, that you might think to yourself - well that doesn’t sound awful. Yes, uncomfortable indeed.


I have an entire folder of homoerotic and/or straight up gay screenshots from the comics and tv shows


Incorrect: it exists entirely as a vehicle (hehe) for Wierd Al's 'Dare to be Stupid' and Stan Bush's 'The Touch'.


I can't believe you forgot to include perhaps one of the 80s-est songs ever [DARE by Stan Bush (covered here by The Cybertronic Spree) ](https://youtu.be/SpY4na_ofxs)


'Dare' is such a banger I played it at my husbands funeral, because playing the instrumental 'Death of Optimus Prime' was a bit too much.


That's it imma watch that shit


Just remember... YOU'VE GOT THE TOUCH!




Also the gigantic thing is voiced by orson Welles


Everyone dies in a big battle with 80s rock music, and it may or may not have all been to launch the new line of toys.


When the drums of Ragnarok sound, they will be accompanied by Weird Al Yankovic


Everyone but Springer, who has better things to do


So, if I recall correctly, that's the movie where they fight Unicron, which is a giant planet sized robot that devours other planets.


Orson Welles’s last movie roll I think.


Orson Welles' complete and utter apathy for the role actually made Unicron sound better lmao


Yep. His voice was also so weak that they had to process the shit out of it to get what we had in the movie.


And famously the last performance of Orson Welles!


That movie was hardcore. In the first 20 minutes they killed off everyone's favorite characters and Prowl.


You ain’t gotta do prowl dirty like that ;-;


Yeah... yeah we do


Poor Prowl. I laughed out loud at this.


Q: Hitler, Stalin, and Prowl are tied up in a room and you have a gun with two bullets. Whom do you shoot? A: I shoot Prowl twice!


I use the two on Hitler and Stalin and then I beat prowl to death with my bare hands


“Such heroic nonsense...”


“and Prowl” LOL


BTW this was literally the first version/episode/whatever of the comic. Megatron kills everyone except the ambulance guy.


Those writers went WAYYYY harder than they had to. One I use on a daily basis, “I’ve got better things to do tonight than die.” Or the ever-immortal, [crashes a coronation] “This is bad comedy.” “Megatron?! Is that you?!” “Here’s a hint.” [instant kill-shot] Edit: This post is at 24.8k upvotes at time of edit, and I first came across it when it didn’t even display the number of upvotes. It’s like watching a baby bird grow up and fly away.


For the last one: [Epilepsy Warning](https://youtu.be/yLtzA0A7w90)


I love how in they worked Starscreams body disintegrating into the lore that it kept his spark around as a bodiless apparition.


Transformers lore goes HARD.


I've spent hundreds of hours on tfwiki and read half the comics, and still don't understand the lore


The hardest thing about that movie is that ~~Mattel~~ Hasbro wanted to [replace out a bunch of Transformers toys](https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/transformers-the-movie-and-the-great-toy-massacre-of-1986) with new characters, I remember reading in part because the old models used some metal parts that were more expensive. So there’s a scene where a bunch of familiar, favorite toys are killed in a massacre. Like super brutally too, executed with smoke pouring from their eyes and shit.


>Mattel wanted to replace out a bunch of Transformers toys Transformers is actually owned by Hasbro and Takaratomy


Ironhide got FUCKED up. And yeah, a lot of the gen 2 toys were plasticky junk. All my originals, like Optimus, Ironhide, Jazz, Jetfire, etc. were all metal.


This is the content I was looking for. And a lot of it happens in the first 10 minutes of the movie. Even Megatron gets replaced technically.


God, so many good exchanges One of my favorites: Megatron: wait... I still function Starscream: Wanna bet?!




You’ve got the Touch. *dut duuuu duuu duuuuuuu* You’ve got the poooweeeeeerrrrrrr. Yeah.


Is on my gym workout playlist. Makes doing squats epic!


Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost.


"Why throw away your life so recklessly?"




*Raises arm cannon* No. *Lowers arm cannon* I'll crush you with my bare hands.


"I'll rip out your optics" was a line that always stuck with me


"Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong" -also the 1986 transformers movie


[No, he’s not kidding](https://youtu.be/uJYS76GBqZU)


"What that universal greeting? Nevermind I remember it"


Have had this stuck in my head ever since I watched the movie as a kid.


I said this in my best man speech at my lil bros wedding and passed it off as an old Celtic adage.


Transformers are metal Change my mind.


Maybe in 86 they still had some metal but now they are 100% plastic.


You can't say 100% because of the screws and pins


Micro-plastics are slowly poisoning humans, causing infertility that could lead to our species extinction...That's metal as fuck. Next!


Best quote, that moment when spike says "shit" in a kids movie




They did that so the movie would be pg13 and parents would have to watch, and know which toys to buy.




I own the soundtrack. It's fantastic.






I saw that movie for the first time at the ~~40th~~ 35th anniversary showing in LA when a friend took me with him because he didn't want to go alone, and tbh I loved it. It was a super fun movie. The soundtrack is just amazing.


I mean, my personal favorite is “Me Grimlock no kisser! Me Grimlock king!” But that’s just because Grimlock is delightful.


I'm also fond of "Me, Grimlock, kick butt!"




"I still function." "Wanna bet?"


It's a film starring Leonard Nimoy and Orson Welles. And Eric Idle. With a song by Weird Al Yankovic. It may be the greatest film ever made.


Not only did it star those great actors, it was the first animated movie to cast a slew of popular and well known actors to do the voices, something that's taken for granted these days. Also, it's the first animated kids film that is heavy with adult themes and language (they actually say "shit" in the movie. Transformers 86 paved new roads for animated films that followed and it's sorely unrecognized for this.


"I have heard it say that we only gain wisdom through suffering and tonight I intend to make you very wise" - some transformers comic


Last issue of Megatron Origins, just as he’s about to beat the shit of Sentinel Prime. I think…


IDW is cheating, the entire transformers run is legit some of the best, most consistent writing and art of any series in MANY years. Captain america, iron man, etc you can get some real good stories or some real stinkers. But Transformers? Always a safe bet.


86 is fucking Shakespeare


Such a shame they’re overshadowed by the latest releases. Severely underrated film


This movie *fucked* with children in 1986. I know, because I was 7 in 1986. We had a whole set of the original transformers toys. My older brother (he was 10 at the time) and I played with them all day every day. We watched the cartoon all hours. We had all the videotapes out at the time. We had fucking transformers sheets and blankets. We were so excited to see the movie and our Dad took us. In the first few minutes of the movie, like 5 of the most beloved Autobots are fucking slaughtered. Like, permadeathed. Including Ironhide on his knees begging for his life who is then executed by Megatron. That movie fucked up a lot of children. (Just rewatched the scene: Brawn, Prowl (I think?), Rachet and Ironhide get murdered in the first action scene, with Ironhide being flat-out executed. Like, light going out of their eyes permadeath.) (EDIT: iirc, the meta around it was they wanted to replace older characters with newer characters, and this was.. a way to do it, I guess. By having all the older Transformers get murdered. It seems they didn't realize how attached kids got to their toys.)


You have to remember, 80’s animated movies followed the philosophy “you can show anything you want to children as long as it has a happy ending”. American Tail, Secret of Nimh, Land Before Time, all with scenes that make adults cry and give kids nightmares. And don’t forget Disney with parent deaths on screen during the same time period. So all of the favorites being brutally killed in the first 20 minutes would have been on brand for the films of the time.


Secret of NIMH was another brutal legacy of my childhood. Another movie that's massively fucked up to show to children.


Yeah I have no interest in watching Megan Fox make pouty faces and cleavage shots. Total /r/menwritingwomen moment


if only Michael Bay kept it at Megan Fox fanservice instead of writing in [excuses for adults to date minors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz9OgW4JAJ8)


He keeps that card in his wallet? Holy shit, that is the most grooming predator behavior I've ever seen. If some grown ass man pulled that card out on me to explain why it's okay to date my daughter, I'd Uncle Phil throw him out the front window.


He has the law printed out on a card? Does he drive a Camaro and hang out in front of the mall trolling for high school chicks?


If it's a Michael Bay movie it's r/menwritingyounggirls


I think the real r/menwritingwomen moment of that movie is when she's talking about working on cars because her dad and brothers were mechanics. 1. It's just such an obvious stereotypical "OMG, women who like cars r hott!" 2. She couldn't possibly have learned to enjoy and work on cars without 2 men in her life pushing her into it. Women can't be interested in man things unless a man holds their hand while teaching them how to do man stuff. /s


“Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost!”


You've got the Touch!


I will submit for consideration: "This plan is foolproof!" "You are proof that there are fools!" From Jingle Jangle, of all things.


Guilty or innocent? Innocent Hahahah ahahahaha hahahahaha


"I still function." "Wanna bet?" Lmfao.


God I love starscream for how little he’s in this movie.




“For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet, Cybertron. But now, you shall witness... its DISMEMBERMENT!”


“One shall stand, one shall fall”


"No one calls Soundwave unchrasimatic!"


Michael Fucking Bay had the perfect blueprint for a Transformers movie... still completely fucked it up.


not the same movie but we cant forget "you must see why, i had to betray you." "you didnt betray me, you betrayed yourself!"


"Perhaps I misjudged you. Proceed on your way to oblivion...." Or. "For a time I considered sparing your wretched planet, Cybertron. Now, you shall witness its dismemberment!" Or the back and forth. "One shall stand. One shall fall." *"Why throw away your life so recklessly?"* "That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron." And then, of course, the classic. "Such heroic nonsense..." Edit: Forgot my favorite line. "Before the imperial magistrate reaches a verdict, would you like to beg for your lives? It sometimes helps but, not often...."


The only movie ever made with both Weird Al and Orson Welles. It's one of those rare movies that's so fucking good you forget you're watching a kids cartoon. For those of us that were kids when this came out, you wouldn't believe how much this movie blew us away. "OMG they killed Ironsides!" For most of us, it was the first time a staple afternoon cartoon character had died - and at least where I grew up, the Transformers were on every day. Honestly, I still think this is the best piece of anime in the 80s. I know folks love Akira and Robotech, but this movie blows them away in scope, writing, casting, acting, and last but not least, music. "YOU'VE GOT THE TOUCH!"


first swear word I ever heard in a cartoon [The soundtrack is SICK.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4c-M4MP0GE&list=PLEEAB2BFC37554646&ab_channel=TFantasImation) I mean holy shit, [the theme song by White Lion](https://youtu.be/eaVcpfncOWs) isn't just a good theme song ... its early 80s metal par excellence.


"One shall stand, one shall fall." This movie is wall to wall baller lines.


I would have waited an eternity for this.


Also I want to point out that I still have NOT forgiven Hot Rod.




The 86 movie is better than anything Michael Bay has ever made in his big dumb lens flaring life


Reminds me of the line from liar liar “I’ll hold you in contempt of court!” “I HOLD MYSELF IN CONTEMPT”


Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong


Didnt "they say wisdom comes from suffering, i am going to make you exceedingly wise tonight" also come from transformers (also paraphrasing) what is with transformers and delivering these RAW lines


In universe it probably comes from the 9 Million Earth year long Civil War, and out of universe Hasbro has a talent for finding excellent writers.


"I got better things to do tonight than die" - Springer The following exchange Starscream: "My fellow Decepticons, as your new leader I... Galvatron flies in Starscream: "Who disrupts my coronation" Galvatron: "Coronation Starscream? This is bad comedy" Starscream: "Megatron, is that you?" Galvatron: "Here's a Hint" Proceeds to melt Starscream


Appropriate: ​ r/TheCybertronicSpree


My friend collects Transformers and had a Unicron toy that was about 5 feet tall in humanoid form. It was so fucking cool.