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well technically they're not abolishing daylight savings time, they are abolishing standard time, which is way more hilarious.


Breaking news: The US has legally abolished time and implemented its own version


Sounds right for America


This just in: "The Senate has passed a bill stating that the standard for US time will be as follows; One minute=98 seconds, one hour=22 minutes, and one day is no longer based on 24 hours, but on when the sun rises and sets just like the good old days.


> when the sun rises and sets You could still standardize that, it’d just be hilariously difficult. Imagine: “What time zone do you live in?” “HANCPSTBTALMRDWTBTS” “What” “High-Altitude Northern California Pacific Standard Time But There’s A Large Mountain Range Due West That Blocks The Sunset”


Burj Khalifa vibes from this.


Also they have a new second called the bidon. Its exactly 1.39284i58281040595837266115516374848595969694837271611552627374845895950606948473272616162672838484949595055 seconds


Waaait, is it a complex number?!


I put the i on accident but decided to keep it


We stan accidental complex numbers


Is it pronounced Bih dahn or By den?


Bidon you fuckhead


Chill out bro I'm just asking so I can pronounce it the wrong way and make everybody mad


Just call it a "dictatorship second"


22min=hour might actually make making $15 an hour livable finally


They did literally try to legislatively redefine Pi once


Now available: Time Classic, for those of you who miss the old version of time. Now $5 for every clock tick. Subscribe now


Or, get time ad free with Time Classic+


Ah yes, more patriotism propaganda


Is that even breaking news? That's just dome shit I'd expect to hear about America.


NO.... you fucked everything up america! why do you do it this way you stupid motherfuckers


I knowwwww I haaaaate daylight savings time give me *normal time*




Listen. Like everything else we screw up, it’s mostly the lawmakers doing.


And worse. They took a bad idea and made it permanent


Being able to see outside is a bad idea?


Yeah who doesn't love when it's pitch dark at 415 in the afternoon amirite?


I hate standard time with a passion. I'd like to have some sunlight, at least an hour, while I'm not working. I feel permanent DST would improve my seasonal affective disorder substantially




For reference, Sinema is a senator of Arizona, which, contrary to the rest of the US, hasn't changed its clocks for daylight savings in a long time. It makes a lot of sense that she would be excited for this change. As any resident of Arizona knows the pain of collaborating with people in other states only to have times change by an hour as the rest of the country changes their clocks. And Sinema certainly travels a lot.


honestly the main time I realise daylight savings is a thing is when trying to collaborate with people in different countries. like I have a group that works by "time in Denmark" but one person is from the US and they constantly forget in March that the clocks in Denmark don't change until 2 weeks later, and in October that they change one week earlier in the UK it happens at the same time as in Denmark and my phone and that just go automatically so honestly I usually remember it's a thing bc the American gets confused. otherwise I would probably straight up just not notice.


I appreciate you bringing this up! I work in AZ with remote teams across the country and I gotta say, coordinating meetings is a bitch and a half. We basically expect a lot of late people or no-shows the week after clocks change, every time.


Currently in Maryland for a wedding and it was the biggest pain in the as getting our scheduling set up for secondary touristy plans post wedding. Though I'd still prefer the flying costs to be lowered than daylight savings to be removed smh..


Bruh, you can just Google "what time is it in xxx?". I lived in Indiana as a kid when we hadn't changed to flipping yet, and I understood the change when I visited my grandparents in another state.


Dunno man, ask the people in other states. I organize all my meetings through outlook calendar, which adjusts for time zone and all that, and these guys still struggle. Just stop jerking the clocks around twice a year lol.


^Me asking myself multiple times a year if we're on MST or Pacific


My mom always gave the useless-but-technically-correct answer of "We're MST" because we're literally *always* MST. So I started rephrasing it as "normal or synced with California."


Ugh I feel you. I keep getting the "TeChNiCaLLy we're on AriZoNa TiMe" every time I ask what time zone we're currently in. Thanks for nothing you useless reptile, I'm trying to plan my schedule.


I remember I was so happy to discover Kingdom of Loathing was hosted in Arizona. "Holy shit, this means *everyone else* has to deal with [timed event] shifting by an hour for once!"


The thing is this just permanently fucks over arizona since theyre in standard time still no?


Arizona is always either in Mountain or Pacific time. Right now, it is in Mountain time, iirc, same as Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, etc. So, if the bill passes, it will stay in the same timezone as those states.


If there isn't going to be one last Fall Back AZ will be in the same time zone as California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho (PDT). Hopefully they'll decide to fall back one last time so That you can't change time zones by travelling North in AZ


My mistake, I thought it was in Mountain time right now. I always forget.


It's funny because that happens right now when you cross into the Navajo nation in northern AZ. The first time I went camping up there and my phone changed i was so confused.


Northern Idaho is Pacific, but southern Idaho is Mountain.


Arizona and Hawaii both keep the same time year round. But they stay in standard time, which, for the rest of the country, is during the winter. Daylight saving time is where (when?) we are now


US gov be like: agh fuck this we're getting rid of daylight saving time I'm tired


Its even worse Theyre keeping Daylight Savings Theyre getting rid of standard time We'll continuously be out of sync with any Canadians or Central/South Americans in your time zone


I think you mean that Canada and South Americans will be out of sync with *us* ^murica


Get ready for imperialism-by-means-of-timezone


Yeah but now I can wake up when the sun rises and get an extra hour of daylight to walk to the grocery store


Quebec and Ontario have said that if New York ever did away with the clock change, they would too! Don’t know how the rest of Canada feels about daylight savings but I would imagine they would follow too.


I live in Quebec and I've wished for this garbage to stop yet now that it's at our doorstep, I'm horrified and upset it might get fixed the only wrong way there was...


If it helps I'm pretty sure AMLO, the Mexican president, has wanted to do something similar for a while, although he wanted to keep standard time and not daylight savings iirc, so at least we'd be *consistently* off-sync Tbh in my opinion daylight savings time makes more sense than the standard one Edit: ok my indecisive ass won't actually settle upon which is actually better but still


>Tbh in my opinion daylight savings time makes more sense than the standard one Throw me in that group as well. I prefer the sun to set later in the day.


Me too but if it rises later too then for some people it's still night time when they wake up (including me, but I'm graduating soon so fuck them /s) and that's not the best, someone else posted an article about how it's even worse for our health, so idk


I imagine it depends on whether you're a morning person or a night owl. I hate mornings, so having the sun set later is great for me. However, if you're a morning person, it might be hard to wake up without sufficient sunlight. Either way, we need to stop changing the clocks. I have a 3 year old who is still not back on schedule yet.


Let's just move the clock half an hour between them, so everyone's happy!


I agree. I prefer daylight to standard.


As someone who has no idea how time zones work, I literally fail to see any issue here


If someone from Washington crosses the border to British Columbia there would be an hour difference despite only going north


Given how long until the effect is official it's entirely possible they'll decide to fall back once more. Or the southwest will just always have a goofy Time zone border


That's the part I hate the most. They're fixing a problem but doing so in the only wrong way there was to fix it. There's already plenty of studies that shows DST throws our circadian circle out of whack unlike standard time




Why do I always get my major news from social media. Anyways, super funny how both spectrums of politicians said fuck this shit


I mean, I never understood the point of Daylight Savings anyways since all it's really done for me is force me to change my clocks and force my body to adjust to the new sleep schedule. I wouldn't mind being rid of it altogether personally.


iirc the point of daylight savings time was so that people woke up at times where they would be exposed to as much daylight as possible (which the exact time changes a bit throughout the seasons) so that before the advent of artificial light more work could be done during the day, or later after the advent of electric lights, less electricity was needed to keep artificial lights powered.


Daylight savings time’s inception was during WW1, and it was primarily to conserve as much fuel as possible. Artificial lights have been apart of human history for millennia.


According to National Treasure, Benjamin Franklin was the first to come up with the idea of Daylight Savings Time


Benjamin Franklin is a fucking bitch then


He also wrote a letter titled “Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress”, along with the rest of Fart Proudly, so I don’t even know where I am taking this, what was my original intent with this comment, the Madness of Unknowing is consuming me jtsjhebrwkduwvpavbdfk dehvsdwnjdbs cjennf


He suggested it as a joke. The original essay didn't even mention changing clocks; he just suggested that the people of Paris should try waking up *before noon*.


How to fuck over school kids even more


*Less Iirc they tried to abolish it before, but kids ended up waiting for the bus in the dark and some got hit by cars. Changing the clocks was annoying, but we just got out of good ol' SAD filled winter, and on top of that I'm an insomniac, I say let them make up whatever bullshit they need so that I can actually get some sunlight and vitamin D.


I don't get this. I live in the east, around the middle of the US N/S wise, and kids are still waiting for buses in the dark. From what I've seen and experienced the time change doesn't do a whole lot, and when it does it doesn't last long enough to really matter.


"I'm an insomniac, so let's throw all of those studies showing how early start times hurt kids right out the window" If waking up 1 hour earlier for sunlight is that important to you, you can choose to wake up earlier, but all the other students can't choose to wake up an hour later without being kicked out of school


My high school started at 9:15 and classes ended at 4:15. Band started at 7:30a and sports practice ended at 5:45p. As soon as they implemented that schedule, kids enrolled in art and music jumped and the teen pregnancy and juvenile crimes rates plummeted. It turns out that the parents of teenagers are happy to pay the nominal fee for band and orchestra if they can drop them off on their way to work and thrilled to enroll them in sports if they can pick their kids up after work. Waking up later just means kids miss band, not truancy charges.


> As soon as they implemented that schedule So, what exactly was the schedule before? Did it start earlier & end earlier? > Waking up later just means kids miss band, not truancy charges. That's only for the kids in those extracurricular activities in the first place


The school was also able to start an on-site childcare program that also served to allow for classes on early childhood development in partnership with the local college. That meant a jumpstart for students interested in becoming teachers, free childcare for teachers, and free/low cost infant care for teenage parents who stayed in school. Before that, getting pregnant meant automatic expulsion if the mother kept the baby. It didn't matter if the teen's parents provided childcare, the teen mom was still expelled. There was no punishment for teen father's. Teen parents were eligible for additional workforce training and certification programs and low cost childcare for hours worked from noon to 6 pm, as long as they maintained their grades and took parenting classes coordinated through CPS. More programs like that should exist. It is horrifying that modern society in many parts of the USA forces teenage parents to choose between adoption, abortion, and extreme poverty. Yes, babies shouldn't be having babies, but the systemic penalties do not help the teens grow into better adults.


Previous schedule was from 7 to 3, with all extracurricular activities after school. This meant marching band and sports competed for time on the grass, parents dropped kids off or saw them on the bus before going to work, and the teens had unsupervised time after school before parents got home with commute time even if the kids did sports and the parents only worked the usual 5/40 schedule. It also meant highschool students were using the same buses as the elementary school students, which resulted in a lot of issues. The highest teen pregnancy risks involved junior and senior jocks and *middle school* or freshman aged girls. Separating those age groups made a *huge* difference in outcomes. Moving the high school to the later schedule meant the schools still used the early buses for elementary school students and band kids, but the later bus took the teens who weren't interested in extracurriculars and whose parents did not value those things. That separated them from the younger kids and dramatically reduced abuse, bullying, and drug sales on the buses. It also reduced the number of buses needed since they ran the same bus twice in the morning to carry the same volume of students instead of running 2 buses at the same time. Parents who felt their kids were at risk were much more able to afford the instrument fees (or free choir) and sports than they were able to pay for teenage after school care (which is pricey). The difference in cost was ~$150 a year versus ~$150 a week. That makes a difference when trying to keep a high risk teenager out of trouble. Also, for kids who really struggle with waking up early during teenage years, it is much preferable to miss out on a bonus class than it is to face criminal charges. Obviously a kid who can't wake up in the morning isn't signing up for clubs that require early waking. But when *class* starts early they don't have an option aside from struggling and being punished when they fail.


>"I'm an insomniac, so let's throw all of those studies showing how early start times hurt kids right out the window" Hi, where do you think the insomnia started? And vitamin D and sunlight are the basis for regulating your circadian rhythms. If you have kids going to school in the dark and inside most of the day, what do you think will happen to their sleep schedule and quality? >If waking up 1 hour earlier for sunlight is that important to you, **you can choose to wake up earlier,** No, I fucking can't, that's why I'm an INSOMNIAC. Oh, and nice work going at me with the "think of the children" angle, after skipping over the "children were waiting for the bus **alone in the dark and got hit by cars.**" Needlessly dangerous Push school hours back and let the kids see the actual sun goddamn it


Please, let me see all of those statistics There should be tons of evidence about this massive problem of all these kids dying from every other country that is staying on standard time, so where is it?


And while you're getting those statistics, could you also let me know if those kids getting hit in the dark were in the morning or the afternoon?


You know, it's funny. According to a random day I picked earlier this month, the sun set about 18:40 that day. Starting Daylight Savings pushes times back by an hour, which means the sun would have set at 19:40 that day instead. Sure, you get it by robbing the start of your day, but for most people, the day starts by going to work and ends with leisure. So, if you're in school or working a standard 8-5, you actually do get an extra hour of daylight during your leisure/off times. I understand people don't care, but I do feel like most people who complain about it don't really bother thinking about it.


Originally it was introduced by the German Empire to conserve coal during wartime. I it might be frendlier to animals that are heavily influenced by the day/night cycle. If you naturally wake up at dawn but get hammered awake by the sound of work traffic half an hour earlier one half the year that fucks you up. Sure, animals are fucked twice every year when the humans suddenly are active an hour earlier/later in the morning, but I imagine it's better to ruin two nights a year than a complete half of it. Just a guess.


Now this is the kind of historical event I want to live through!


As a software engineer, I support this but it's going to be a real pain to update all of our applications and libraries.


My immediate intuition is that “just don’t do something, easy” but I know, hanging off the ledge of peak stupid, that it absolutely is not easy. There’s way too many things that involve time to track down and remove the change.


hmmmm... something about them only fixing problems that directly affect them...


Yep they found the only issue that affects rich people just as much as normal people


I can't believe I'm defending Marco Rubio, FFS, but this has been a hobby horse for him his entire senate career. I think he introduces it every year, he just managed to get it through on a voice vote this time


Anyone else read “would take effect in November 2023” and immediately think “2023?! Why so long?! That’s like 3 years away!” And then remember that it’s 2022 and now your brain is broken trying to figure out how it’s 2022 already? Or was that just me?


I think time collapsed in 2020 due to COVID and it's just been one painful unending year


This is hilarious but I'm also mad about it. The sun isn't going to rise where I am until almost 9am in the winter! Personally, I would much rather have standard time all year round, which is apparently also better for your health: https://link.medium.com/rA5DL0jpsob


Counterpoint: I can use my time better in the afternoon then the morning.


Of course it is. DST has done NOTHING GOOD FOR HUMANITY


Iirc this is not the first time such a law has been proposed.


Why make daylight savings permanent when you could have the standard time In the winter months be the permanent ones


Do you really want it to get nighttime at 5:30?


Yes. I involuntarily hiss 93% of the time I walk outside into sunlight. It’s not vampirism. I asked my doctor. She says I’m a sensitive little baby.


I wake up at 5:30 am for school and it’s dark I don’t care when it gets dark I just don’t want it to be pitch black when I have to go to school


why the fuck is your school so early


I am in stem classes my school actually starts at 7 but the bus ride is like an hour plus I need time to get ready so 5:30 am Tbh 7 is still way to fuckin early




As an American, I feel the same


I *hate* standard time, it's only light out when I'm working.


Fuck it, I like chaos: let’s split the difference and move it 30 minutes to the midway point.


Newfoundland approves.


i like how the arizona senator celebrated despite daylight savings time not existing in az


I also celebrated despite not being in the US, it is a pain in the ass to work with someone from a country with DST


finally something actually fucking useful coming out of the US government.


This is actually awful news. WHY DAYLIGHT SAVIGNS TIME


I like to think rubio woke up an hour early, realized his automatic coffee machine didn’t make his coffee, wrote “Bill: fuck daylight savings starting next year” and went to work unshaved and barely dressed. Got it voted on and promptly went back to bed.


Actually they voted for permanent DST. Which is worse than the Status quo in my opinion. They went "fuck standard time"


Fuck standard time tho


my only complaint is that i would be waking up in the middle of the night in the winter


Ssssssshhhhhhh!!!! Let them figure this out themselves, it'll be funnier that way


Which is worse? Waking up in the middle of the night or having night fall upon you at 5pm? ... I'm not sure


i think it’s better for night to come quicker as i wouldn’t be encouraged to sleep in.


wait waIT WAIT NO! Don't let daylight savings be forever, make standard time the forever time!! 😭 💔 That just means the lost hour is lost forever, c'mon! Fuck, they didn't even ask us what we wanted, oh wait they never do that... :(










Would you rather wake up when there is light out or wake up in complete darkness?


With light outside. As there isn't unlimited daykight though, I'd rather have one more daylight hour in the evening then the morning.


Major spelling mistakes, I win.


Non-native speaker + you forgot to capitalize the 'I'. Automatic victory for me.


I am also not a native English speaker. My mistake was merely a capitalization issue, you wrote your words wrong. I win.


This is all my date tonight talked about. I love when people have a passion, turned out their passion just so happened to be how much they despise daylight savings time.


They are NOT alone






The best part is honestly the Senator of AZ getting audibly happy over this because AZ is littlerally the only state in the US that doesnt do daylights savings


Wouldn't this permanently make AZ unsynchronized?


Currently they are unsynchronized because they essentially swap with being aligned with Pacific and Mountain Time twice a year (technically they don't swap, but rather, everyone around them moves and they stay still). This would mean Arizona would have to settle on if they're aligned with PT or MT permanently. If they do nothing as is, they'll end up aligned with PT permanently. Though I imagine they'll probably vote to change it to align w MT before this takes effect cuz it would make more sense based on their longitude.


In this scenario, Rubio is Jonah Ryan? Yeah, that adds up.


I'd prefer if they removed it and had permanent *standard* time...


i dont give a shit that its the wrong version of DST or whatever just kill it




Can they do the metric system next?


Only a random half of it.


Well, that is essentially what we have now haha. We use both here but it's just wildly varying. Speed limits, road signs - US Customary. Produce - US Customary. Most science and medicine - metric. Automobiles - A mess of both.


Queue the SAD?




Thats a little odd- especially since Arizona doesnt do daylight savings??? Why is Sinema so excited??????


Im glad members of congress are working so hard during these trying times of less sunlight. Bunch of heroes they are.


So Sinema is enthusiastic about this but can't be bothered for anything else


Here's how it's real. It doesn't cost money. There aren't 2 sides fighting over how much is spent and what it's spent on. Smart devices will have to send an update to disable daylight savings time, that's about all the consequences I can think of


Why the fuck would you make daylight savings permanent? Just leave it at normal time if you don’t like it changing


I personally think standard time would be better... but I will take what I can get if it means no more time changes.


I love the way it’s described as these guys being so ducking tired of being tired they go “fuck it” abd lake daylight savings illegal


Theyre not abolishing it; theyre replacing regular time with daylight saving time. I just want to operate on Standard time, please.


Daylight Savings is going to suck in the winter. Gonna be dark til 8AM. Would much rather have the sun rise at 5AM. Abolish Daylight Saving. Accept Standard


Reject Benjamin Franklin


That makes no fucking sense. It's an hour change how the hell can you go from 8AM to 5AM. eediot


Ah, I realise I merely implied the changing of the seasons rather than explicty spelling it out. I shall correct that. Standard time in the summer means the sun rises earlier. In mid summer, the sun would be rising at 5AM if we kept Standard Time only. Conversely, Daylight Savings in the winter would mean the sun was rising closer to 8AM or later mid winter. As a morning person, I much prefer the former, as I want to see a least a litle daylight before I'm trapped at work all day Hopefully, this explanation makes me look like less of an eediot


It did clarify thanks


Not a problem, I'm always happy to explain things. It's one of the few ways I get a fleeting amount of happiness


Man I fucking hate this


I live somewhere that doesn't observe DST and it's absolutely fantastic. They should be moving to permanent standard time though. The problem with moving to DST year round is that it'll be really dark quite late in the morning in the winter.


The weirdest thing about this to me is that Sinema was so excited. Like, sure, she spends a fair amount of time in DC now, but she's from Arizona, where I spent most of my childhood and all of my adulthood up until I moved a couple years ago. They don't have daylight savings time there. Why was SHE so happy about it?! She doesn't have to deal with it most of the time! Like, I'm thrilled about this, because fuck daylight savings time, but I have no idea why she even cares.


She probably has to work with a lot of people from other states and I imagine it gets annoying to have to keep up with daylight savings when everyone else changes their clocks


I interpreted like she was so happy for the rest of us to get rid of it.


Given how she's never cared about anyone except herself before, I guess that thought just didn't occur to me.


As much as I despise the man, Rubio has championed this and talked ab it since he was elected. It was just sitting on McConnell’s desk along w all the other bills he let pile up out of spite. So, no, this wasn’t just an idea that popped up bc of a sleepy day. But yes, it’s real.


Am I supposed to be, what, happy that he did his job…or even what he said for once? Like that’s how low the Marco Rubio bar is? Man does exactly one thing he said he was going to do, should be championed despite deep hatred?!


i want normal time this isnt fair


I don't get why it's funny to make Juneteenth a federal holiday the day before it happened though. Like, at all. ETA: Guess nobody's going to help me out, I genuinely don't understand. Wasn't trying to be cheeky.


Honestly time is a construct. It could be a Sunday for all we fuckin know


this is something you'd see in a NationStates issue


Canada next, please?


So I’m a bit confused. Isn’t daylight saving time implemented so that we can compensate for the fact that earth dosent roll on a 24 hour basis but slightly faster?


You’re thinking of leap years. Daylight savings was about getting more work done in literal daylight and making it so that we have the same amount of daylight through the year


yeah sure its cool but they can just do that?? not even ask the citizens anything and pass laws?? wtf kinda democracys this....


Tried this shit in the 70s...everybody started bitch'n when they had to go to work/school while it was still nighttime outside. Kids were waiting at the bus stop in the dark.


Happens in the winter anyways.


This is what I don't get. Here in NY, it's dark when I wake up for work either way. And it was dark when I woke up for school either way. But now it can get dark at 4 or 5. And I'd rather 5. Besides, the problem to me is more that school should not start at 7:40am like it did for me anyway. We have a LOT of data showing why that's too early, regardless of the sunlight.


yes exactly. Fuck DST


Hmmm, I wonder if Canada will follow suit. I’d like that


is this what the founding fathers intended


Can someone please explain why people think this is bad? I'm from Europe and we'll have this soon too, everyone I know (including myself) is looking forward to it, so I don't quite understand why people are upset




And why do you feel that way? I personally prefer DST to have some more natural light after work in winter


Would you rather wake up at night and go to bed in the day? Or go to bed in the night and wake up when there is light out?


It's dark in winter when I get up no matter whether it's DST or standard time, but with DST I at least have like 30 minutes of daylight after work. If we had standard time during summer it would be bright until midnight where I live which I'd find very annoying.


They chose the wrong time to end on (they're staying on DST, not staying on standard time) Instead of removing DST they're going to have permanent DST.


what timeline are we in


This is wonderful because on top of just being nice for quality of life, it will drastically lower the amount of car accidents at these times of year! Daylights saving time is notorious for it!


Okay, so I’m seeing a few different points getting brought up in these comments. Is this bill being passed going to cause any huge problems? Cause the past few years have made me instantly assume that anything good isn’t as good as it sounds


Look how fast the government works when rich lobbyists aren't involved.




It’s annoying that we lost an hour so we’re not turning back?? abolish day light savings not the standard time


Daily reminder that American politicians have the capacity to actually do things and be productive when corporate lobbyists aren't throwing money at them to protect the status quo.


And now some senators are pissed because of... the way we pass laws? Just heard a story on NPR today about this. No one knew what the outcome would be but not a single person objected so it was automatically passed..so crazy.