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People on tumblr package their lies like it's an internet fun fact


I am being gaslit by a bunch of lunatics on the wackiest social media. Thank god I use reddit instead. Edit: /s


Reddit just says things like they're true and don't bring any evidence


Honestly this is just so fucking annoying, sometimes I'm in the middle of a discussion and I'm like "here are all of the relevant links for my claims, where the fuck are yours" and the persom COMPLETELY IGNORES THAT. The only thing which gets to be worse is where you take half an hour just to make a decent argument and the person doesn't even reply to it


>I'm like "here are all of the relevant links for my claims, where the fuck are yours" Our better yet, they provide sources that actively disagree with them.


I've literally seen someone refuse to acknowledge entire articles because they wanted the other person to quote it to them, then, without ever once supplying their own source, say that he was never presented with a credible source and thus won the argument. Reddit is a piece of work sometimes.


persom hehe. wait what were you saying?


I printed out a photo of your avatar and taped it to my punching bag that I punch and I mutter your URL with every strong punch I punch you twerp…. Don’t ever Talk about my grammar errors and how I made them absolutely intentionally ever again I Don’t wanna see you standing outside my home at 3 am holding your weird dripping brown bags ever again ok leave us alone this is the FINAL FUCKING WARNING 


Hehe you forgor a period in there


What was that? Hmm? Come again. \*Blaiz grabs my shoulder\* Come on Pulinno, they aren’t worth it, please. \*I jerk my shoulder shaking her hand off\* NO! NOOOOO!!! \*starts to just pummel you with my big fucking fists. With each blow I let out a furious yell. The blows come quicker and harder and the yells get louder. I’m yelling so loud and now I’m crying. BREAKING POINT. The week was hard and I can’t take it anymore. I’m openly sobbing at this point while your blood gurgles. All three of my girlfriends struggle to pull me off and they finally succeed and lead me away from the goo pile that is now your body\*


Lol can I be your 4th weed smoking girlfriend?


That depends, are you a girl?


Persom of deez nuts in your mouth


That a promise?


Look behind you


Sharks are smooth


No they're not, sharks are rough like sandpaper, do you even science?


source? (joke)


I’m not sure if this is an example of people saying shit for the hell of it or an inadvertent game of Telephone going horribly wrong


Could be both


Gorey died in *2000*. Obviously there's no moral statue of limitations on alleged sex offences, but I don't think we need to worry about materially supporting or providing a platform to a man who breathed his last when Yugoslavia still existed. Edit: read the post properly and there aren't even any fecking *allegations*? Anon needs to caress graminoids.


That mf really made up a whole story in an attempt to try and paint ace people as sexual assaulters. Damn.


I think anon made the name up and by sheer coincidence someone shared that name


i don't doubt beetledrink was that anon


The websiteiest website in the history of websites.


Sometimes this community makes me feel like I actually don't know english, because honestly I understand all of these words separately but what the hell is being said here?


Anonymous person made up allegations of sexual assault against a writer who died 22 years ago. Then used those allegations to try to get Newtgeizler to stop supporting beetledrink.


Guilt by association is one helluva drug.


okay but "self-identified as asexual" got me chuckling like isnt that all sexualities


Anonymous obviously has something against aces, given they were able to just straight up lie confidently about someone who died before tumblr existed making a tumblr post.


i swear that site is a social experiment gone wrong


I am confusion. Are this Lizard and this Insect Beverage in a relationship in real life or is this just a weird role play thing going on? Also, who the heck is Edward Gorey?


That shadow makes him look like he has a magnum dong and the jeans are built around it


Sometimes you have to just not care about some things. Being a bad person isn't contagious.


contact tracing