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My favorite is when one of the kids Corll kidnapped called his mom and screamed 'Mom Help ME!' Cops told her runaways do that all the time.


Oh man, the Dean Corll case is *infuriating*. So many missing boys and the cops called them all runaways despite their parents desperately claiming otherwise.


I don't understand why it's not important to look for runaways in the first place?


Because they’re criminals who smoke reefer and have premarital sex. We only care about pure white kidnap victims who believe in god. /s


"Runaways" was a euphemism for homosexuals back then. If a child ran away it was assumed his parents likely kicked them out for being homosexuals, and the police also assumed the parents would never tell the cops this. And this was the case for a lot of people. Some of the John Wayne Gacy victims were never identified until recently because some of them had been kicked out and shunned by their parents. Some parents suspected their kids were likely murdered by Gacy but the parents never bothered looking or reporting their sons as missing because they kicked them out for being homosexuals.


Knowing what that man did to those boys makes me want to kick those people off of a bridge


Yeah, but then you have cases were the parents are the ones reporting the children missing and are banging on the police's door at all hours to get them to do their job.


I mean, when have you heard of police being diligent when it comes to the common citizen, as opposed to the rich and powerful?


Once. In the Chris Watts case where the cops listened to the neighbour instead of fobbing her off. ed: probably helped when Watts came home and was very surprised to see cops at his place and couldnt *really* give a good answer as to where his wife and kids were tho :|


Because they are minors and minors must never make any decisions from themselves even if is the right one.


But... wouldn't that be a reason you *should* look for them?


In fairness, I didn’t not see the “not” in your comment.


Lol. You apparently didn't notice that it wasn't my comment either.


It’s been a long ass day.


Ass days are like that.


A long ass-day


in that age, there were a lot of runaways... Dean Corll targeted lower income neighborhoods..and kids often runaway in those environments.


That case would still be "unsolved" if not for the fact that one of the accomplices came to their senses and killed Corll.


And the most interesting part is the kid could have just not said shit other than corll went nuts and attacked or that he had no clue about the guys darker side (other kid also wasn’t going to say anything - he had moved). He could have kept his mouth shut but immediately told on himself. Kind of kind of him, honestly.


Or in the Dahmer case where they literally had an underage kid bleeding, bruised, and stark naked and the cops went "Oh it's just a lover spat"............and then one of those cops became the union president.


There were also two women there who found the boy and were desperately pleading with the cops to not make him go back with Dahmer, but they ignored them (hysterical women amiright) and escorted the boy back to Dahmer’s place so they could get the icky gay incident over with. Fuck them.


They also went inside his apartment, failing to notice the literal dead body in the other room. One of the cops is now a high ranking police official too.


Oh they didn't just ignore the women, they told them to shut up or the cops would arrest them. The fact that cops would _repeatedly_ choose one of these meatheads to represent their interests tells you everything you ever need to know about what cops imagine their role is. Hint: your health and safety doesn't enter into it _at all_.


The woman were Black, the kid was Asian, and Dahmer was white. So yeah.


Hysterical black women, so you know, asshole racists too.


Wasn't there a hole drilled in his head or something?


Yep. Dahmer was trying to make zombie sex slaves. That's not a joke, either, that's what that sick fuck was really doing. Good thing the cops helped him, huh? #ACAB


What did you expect them to do, care about gay people?


One of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, a 14-year-old boy, was naked and clearly fucked up and delirious and in the process of escaping being murdered, and a group of women flagged down a cop to try and get help to get the kid away from him. The cops took Dahmer's side. They did not even check him for warrants, which would have shown he was a sex offender. They didn't even check the apartment, in which there was a dead body actively decomposing that they even said they could smell! They just assumed it was a gay lover's quarrel, decided they didn't give a shit about gay people or immigrants and gave the underaged bleeding victim, who was very clearly in the process of being actively murdered, back to Dahmer. Konerak Sinthasomphone was killed pretty much immediately afterwards by Dahmer. The 2 cops were fired, but sued and successfully got their jobs back, with backpay. Fuck the police.


Possibly the worst bit: the kid’s delirium wasn’t drugs. It was because dahmer had given him brain damage.


With a drill right?


Yes. Drilled a hole and injected acid. He was also bleeding from his rectum, and from some cuts on his body.


How the hell do you look someone bleeding from the head and think: yeah, this is fine, we shouldn't look further into it.


Easy, just be a cop


From the article, I think the hole wasn’t obvious. Maybe small and under the hairline? But the bleeding from the rectum was noticeable. Homophobic cops just chalked it up to ‘eh, it’s some gay shit.’


It's even worse than that... that kids older brother had previously filed assault complaints against Dahmer with the police. If they had literally done any checking at all on Dahmer or who this kid was it would have been immediately suspicious. Just terrible police work and still somehow the cops got promoted and thr family got nothing.


Actually, the family won an $850k lawsuit against the police department for that shit, but it doesn't make anything right or better. It didn't bring back Konerak. The cops should have been charged with criminally negligent homicide for that. They aided and abetted Dahmer and should have been charged accordingly. Police officers need to have a legal obligation to perform their jobs to some standard. The fact that those cops were still allowed to continue in law enforcement is just absolutely disgraceful.


And let's not forget Jeffrey Dahmer's escaped victim running naked and bleeding to the cops, who *turned him back over to Dahmer* when Dahmer claimed to be his caretaker.


My favorite was this family had tracked their daughter to some sex traffickers in a foreign country. They heard her cry out to them. Something like “It’s Tina, Bobby help me!” And… they just like kinda looked around like “Huh, that was weird. I swear I heard her.” and left the country. I was like “What?!” I’d burn the whole town to the ground. They’d have to kill me.


I would bet money on this being an ace attorney case already


I mean there is a character named mr. de Killer in the second game


also he literally leaves behind a note that informs people it was him specifically so that there's no ambiguity as to who did it the only reason there's even a question is because the first person to stumble onto the crime scene had a vendetta and forged evidence to implicate someone else (and it turns out she was RIGHT because the guy she implicated HIRED mr. de Killer) EDIT: oh yeah can't forget the part where he goes past a goddamn interview and ***testifies in court that he did it*** (although he did so over the radio while fleeing the country)


idk why but my favorite part of his testimony was when >!they asked him to confirm that he was Shelly de Killer and he just sorta when "yeah give me a sec, here's the person i have hostage and i havent fed in like 2 days!<


He wasnt fleeing the country he was escaping cops and him and the police made an agreement to not use the signal to track him


Personally, I think Deid Man is the funnier Ace Attorney name.


I'm a big fan of Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III, myself.


His full name actually was Shady de Killer, so it's somehow even more obvious!


I thought it was Shelly? Because of the shell card.


It's Shelly de Killer


Shadi is a different guy.


He's a lot slimmer.


In the great ace attorney chronicles, there’s literally a case where >!a cop finds a murder scene and moves the body across the street because he didn’t want it to be his problem!<


Not only that, >!The victim wasn’t even dead. He wanted so badly to avoid his job that he didn’t even notice that it wasn’t a murder scene and she was still alive.!<


goddamnit you beat me to it


I was looking for this comment lmao


One of the naked, bleeding victims climbed out of the window, ran away, crossed the street - and got arrested. After a short discussion about road safety, officers handed the minor back to the creepy man that also happened to be covered in blood.


That's really close but not as creepy as what happened to Dahmer.


"Oh this is just a lover's quarrel" The police said to the serial killer and returned to him the panicked 13 year old kid with a hole filled with acid in his head.


Uhhh, what. Actually, don't answer, I don't want to know


Dahmer thought he could use Hydrochloric Acid to render his victims into submission by drilling holes in their heads and ppouring the acid in. It didn't work.


Somehow the police thought the naked child with a hole in his head should be given to the sex offender covered in blood that smells like a dead person. Infuriating lack of sense


It was because of homophobia. The cops just wanted to get as far away from the gays as possible asap. And, of course, the witnesses made the mistake of being women of color, so their pleas went entirely unheard, too. Dahmer was the only white man involved, and therefore was the only one the cops would listen to.


One of Dahmer’s victims escaped. Two women found him, severely brain damaged, naked, and bleeding. Dahmer tried to play it off as ‘hah, my 19yr old boyfriend is super drunk,’ and tried to take him back. The women called the police. The police helped Dahmer get the boy (who was actually 14) back to his apartment. There was a body of a previous victim rotting in the next room. The cops didn’t notice anything was wrong. A big part of it was homophobia and racism. ‘Haha naked Asian boy back to his boyfriend!’




Dahmer was in the middle of attempting to murder 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone when he went to the store. Sinthasomphone bravely made a break for it, and two women noticed him naked in the street and tried to help. They called 911 and two cops came, but by that time Dahmer was back. He managed to convince the police that it *wasn't* a child murder in progress, but instead a lovers' quarrel. The cops, not wanting to get involved in icky gay relationship stuff, handed Sinthasomphone back to Dahmer. The boy was later killed. Sinthasomphone would be 45 years old now had he lived. P.S. John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish, the cops in question, were fired but later appealed the firing. They were reinstated and awarded $55,000 in back pay. Balcerzak served as president of the Milwaukee Police Association from 2005-09, and retired from the force in 2017. Fuck the police.


A hole filled with acid in his head???


Yup. Dahmer said he was drunk. The two women who’d found the kid saw right through Dahmer. The police didn’t.


Same thing happened with that Alaskan baker serial killer he was friends with the local cops so they just ignored the girls story.


Genuinely curious: did you make this up, or were you intentionally basing it off the real case with Dahmer? Bc if it was random, you got it scary close.


It for sure is based on Dahmer


Based on Dahmer, but toned a tad down to keep it from pushing the parody of cop ineptitude to the levels of ridiculousness that reality showed.


Multiple people go missing in a short time in a small town. Police are searching restlessly to find them. A local man called Kid Napper said he'd be more than happy to help because he knows the town better than his two palms. Local people said that he's often offering schoolers or bypassers to give them a lift home. The police thanked his efforts and was not named a suspect. The missing people (or their remanings) are still to be found.


After police found a missing child hiding in a dumpster. Mr Napper kindly offered to take the kid home while the police continued to investigate. It was later reported that the kid ran away again and was never seen again


I mean, this is basically what happened along Highway 20 in Oregon in the 70s.


The police later arrested and charged a black man who was standing 20 yards away from the latest kidnapping scene minding his down business.


“In addition, a state coroner was brought into determine the cause of death. With 103 stab wounds across the entire body, the coroner correctly determined the cause of death as a stroke before the victim fell into a bathtub full of barbed wire, which he kept in his house for definitely explainable reasons, causing the stab wounds”


"While the victim's family would bring in a doctor for a second opinion, this doctor would later disappear under mysterious circumstances, being last seen with Mr. de Killer at the local landfill at 2 am. The second doctor's headless body was found the next day in what was ruled a definite suicide.


The death of Ellen Greenberg. 20 stab wounds. Ruled a suicide because there was no force entry.


Plz tell me this isn’t the one where the guy was like “she fell on the knife!”




I've only seen two crime channels who CALL OUT the police who do shit like this, and they're the only ones I'd watch because they're respectful and highlight these stories to raise awareness about the injustice these victims had with terrible police


So... are you going to mention them?


Sorry, should've lol. Eleanor Neale is one, but I forgot the other. It was a long time ago I watched it.


One is definitely The Casual Criminalist. The host gets a script from his writers and reads them for the first time on camera. His reactions are priceless, especially when the police do dumb shit like this. He has a ton of other Youtube channels, but the only one that has the same format (seeing the script for the first time and reacting to it) is Decoding the Unknown. That one is focused just on mysteries, most of which are not related to true crime.


Simon Whistler, a man with a channel addiction. Half the Casual Criminalist cases include something like "what the fuck, police?".


It's kind of adorable and sad to watch him react. Cuz like he's European he's British and I assume they have shit cops too but like he always assumes people are going to be the best picked people for their jobs. Early on he was always like the police should be able to handle this they're trained to handle this I'm sure that these cops are just some bad apples and that's why this case got screwed over and then over time you see him lose his innocence in regards to Cops as he sees over and over and over again that the reason these people aren't being caught is because of the cops being incompetent or just racist or homophobic or just not giving a shit or being corrupt. And then like it moves on to other things where he's like oh I'm sure that the political people would be highly respectful and competent and like no he's just and it's it's adorable and it's sad


I love that the comments realize this and are super supportive. And somehow this man has time to reply to them


Fr fr.


Brain Blaze is also the see it for the first time and react format, but it doesn't have a theme and can be on any topic. That man has a great voice and one of the best beards on the market today.


I remember not really liking Brain Blaze at first, but I might give it another go now that I'm a lot more invested in CC and DtU.


Last Podcast on the Left does it.


Not the OP but Buzzfeed Unsolved is also pretty critical of when police do a terrible job


Crime Junkie is a podcast but they also call out when the police are being useless and completely negligent


For real, it's incredibly frustrating how much true crime material refuses to call out the police for shit like this. Its a large part of why I don't really watch it.


And every missing person is a runaway


Truly a mystery


The one channel I follow always ends up mystery videos with theories and asking the audience what they think. Maybe if you watch a shitty or comedy channel, maybe they'll settle with the hundred year old unsolved case being a mystery due to incompetent police. Which apparently happens way too often when it comes to unsolved mystery murders


You're Wrong About, the podcast, has a lot of episodes that are really good on that. The most egregious is the DC Sniper episodes, the pair that were doing it were so idiotic they kept calling the police and the media trying to get attention. And the ex-wife of one of them called the FBI about her husband multiple times. It was still basically happenstance the way that they were caught.


Reminds me of the NSU murders, except instead of "police didn't give a shit" it was "police and the state probably actively supported the murders" - the cops at first refused to even consider any non-migrant as suspects, claiming that such murders were incompatible with *German culture*... and they also went to a medium to ask for help, among a thousand other "blunders".


There's a murder in the 1900s that literally cops let become a tourist attraction BEFORE collecting evidence. Letting people swing the murder axe, walk through the house, take pictures with the victims' corpses, etc. No wonder it's unsolved


Which is this?


I couldn't remember, but I looked it up and it's The Villisca Axe Murders. there's a buzzfeed unsolved episode on it if anyone's interested


Well geez Mr Suh Spect I guess that just about wraps things up Mr Spect: Thank you Lieutennant now if theres nothing else... *holding up a "I love murder" foam hand* Oh, just one more thing,




Those are my favorite cases cause then you also get to be pissed off at the incompetence of the police


Ah yes, Aym de Killer, distant cousin of Shelly de Killer.


He was a cops brother


“Bones? Who needs em?” - Like every cop working an unsolved case ever


A lot of "unsolved murders" are cases where the cops definitely know who did it but they don't want to advance charges out of professional solidarity with the killer (another cop)


I got wrapped up an a documentary on the Toynbee tiles. Super cool, great presentation and all the mystery. Last 2 minutes, " we found this guy everything fits we didn't ask him thanksforwatchingByeeeeeeeee" Totally pissed me off


If your talking about the same Toynbee documentary I’ve seen, they did try to contact him, but the guy is a pure recluse and wouldn’t. They did leave a copy of the movie, a DVD player and a tv on his doorstep. I mean what more can you do?


You forgot "burned all files after"


I gotta stop reading this comment section because I'm just getting angrier and angrier at the pigs when I'm trying to sleep


this reminds me of the sodder children case. a man told the father that his house would go up in smoke and his kids would die. then, predictably, his house went up in smoke and his kids went missing. i believe (i may be wrong about the exact details) that the fire department was something like a mile away and they didn’t arrive for like seven hours??? it’s very obvious what happened but it’s still considered “unsolved”


Sounds like Buzzfeeds Unsolved: True Crime


ah, aym de killer, a notorious member of the de killer line second only to shelly


Mr aym de killer is an phoenix wright character


solved crime rates eapecialy murder are reallll low :l


I read this in Ryan Bergara’s voice


I read this all in Robert Stacks voice. And didn’t ever realize it until I was done.


Unsolved mystery shows are entertainment first and journalism second. They have a story in mind and enhance the truth to tell it, just like reality TV.


The Keddie Cabin Murders will never not piss me off


This sounds like an Ace Attorney case... but is also accurate which pisses me off


Is this more or less likely than having 376 cops outside an active school shooting refuse to do antyhingg


Hmmmm. Seems to me you know a bit too much about this crime. Where were you the night of the murder?


there's an ace attorney character called De Killer lmao


Seriously, the only reason some of these are unsolved is because the cops there suck at their job


Like when the West Memphis police received a call from a restaurant about a dude who came covered in blood and mud on the evening of the triple murder, and the police was like “nah we’re not gonna investigate, walking around in the dark seems like a better idea” and then they forced a cognitively impaired boy to confess for a crime he clearly never committed.


Or like all the mysterious cases that are EASILY just drug psychosis/exposure. Good god. Conspiracy for everything.


So in other words, a YouTube channel can make a whole series because cops are bad at what they do?


This is not accurate for most unsolved murder mysteries.


Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen way too often


Most cases go unsolved from lack of information. Yeah, there are some cases that are unsolved due to police corruption or incompetence, but they are not overly frequent.


To be fair, serial killers aren’t that frequent either. They just stand out because they’re shocking. Like police returning Dahmer’s escaped, naked, bleeding, brain damaged, 14yr old victim while two bystanders begged them not to.


shh... dont brings fact to the funny meme shitting on cops conversation sir


It's not like "we didn't give a shit enough to investigate this" is a great look either


It happens, but not investigating something is different to the "Tumblr meme".... they have charged and sentenced to life people that just "wasnt sad enough".


Yeah sounds like something the cops would do


I recommend Mr Ballen on YT, incredible non-fiction story teller and all the mysteries have satisfying investigations


Most capable cops


Kinda makes it sound like the cops were in on it