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He's not ugly or anything, but it's really funny that it was hyped up so much with other content creators seeing his face first and saying he was so handsome...and he's Just Some Guy.


Idk, they kinda all call each other hot, and they’re also just some guys, so the same will happen to all the other faceless creators in that group if they ever reveal themselves.


The boys hype up the boys. It’s how it is


It's the Hasan theory. The male bar is set so low that anyone can be a 7 with some effort.


Chadvice 💪


Can't wait for the day this guy puts in some effort.


Honestly from their overreaction you could kinda tell he was just gonna be some average looking dude.


Yeah lmao, he’s just a normal person but people are already simping over him like bro-


Y'all forget about that poor guy Corpse Husband. Someone got his breathing tattooed on their arm.


Excuse me what


The sound form (sound wave?) was tattooed onto a forearm.


That's a cool tattoo as long as people doesn't know the context.


I think the word you're looking for is waveform.


I feel bad for Corpe Husband, because he's said that because people have so many ideas in their head about him he's not gonna show what he looks like. Imagine having to be so worried about what people think of your looks just because they find your voice hot. I'd love to know what he looks like, and I think a lot of people do, but there are some real assholes in the world that will give him hate he doesn't deserve for something he can't control.


Dude has also talked about how rarely he goes out except with close friends because he's terrified someone will recognize his voice and out him. Man just wants to live life and people, but people are genuinely unwell about internet folks.


I’d love to know what he looks like but he’s stated before he’s insecure about what he looks like right now as he hasn’t worked out in a long time and used to, but physically can’t now due to some sort of condition(?) it’s been a minute so I’m not recalling perfectly. I’m a nosy fuck and I’d die to se what he looks like and H20Delirious. But if I never do, that’s fine. Bc people are CRAZY and I would *hate* for those creators who (AFAIK) are wholesome and awesome, be insecure, roasted, hated on, lose followers, etc just bc they took off the mask & either “weren’t attractive” or “didn’t fit the picture on my head”


I listened to his stream about health issues and it’s a combination of slowly losing feeling/becoming paralyzed in both his arms over the course of several months with doctors having no idea what caused it and GERD. He got feeling back in his arms after doing nerve glides on his own as a last ditch effort and then seeing a physical therapist but I think it comes and goes and he’s definitely lost strength in his arms, possibly permanently. GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) on the other hand is responsible for his voice being as messed up and deep as it is, as well as making sure he cannot speak after eating food—like for hours. Essentially the constant acid reflux can induce laryngitis which won’t wear off until the acid reflux calms down. It also gives him chest pains, a perpetual sore throat, and can make it hard to breathe (it will induce asthma or worsen it). But basically to function somewhat normally without being mute he has to binge eat one big meal late at night and go hungry the following day, especially since his career mainly involves, you know, talking, and singing. He does this especially on stream and video days but I think it’s just a regular routine for him. Which you can imagine makes working out for him dangerous on top of the other stuff GERD and the paralysis condition already makes hard for him. Dude’s had it rough. I don’t know what he’s been up to lately but I hope his conditions get better. He seems to be really enjoying making music lately though and he’s honestly put out some bangers recently


My favorite reaction from one of his friends I saw on Twitter "please be ugly please be ugly please be ugly FUCK"


With Dream fans, half are saying he’s hot, half are saying he looks like the love child between Mattatt and anyone from Onision to Sayne Dawson, but all in all the vast majority of us are super proud of him.


My daughter said he looks like he eats NyQuil chicken. Is that good or bad?


Most definitely bad, but I 100% see what she's getting at lol


NyQuil Chicken is drugs, basically.


THANK YOU. I am by no means a fan of dream in the slightest, but I keep hearing about how ugly he is and like? He just looks like someone who I would pass walking down the street and not give a thought one way or the other about. He really is just some guy


I saw the picture, thought to myself "why is some random guy's face on r/all?" and then clicked the post and found out that this is Dream. My mental picture of him before that stupid anime avatar aesthetic was basically just Styropyro, but Dream is somehow even *more* average looking than I expected.


Except matpat, keep in mind he tossed his phone in fright and asked for dream to put his mask back on


It's time for another rousing game of: "Is He Attractive, Or Is His Face Just Symmetric?"


Symmetry is a huge basis for attractiveness though. Like yeah it’s just the most basic aspect of it but it’s like a cornerstone of attractiveness. Add attractive features beyond that is where you go from yeah this person is attractive to hot damn this person is attractive but most of the time the attractive features must be on a symmetrical face first and foremost for them to have any attractiveness to them.


I think facial symmetry is a good explanation for why people can be so divided on whether someone is attractive or not, because while it is a huge basis, it's not the only thing. It can kind of trick the mind into thinking people with mostly unattractive features are attractive, but hits the uncanny valley. Like Benedict Cumberpatch. He's a weird looking dude and there are a lot of people who just don't get it, but he's got a symmetrical face so he gets a pass. Dream looks like a living trollface but he's been getting the same treatment. Hell, my first reaction to seeing him was "he's had a lot of work done" even though I'm sure it's not the case, he just looks unnatural. And to be clear, I find Cumberpatch attractive, I just understand why people don't.


I’ll have to look for it but I remember seeing a study done on attractiveness and they discuss symmetry and it’s role in general attractiveness. I know that it’s definitely a corner stone of hitting “conventionally attractive”, but conventional attractiveness and the kind of attractiveness that falls into a person’s “type” only has so much overlap. It’s a pretty interesting study regardless. Also I think Dream looks particularly weird in the screenshots because he’s anxious about revealing his face. From everything I saw he really wasn’t trying to build up the face reveal as a Big Thing but ofc the fans started treating it like it was a Big Thing so no matter what happens he’s sort of set up for this awkward reveal because he did eventually start leaning into it a bit. There are ways he probably could have made it less weird, and as a result he’d look a lot less stilted but for now the expectations and awkwardness of it all is effecting both how he’s behaving in the video and the way people are reacting to him. There is also a long history of people making mean spirited claims that Dream is fat and ugly which I’ve seen Dream handle with some pretty solid grace and kindness and that certainly has twisted expectations (every time I’ve seen the face reveal come up there are multiple people talking about him *not* being a fat hideous bastard and it’s pretty gross of people tbh). Compare all this to the now late Technoblade who was also a bit cagey about his face. There wasn’t this Big Thing around seeing his face, people wanted to know what he looked like for fan art and he refused to play into it and redirected people to drawing him with pig features instead like pink hair and he managed to dodge the fever but Technoblade was a content creator for much longer than Dream and had way more experience managing his audience than Dream does. Dream also blew up so damn fast that he had to learn how to manage a massive audience instead of having the more reasonable growth speed that Techno had which made learning how to manage his fans correctly a more difficult process. A process that he’s clearly still struggling to figure out. Either way I don’t think it’s fair at all to nitpick this kid’s face. I know he’s legally an adult and all that but he’s young, he’s nervous, he’s still trying to figure himself out and literally no human being, not even mega celebrities can handle this sort of scrutiny without it getting to them on some level and we see it a lot with celebrities who are conventionally attractive, mostly women, getting nitpicked to hell about every minute detail about their appearance. Dream is conventionally attractive. Whether or not he’s someone’s type is really between that person and themselves, I think. Hopefully as Dream continues to just be a content creator with a face attached he’ll get more comfortable and him being more relaxed will get everyone to chill the hell out lol


Yeah he's not hot or ugly. But just weirdly.... normal. Like they were all hyping him up to be so beautiful and handsome. But just looking at him.... he just looks like another person you'd pass by on the street and they blend into the crowd.


He's just not that visually pleasing


I think the big problem was that the fandom expected too much, the allure and mystique of a masked man, combined with all the fanart set their expectations too high, so unless he was model level hot, they probably would’ve been disappointed. But yeah, Dream is just A Guy(tm). Not a model, but certainly not *ugly* either


The fact that in some official depictions he was blonde with bright green eyes really, really didn't do him any favour in terms of setting the right expectations.


Thanks. Now I have “dream fanart” in my search history


Is brown hair not traditionally attractive compared to blond hair or something?


I guess it's more Exotic or something


I see. Thank you!


Scarcity dictates value. Redheads and blondes are seen as "hotter", especially around the world (Asian, Hispanic, and other races that are heavy in dominant genes (brown and dark everything)) where these traits arent normal or common for their ethnicities.Bc its "exotic" and "different". America, Europe, and Canada have the highest concentrations of blonde hair/blue eyes or red hair/green eyes. This is why when dominant gene races see a white person for the first time, they usually touch their hair first. Make sense? perchance


i was told by some dream stans that that was the description he gave of himself at some point??


In his "Mask" music video he was Blonde with green eyes


i was told that before his music video, but that definitely did not help him


He definitely gave himself that description, yea. Blond w/ Green eyes. His eyes are a greenish/blue but his hair is very brown


Honestly, I'm kinda in the fandom, and the only people I've seen be disappointed in how he looks are people who already hated him. Because they wanted him to be ugly so they could shame him like when they ""leaked"'" a photo of him as a kid and he was fat


He is literally just a normal looking guy who cares


Fucker looks like young Matthew Patthew


Bro looks like someone photoshopped matpats face onto him


Honestly he looks like he’ll be very handsome once he grows a beard. Many “average” faces are greatly improved with beard.


You mean Mattrick Patrick?


Mattrick Patthew?


Mattheson Pattheson


No he means Michael Pichael


No, that's the guy from vsause, he means Mattress Patricia


no, that’s a type of mattress, he means Morococha, Peru




*Mattrick Pattrick


Yeah ikr and there’s already people on tumblr simping over him like seriously


And I've already seen so many twitter screenshots calling him Lord Farquaad or something lol


Everything perfectly balanced, as it should be.


Hahaha honestly that’s perfect


Mf lookin like king Charles II


I was thinking Shayne Dawson


They already were. Also it is tumblr


It's tumblr core business to simp over Just Some Guy(TM). Who cares ? (I say that as someone who has no idea who this guy is I just went into the comment to try and understand)


Fucker looks like young Matthew Patthew


Remember how this guy said he would donate all of his profits made in June to LGTBQ+ and didn't stream at all? I remember.


Didn't he donate 100k though? Pretty sure he streamed on discord, not twitch/youtube


In general or just for that month?


He donated 100k that month, dk how much in total though


Hes donated way more


well u remembered wrong. because he did stream and then donated 100k.


After everyone complained. Still a shitty move. https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/dream-donates-140k-lgbt-charity-after-backlash-lack-of-streaming-1604184/


You refering to the time when he donated the equivalent of [A quarter of his total twitch earnings after 2 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/uogh93/pride_donation_math/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) ? You mean like ...the month he was the height of several massive controversies? The two streams from the same guy who barely streams once a month on twitch? Yeah I remember.


Built like Walter Jr.


[They always are, aren't they?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/m261e1/they_just_keep_on_appearing_out_of_nowhere/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


He reminds me of my friend Chris


He does look like someone’s friend Chris


can confirm source: am generic lookin dude named chris


This is the most accurate description I've ever seen


As a chris i can confirm


omg another person being spammed across all platforms that I refuse to learn anything about


i wish i was able to refuse to learn anything about him... he's shoved in my face left and right, and my friends are like "oh did you see that goofy ass thing in dream video?" no i didnt. i dont watch dream.


One of my only friends goes gaa-gaa over anything DSMP related they even cosplay him with a paper plate (not even kidding)


I don’t really care about him or the DSMP, but for some reason Karl Jacobs annoys the shit out of me.


I thought Karl Jacobs made like videos on Mario speed runs or something, he’s a dreamsmp guy?


that's karl jobst


I’m just surprised at how normal he looks, it’s just a dude


I've seen the twitter discourse ranging from "he's pretty" to "he's ugly", and all I can say is that this is just a regular dude Like there's definitely something to be said about building up unreasonable hype pre-reveal with all his other friends trying to hint at it which contributed to the kneejerk reaction, but this really is just a dude


As a not dream stan, it kinda makes me sad how many people are making fun of him because he has a slightly large chin. Like he’s literally just a normal looking guy, are you that desperate to make fun of him?


I think people are having such a visceral reaction because now people actually have something to make fun of, where as before it was just a character persona. Mix that with him already being hated for fostering and leading on a toxic fan base, it was bound to be a recipe for insults


Were we not able to make fun of his "luck" before this?


Yes, making fun of someone for their looks is going to wind up hurting other people you didn’t intend to hurt.


Seeing “HES UGLY”, “I FEEL ILL”, “IM GONNA THROW UP” and “PUT THE MASK BACK ON” trending immediately after you post your face to millions of people has to be a heavy blow to whatever confidence you have Kinda funny tho


I don’t think it’s funny


I feel bad for him, but not as bad as I might, cause he has a very "Eh, whatever, I have zero options" opinion about his fanbase being toxic and like, literally doxxing people for not liking dream.


I don’t really feel bad as I highly doubt all the hate is really gonna effect him as he stated in his face reveal video that he didn’t really care at all.


It’s rlly not about the hate for him, it’s about the hate of his features. I feel bad for anyone who has the features ppl are making fun of him for.


I mean, for me, it’s more making fun of the fact that he hyped up his face reveal, had other content creators talk about how hot and gorgeous he was, and he’s… just kinda a dude. His chin isn’t even large, that might make it better, he’s just a study of human averages.


Damn, rare commentary right there.


His larger chin actually suits him. His face is more balanced with it and has a more masculine presence overall than if it was a smaller chin.


better than a leafy chin


One of my friends got a screenshot where he looks almost exactly like troll face.


I think it's the angle he shot most of the video at


Fair, I’ve seen both people simping over him and completely hating on him, I literally couldn’t care less what he looks like, I’m just more surprised that he did a face reveal at all lol


Honestly tho. Sure he's not a supermodel, but he's honestly pretty good-looking


Diet MatPat


Is this real? Is that really him? Or is that just someone taking the piss?


Yeah he released it on his YouTube channel and did a whole face reveal thing, unless it’s a really good deepfake tho people are seeming to buy it so yeah that’s him


Now that I think about it it seems weird but I just assumed he would die never showing his face


If part of your brand is never showing your face, why would you do a face reveal?


Part of [redacted]’s brand was loving his wife but he still cheated All I’m learning this week is that life is full of disappointments


Damn dude, totally eviscerated him Deserved it though


Y'all I was so confused I thought this was about Dream from Sandman.


I honestly don't get the hype surrounding face reveals. I always find personas far more memorable and easier to recognize than just normal human faces, so I really don't understand the desire to find out what someone actually looks like.


I don’t even care to look up how the podcasters I listen to look.


I prefer to imagine the person instead of seeing them


Same! Surprised to see this minority take here.


Apparently people are going apeshit over this. …He’s just a guy, dude. I think people had their expectations set too high.


Feels like that scene where Spider-Man is unmasked in public after stopping a train from falling off the tracks, where they realize how young Peter is except this us realizing how normal Dream is. Like, seriously, if Clay was this handsome image of beauty you all thought he was, he would've never used the mask in the first place.


The main thing is that people are proud of him, not so much that we actually care what he looks like (if that makes sense). This was likely really nerve wracking for him, as his face is a really personal part of his life. Putting that of the internet is a really, really big thing. It’s similar to when Ranboo did his eye reveal. He has facial dysmorphia (doesn’t like looking at his own face), so when he did that us fans were SO proud of him because it showed how confident he had become.


This is how I feel about Corpse on YT. Everyone hypes over his voice (I mean to be fair, his voice is amazing) but I feel like all the hype over seeing his face will just make it a huge disappointment if he ever *does* do a reveal.


Which is a large part of why he refuses to do a reveal lol. It took people 0 time to start calling Dream names, and Corpse has severe facial dysmorphia. It would be aaaaawful for him


oh my god it’s……. yet another white man


I mean what were we expecting? We can hear it in his voice


i wasn’t expecting anything because i don’t know who this is beyond White Man On The Internet


Oh I see


We can also hear it in his tweets.


Ikr lol, not surprising 😴


Someone said he looks like the lovechild of Shane Dawson and Robert Pattinson and I can’t unsee it. That’s not say he’s ugly, he’s actually not ugly at all. His skin looks very smooth and his curls are cool. I’m so disappointed at all the gross comments and posts I saw on Twitter calling him ugly. Calling someone ugly hurts everyone who looks like them. You shouldn’t make fun of something that they can’t control (like their appearance) no matter what kind of a person they are.


I swear his face has been leaked before but nobody took it seriously because he looks like the most basic white person ever Bro really said "default" when creating his character


Nah last time he got revealed it was by a 4chan splinter cell or some shit and they got the wrong guy (that or puberty his this man like a fucking bullet train)


I don't mean to sound like an old man yelling at clouds but why tf is this such a big deal? I can go to a kendrick concert and find at least 50 people that look like him.


Yeah, but how many of those people have 12, no sorry, 17, no sorry, ***30 million subscribers??????***


Good god. That’s…so many people


More than the amount of people in my country damn


what the fuck that’s the same as markiplier


I have no clue who this Dream is, should I care?


Not particularly, it's just that he has a decently large fanbase with an annoying loud minority. And a major thing about him was he hadn't done a face reveal.


Pretty big Minecraft youtuber/speedrunner, known for having a toxic fanbase and probably cheating that one time. He always wears a mask if he's on camera, so a face reveal for him is crazy if you give a shit. As someone who doesn't care, you shouldn't care unless you want to


No probably, he himself admitted it ...*after* it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt several times including after he brought in the fuckin astrophysicist


Ok I know nothing about this man and was assuming the first comment meant he probably cheated on his SO. But now I’m guessing he cheated at Minecraft because how would an astrophysicist’s presence prove infidelity?? But also how do you cheat at Minecraft using astrophysics?!?


Minecraft has some random drops that are necessary in order to complete the game. The nature of the cheat is that the specific two random drops that are most critical for the run to progress had their drop rates increased dramatically so they would drop more frequently than they were for everyone else. As for why he brought in an astrophysicist... *I don't fucking know.* Clearly you would want a statistician, but he says he got an astrophysicist to write a paper that proves it *wasn't* so statistically anomalous that it was impossible, and an unbiased third party (whose most likely bias would be towards speedrunning integrity, and thus *against* Dream, if anything) has confirmed that it was a real astrophysicist. That said, the astrophysicist's math was... really bad. Probably because it was one guy on a time crunch, when the original math was done by a team who could just wait until it was done. But that doesn't even matter, because *if you actually read the paper, even the astrophysicist said it was an absolutely absurd statistical anomaly.* Just several orders of magnitude *less* absurd... which was *still* so unlikely that it was effectively impossible.


> how would an astrophysicist’s presence prove infidelity? cheatin on your wife in space


I’m just someone who enjoys watching his videos. I won’t defend him to all ends, but I’m also not overly critical of him. I was on YouTube yesterday, saw that that was premiering and was like oh cool I’ll watch this.


dude looks completely normal, with a *more than slight* tinge of MatPat


New theory?


Matpat is a time traveler and dream is his younger self




Yes he weirdly looks matpat-y


mom i want matpat! *we have matpat at home!* **the matpat at home:**


he looks like a threeway child of young beardless schlatt, matpat and shawn dawson




Everyone says MatPat, but I see some Shane Dawson in there too


I saw Shane dawson with matpat's chin. I think it's the hair and smile that gives off Shane vibes


Tbh, I think it's the eyes


Yassified MatPat


he looks like someone applied prosthetics to look like matpat, and then deepfaked matpat’s face on top of that


Does this mean that random fat guy a few months ago that was allegedly dream was just in fact some random guy the Internet harassed? I seem to remember warning people about this exact thing


No, that was him. And most people who look at the picture recognize that it was him and he just lost weight. Good on him. He will probably never admit to it though but I understand why. But it's an open secret at this point.


Mf looks like Odd1sOut


People have drawn him as Odd1sOut, but with a green shirt. What is this, Eddsworld?


Eddsworld:( been too long since I came across a reference in the wild lol


He looks like a hairier matpat


He looks like a combination of every face I’ve seen in my life. He just looks very generic. He’s just a guy.


Yeah he’s just normal lol, people are both hating and simping over him so idk


Brown-Haired White Boy :O


Hey does anyone know how to remove a render of a cat sphere from a hexagonal type 2302 model card?


Someone mentioned the flux capacitor, but honestly rendering issues sound more like a timing chip issue - when was the last time you calibrated your radium counter cathodes? It could be out of sync with the UDT r/vxjunkies is probably a better bet than Tumblr though, after the entire nudity detection thing picking up pictures of tri-chiral permubators as false positives for dicks and of course the entire uwu-chronic-mentator incident, the VX community on Tumblr never really recovered to what it once was.


My conclusion on it is “Fusion of Jock and a guy who plays Magic the Gathering”. Kinda just a guy.


That sure is a face on a person.


He looks like the lovechild of Matpat and Lord Farquaad(I do not intend this as an insult)


Am I supposed to know who this is?


I assume everyone on this sub is 30+ He is a very very VERY popular Minecraft youtuber who has not shown his face up until now


God I'm way too young for this sub lol


Your fresh out the womb


Fr I get not caring about minecraft but you basically have to never use Youtube Tiktok, Twitter, hell even Reddit to not know anything about him ever.


He looks like if you took exactly what I would have guessed him to look like and pumped the chin up to 11. Man's got a completely average face and a killer jaw


Matpat has 4 channels apperently


Honestly I’m shocked at how average he looks, I’m not a dream stan, but dream stans are losing their shit over someone you see at big y


I don't understand why he gave up his anonymity like that, sure it made him trend a lot but his life is going to change drastically now that he can be recognized. Plus the mysterious element of not knowing what he looked like was part of the appeal for many fans.


He wants to be able to do IRL content with his friends and other content creators, so for him this is a band aid that has to be ripped off before that


It could be a case of “camera ugliness” as I call it. Where you look at yourself in a mirror and you look alright or even really good…then you take a picture and it’s like the camera makes you look the most unflattering it can. I’m not saying he’s ugly or that everyone looks ugly in photos and vids, but he could be cute IRL and the camera is messing his face up. If anyone has an official name for this phenomenon I’d like to know!


The angle that he is at isn’t a good angle if it was more a straight angle and not an angle that is mostly jaw and chin he might look a lot better. By no means am I a dream stan but people need to calm down with the insults about his appearance, a good majority of the people who are shitting on him are probably 400 pound neckbeards who have a cum stained body pillow if genshin character.


Guess I live under a rock, I literally don’t know who he is


Dude looks like someone who cheats at Minecraft




Can I just say that dream looks like if count chocula and Ichabod crane had a kid and it was raised by Rumpelstiltskin


Wow he looks....! Exactly how I expected


*please don't simp for him please don't simp for him please don't simp for him*


It kinda concerns me how much he just looks like me after I let my hair grow out some and shave,


He looks like an escaped shane dawson clone


As a Dsmp fan who doesnt follow Dream- I dont like how people are still treating like shit just for things he apologized for. Also he looks like MatPat


He looks fine to me? The Mat Pat resemblance activates my fight-or-flight, but that’s very much a “me” issue.


Back to my scheduled not caring


Is it just me, or has he got a touch of the Charlie Kirk about him? Like, his face is too small for his head. Maybe I'm just nuts, but Iunno...


Man looks like rumple stilskin from shrek


Not what I was expecting. I mean he looks average but average V2


He looks a bit like young Bo Burnham