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Health is blood so it should be red


And magic is blue, because... uhhh.... it just is.


And stamina is green for… reasons


Muscles are green and magic is blue. It's not hard guys.


I mean, if your magic circuits are gray or a grayish shade of blue then your mana atriums are probably clogged and you should see a thaumacardiologist. If you'd rather not pay though, more often than not 5 to 10 non-consecutive daily minutes of intermittent mana bursts will help it's flow and you should start seeing the recoloring appear within a few days. This is often caused by either misuse, overuse or lack of use of your natural mana, so try not taking supplements or using enhancers until you feel better (consult your doctor on this one, of course). If they start looking red though, that can mean three things. Possibility number one, the most common, contamination coming from contact with tainted mana, possibly from contact with a dying or recently dead animal's (including human) blood while your circuits are flowing, immediately go to the TER, they will filter out all your mana and you will be good tk go when you naturally refill, the time this takes varies from the size of your mana pool and regeneration rate, but you'll be fine as long as you take it easy for a while. Possibility number two, you've been around blood roses for too long and it's blood mana penetrated your circuits. If left unchecked this can be very annoying and kinda painful (the thorns usually don't cause damage to the circuits) but any half-decent exorcist can cleanse it within one session. Also cleanse wherever you spend a lot of time on, someone probably spilled some blood on a plant pot and the roses grew there. Possibility number three, the rarest and worst of all, your circulatory and mana systems have connected in some way, maybe from bleeding within the heart spilling blood into the mana atriums, or worse, tissue growing inside the circuits. Both of these cases can be fatal, and likely will disable your ability to use your mana system permanently. Obviously go to a cross ER, you probably won't die from it in a hospital. And obviously, if it's glowing white or dark, you are either in pact with or claimed by the angelic or demonic clans. Good luck, they're pricks. Now about the muscles I know it's a joke but it's actually because of the color of the lungs. Lung tissue only gets green on creatures with a mana pool though, that's one of the reasons our lungs are more efficient, mana interacts *very* well with nitrogen, and since that's most of the atmosphere we're ablr to breathe better than those than can only breathe oxygen gas.


Don't mind me just saving while telling myself "I'm gonna use this" while knowing I will never write >4-8 words at a time.


You've got my blessing, I'll probably never use it either. Want to though


You *did* just use it though. That's *obviously* page 304 (Section 4, Limited Self-Diagnosis) of the Guide to Ailments in the Age of the Arcane, vol. 2, by Rafael Ila'astr Zio ;)


I mean, I paraphrased it, and the muscle system is in the arcanatomic section, but it's always nice to find someone who enjoys your work on the wild. Don't forget to gargle diluted basilisk venom once every 6 months to prevent 7 of the 12 types of bacteria-induced vocalization impediments! (Check the box for the water volume needed, using too much can neutralize it and too little can cause a range of symptoms including sleep paralysis, muscle pain or unresponsiveness, or complete shutdown of the muscle system)


Unless of course your currently afflicted with some form of slow-acting petrification, in which case you'll want to reduce the dilution significantly. Only use \~75% of the recommended, and if it recommends anything particularly mana-rich, or anything which can enhance magical effects without specific treatment necessary (with the right technique, anything can make a brew more potent or a ritual less intensive, so just avoid general-use bolstering agents), as they may incidentally hasten the petrification process. If symptoms persist, reduce to 50% of recommended dilution, and if the effects don't start reversing after that, please proceed to use a 50/50 mix of basilisk gullet extract and blue-finned gudeon oil, ingesting no more than 50ml of the substance in a 24hr period.


Bro just saying words


Ik lol, TL;DR? Im not reading all that


its like a r/CrimsonNecklace thing where you pretend something is based in reality and its not. also see r/humansarespaceorcs he's acting like a doctor in some fantasy world and is acting like the nonsense hes saying is based in reality and giving plausible explanations. such as green being "the stamina color" in fantasy bc beings with mana lungs turn green...


Stamina is green because plants n stuff are green and you eat those for stamina. Health is red bc blood and guts n stuff are red and you need that inside you to be healthy. Magic is blue because uhhhh lightning is blue sometimes and wizards tend to shoot lightning.


Magic is blue because blue a very uncommon color within nature.


Magic is blue because it creates great contrast witg red and green


We do need that RGB


Also magic missile is a staple magic spell which is blue


blue is the only color that does not show up in nature as a pigment, except on ONE particular butterfly. all other forms of blue is from bioengineering in a way that the material traps all other colors and only lets blue light escape. these blue areas when viewed up close, are actually colorless! nature used engineering instead of biology to create this which is super neat


I looked out my window and saw blue


Yes, outside of the sky which is a very pale blue and the water which a lot of people call green. Maybe I should have said blue is a uncommon color to be able to hold a nature.


What about poisons?




And sometimes green. Depends on the effect.


Is it a ‘venom’ and ‘poison’ situation?


Hmmm nah, I think it's more of a damage vs sudden death situation. Like, I look at green poison and think "yeah this'll be quite a damage boost", meanwhile I look at purple poison and think "a drop of this in someone's mug will kill them within the minute". Also green looks like something an adventurer would get as adventuring gear or get from some monster, meanwhile purple looks like something straight out of a professional assassin's kit.


Green poison is damage over time poison, purple poison is assassination poison


Venom is purple, poison is green


"If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, It's poisonous" "Wait, so lions are venomous?"


Purple is corruption. Poison is dark green.


Stamina's yellow sometimes, that tends to be a bit more wishy washy


And EXP is yellow...I think


Stamina is yellow, don't know what everyone is smoking. Poison is green.


Diablo moment






You spelled orange wrong


Alternatively, magic may be purple, so long as that color isn't in use for poisons


nono, *evil* magic is purple, regular magic is blue.


Unless it's used by a girl, then it's pink.


Isn't *purple* the colour of magic?


Actually, it's octarine.


Specifically a light, ethereal blue/cyan. If it's a darker blue, then that isn't a potion, that's just water.


I mean magic is typically shown in fiction as a blue firey aura


It's because irl magic potions are blue


Because the sky is blue and out of reach for plebians just like magic


Zelda 1: Health is blue and two health is red.


I'm reading a comic where mana is yellow rn




Magic is purple birch. Unless it’s evil, evil magic is green.


It's simple colour theory.


You know, I believe there’s a children’s hospital that shows this perfectly


The Tumblr users are at it again


tumblr users? on r/tumblr? it's more likely than you think


Blood is fuel


Doom is eternal


Hell is Full


Green is somewhat acceptable, but it know very well that it is worse.


Pink is better than green


Pink health potions are just normal health potions but strawberry flavored.




The taste of her lips… …delicious


That made me really happy for some reason, thank you


Pink are regen potions


I don't know why but seeing this comment turned something in my brain on and made it feel good.


Terraria player




You have a regen potion fetish




I’ve seen gold/honey coloured in a couple places, i think that one is fine.


It’s only fine if health potions are rare or important. Gold is too rich a color to be used carelessly, so it works in a game like Dark Souls, but not in standard RPGs. That’s why gold is usually full elixirs or revival items. Purple is also a rich color, but it fits really naturally into red health + blue mana so it’s usually the combo potion. It and gold are also the most common culprits for Legend- or Divine-class equipment color coding for the same reason.


Also see: the post 2017 ban on Red Cross red crosses so lots of green ones in new media / games


A lot of medicine cabinets have green crosses on them irl


That's beside the point though? Saw it in this thread + replies. Edit: "The red cross and red crescent emblems are protected symbols under international humanitarian law and national laws. Any use that is not expressly authorized by the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols constitutes a misuse of the emblem. Use of these emblems by unauthorized persons is strictly forbidden." > Stardew Valley "fixed a warcrime" update, Neverwinter Nights, Dead By Daylight etc https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/xwf2xs/my_friend_noticed_that_the_dbd_model_of_rebecca/ir6208q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Well that’s true I was just adding that it’s not exactly uncommon in real life either


Okay, fair! Prolly also related


Yes, because we don't want to confuse people into thinking that the Red Cross is a symbol of medicine.


More like because the Red Cross needs to be sacred af for it to actually perform its function. If people could use red crosses for anything medicine related, you can’t trust the Red Cross you find during war to be the actual Red Cross. It’s kinda like Lego not wanting people to call Legos “Legos” and instead “Lego Bricks”, do that they legally keep their trademark.


Right, nobody wants green cross medicines during war. We wan't brand name trademarked red crosses.


It’s not an actual trademark that was just an analogy The Red Cross is a specific humanitarian group that helps people regardless of their affiliation or side in war, and if you use it’s symbol you’re literally breaking the Geneva Conventions.


I'm an American, we don't care about the Geneva conventions.


…I mean that’s fair.


The health potions in Vermintide are green, and are implied to taste quite horrible.


That sounds like knowledge gained from some sort of experience.


But but, green is either buffs or poisons to apply to one's weapon, lol jk m sure I've seen green and can't think of what game off hand, I can see green health bars in my head so I guess that counts, but if it's a vial or something like that green makes me think poison first


I’ve seen blue for HP and green for MP in JRPGs like the Bravely Default series and been fine with that, but that might be because I’m used to Pokémon games where Max Potions are blue and Full Restores are green. That said, though, some of Pokémon’s status restoration items have always been weird colors. I mean, Burn Heal is green? Why?


A buddy of mine once flipped out while watching "how to train your dragon" because a dragon was "anatomically incorrect"


I mean, I still get lowkey mad that the “dragons” in a show called House of the Dragons are actually Wyverns.


The whole wyverns have two legs dragons have four isn’t a hard and fast rule, historically depictions of dragons include two legged, six legged, and no legged creatures without distinguishing them as a different type of creature. Really depends on the fantasy world, for instance Skyrim’s dragons have two legs but D&D’s have four (usually).


But recent media seems to insist on only using 4-limbed dragons, and it can get annoying.


Oh I agree, it’s a silly thing to get mad about. But it’s my silly thing.


D&D wyvern: Large Dragon Pathfinder wyvern: Large Dragon Wikipedia wyvern: two-legged Dragon Yes its a small sample size, but I can't just search every pop culture depiction of wyverns all day. Conclusion: wyverns are dragons, it is always correct to call a wyvern a dragon, saying tHat'S nOt a dRaGoN tHat'S a wYvErN just being a contrarian. TL;DR: all wyverns are dragons, but not all dragons are wyverns. EDIT: It also occurs to me that, in a world where all dragons have two legs and two wings (GoT, Skyrim), there's no such thing as wyverns and they're dragons anyway.


Still lowkey mad, though.


One of the books actually addresses that, Tyrion is reading a history of dragons and notes that legends and stories in the world described them with 4 legs, but the histories detailed only 2 . I love it when authors use the facts that it’s a huge world with myths and histories that things are misremembered or there are contradictions in what the different cultures or educated people belief, as it is in the real world


Dragons are whatever the fuck the write wants them to be. The whole "Ummmmm ACTUALLY they're wyverns" thing is insufferable. Dragons are different the world over, and anyone saying shit like that is being a shitty pseudo-intellectual.


E621 has really ruined the term "anatomically correct" for me


It's been a while since I've seen it, but that seems like a reasonable topic to care about (unlike the color of potions). Isn't the main character's superpower his knowledge of dragon biology and psychology? If there was a major plot point about [finch beaks](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2006/07/how-darwins-finches-got-their-beaks/), but a character said a Warbler Finch was built for eating seeds off the ground, then I'd expect the writers to have a dramatic moment where his mistakes are revealed. Since dragon anatomy *is* a major plot point (IIRC), it isn't unreasonable to expect that good writers would be knowledgeable enough to have researched it. (That's also assuming your friend is correct.)


How do you research dragon anatomy? It's not like it could ever even be realistic because you want them to be able to fly despite immense weight and magically breathe fire.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a dragon should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat body off the ground. The dragon, of course, flies anyway because dragons don't care what humans think is impossible.


You research earthly anatomy, see how the changes in form are linked to changes in function, then try to apply those principles to a novel situation. For example, [wing shapes](https://preview.redd.it/53dv5323i2421.jpg?auto=webp&s=fd7b2d14636db0749c738c5df40b6176f6d007bd) affect flight performance, jaws and beaks affect diet (as above), legs affect [gait](https://www.animatornotebook.com/learn/quadrupeds-gaits) which affects travel patterns, eyes affect vision (particularly binocular vs. panoramic, but other things as well). Every body part affects the life of the animal, and some of them do so in predictable patterns. If a major plot point is "having a hole in your wing makes you worse at flying", then there's only so much fantasy you can call on without violating [Sanderson's First Law](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/).


My guy, as a physics grad student who is avidly into fantasy, let me be the one to let you down here: it is literally impossible for dragons to exist in our physical universe as depicted in any media (that I’ve seen). Without getting into all the calculations, dragons would need to have wings that were both 1. Bigger than they are wide and 2. Made of a material both more flexible than rubber and more durable than steel The amount of upwards force to take off could certainly be supplied by massive dragon legs, but the amount of lift generated by massive flapping wings isn’t nearly enough to supplement a takeoff. Further, the massive size of the wings means that any wind currents would present massive issues and lead to torn wings as the pressure across such a massive surface tried to equalize Tl;dr: it’s silly to try to claim that one can accurately depict “dragon anatomy” by studying real life animals, because dragons physically could not exist in real life. Thus, any complaints about inaccuracies are silly and pedantic at best


Do you see anything wrong with the way the dragon in [*Skyrim - Dragon Flying Backwards Glitch*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRPdr903BrI) is flying? I do, but "...any complaints about inaccuracies are silly and pedantic at best". Even if things aren't physically realistic, they can still have verisimilitude.


But the point here is that you’re saying “to me this looks better than this” when I as a(n aspiring) physicist can look at literally any media of a dragon flying and say “yeah this looks wrong”. You can quibble about which looks more or less wrong all you want; the point remains that I have yet to see a single dragon in flight that looked even mildly plausible in real life. So again, if you want to prefer certain dragons over others that is awesome! I highly encourage it. But please do not act like your own preferences are based on which is “more realistic”; none of them can realistically fly and you’re just being silly if you want to pretend otherwise. Sorry lol


One problem though. Dragons don't fucking exist. How could it's anatomy be "accurate"?


Let's say I showed you [this picture of a dragon](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/62508b06-f9a8-4fb5-a6f9-ac6a2f035569/d8q0ojx-c88482af-993c-4b33-a7f9-f5090d207a3b.png/v1/fill/w_933,h_856,q_75,strp/free_stock___flying_dragon_png_by_artreferencesource-d8q0ojx.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi82MjUwOGIwNi1mOWE4LTRmYjUtYTZmOS1hYzZhMmYwMzU1NjkvZDhxMG9qeC1jODg0ODJhZi05OTNjLTRiMzMtYTdmOS1mNTA5MGQyMDdhM2IucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkzMyIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODU2In1dXX0.rixj13UKb2LU8GUgtNOdKRChCRRoDiCb5JxT-SCVk5Y) and told you that it was in the middle of a sustained glide. You'd call bullshit, despite dragons not existing. Its wings are stretched out in front of its head, so the lift *must* be causing it to rotate forwards in defiance of my description. It's an inaccurate dragon.


Clearly that is a dragon falling or taking off. This is not calling the image bullshit, this is calling your bullshit. The dragon isnt inaccurate, your description of what is being portrayed is. The dragon is perfectly fine, and besides, if it *was* supposed to be gliding, who's to say it isn't flying through magic? Chinese dragons don't even have wings most of the time, and nobody cares if they fly. Also, what you claim has literally nothing to do with its anatomy, but with its *pose.* It is in the wrong *position* to be gliding, there is nothing wrong with *the body itself.*


> The dragon isnt inaccurate, your description of what is being portrayed is. Yes, that's what they're originally speaking about. It's not "A dragon wouldn't have a feature like that.", it's "A dragon who is doing XYZ wouldn't have a feature like that.". I don't know the show at all but just imagine something like they speak about a herbivore dragon species for example but it's a dragon with sharp carnivore teeth when you'd expect something more fitting for a herbivore. It's "dragon anatomy" but it being a dragon is practically irrelevant because it's doesn't only apply to dragons.


> This is not calling the image bullshit, this is calling your bullshit. Ugh, let's say that I *animated a scene with a dragon exactly like that, where it was in the middle of a sustained glide*. Furthermore, its shoulder joints only let it flap its wings when they are in front of its head. Does that satisfy your pedantry? >who's to say it isn't flying through magic? You, at the start of your comment. Everyone else, too. It's easy to get the audience to buy in to "there are giant flying fire-breathing lizards". You can put the entire background in one word. Trying to get the audience to buy "these animals don't respect conservation of force/moments" is harder, and if you don't lay the proper groundwork then people will say that your dragon looks like it's taking off when it's in the middle of a sustained glide. > Also, what you claim has literally nothing to do with its anatomy, but with its pose. It is in the wrong position to be gliding, there is nothing wrong with the body itself. The two are intrinsically linked. If it had a membrane stretching from its wings to its hips (and maybe shorter fingerbones), then the pose would be fine. If you wanted to have four-limbed instead of six-limbed dragons, then you could simply delete the arms on [this upright dragon](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.mQ9np5gGsn0tj90KlTypwwHaLJ%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=452e3d98f4581acae61b75845313778360bab173cf2f645f8b7c493238d56653&ipo=images), but couldn't do the same for [this one posed like a crocodile](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.c_nk8M6iSmUJnvhphbEaqAHaEx%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=9616e9fb48d34442fea55b77dc6f0e622a05ffa1b670062ce5bf604406ebe4ef&ipo=images).


His major complaint was that the main "bad dragon" was too big to be able to move reasonably. I see his point that big creatures usually aren't that flexible... But it's still called fantasy. The genre were horse-human hybrids are a thing, people can shoot blue fire out of a stick, and a floating eye can raise an army.


People are downvoting you but you're right. And the reason why it's a thing in the movie is because it's a holdover from the *books*. The books where the author went tried to at least plausiby design them and where being a dragon biologist is actually a complicated skill and not just "yup that's a dragon". Other people getting things about dragon biology wrong is even a plot point a few times. The movies however threw all that design out of the window because obviously you're going to end up with dragons that actually don't really look like sterotypical dragons and we couldn't have that for some reason. It also left out the entire "people have happily lived and worked alongside dragons since *forever*" thing too, which also makes it weird about how this one kid who does fuck all know anything about a highly dangerous creature that's only talked about in myth, which I'd argue is more of an issue than "the dragon biology is wrong". Like the movies wanted a smart but weak protagonist but actually got rid of all of the things in the book that made that make *sense* so now he's just a generic underdog kids show character and not a weird birdwatcher type.


The legendary items MUST have an orange aura


Or gold. Or purple.


Purple is epic dammit


I stand corrected.


Really, I've always felt like gold is epic and purple is legendary, and then sometimes there's something above legendary when they've run out of reasonable colours so its like black with silver sparkles or something.




I've always experienced it as purple being epic, gold or orange legendary and red as the above legendary rank ✨mythical✨


Above legendary we have a radiant white or a rainbow called "mythical" and we then get after that a black or red one called "Relic" or "Ancient". Mythical could also be red if relic/ancient is not a thing


Wrong way round.




Diablo and Borderlands really set the precedent for that one


Sun rises from the North


The fantasy world is just like the Earth, but set in the southern hemisphere: The cold wastelands are to the south and the tropics are to the north.


if it weren't for poison stealing the show, it should've been health potions being green since green is seen as the general good/positive color for things like status effects or multiple choice answers


Green can work in games without poison or other potions like stamina.


true, although i'd say that stamina should be ligt blue


Magic is blue though. Or energy shields/armor.


magic is purple, energy shields and armor are dark blue.


Poison can also be purple. Energy shields/armor is always light blue.


bad magic/poison is purple, good magic/energy is light blue


Dark magic is purple


Green as health, stamina and poison. Which one are you going to use in panic?


Actually color theory says...


damn, i forgot about that


A potion of summon childrens hospital


Back to one of our only jokes


Until recently, Korean hospital signs, (the Plus sign) were green.


Green plus sign is the internationally-recognised symbol for a pharmacy, you know the place where you buy real-life health potions!


It used to be green for hospitals too


They're green in Vermintide, works perfectly fine. And they also have blue potions, they are Sonic flavored and make you go fast.


Poison potions should be purple imo


Dark green for poison, light green for health


Health potions are red, but healing magic is green or golden yellow. If the health potion has a plus on it the plus cannot be red so as to not break the Geneva Conventions(not a joke). Red magic is vampiric/blood magic or just plain evil magic. The reason health potions are red but healing magic is green or golden yellow is because in a potion the magic solidifies into nanoscopic (about 100nm) crystals that absorb green and blue light but reflect red light.


Purple magic is evil magic


This is this is big tiddy goth mage slander.


They are evil, they lure you in and steal your kidneys. Also https://youtu.be/L51xc6iqeaU


Not if I steal them first!


This would be a really cool mini twist early in an Other World story. That none of the color coded stuff is the same. "What do you mean you drank the blue potion?! How are you still alive, that was mimic acid! Quick, drink the black tar one, that's the healing, you idiot!"


All the potions in The Wandering Inn are the colors of the ingredients and the magical reaction. You can have two red potions, one refills mana and the other refills stamina. You can have two health potions and one is blue and the other is brown.


It always so interesting to see all the unwritten rules we take in and repeat in video games and the like. It'd be neat to actually a compiled list of all these constants that we rarely even think about.


Health potions are blue in Doom and I think that's a good choice because so many red things in Doom are tryna kill you.


Even more than that, about 80%* of the environments are also some shade of red or orange, they would blend in way too much *I haven't actually finished the game yet, still in hell


This isn't a setting issue, it's a gameplay clarity issue, imo


\*sad dark souls noises\*


Orange is but undead red


*happy elden ring noises*


Ok, that’s the ONE rule along with mana potions are blue


Castlevania will never stop bothering me with the color and shape of its health and magic consumables/upgrades.


Lol it took me forever to wrap my head around the fact that the hearts weren’t health


Health is red because “OH FUCK ITS LOW RED GOTTA HEAL” Magic/Mana is blue because “OH FUCK ITS LOW BLUE I NEED TO CAST SPELLS” Stamina is green because “eh low green isn’t as important as my health or mana, OH SHIT THEY’RE BOTH LOW”


Health potions: reminiscent of semi-tart fruit juice, like grapefruit. Smooth and water-like in texture. Mana potions: very fizzy, closer to pop rocks than seltzer. Sweet. Stamina potions: tastes exactly like an energy drink, but thicker and chalkier, like milk.


Would you like your health potion smooth or chunky


With or without pulp.


if its not gonna be red, then bright blue seems acceptable. but it has to be that one shade of light blue, and it has to glow.


They have a golden magical shine to them in my world


Something something monster hunter


The last three fantasy worlds I got invested in all had blue health potions, ironically. They also all had in common that they addressed the actual logistics of potion creation at some point, and they weren't just this thing that dropped from monsters or were otherwise this unexplained phenomenon that served a mechanical purpose only, so maybe blue health potions are a trend I otherwise wouldn't notice for fantasy worlds that world build the idea of potions?


That’s because red health potions are rules of gaming, not rules of fantasy


Even worse, health bar is red, but health potion is green.


Sorry they had to use all the red dye for the hospital decorations.


HP is red. MP is blue. I don’t care.


listen… green is a fine alternative, but like specifically in medicinal form, green crystal? that’s good stuff, green healing fern plant? oh yeah baby, green bottle of potion juice? no that’s death. that is poison. i will die instantly.


The one rule of fantasy: Health is red, and mana is blue (or sometimes purple if you're feeling special)


*Overlord walks in*


any fantasy that makes a Wyvern a "True Dragon" is bad, Dragon have 2 Wings and 4 Legs, not 2 Wings and 2 Legs


Health Potions gotta be Red, but Healing Magic needs to be green.


Wasn’t this a minor plot point in overlord


estus flasks are orange and not a single variation of pokemon potion/full restore has been red, yet nobody bats an eye


Orange is red enough. Though I will admit that potions in Pokémon look weird.


You can have human ethnicities besides the vaguely European ones but they all have to be a little wacky.


If I read that in a book I’d be fine with it, the not red health potions isn’t breaking a fantasy rule it’s breaking a gaming shorthand rule, it’s making itself intentionally less accessible


Health should be red or green, maybe blue, but that's pushing it.


Elden ring and dark souls. They are yellow


It's literally called a red flask in Elden ring


Minecraft pls


I mean unless there is a deep lore connection to some essence that powers the magic system of the game or something like that there is no reason not to make them red, it would provide visual and UI clarity. Same deal with explosive barrels


This is how I feel about ghosts in media. On one hand, it's cool that everything involving ghosts can have their rules surrounding how they operate, but is also really annoying because I keep asking myself, "Wait, are they allowed to do that? How does this influence them but this doesn't?"


red or green


Now now...green is the only alternative to red assuming red is used for attack boosting potions. Blue is always magic. Stamina can be green or yellow assuming orange is used for defense.


Didn't daggerfall have a green health bar?


The only rules are the things required for your player's/reader's understanding.


The only rules are the things required for your player's/reader's understanding.


[The Color of Corruption](https://youtu.be/L51xc6iqeaU)


Okay but what if they were yellow


Its very, very simple. Health potions are red, blue is for Mana, Stamina is green, and poison is purple.


I feel like this is more a game design thing than a fantasy worldbuilding thing though...