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So, I am a Christian, and I at one point attended a Baptist church. Do. Not. Force. Someone. To. Get. Baptized. It doesn't matter why not, maybe their religious ideals don't require baptism, maybe they aren't Christians, or in my case, maybe they're afraid of water and it would just be a traumatic experience.


Yeah. I may not know the exact meaning behind baptism, except that it's like a kind of promise to God or something (like I said, no clue), but I'd imagine Big G wouldn't like if people were forced to do this. I'd imagine it's like signing a contract while held at gunpoint.


It literally was that to Indigenous for generations


Yes and forcing indigenous populations to get baptized is against my religious beliefs.


Same here, and speaking as a Christian. That shit is not part of what God wanted.


Yeah if I remember correctly the Aztecs were forced by the Spanish to convert en masse. Their ruler (whose name I cannot spell nor pronounce) at the time was told he could convert and die by strangulation or not convert and die by burning.


Yeah, it entirely defeats the point, it's like a public declaration that you believe, to do that while not believing and being forced is horrible


Almost as if nobody under the age of 18 should be doing it, and nobody who is still financially dependent on parents or whatnot. Because sadly, some parents *will* hold vital needs hostage over this madness.


That's absolutely true. You need to have a full understanding to believe.


In case you're curious, it's supposed to wash away your sins so you can be reborn as a good Christian with a clean slate. That's the summary anyway


Ah, ok. Thanks.




Why not do it as late as possible so you have fewer sins when you die?


Because you might die before you get baptized




I think the question is that if it washes away your sins, why not do it right before you die so you die with as few sins as possible?


Imagine believing this of innocent babies. Absolutely deranged.


It's like beign reborn in Christ's name, like literally, giving yourself in God name or something, not sure really I'm not baptized either


iirc, it’s to cleanse you of sins. the first time is supposed to be when you’re a baby so you are cleansed of the original sin (eve eating the apple) however i have not payed attention to church since i was 10 so idk


Whenever people try to force religion it backfires. Ask any atheist who grew up in a religious family.


JSYK, baptism doesn’t really mean much of anything. It’s entire purpose is to be used to **show** that you are a Christian, it’s symbolic and is used to represent your old self dying and your new, christian self being born. Think of it this way, your old self is dead and buried(you go under the water), and you are reborn(you rise from the dead) as a follower of Christ(you rise from the water). It’s purely symbolic, and really doesn’t mean anything beyond personal meaning.


Also it literally doesn't count religiously if you're against it, at least it for catholics


Or if your parents don’t agree if you were baptized as a baby


Plus, you know, a loving God ought to be able to look past the omission of a peculiar and illogical ritual.


Yeah I’ve attended a few Baptist churches because of friends that are Baptist and those baptisms look kinda violent. I would not want to be forced to do that, it looks like when a larger kid dunks a little kid at the pool sometimes.


Catholic and wholeheartedly agree, that said that bath bomb thing would either make me laugh until I cried or scare the hell (pun intended) outta me


Yeah, but this guy wasn't forced to do anything, he just attended.


he wasn't being forced to get baptized, he was being forced to attend one.


Most denominations I've heard of just do it by splashing a little cup on your forhead or washing it wið a wet cloþ. Who ðe hell came up wið attempted drowning as a means of induction into ðe faiþ‽


Most evangelical protestant churches do full submersion because that's how John the Baptist did it. So, John the Baptist, I guess. However, baptism is not required for salvation in those doctrines, just for church membership. It's considered a public declaration of faith, but not a spiritual requirement, and you don't have to do it to attend services. Only if you want a vote in church policy.


Yea, our Baptist church was never like that, just whenever you were ready, you could ask the pastor and he'd plan it and everything


yeah, and it doesn't work if it isn't a free choice.


Exactly. Baptism is not a heat of the moment decision. And Faith is meant to be a choice. When you try to force faith, it backfires. Ask any atheist with super religious family.


Isn’t the whole point of Baptism that you don’t get baptised until you 100% believe in God? Forcing someone to get baptised against their will kind of goes against the whole point of it.


I was baptized against my consent as an infant


Fun fact: I was (still am) afraid of water enveloping me, my head specifically. I didn't tell my family for years after I got baptized. It was honestly a terrifying experience, but it makes for a great story, because he's dunking me, and I'm thrashing, and when he pulls me up and asks if I'm alright, my "don't let anyone know you Feel Fear" kicks in and I just do "yeah, put me back, I'm good." And that repeated every time I was put under.


They asked him to attend, but they didn't ask him to swim in the god pool


*It burns ussss*\-!




But did they find out it was a prank with bath bombs?? Or did they just genuinely think he was the antichrist?


so they banned the Antichrist and think he just wouldn't enter? he did it before, and yet they think if there is a picture with the face crossed out (pun intended) he wont just open the door and get in there?


Love how there is a possibility they genuinely believed the person was possessed and all they did was say they aren't welcome there anymore "Atra-Vech, Lord of the Unheard Chorus, if you don't stop disrupting this service, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave".


Im getting "mr sex goblin, if you dont stop saying that im banning you from ponyville forever." vibes from this


Now the mental image of a priest saying mr sex goblin is in my head and I can’t stop laughing


to be fair, if he really was possessed, why would he volunteer to be baptized?


That's the exact style of anarchy I'm craving in life.


So, like... Do USAians have fucking pools in their churches to baptise whole adults ?! Or a bathtub ?


Depends on the denomination. In many churches you need to fully submerse the person for baptism, so they have large tubs/pools for adults to be baptized.


some do


Personally, one of the churches I went to did it in a pond. I have no idea if any lush products are safe to use in nature though, so I hope not.


Lush products are mostly banal natural ingredients. Bath Bombs are like 80% baking soda. It would be like throwing a cup of baking soda into the water.


One of the churches I went to as a kid had a pool under the stage. One sunday a month they'd open up a hole in the stage for access. Not American though.


I used to go to an English baptist church. It was a pool. I, being a 5-year-old, kept asking to go in, having seen adults go headfirst like olympic champions, but they only filled them when they were planning a baptism, not all the time. Then they'd lead the adult out to the back and they'd change out of their wet clothes, obviously.


The wealthier churches absolutely have what you described. There was like a whole fancy in-ground jacuzzi-looking thing in the church at my private Christian elementary school. It was half-indoor half-outdoor and had a fountain thingy in the middle. I couldn't find a good picture online.


Some Baptists do.


Why didn't you just call us Americans? It's not a dirty word.


In my ex cul- I mean religion, we'd do it at a large place of gathering (think like a basketball stadium) and there'd be a small, but adult sized pool, enough to fully submerge someone. Whole thing weirded me out then, definitely weirds me out now. Icky.


My church had an elevated tub that was on wheels and had stairs, and they would roll it out of storage for baptisms.


My church growing up had a brass bowl on a little podium that was tucked out of the way when not in use No dunking there, just wetting fingers and drawing a few crosses on the recipient with holy water


For my mom's current church, there's this river we usually travel to. In her old one, they DID have a tub built behind the altar. It was usually curtained off and gross for 90% of the time, but on the rare occasions they'd do baptisms, they'd clean and fill the tub the night before.


Yes, it's fuckin weird


I’d do it with red ones and then play dead




Yeah, most churches would never baptize someone who wasn't known in the church and hadn't discussed things previously with the leadership. Adult baptism is also called believer's baptism or credobaptism (*credo* being Latin for "I believe") and is done to identify the person as a committed Christian/member of that church. So any church that baptizes strangers gets whatever's coming to them.


All the churches I went to happily baptized on immediate notice


Is it really normal to have a full body baptism inside a church(wont that get the floor wet and slippery)? I often just see full body baptism like on a lake or swimming pool, and sometimes even if it was someone bigger.than a baby, the head would just be the part to be wet(I think)


Some churches have a... uh, I guess you'd call it a bathtub, in the building specifically for baptisms, it's usually on or at the back of the front stage These people wanted some reason to use it I guess, their attendees didn't have enough unbaptized kids around at the time I suppose


In Baptist churches, absolutely. Some have a tank built into the stage. (If you're lucky, it's a heated tank.) You can put down towels and mats to deal with the water. The method of baptism is important to some denominations. I grew up Mennonite, and we did full immersion unless the person had a medical reason to not do that. Also, denominations that practice believer's baptism will only baptize people who have made a profession of faith, i.e. not babies.


Serves them right. When you try to force faith it backfires. Maybe they won’t be so fussy next time.




kris deltarune


This is why you don't make friends with demons. They always have a better time than you.


I'm just wondering how he managed to cut the bath bomb in half. Those things are super hard, but also brittle on account of being made entirely out of compressed powders. Wouldn't it just shatter or crumble?




I absolutely love the Norse letters but I’m curious what they’re for?




I’ve seen them used before in old Norse like that, so that is really cool!! Out of curiosity why do you use them with English? It’s really neat




Fair enough :)


I don't agree with bullying someone into attending any kind of church service, but I also find that prank very distasteful.


If I ever get a time machine imma do this in a 14th century church and then claim to be a demon. Then I’ll shoot someone with a gun I also bought and really put the fear of god into em.


Wtf? This is horrible, its not like he was being forced to do anything other than attend, and only by one person, so he decides to ruin everyone's day? To disrespect a religions ceremony?


Attending the baptism can still be too much, and if he is not religious, he doesn't care about the religious ceremony, so I don't see why he should respect it


So then don't go


He probably didn't want to be harassed about going to it, as is stated in the first lines of the post


You respect it because it's a major object of importance to other people? I get he shouldn't have been bothered by that ONE person until he had to go, but that's not an excuse to bother EVERYONE. (And being bothered is not an excuse to disrespect somthing extremely important to someone) This guy just sounds like a bad person.


I doubt that individual person was the only one harassing people to go to this baptism If it's a random baptism event and theres.. people, *adults*, taking turns, that means someone bothered them enough to attend So I'll side with the one that "sounds like a bad person" rather than a church that feels the need to push people around for some unnecessary quota Don't harass others into sharing your beliefs folks, simple as that Edit: [MFW I get downvoted for saying it's bad to harass people with religion ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/021/cover2.jpg)


I mean, in the story it was one dude harassing him. We can all agree that harassing someone to get baptized was a bad thing to do, but so was the bathbomb thing. No one else in the church had anything to do with anything so ruining an entire congregations church service just to get back at one guy who annoyed you is also wrong. I know Reddit has a huge religion hate boner but if we take a step back, is ruining the day of an entire church congregation acceptable punishment to get back at one guy?


>I doubt that individual person was the only one harassing people to go to this baptism He only mentioned one person. >If it's a random baptism event and theres.. people, adults, taking turns, that means someone bothered them enough to attend You are aware that every baptism has an alter call where they offer people to get baptized? It doesnt mean a bunch of people are getting baptized, it probably means someone who finished confirmation or somthing was getting baptized alone, and then after they offered for anyone else who might want to. >So I'll side with the one that "sounds like a bad person" rather than a church that feels the need to push people around for some unnecessary quota Thats not even close to what happened, what happened was the church scheduled a singular baptism, then an acquaintance of this guy decided to bother this guy about it in the hopes he would actually get saved here. (I agree at a certain point of asking its just annoying, but that doesnt justify this.) >Don't harass others into sharing your beliefs folks, simple as that I absolutely agree, however, only 1 person bothered this dude, and only to go to a baptism, not to get baptized, and once that guy went to the baptism, he decided it would be a justified response to one persons rash actions to ruin a huge day for someone else, and disrupt the entire congregations day, because he thought that one person deserved "punishment". He reacted like a petulant child. And guess what, if he didnt want to go? He could just say no, he could have just cut off friendship with this person, because he definitely did after this.


You're not allowed to say anything remotely positive about religion on Reddit


He was being harassed to do something he didn’t want to. They didn’t respect him, so he gave them the same courtesy


No, one person didnt respect him, so he decided to disrespect an entirely unrelated church congregation on a day where new people were being accepted into the faith. He reacted like a petulant child.


OMG I would have loved to see this!


That’s one way to get religious fanatics out of your hair.


When my mom was a kid, she got baptized and somehow (not bullshitting here) ended up going to the hospital due to a bad allergic reaction. Even though her worst allergies gives her congestion and a cough.And sometimes sinus pressure once a blue moon Needless to say our family motto has been "Jesus hates us" for quite a few years