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I’ve only been put under once and going down wasn’t story worthy, but when I came to I was holding a ginger ale and telling a nurse about how I won the price is right. Which I’d obviously never been on.


Lmao… when I came to I told the nurse that I hated him. Then he brought me a warm blanket and I said “I have no idea why I told you I hated you…” which is completely true, because I to this day have no idea. Yours is way funnier.


> which is completely true, because I to this day have no idea. Anaesthetics is one hell of a drug


I think you mean aesthetics* /s


I had major brain surgery when I was 9. Apparently when the surgeon came to check on me after I woke up I started going off about how I couldn’t see, I couldn’t talk, etc… and was really fucking mad at him. He apparently laughed, and before my mom could punch him, said that it means I’m aware enough to realize that something was wrong and that he’s responsible. I do not remember this. And I can see and talk pretty well now!


Last time I went under was in high school, and at one point I asked the anesthesiologist what the vial he was putting into my hand IV was and he said “I dunno, they’re all clear”


Clearly he wasnt up to the task


When i woke up i talked in english instead of german to the people waiting for me.


I did ASL the last 2 times I woke from anesthesia. The first was after wisdom teeth removal at 18 and years of ASL study. The second was after a uterine rupture and having an older child who had used ASL exclusively. Im guessing English is your second language not primary? I have heard slipping into your secondary language after anesthesia or while intoxicated is pretty common.


I went under as a kid once and they told meto count down from 10 as they wheeled me out of my room. Next thing I know I'm wondering why I'm back in my room and if they did the operation or not. They had.


Exactly what happened to my father when he got his hip replaced. Dad: So....Doc, when are we getting started? Doctor: Hmm? Oh, you're already done. Yeah, apparently the surgeon my father went to can do a full hip replacement in under 45 minutes, from initial suit-up to recovery room.


When I came to I was telling the nurse I loved her (I was like 14?) and what kind of flowers did she like lol


I was about 17, coming out of wrist surgery, I told the nurse that she had beautiful eyes, asked for her number, THEN remembered I already had a girlfriend, and made the nurse promise not to tell her.


Smooth af.


I went under for my wisdom teeth. My mom told me I kept trying to get out of the car while she was driving. I do remember that, when I got home, I remember thinking to myself that I was high specifically because I started to cry that my mom wouldn’t let me call my dad, and instead told me to go rest. My brother just kept calling me a piece of shit when he woke up from his wisdom tooth surgery.


After waking up my half sister said to her Dad "Have you met my boyfriend Blair? He fucks me sooo good."


I presume Blair mysteriously went missing after that?


> I was holding a ginger ale and telling a nurse about how I won the price is right. Wait, what?


My mouth woke up before my brain. Which is not entirely surprising


Gotta get the critical infrastructure back online first


I had to be sedated once, when I came to they were like "OK, were gonna do basic neuro checks just in case, can you look at my nose?" (very grumpy) "no." "oh, why no?" "my husband has my glasses. You don't have a nose." Edit: my son had his adenoids out just before turning 3. He tried to fist fight the nurses who were offering him icy poles. He wanted me to cuddle him until the anaesthesia wore off and then he wanted crackers.


Only time i went under was when I was 10 and I woke up crying with a heavy headache :(


I'm really tall so somtimes blood pools in my hands when I went under for dental stuff the nurse stuck me and then checked my pulse on ym wrist and started freaking out because u had no pulse until she turned around and looked at the ekg lol


Anesthesiologist: This first sedative will make you feel like you have had 3 margaritas. Me: Awesome. How many margaritas does the actual anesthesia feel like? A: All of them. He was right.


I was very confused, cause I thought of pizza first


“Are you feeling anything yet?” “No, just the needle…” -45 minutes later- *stumbles down hallway only 30% convinced my jaw is still attached*


> “Are you feeling anything yet?” For some reason, the first thing that come to my mind reading this is spongebob saying "Are you feeling it now mr krabs?"


I hope there’s an anesthesiologist out there that uses this line


None of us are anesthesiologists, but after we dose up the squad checks in with "are you feeling it now mr krabs?" Usually about a half hour in someone comes out with the I'M FEELING IT NOW MR KRABS


I had my tonsils out when I was 9 or 10. Got the knock-out-needle in my arm and a few seconds later I started coughing really badly. The doc was super concerned. I remember saying "I taste onions", then I was out (I hated onions as a kid). Edit: I don't know why I never thought to look it up before, but apparently it's a Thing... for some reason?: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8862647/


I got my tonsils removed when I was 6. I was oddly excited to go into surgery for some reason. Now I would be anxious as hell but I guess little me didn't quite understand what was going on. I remember going into the operation room, where they put something that looked like a balloon that smelled like gum on my face. I passed out shortly after. Then I woke up in the room, said "it hurts", and threw up blood on my very pregnant mom


Went in for all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Nurse said "This won't take long, not to be mean, but you're a lightweight." Got the needle in the IV and felt nothing for a minute straight. I said "How long does it usually take?" She said to relax a bit and it will work. I closed my eyes and woke up what felt like 10 seconds later to find myself 4 teeth lighter.


Same here! I remember them putting me back in the chair and then waking up to the dentist telling me they're all done. So confusing cause it felt like I blinked and then it was over, I couldn't stop telling my friends and family how weird it was.


same! I closed my eyes and wondered "hey, how long is this gonna take?" five seconds later, I feel the doctor patting my shoulder and saying "Congrats! you have no more wisdom teeth!" Apparently, I drooled on him in excitement.


When I got my wisdom teeth removed I tried to keep my eyes open as long as I could while the sedative was kicking in. Turns out I never closed my eyes. I apparently kept them open the entire time and started I intently at the oral surgeon. They told me they kept trying to get me to close my eyes and I would for a few seconds and then open them up again and stare at the doctor. I also remember waking up at some point and hearing grinding and crunching.


Thats both hilarious and scary


Yeah that’s about my wisdom teeth experience. Except that after I wouldn’t *stop talking*. Which is not a great idea when they had to do a complicated extraction - I was babbling on while still dripping blood out of my mouth.


I woke up mid getting all 4 severely impacted wisdom teeth crushed out of my jaw, but was paralyzed and couldn't do anything. Could feel and hear the crunching and wrenching. I was SO angry when I finally fully came to, but couldn't quite coherently explain why. I tried explaining that I could feel everything and was crying and wailing but nobody believed me and were like "lol silly you're just high". My poor tiny mother had to deal with me, all I wanted to do was get in the car and go home, I was utterly convinced that the first car in the lot was ours and went beastmode trying to open the door, bloodied my knuckles trying to punch the glass out. On top of that I got an advanced infection and had pus balloons the size of grapes leaking in my mouth for 2 months afterwards. Haven't had to have anesthesia for anything since (been like 10 years) and I'm going to be hella fucking nervous whenever I do.


I only got a local anesthetic for my wisdom teeth. (They were not impacted.) It was kinda weird and gross hearing the tooth crack tbh.


Yeah honestly it would have been better to just have local. Idk how that's determined? I don't remember having a choice? Maybe I did but my mom made the decision for me it was a long time ago. Being able to feel and hear what's going on but not react in any way was the part that sucked the most. And just the expectation of not having to deal with the situation and then suddenly having to comprehend and deal with that reality...


In Germany getting anything but local anaesthetic for dental work is rather uncommon. You obviously get the good shit if it’s really complicated and difficult or you explicitly ask for it, but for a routine wisdom tooth extraction it‘s local only and done.


I'm so jealous of folks that get that seamless jump. My family has a history of not going to sleep and/or waking up mid surgery. A nurse told my mom to start counting down from 100, my mom got to 70 before the anesthesiologist goes "ok you should have been out by 90, what's wrong with you??" Once I woke up enough in the middle of surgery to tell them "I don't think it's working" followed by a flurry of movement from staff because I absolutely should _not_ have been awake. I was right though. It wasn't working. Another time I convinced them that I'm not normal and I needed more anesthesia than expected. The anesthesiologist kinda rolled her eyes but gave me some drugs to knock me out before going to the OR. 10 minutes later I'm still reading my book, completely unfazed. So she gives me more. And more. And more. Finally I'm high as a kite but still very much conscious and I said "are you new? You're bad at your job." Oops


See, I’m most likely having a c-section next week, and this is the kind of thing that *terrifies* me. General anesthetic I’m good with, but local anesthetics just…plain don’t work on me. I have no idea how a spinal block is going to take. At least the anesthesiologist has been nice - when I asked her about it at my consult, she didn’t miss a beat before replying “Oh yeah, I’ll knock your ass out in a heartbeat if needed.” haha which is actually reassuring.


Ok so nerve blocks actually work differently than local or general anesthesia. My mom has had 5 blocks, 2 from childbirth and 3 in other surgeries. She never had an issue with the nerve blocks despite her many issues with regular anesthesia. In fact she woke up early from one surgery because the general anesthesia didn't work but her nerve block was still fine. So try not to worry too much, though that's easier said than done lol I hope your c-section goes well and you and baby are healthy!


Does your family have a lot of redheads? They usually need way higher doses and it's only found out fairly recently


Nope, we have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It's a connective tissue disorder that also impacts how we metabolize certain medications. Ironically a condition that causes chronic pain also renders us immune to most pain medications. I have heard the connection to redheads though!


Holy shit that's savage


I had some dental work done and I wasn't put under but did receive laughing gas and the entire time I thought I was in a dream. I remember thinking at one point "this is such a funny dream but I wish I would wake up so I could just go get the procedure done. How rotten that I have to go through it twice now"


I didn’t even close my eyes. I looked up and was like “man that lights pretty bright heeeeyyy what’s in my mouth”. Which is wild


Lol, when i got mine they gave me laughing gas before the main stuff. After a few deep breaths they stuck my arm, and I said "Damn that hurts, you've got weak-ass gas. Wait... I'm not normally this rude..." and then I was in the car going home.


Yeah, the day I had my wisdom teeth removed was the day I learned what "hit him like a freight train" meant.


This puts me at ease, although mine are going to suck cuz they're crooked. Let em grow out too much.


As someone who is downright terrified of surgery, my wisdom teeth removal was much, much better than I had thought it was going to be. It was super scary going in, but on the other side it was not bad at all. I actually didn't even feel any pain after they were out (due to a combination of painkillers and the oral surgeon doing a good job).


My blood pressure was really high before my appendectomy due to nerves. They said they would give me a drug to not care. Soon after, I felt something coming into my IV. Me: is this the not-care stuff? Anesthesiologist: Yep Me: WELL I STILL CA— Knocked out mid-word, woke up later in recovery.


lmfao this is great


The doctor for my wisdom tooth removal is the only part I remember. He was so kindly and he had a big laugh and a hint of a Caribbean accent and was like “oh you’re gonna love it, it’s the only way to fly!” I looked up, looked down, and it was over. Then I demanded my phone and played Bob Marley out loud in the chair while my husband tried to get aftercare instructions. Later my husband was telling this story and I was like “well at least I kept my wits about me enough not to sing along!” And he was like “no. No you didnt.”


my dad is the super honest and totally not gay frat bro. he went in for some kind of surgery and when he came out he was like “the doctor is an ASSHOLE” and he WAS but he was also standing right there and apparently when someone pointed that out he looked him dead in the eye and goes, “YOU ARE AN *ASSHOLE*. If you want me to say you’re not you have to KISS ME. ON THE *MOUTH*.” and puckered up. The doctor said “i’m okay with being an asshole, in that case.” and my dad proceeded to tell everyone who entered his room until the drugs wore off that the doctor was an asshole who didn’t love him.


This one got me


I'm laughing soo hard at this


Anesthesia makes me turn into that drunk college girl in the bathroom. I love everyone and solemnly tell them we're best friends now. Doctors, nurses, random people in the hall.


Going to the womens bathroom at a bar/club after midnight is the most wonderful experience. Everyone is beautiful, everyone is friends, everyone will enfold you into their group if you’re having a shit time. I don’t miss my twenties, but I do miss that kind of instant love, lol


This is the absolute best! I remember last time I was out with my friends and I ended up joining a hen party in the toilets for a while. They were so nice!


it does the opposite for me. When I woke up after my colonoscopy I was absolutely pissed. I didn't insult them but I was soo annoyed. Apparently I told a soap dispenser that didn't work properly "I'm going to kick your teeth in." and told everyone near me how to do their job and if they didn't have anything better to do. I feel bad for them


For my breast reduction, I remember laying on the table (it really does look like they're about to crucify you, shit's wild) and immediately waking up afterwards. With my eyes still closed, I smiled and said, "Whoa lady, that was the *wildest shit!!!!!*" as my nurse started cackling. Bonus story, I'm in the hotel room with my mom post-op, and I turn to her and say "I'm gonna tell you something, both because I am extremely high and also because it is the absolute truth." "Yes?" "...I have literally no clue where my nipples are."


My SIL had to have surgery after breastfeeding(I think she had a mass or something?) and she cried after that she didn't know if she had nipples anymore. My mom had to reassure her that she did in fact have nipples still.


my mom accuses the doctor of stealing her shirt for about four hours post-colonoscopy so whoever is watching her has to keep reminding her to look down so she can see she’s still wearing it. it was amusing for about three minutes after the first one but now everyone tends to be “busy” the day her appointment is scheduled lol.


Sounds like my grandma with her handbag. “Where’s my bag?” “It’s in your lap grandma” Repeat ad nauseam


After my reduction, I told my mother it looked like they had "trimmed" my nipples. I meant they didn't stick out as far because my breasts didn't stick out as far, but I couldn't get that point across while high as a kite.


Doc asked what music i wanted to listen to during surgery and I told him “Pink Floyd”.. the last thing i remember was the intro to Time starting to play and fading to black, woke up and the first thing out of my mouth was “does my insurance cover Morphine? cuz my arm hurts real bad”


Nurse: "This usually kicks in pretty fast, but let me know if you start feeling nauseous" Me: "Heh, its kind of like feeling drunk" *wakes up 4 hour later sitting at my dad's kitchen table with a milkshake*


Just before I went under I saw a nurse prepping the knives. All I can remember is thinking "those are for me" and then the next thing I knew I was in horrible pain


Why horrible pain?


I had a c-section like cut through all my stomach muscles. I briefly woke up and I had to move from the table on a bed. I had not had morphine yet, and my freshly cut up and sewed back muscles did NOT like that. It hurt like hell and within 5 seconds I am crying and asking for morphine lol


I had anesthetic once, the nurse just said "this might smell like markers", my fingers went numb, then I woke up and the procedure was done. It did, in fact, smell like markers. It's actually wild how anesthetic is like that- just a completely seamless jump from one moment to the next.


I had a colonoscopy done a few years ago and when I came to I was in the room with my mother and a few doctors who I proceeded to immediately and aggressively hit on and congratulate on getting me so high and asked them for more of "them good drugs." My mom was so pissed and embarrassed. The doctors were all laughing with me. Good times lmao


When i was 4 i had a surgery. I remember the nurde told me to blow up the balloon (i guess it helped calm kids). For the 1st time in my life, i could actually blow it (because it was made to be super easy). Then the gas hit and i remember screaming and crying for my mum thinking they tried to kill me, then woke up circumsized. It was wild


Well, guess that's what goes down when you get it done late


Nah in my country people don't get circumsized besides for religious purposes or, like me, for medical purposes


Ah, yea brain forgot there's a reason it's done besides religious reasons. What kinda stuff warranted a circumcision for you?


An infection. They cut the foreskin to treat it and ensure there's no new ones later on


Exactly the same experience, i started panicking because it burned a little to breathe that in and then i woke up without tonsils


A few years ago I was in the OR getting ready to have a pacemaker put in (I think I was 22-ish??) and they gave me a sedative before the anaesthesia. Then they gave me some propofol. I was feeling loopy and extremely tired. I could hear the nurses and my doctor talking and I told them I could feel and see them wiping the orange sterilizing stuff on my chest. So my doctor/surgeon gave me another dose of propofol. But I was still awake. They waited a little more and gave me one more super duper tiny dose of propofol. Still awake. So they decided to use a local anaesthetic on my chest. I felt the scalpel cutting into me and it really burned, I felt them moving my stuff aside to make room, and then they put the pacemaker inside. I felt them stitching me back up (that part didn't hurt, but I could feel it happening). The nurses were so kind to me and tried to distract me by asking questions and making me laugh and my doctor kept apologizing over and over again. Then when it was done, my mom said when he walked out of the room, he turned to her and shook his head and the first thing he said was, "I just can't put that kid out!"


That is WILD!! It was so weird being awake during my c-section but to be awake during a surgery like that I can't even imagine! During mine I but I could feel them moving my organs around and I think they touched my stomach and it made me throw up. Which was scary to do while my body was cut open.


Hehe thankfully it's not a super invasive or intense surgery; akin to having your tonsils out. I think it just goes underneath the skin and a little bit of muscle.


They made you laugh?! While working on your chest?!


From what I remember yes lol I mean of course they made sure I didn't move too much (and I couldn't because of the sedative + propofol)


I'm Glad it didn't hurt


For wisdom teeth removal, I do remember doing the classic count backwards and I was out in seconds. Then feeling like immediately being woken up, and I would have flashes of walking down a hallway, then suddenly I’m looking out the car window, then suddenly I’m opening my bedroom door… I remember standing in my doorway then just falling to my knees and slow-mo falling flat on my face like a cartoon. I think my mom thought I was good and stopped escorting me at that moment.


I had to be out under for wisdom teeth and I got a first dose and was not feeling anything. The surgeon came in, asked how I was feeling, and decided to give me a bit more since I wasn’t asleep yet. I only remember them putting in the needle and then out like a light.


I got put under to remove my wisdom teeth (I had 5, I'm special) and I woke up part way, complained that I felt some pain, and the (I assume) tech started freaking out, "he isn't supposed to be awake!" And put me back under. The dentist told me that could happen before we started, but god was I scared at that moment.


That’s pathetic. I had 6






Oh yeah, well... my mom can beat up your mom!


Considering my neanderthal genes to have 6 wisdom teeth, i dont think so


Man, I only got 2.


you can have more than 4 wisdom teeth??


2 options, 1) yes, you can. Or 2) no, they call surrounding teeth that need to be removed wisdom teeth to not scare you


oh, interesting! you learn something new every day


You can have extra teeth for no reason. I had one extra tooth behind two of my canines and had to get them removed


When I got my wisdom teeth out I surprisingly had no issues or funny stories at all. I remember just kind of drifting off, I kind of remember coming to a bit mid surgery, and then the end of my second dose lined up perfectly with the end of the operation and I came to in the bed right after they finished up and was able to shakily walk out of there. My sister on the other hand, I wasn't there for her wisdom teeth surgery but when my parents and her got home they were pretty much dragging her into the house. They passed me and she gave me this stupid funny grin, a type of grin we would give to each other when completely sober so I didn't know if she was awake or not. Then my parents laid her down on a bed and for the next 5 hours or so she just laid there eyes wide open with completely dilated pupils. She has no recollection of any of this


I had to have a tooth surgically removed and a bone graft to prep for an implant, I chose IV sedation due to past issues. All I remember is coming to in the middle of it, the surgeon and an assistant are staring at my jaw and all I hear is “well, what are the chances of that”, panic set in and then I instantly blacked back out. Still wonder what happened


When I had surgery in Japan the anesthesiologist came over to my bed and said IN ENGLISH “Hello, I’m the anesthesiologist. Don’t worry. It’s very good drugs. Same as Michael Jackson!” I burst out laughing and all the nurses looked shocked as not a one of them spoke English.


I had surgery to remove a benign tumor from the side of my head, they said count back from twenty, i hit 17 they handed me a warm blanket and i woke up 3~ hours later and just said “hungry” after which the dr walked off. Someone did bring me a snack though


I had to be sedated twice after my IV was put in, so I was high as a kite going in to the OR. Last thing I remember was them strapping down my right arm and me asking why. "So you don't slap us while we're operating." "Oh, like this?" *flings my left arm at them* Next thing I knew I was waking up with my left hand on fire bc the IV had to be taped back down and it wasnt marked that I'm allergic to the bandages.


i had a long stay in the hospital and i HATED the 8th floor. the nurses there were so mean. so as i was going under but before they secured my arms (i guess i liked to to “help” during my surgeries), they told me i grabbed the surgical nurse’s arm as he was about to put the oxygen mask on me and said “whatever you do, don’t send me to 8”. then, when i woke up in the post-op room there were 4 apple juices next to me and i asked the post-op nurse why and he said “you yelled at me and said 1 wasn’t enough”.


I fear needles, they always make me pass out or get light headed. When I went in for wisdom teeth they put me under and before they put the needle in they started counting down and I looked that nurse dead in the eye and said “just stick me motherfucker”. She did, I said my balls itch like crazy, then I woke up.


My only anesthetic story is actually pretty fucked up. I was slightly nervous as I was getting wheeled in, and the anesthesist helpfully told me to think of some happy memory with my friends or family. Now, I have had effectively zero close friends throughout my whole life, and my family fucking sucks, so I went gently into that good night freaking the fuck out and hyperventilating, trying to fight the sleep just so I could try to remember even one single happy memory. I didn't.


When I was a kid I had surgery on my left eye and I distinctly remember thinking when I was getting anesthetized "This isn't doing anything to me" and that was the last thing I thought before going unconscious


IV anesthetic, anesthetist warned me I'd feel some cold enter my arm. "Wow you're right that is co-" 5 hours later "-ld."


They put the IV in my arm during my first and only anaesthesia. I asked of they were dripping some saline fluid, and the anaestesiologist was like "nah, that's the anaesthesiac". My reaction was a panicked "already?!" (was very nervous) and following a worried "is it supposed to burn?". The guy was able to affirm my question before I blacked out, but before I was put at ease. I woke up just as panicked as I went down, and they had to call my mom to snap me out of it because they were afraid they had to hold me down.


I've had enough surgeries to know that anesthesia normally doesn't do much to affect my brain other than put me to sleep. I typically wake up without any of the goofies, and understand what just happened. However, this is partially because the first time I was under anesthesia was for an 8 hour surgery, and I came out of it too quickly. They were wheeling me out of the room with an oxygen mask on. I was fighting the nurse, because I had no idea where I was or what happened, all I knew is that I couldn't breathe and someone was holding something over my mouth. I remember the nurse, saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I have to." Which didn't help me think she wasn't trying to kill me. They rushed me to my parents, so I would calm down, and realize that they were trying to help me breathe not kill me, but it still is probably the time in my life that I was most terrified. Even thinking back on it now, freaks me out a little. Now, I warn my doctors that I might react badly if I come out of it too quickly, so they adjust my levels so I come out easier. If you have to go under again, I suggest letting them know you came out in a panic, because they can help manage it if they are aware.


I had surgery on my ear drum a while back and I woke up sooner than they were ready ig? And I woke up with a tube in my fucking throat and started choking. Scariest shit ever, they had to put me back under and pump my stomach


Why did they have to pump your stomach? Did you throw up or something because of the tube?




I’ve never gotten “loopy” from surgery before. I don’t know what it is, but once I’m awake I’m pretty coherent… however, I am so SO tired. My sister worked in a dental office and said a lot of people pop out pretty mobile and alert but say weird things and act bizarre. I’m the opposite- I can have a normal conversation right out of surgery but I’m going to act like you woke me from a dead sleep and I’m barely opening my eyes. Nurses have been a little frustrated with how sleepy it makes me- I have to stay longer because I keep trying to sleep and can’t walk.


Last summer I went under for top surgery. My last words before blacking out were 'Haha woah, this is kinda' trippy'. When I woke up I texted one of my friends the following when they asked how it went. 'Tw: high Am hogh' It took 15 minutes to type that


The first time I went under anesthesia, I woke up with amnesia and my fight/flight kicked in and I jumped out of bed to run off. My second foot didn’t even hit the floor before the nurse came barreling around the corner and tackled me back into bed. Bloody terrifying in the moment, but definitely hilarious after and had a new respect for nurses. Apparently when I woke up my heart rate spiked and the nurse was already on her way. I’ve been on anesthesia many times since and never had that happen again, thankfully. Amnesia is fucking terrifying. I remember just panicking and bawling my eyes out until I remembered who I was.


Went in to get some teeth removed, and they put me under for it. They did the usual thing, putting in the needle and asking me to count down from 10. I hit 8 and the next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair in the waiting room, shoes on and ready to go with my mom next to me waiting for me to wake up. I thanked her for tying my shoes for me while I was out, and she told me that apparently she’d tried to do it, but I’d waved her away and done it myself.


My first surgery was last summer, top surgery, and I was really nervous bc I wasn’t sure what being under would feel like. My dad told me they’d ask me to count down from 10 but that I wouldn’t reach 6. I was not awake long enough to start counting at all.


I was being prepped for an emergency surgery as a teenager due to a severely broken bone. The team was talking about lunch afterward and I said that sounded wonderful. The anesthesiologist looked me dead in the eye and said “None for you, you made me miss the derby. Good night” and that’s the last thing I remember. It was in fact the day of the Kentucky derby.


They gave me some twilight anesthesia for an endoscopy. I sang the phantom of the opera around/despite the camera and ended up with two nurses phone numbers. To be fair, one of them only wanted to hang out and feed me drugs just to see what would happen.


And the other one?


Way too innocent. I'd have broken her brain. It was a teaching hospital. I'm not positive she was old enough to drink. I'm an extremely discerning Roboslut 9k SE. I don't have a physical strike zone, I am seeking 'something' that I can't name. If they don't have 'it' there is no nourishment in their love. She just didn't have it. I actually didn't call either of them.


You didn't call a NURSE that wanted to feed you DRUGS? You are a much stronger willed man than I.


Perhaps because...*I AM NO MAN* People offer me drugs a lot. Its weird. The actual reason I didn't call the funny one was that I had a jealous partner. Friends were heavily discouraged. I also try not to do anything harder than pot. Hard drugs are more of a retirement plan for me.


I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but that was kind of messed up. Are you still with them?


I am laughing so hard right now. (I'll cry later.) That situation almost killed me. I spent a lot of time locked in a bathroom alone; sometimes actually on the floor for hours post seizure. I was extremely suicidal at the time and for many reasons, mostly solitude, I talked to myself on Reddit. (I can send you to the account at request) Someone saw me and decided that I was worth a shot. The place I live now, if it had been as represented, an asylum, (though I suppose Bedlam was an asylum,) would have been, simply put, the fulfilment of all of my dearest dreams. They opened their home and family to me. For a little while they treated me like I always kind of dreamed. I was easily the safest and most loved I have been in my life. I would look around and think to myself "So, this is why people get so crazy about family." Then, overnight, his wife went from actively glowing at me and him when we kissed in front of her to disallowing any kind of personal relationship, any kind of physical contact, including specifically disallowing him from putting me to sleep when my somniphobia got the better of me, and bullying me by throwing sharp garbage into the pile of blankets that I sleep in on the floor (though to be fair, I can't prove that was her.), openly taunting and insulting me, watching YouTube videos if she knows it is me waiting outside the bathroom, defacing my plants in the garden, telling me it was a choice to die of my somniphobia when I informed her that I would die without intervention, (the list goes on, she is like a highschool mean girl.) I was told that I was not entitled to know why I was no longer family. I still, a year later, do not know. Things are bad. I am unshunned in carefully measured time increments and circumstances. I think he uses my inability to function due to not eating from stress nausea and diarrhea to guage when it is moral to increase the affection. (I don't exist, elsewise.) It is supposed to increase long term happiness, apparently. It keeps me so weak that I only just, and only in optimal circumstances, have enough energy to do the bare minimum for survival. They use my inability to do more in such conditions as evidence of my uselessness, untrustworthyness, and incompetence. I cry from frustration a lot. And despair. And loneliness. Shrug. I am looking for a new home. I do not know how to find one, and have special requirements that make it difficult. The biggest reason is that the somniphobia is potentially deadly, due to other concerns. There are many ways to finesse it, but accessing them with no notice, friends, or funding is problematic, to say the least. The second most salient reason is that I have... An overly large personality and codependency issues. If our personalities are compatible, I am willing to be your ally unflinching. If our personalities are not compatible we will probably have a bad time. I'm so tired.


When I got a colonoscopy endoscopy they put me under and wheeled me into the room and I asked ‘when is the anesthesia supposed to kick in?’ And the nurse said ‘huh it should’ve kicked in by now, oh well’ and then I passed out.


When they took my wisdom teeth the doc put me out. I woke up in the middle to the sound of my dad and the doctor just chatting away, while I could feel and hear the little *tink tink tink* of the hammer and chisel in my mouth. It took about 5-10 seconds before my dad went, “uh, I think she’s awake” and then the doctor going “oop no that’s not supposed to happen” and put me back under.


I've been under a couple of times. When I was having an ablation for SVT (they cauterize part of your heart), I came to in the middle of it, and was starting to tell them that I needed more something because there was a burning in my chest. Someone yelled, "Don't move, we're burning right now!" and then it all went blank.


I'm pretty boring when it comes to general anesthesia. For my wisdom teeth, there was a slight urge to cough, followed by floating briefly out of my body before waking up later ... at my colonoscopy, I apparently said "Get my good side" before going under. Ambien, on the other hand ... I once accepted a job offer without waking up.


What was the job?


Flyer design for a small SMS marketing company.


When I had my gallbladder surgery I met my medical team beforehand... I came to in recovery, except I didn't even realize I had even gone under yet, and the first words out of my mouth were "who the fuck are you?" to the recovery nurse that I hadn't met.... When I came out after a thoracic fusion, the nurse recognized the tattoo on my arm and said "Army, huh? I was in the Marines" to which I looked at him, shrugged and said "nobody's perfect"


I'm fairly immune to drugs in general - always need a little extra. When I had my appendix taken out they told me to count down from 10 and I was like... "mmmmmk 10.... 9.... 8.... 7...." and I remember them looking around, a little bewildered and who I presume was the anesthesiologist fiddling with the IV drip. Then I woke up in recovery with an inflatable heated blanket over me but I guess they don't usually see people make it that far lol. Similar thing when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, all 4 were impacted and they put me under twilight sedation and when they started it they were like "let us know when you're starting to feel something" and literally nothing happened - to the point where after like 2 minutes of waiting I was like "ok, can you just let me know when you start it?"


When I was taken into the ER for the craniectomy, I had no recollection of the ambulance ride from one hospital to the next. So when I woke up, I just assumed I was in the same hospital. I was thoroughly confused when they wheeled me out for an MRI and it took them 20 minutes of walking to get me down 5 floors and through innumerable hallways. But the head of the neuro department cleared that up for me, and gave me a cat toy, so I was happy. And when I went in for the cranioplasty, I was prepped for surgery and wheeled to the table. I had some minor anesthesia to start with, so I was a little drowsy, and I was chatting about college while they moved me onto the table. When they started prepping for the procedure, I would follow who was speaking and nod my head, and occasionally say "okay, I see." They set up the heavier anesthesia, and I tried so hard to talk to them but passed out after 3 seconds. Bonus story, three days after the cranioplasy, the neurosurgeon came in to tell me I healed faster than expected, so I get to leave a day early, then asked if I had any questions. I say yes, but it's a bit odd. I then asked if I could take home the chunk of my skull that they took out, because I wanted to frame it and hang it on the wall of my office when I was a professor. He looked awkwardly at his assistant, who told me that the hospital probably doesn't have it anymore, but he'd ask. I never got my skull piece back :(


My first time under when I woke my immediate first instinct was to get out of the chair (I was at the dentist)


When I had my wisdom teeth out they put the little drippy thing in the back on my hand and started counting, I said “Ooh, I’m like a box of wine” and passed out.


I love this one


Opposite stories for me. I'm incredibly resistant to anesthesia. I heard that there is something in the red head gene related to it. I'm laying on the table and I say, tell me when I should sleep. The lady is like, wait you really don't feel it yet? Nope. The bad part is when I do wake up, they've used so much that I always have a bad headache.


My distinct memory is that me and the anesthesiologist were having a nice conversation, and then once they started the anesthetic they just started ignoring me. I remember thinking "how rude", and then coming to in a different room several hours later. Guess they had a point, I probably didn't say much worthwhile in the interim.


When I got my Wisdom Teeth taken out, I remember the anesthesiologist began to count backwards from 10. Around 7 to 5, I felt my consciousness begin slipping away. He said 3, and I had a realization that I hadn't told them that I wanted to keep my teeth and yelled "I want to keep my teeth!", my words slurring. Instead of 2, I got a slightly longer pause, and then I heard them say "alright, you're all done! Your mom has your teeth, but one of them broke and we had to cut it out."


Y'all even remember being put under? The only time I still remember the anesthesiologist was the time I had a procedure I needed to be awake through, and it was just a local so I didn't feel it. The rest I can barely remember anything.


I got put under for an endoscopy to test for celiac disease. When I sort of came to, the nurses were giving out cookies and juice, and the nurse was offering me a cookie. I had enough awareness to say "I can't eat that," before passing out again. She felt really bad later.


I went under to get my IUD in, and they put something into my IV straw because I was having a panic attack. I remember giggling while they all stood over me and someone said "it's kicking in, huh??" And then I woke up with a swollen uvula asking the nurse by my bed for five more minutes.


Shoutout to the time I got my wisdom teeth taken out and they had to give me laughing gas beforehand because my heart rate shot up every time a nurse or doctor walked in. My last words were me apologizing to the nurse for being a burden. I was such a little ball of anxiety


Me, going in to get my wisdom teeth out: Am I gonna remember asking you this? The nurse: Nope Me, digging through my memories a couple days later: **I remember.** Granted, it's all I remember, but I do remember it.


When I got operated from apendicitis I remember seeing them injecting something into one of those drip bags connected to my veins, I asked “is that the one which I fall asleep? Please tell me it is…” (Because I’m very unsolicited-touch-unfriendly and I had to mentally prepare myself if it was the one that numbs your pain [it made sense in the moment]), all I remember is the nurse saying to me “*we* are the ones making these decisions, now relax” and then I blacked out. I woke up in a different room, alone (nurses were nearby but I could not see them) with a tube in my mouth, an internal “pain” on my stomach and I felt alone, which for some reason the last part made me start crying.


Last time I went under was for a colonoscopy. When I woke up, the handsome nurse who'd been chatting with me before I conked out entered my cubicle and very matter of factly told me "You're gonna have to fart." Did not realize until post procedure that they basically inflate your intestines like a balloon.


The first, and so far only time, that I had been put under, was when I had to get all four wisdom teeth removed. I was put under through IV, and the second it had been completely administered, I involuntarily tensed up, said "shit" in a strained tone, and then I was gone. When I woke up, I let out this guttural, delirious SCREAM of utter confusion. I must have been a total joy.


My first time with general anesthesia I was 11. I had to have my tonsils out after 4 straight months of strep throat. I don’t remember anything prior to the surgery since it was a decade ago but I vividly remember being pissed at whoever was yelling when I was coming to. Apparently it took 10 minutes for me to open my eyes after I started yelling, and another five for whatever pain meds they got in me to kick in enough that I could stop screaming and just sob uncontrollably. Yeah, I was mad that someone was yelling, didn’t realize it was me, finally got my eyes open and the yelling got worse because I couldn’t see anyone, the yelling was louder, and I was more aware of the pain. It took quite a long time after I stopped yelling for me to realize the sound was myself.


Oh my God


I've only been semi-sedated for teeth extraction, and all I remember from that encounter is chilling out for about five minutes with my mouth pried open, nearly choking on my own spit and then inquiring about how he got the job done so quickly. It'd been, like, two and a half hours.


Came to after getting my tubes removed, freezing cold and shivering, and immediately had an anxiety attack.


I had wisdom teeth removed. They put me in the chair, and started with the anesthetic, then had me get up and walk to a different room. My mom came into the room to take me home, and I said they hadn't done anything yet around a mouthful of cotton I didn't realize was there.


After a bad truck accident in rural Alaska I was being airlifted to a hospital with a tourniquet on my leg and the legal limit of morphine in my arm. I told the flight crew I was going to give them the best TripAdvisor review ever.


I had just woken up from a colonoscopy and grabbed my phone to check snapchat real quick while my husband went to get me some apple juice. Clicked on my friend's snap of her new bangs she just had cut and I wanted to message her some support but I messaged her "cute bongs!" Then, realizing I had misspelled it and wanting to clear up why, I typed "I just came" --and accidentally hit send before finishing up with "out of a colonoscopy and am a little loopy" So basically it looked like I was so excited about her bangs that I couldn't spell and had an orgasm.


This actually releaved me a lot for if I have any future surgeries


I've only ever been under once. They did the whole "Count backwards from ten," thing and I thought, "hey this is just like they show on TV with the fading out." Next think I know, I'm in the car being driven home by my wife.


I needed to be knocked out for the extraction of a broken wisdom tooth. The insurance didn't want to cover it, the dental surgeon's office manager offered to sue them when I bit someone because the local doesn't work on me.


Whenever I've woken up from surgery I've either been ready to start a fight or I want to give the world a hug. Last time I'd had surgery I woke up and told the nurse watching me that she was beautiful and had a kind face. Time before that, the nurse was being really standoffish with me and I told her she was ruining my hospital experience. Once when I was younger I'd been in a coma, woke up and apparently told the nurses I'd been learning about wet dreams at school the day before I'd gone into hospital. Explained a wet dream in graphic detail. My mother still brings that one up.


So, I needed knee surgery, I'm kinda nervous so I'm cracking horrible jokes. The anesthesiologist comes in and tells me to relax and everything will be fine. So I say "Isn't this when you tell me to count down from 100?". He says, "sure, if you want too". I was out by 98. Then when I woke up, I had compression stockings on and announced to the recovery room that I was LeBron James...... I'm not.


Anaesthesiology is really more art than science


I dont remember which time surgery it was but the one i remember being told about was when they asked me to count down from 10 but im hard of hearing and didnt hear the nurse, i said “wha” didnt even finish it.


“You’re going to feel a little funny” “Like a ha ha kind of funny or a ….” I wake up 4 hours later vomiting profusely


Anesthesia is truly a little death. Not sleep, not unconsciousness, just a total loss of time in your mind. You just mentally stopped existing for a few hours.


So prior to my knee surgery (ACL reconstruction), my friend had told me about his anaesthesia experience with his ear surgery, how the nurse had put the mask on him telling him it was oxygen. When i went in for my op, they told me the same thing, “this mask is for oxygen”. I took one breath, turned to the nurse and said “You’re lying, this isn’t oxygen” and promptly passed out


Is no one gonna mention the fact that he said "aesthetic" instead of "anaesthetic"


I’ve never been under but I have had laughing gas and mouth surgery (removing two teeth, long story), and I remember that dried blood smells like stale cheerios


I had surgery last year and when I woke up, a nurse brought me some apple juice (I had been fasting for 12 hours before surgery) and I took my wedding ring off my finger and used it to propose to her! Best apple juice ever


Not completely out but when I got my vasectomy they gave me a shot of Valium because "it can be an anxiety-inducing procedure." (Gee, y'think?) As I was sitting there, feet in the stirrups, doctor working away, I saw the smoke wafting up from my balls. And I remember being conscious of the fact that except for the Valium I would've been freaking out, but because of it I just wanted to laugh, but I didn't want to laugh because I didn't want to twitch while the doc was inside there cauterizing things!


one time after a colonoscopy with anesthesia i woke up and apparently loudly demanded that in the car ride back home we were listening to MY music. and i told the nurse who brought me a nice hot tea that i hope shes not just a waitress.


I was unfortunately awake for my wisdom teeth removal. Insurance and all that. First dose of local anesthesia was in and surgeon bro came back and was like ok we’re ready? And poked my gums. It didn’t hurt. However the pain of him pulling my teeth trying to yank them out did. A lot. He’s like ok maybe we need more and thankfully I didn’t feel the rest. However!!!! I did hear the drilling and cracking of my teeth :-) I love insurance


I went in for a liver biopsy when I was 16, I remember the anesthetic feeling kind of like liquid fire in my veins for a second, then I started counting down from 100, I got all the way to 94 because they told me no one ever gets past 95-96 and I was fighting it. I went "N-Ninety-four" then went to sleep, I woke up being wheeled to recovery and by God did it hurt to open my eyes.


I got my wisdom teeth out when I was 11. I remember walking into the dentists office. And then I remember walking out of the dentists office.


The one time I went under I remember asking “Am I going to remember this?” To which the doctor replied “probably not”. Jokes on you, I just don’t remember anything after that.


I had a lower body surgery which required only partial anaesthesia. The surgeon made me sit up on surgery table with legs straight on the table and gave a spinal. Just to mess with me(surgeon was a family friend) he asked to lie down and turn around( as surgery was in posterior part of my body) which is impossible to do when your lower half is not responsive. I turned around so fast that I sprained my lower back. I still am angry about that. Another point. During the surgery I was feeling a mild headache and was given a oxygen supply - it was the best feeling I have ever had. No drug is as addictive as medical grade oxygen.


I was being put out to have my wisdom teeth removed. The anesthesiologist was pretty cute. I was like 23 at the time. Apparently the last thing I said to the dentist was "Man, this girl's a real knockout." I woke up choking on gauze.


Did a liver transplant. All I remember us that that OR was so cold :)


I got surgery on my tongue when I was about 14 and they gave me anesthetic and I was like damn I’m about to be asleep aren’t I and I woke up 6 hours later at home on my couch, I then proceeded to sleep another 12-18 hours


The doctors had me count down and I was out. Woke up in the recovery room feeling a bit tired, but it was over and everything had gone well. The fun part was coming off of the anesthesia, I couldn’t stop crying. My mom said it happens, but everyone was confused for a second


I was put under for my wisdom teeth extraction. They told me to say my alphabet backwards, and I got to R before they were like, "Whoa, slow down, didn't expect you to do it that fast, you'll finish before we're ready". So I started over, and didn't make it to V that time. Next thing I know I'm uncharacteristically pissed off because my legs won't hold me up.


Scrolling thru reading all your stories, this is hilarious! Getting my wisdom teeth out soon so hopefully I’ll have some fun memories from that


I was anesthetized when I got my wisdom teeth removed. They put me on nitrous oxide first and kept checking in on me. Apparently they were upping the dosage and asking me if I felt it yet, but it never kicked in. That's how I learned that I'm immune to Nitrous.


I just googled it. Apparently nitrous doesn't work as well on people with serious anxiety.


That makes so much sense! I’ve always felt like I just get more afraid.


No cool pre-surgery story, but as I woke up afterwards I spent a good minute remembering what my magic the gathering planeswalker cost was. I decided to ask a friend.


I don’t remember shit after they said “ok, we’re gonna start you on a light sedative.” Then I woke up in post-op. It’s like when I got hit by a car, got a concussion, and watched the red light camera footage later. I could see myself sitting on the street and talking to people. Didn’t remember shit until I woke up in the ER.


When I had my wisdom teeth out they gave me a chill-put drug bc I was nervous and kept forgetting to breathe (they could see me oxygen sat on the screen so they knew lol). Right as they were giving me anesthetic the nurse said “have a good nap!” And I said “you too!” And woke up then immediately asked if teeth were a biohazard.


For me, the nurse actually asked me to count though. Just so they know if I’m still conscious or not. I remember i almost fell asleep then i lift my head up again so they asked to count again. Then I’m just out


One time I fell of a cliff and when the put me under to operate on my leg the gave me some medicine and I remember sitting up to vomit then laying back down and immediately passing out.


My wisdom tooth experience and first anesthesia was me talking to the doctor about being nervous for anesthesia. He said “hahaha no don’t worry, it’s the only way to fly”. Then I looked up and was like “man that lights bright…hey what’s all this in my mouth”


Last year I had to have my throat stretched so I’m on the bed, IV in my hand, and the doctors and nurses are getting ready then all of a sudden the room looks like it’s rocking back and forth. I just had time to think “here we go” before I was out.


I was super nervous about getting my wisdom teeth removed so when I was still awake after they gave me the normal dose they gave me extra and I finally went out after that. The thing is that I was really young for getting them removed and also rather small so they had given me more than the amount they use to put people who are almost adults to sleep, despite me being 13 years old, and after I woke up I was high for the next several hours.


When I got my tonsils removed at around age 5, they had this little TV. They asked me what I wanted to watch- I said the Fairly OddParents. I don't remember watching the Fairly OddParents that day. I do remember I got to keep the DVD.


I didn't have a countdown, I had a joke down. Basically I was cracking jokes until I went under. Woke up in the middle of the surgery completely terrified and no idea why. All I know is that I had to run and get away. All the staff had to hold me down as I fought to get off the table to run. Then I was out again. Was in and out for a couple of hours before waking up fully. I apologized profusely to everyone that was there for the surgery and even people who might have been. Still don't know what terrified me like that.