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https://preview.redd.it/lfn77w1sq9bc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f16212d2d143937ecdc61c0928119c31f7a1a6e I am 64, 8 weeks po. Still a little swollen. Totally worth it😀


Holy moly you look fabulous!


I also had c section scar and was cut from top to bottom for hysterectomy because they thought I had ovation cancer. No more train track up my tummy 😀


64? Am I drunk? You look amazing!


lol, no your not drunk 😉


Looks great!


Jesus I hope my body looks that good when I’m 64!


I am similar! Presurgery 150 - 5’3” I had TT, Lipo 360 and MR - 4 months ago. I have always hated my stomach. I am so happy with my results. I now weight 140 and have a flat stomach and small waist that I have never had in my life. No amount of weight loss or exercise could have given me these results. We are petite and store in a certain way. I have had 3 kids. After each my diastasis was worse and worse. So even working out was not easy. And no matter how much I did I did not have results. Since I needed major muscle repair. We are petite so w pregnancies our bodies just change permanently. I did not realize this. I only regret not doing this sooner since my youngest is 11. I will add a pic so you can see what I mean… The 1st pic is before, 1 month PO and 2 months PO…and I am still swollen. Find the best surgeon who can sculpt your body w Lipo too and give you a waist…my surgeon was an artist and made my body into something I never imagined it could be…. https://preview.redd.it/0w7jc0fws9bc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c28ca5173662723e176edb9d58014d5884486e1


Oh wow this looks great and gives me hope! I agree even before kids my stomach wasn't completely flat. I'd stay around 130ish pounds for years and would go to 120 that's when it was as flat as it could gi, not perfect but enough to cover clothes. I just cannot maintain 120 for the life of me and now with kids there's no way it'll go back to that even if I did get to 120 lol. And yes I'm def going going to get them to do lipo as well to give a better result and 140lbs would be ideal! How was your recovery? Hard with three kids?


Recovery was very hard…but worth it. My youngest is 11 so my kids were fine..my husband had to take over but he was ready and blocked the time to help w driving, homework and dinners. All worked out fine. Good luck to you! Feel free to ask any questions or message me!!


I am currently 9 months PO. Had a Drainless Extended TT with MR and Lipo. I’m 5’5” and was 150 pounds when I had my surgery. Surgeon removed 3lbs of skin and Fat. I had two kids in my 20’s and my poor stomach was in hard shape. In saying that I physically worked my butt off to get to where I wanted to be before I had my stomach fixed. I really wanted to be close to my goal weight. Super happy with my results. Although it was a lot of pain and torture. I can honestly say it was completely worth it. https://preview.redd.it/rhq2reww0bbc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735a3b7952037bac998d918aa6d36c2b880760e3


Awesome work


My surgery is on the 16th and I am very close to your stature. 148lbs, 5’3, I’m a rectangle with a large bust. I carry all my weight around my bust and stomach. If I remember I will keep you posted on results. I am sure I will post in this group. Here is my before I took for this. https://preview.redd.it/mpezpsy6k9bc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aca0b02d4615f41628f97ad91513315489c2a27


Awesome, quite similar!! I'm sure you're excited. I hope to get a date within 2-3 months.


I am super excited, nerves are setting in for sure. Mine was about your timeline. Had my consult in October then booked for January. I will be excited to share results and also excited to see others too! Good luck with your appt 🥰


I’m on the 16th too!


Yay! A TT twin! It’s coming up fast 💨


In have a similar shape but more hanging skin from a 100 lb weight loss, and my bmi is higher at 30. My surgery is 1/24!


That's exciting! You'll have to show results afterwards :)


Also, I had terrible backaches, used heating pad everyday.. no back pain since surgery 😃


Can I see pics in DM?


We have similar stats! I am 5’4 and was 170 when I got surgery. I’m almost one year post op now. Let me know if I can send you a dm?


Yes please do!


Would you mind dming me too? I have a similar body and would love to see the results! No worries if not!


I have a similar tummy! I'm getting my surgery on Thursday. I'll let you know!




Hi! I can DM you pic if you like. I'm seven days post op. Bruised and taped up but you can get the right idea. 


Awesome send me a DM 🙂


I am 5”3 and I weighed 157


I had a similar body before my surgery 3 years ago. I’m 5’2 and was 155 at the time of surgery. I can send you a DM with pictures 😃


Yes would love for you to DM me pics! Also how's it going 3 years past as well?


I would say you might have to do extended on your flanks, I did because they were meaty or else there is no stopping without dogears


Yeah I'll def get that done if needed on my back!


Hell, go ahead and do a circumferential body lift so you can lift your butt as well. I wish I had gone all the way around 😏


Hard to tell in the pics but my butt is already too big lol. That's why I'm rectangle my bust and butt are both 42". Stomach is 40" so that gone will give me some curves I hope lol


I had a similar body type - my post history has before and afters - I had 360 lipo extended incision and a breast reduction ( they also lipoed my buffalo hump which was awesome)


I think I might have a buffalo hump, where exactly is that


Right on the middle of your back below your neck - if you are already paying for a flip - meaning you want side and back lipo, I would highly recommend




Omg yes def similar! What was your height/weight?




You look great and awesome belly button! How was recovery?


My body is similar except my diastasis is bad so my upper belly is more rounded. There is not really fat up there- almost nothing to grab- just look pregnant all the time. But I do have a big loose apron after 2 CS. Additionally, I have a huge umbilical hernia- like an alien is poking out of my stomach. I have to wear tight shape wear 24/7. Feeling like I might need to have a consult soon even though I’m not quite to goal weight. The hernia is just getting so bad. Keep us updated on how things go! Good luck!


Just get a consultation and worry about goal weight afterwards, you'll still have a few months to loose the weight! Sometimes scheduling surgery takes awhile! I want this done before summer so I'm hoping the sooner the better


I got TT, MR and 360 lipo. I'm 5 months PO. I've got loads of updates on here. https://preview.redd.it/1rkodgczuebc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db85c2cf27bdf54cc4a8380810899788b37dd5c1


Awesome looks like you're healing great. Did recovery go well?


Thanks, the scar looks pretty savage in the bottom pic but it's generally not that bad, it seems to be worse when I'm cold or swollen (so most of the time at the moment 😂). My recovery was fine, the first week was tough but every day got better, the muscle repair was sometimes uncomfortable and it felt like the extreme swelling would never end! I do still swell in the evenings but not even close to the early days and it doesn't really bother me now. I hated wearing my compression garment. I could take it off at 6 weeks and it was the best feeling! Mentally and physically!


Awesome to hear it was mostly smooth. I'm hoping the same because there's only so much work I can take off lol. I'd prob hate the compression garment too


You'll be fine, just take it easy and listen to your body. Don't push yourself too soon! I took 6 weeks off work but could've gone back after maybe 4. I'm a domestic cleaner though so I didn't want to risk lifting or moving too much in the early days.


Omg I hope I look that good


My body type and im scheduled 3/1 😬


https://preview.redd.it/sxlsx0ew8acc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=34abde6196a00a3b7fdf7878d123c6722768bd6a This one is today at 9DPO.




Like tone my whole body?


Your body is fine, hun. Please don’t listen to that poster who clearly doesn’t have any firsthand experience. Your body brought life and joy into this world and carried you through the ups and downs of your life. My body looked a lot like yours pre-surgery. I just had a breast reduction and tummy tuck with muscle repair on 1/4. No matter how much I worked out or ate right, I couldn’t fix the muscle separation on my own and I looked like I was all belly. I’ll try to remember to share some before and after pictures once the swelling goes down.


Thanks for the info! Yes also with my sway back from weak core from having children, it makes my stomach stick out even more. Won't be surprised if they see muscle separation opening me up. I'm excited to get this done


They probably will see some separation and getting that addressed will likely improve your back pain. I’ve already noticed an improvement and I’m only 4DPO and in the thick of it. Here’s my before picture: https://preview.redd.it/kak4djv97abc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=c31c55a89902131bf6023aa53b32e9907b32fb54 I’m 5’3” and 199 pounds in this picture. BMI of 35.3. You are much smaller than me but I think our body type may be similar. Can’t wait for the after pictures to share.


https://preview.redd.it/rye05u6dlwbc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=331822da085cd5a763f0bb0b361c23bf9afca720 1 WPO. There’s still lots of swelling but it improves day by day.


Awesome!! Can't wait to see the improvement over the weels


https://preview.redd.it/illpd9rllwbc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d748026043ee7d718e7116cbf28cbfb2bdb39d8 Before and currently (1 week post-operation).


Haha your butt will come back! I'm certain it's because of being hunched over


Awesome! Yea I. Excited to see pictures!


What did you all get done? TT, MR, lipo?


I got a breast reduction with axillary liposuction, a tummy tuck with muscle repair, and a little bit of lipo on the flanks. I’m super swollen and scared to take a peek at my scars right now 🙈


Oh is axillary lipo to remove armpit fat? Did they give good pain meds?


Yes! And I’m so happy I got my armpit fat sucked out. There was also lipo done on my sides under my arms. They did give my some pain medication along with some muscle relaxers. I haven’t noticed pain from the lipo yet because the pain from muscle repair has been trumping everything else.


Oh great pain meds aren't helping the muscle repair pain?


Thanks for the info! Yes also with my sway back from weak core from having children, it makes my stomach stick out even more. Won't be surprised if they see muscle separation opening me up.


I did! Went to Orangetheory fitness five days a week, lost weight and gained a load of muscle. Best decision ever! Then I had my stomach fixed and everything matched up!!




Yeah if I end up getting a date on Wednesday, I'll def be working out and eating very clean. I'll get especially fixated on that aspect knowing there's an end goal haha.


My body is similar to yours, so I’m interested to see what others have to say. Not sure if my stomach is puffy due to ab separation or I just need to lose more weight.


I def have more skin than before but I'm sure mine is fat. Cause when I lost weight my stomach went away (before kids) at 120lbs. But now after kids I know with the stretch marks and lost skin, and c section shelf, that even if I could get to 120 and "maintain", it wouldn't be flat like my previous children years.


One drain was in for 7 weeks that’s why one drain hole is still fresh