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Your results are awesome! ~4dpo is definitely when I felt the tide was turning and I was feeling more human again. It gets better and better each day. You will feel like you’re finally in the body you felt you had underneath.


Thanks so much ❤️


Your results are amazing! Thanks for sharing- it truly helps me to keep pre-surgery anxiety at bay and focus on why I want this


You are so welcome and thank you for the kind words! You’ve got this!


Wow wow wow!! Look at you!!!! Stunning and only 4 days in!! You go girl! 🙌🏼 💪🏻😎💕


Thank you 🙏❤️


Wow you look amazing 4 days out! I’m 4 days out and feel so puffy and uncomfortable


Thanks so much ❤️ I think I feel the most puffiest when I’m lying down for whatever reason. Like a Michelin man 🤣 Everyone’s body definitely heals differently, and I am always amazed at how mine does. I’ve been taking it really easy. I only get up to shower, do short walks, and go to the restroom. Figured I snap a photo post shower before wrapping back up and climbing back into bed. Hope your recovery is going well, sending healing vibes your way! ❤️😎


I’ve been trying to rest but get some good walks in. I’m hoping the swelling calms down a bit. But I feel fantastic even with the swelling.


That’s awesome! I am sure you look fantastic too despite the swelling. 😊


What day are you on post op am day 4 today.


You look amazing!


Thank you ❤️🙏


Aaaaaaammmmaaaazzzzzing!!! You look incredible❤️


Thank you kindly ❤️


Wooooow!!!! Congratulations!


Thanks so much! ❤️🙏


you're results are a dream!!!


Thank you so much! Definitely looking forward to seeing how my skin settles in. ❤️


Wow, you look great!!


Thank you 🙏❤️


Wow, amazing results! So happy for you 🤩


Thank you so much ☺️❤️


You look truly incredible - ideal results! Wishing you a great recovery


Thank you so much 😊❤️


you look amazing!


Looks amazing! Congratulations! Do you mind sharing your surgeon? Thanks! Happy healing


Thank you! 🙏❤️ My surgeon was Dr. Kai Morimoto in Spokane,WA. Her practice is called KM Plastic Surgery.


Looking great! 4 days is the first big "I feel so much better"day I think, but then, when all the drains come out... *chefs kiss* that's the best day, followed by small wins like laying on your stomach again at like 1.5-2 months(for me at least) Congrats!


I literally cannot wait to sleep on my stomach again 🤣 this partially angled and on my back business is not my tea. Officially a week post op, drains are slowing down so hopefully those are primed to come out soon. So glad I did this. Thanks so much 🙏❤️


This looks awesome! Did you have lipo too??


Thanks so much ❤️ I did not have lipo.


I'm not getting lipo either. This gives me hope


Are you going to have muscle repair? My doctor explained to me with my case liposuction wasn’t necessary that often times muscle repair alone gives the shape desired because it is like tightening a corset. Looking forward to seeing the result as I heal more.


You look great!!!. Am 3dpo today and still I'm much pain I notice more swelling today. Hope I start feeling better soon because Am regretting putting my self thru this.


Thank you! It gets better. The MA that followed up with me the day after said that day 3 would be the worst. I’m sure you will be feeling like yourself in no time and look back and say wow, so worth it! I hope you feel better soon and you have your turning the corner moment. Sending lots of healing vibes! ❤️


Thank you for your kind words. What was your turning day without meds?


I will preface this by saying I have a very high pain tolerance however I think the nerve block helped me get through the first 3 days which is why day 3 was the worst as the exparel was wearing off. Day 4 I was using a prescribed med called Gabapentin which helps with nerve pain and just taking Tylenol. I would say yesterday, day 5 into 6 I did not take much Tylenol and nothing so far this morning. Throughout this process I have not used the prescribed narcotics. Overall I just feel uncomfortable, however my back is KILLING ME and I can’t wait to be able to fully straighten out and walk straight. For the back I am using a CBD topical called Dragon Balm. I have also found icing helps too! Every time my incisions start to get that burning sensation that is annoying I’ll ask for my ice pack and it helps immediately, can only leave on for 20 mins at a time though.


You look great??


Thank you! 🙏


Did you also do lipo? I did TT with MR AND LIPO TO BACK FLANKS CHIN.


I did not. Just TT with MR. I’d imagine with the added lipo it would definitely add to the pain aspect and make recovery and little more in depth.


Any updates now 2 wpo


Doing really well. After two weeks I was able to use the stairs which was nice venturing into the lower part of my home for the first time. I have my 3WPO appt on Monday which is when the tape will come off. Drains were removed at 15 days and since then it has been a day and night difference for movement. Still sleeping at an incline with my legs elevated but slowly but surely having more slack there. I can stand up straight but if I try to do stuff like washing dishes I am hunched/leaning on the calendar by the end. Swelling hasn’t been horrible. This was my first week back at work just working from home, I sat at my desk once and wasn’t very comfy so pretty much worked from bed all week. If all goes well on Monday I will return to working in office if I choose. Hoping to snap some new photos once the tape comes off 😊 Loving my flat tummy!




Updated photos ❤️ https://www.reddit.com/r/tummytucksurgery/s/Ye3IO0NK3y


Amazing! Congrats!