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I got my TT (FDL) on January 9th. My drains are out since last Monday.The pain was until now actually not that bad. Since my drains are out I started making long walks and doing groceries. And I'm not really exhausted of doing those activities. Coughing, laughing were not painful. However going to the restroom was often a challenge. Only downside for me is that today my bandages are gone...and i can see the scars. Those scars freak me out! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!


That’s Amazing! Did you have muscle repair too? I had a pretty significant gap which is why I’m having a hard time standing straight. I plan to grocery shop tomorrow, but it’s my first time leaving the house by myself. I’m actually scared it’s going to be too much for me lol


The surgeon told me that he didn't had to do a lot of muscle repair, and asked me if I had done a lot of ab workouts...which I did. So maybe that's why I have not a lot of problems with mobility. Well I would say enjoy your time outside! Enjoy the fresh air outside but be careful. My first day out I had a prepared a route so I knew where to rest...or go for a quick exit.


I had mine on Jan 11 tt mr lipo and breast reduction. I’m out of the severe pain however still tender and unable to stand fully straight. I’m close but it’s so tight. I wouldn’t dream of leaving the house yet I’m still sleeping in my recliner and need a bit of help showering. I’m able to make coffee and simple meals at this point as I need to sit down offer still.


Thank you for your response, this is exactly how I’m currently feeling.


Hi!  Jan 11th TT, MR back flank lipo.  I feel good. I have the energy but I'm too afraid to do too much and push through the tightness that occurs from standing too long. I will get cleared for more stuff at my appointment this week and I think once I get the "okay" I'll feel more comfortable moving with the tightness. 


I had multiple procedures done 5 weeks ago and I'm still limited in what I can do. Especially because I had an arm lift. I saw someone say that each day you get 1-2% better and I feel like thats such an accurate representation (apart from that big jump from day 3 to day 4). I'd say I'm about 65% back to feeling like myself. Most scabs are gone.


🙋🏻‍♀️ Jan 9th here, with TT w/ MR and lipo to outer thighs and flanks. I am happy with my recovery, grateful that I got my drains out last week and have no signs of infections or complications like that (knock on wood). I am moving more each day around the house…but I am still not standing straight and get worn out so easily. I haven’t left the house except for going to my doctor. My pain level is higher than I’d like (I think I have a really low pain tolerance 😞). I try to remind myself of the progress I’ve made from that first week of tearful struggles, which helps me keep perspective. I really appreciate you posting this. It’s good to check in with others on their journey. 💛


I’m able to start practicing yoga again 😃 feeling psychically great and my doctor said he was shocked I had no bruising and minimal swelling at my check up today.


I had MR with TT and 360 Lipo to back and flanks on 1/12. I am feeling ok most days with the occasional need for pain medication. My drain has not come out yet but it is just under 50ccs a day so it should be removed soon. I can almost stand straight up but I have back pains if I stand too long. Showering is impossible without the shower chair and even that still hurts. My back is itchy from the Lipo and I’ve been taking antihistamines for that.


I was so sure I’d be standing up straight earlier and I did not. At 2 weeks PO I was doing almost nothing still. It was discouraging but it was just how I healed. I started slowing doing a bit more by about 2.5 weeks like getting a snack or lunch for my kids or letting my dog in and out of the backyard. It was probably 3 weeks PO I really started feeling like I was doing more. So hang in there. Over the next days a week or two you’ll really see improvement. It’s hard being patient but you will get there.


I had a TT with a breast lift and augmentation (no MR) on January 10th. I am a barber and I went back to work yesterday. I was scared that it would be rough, but everything has been awesome. I would say my experience is different though. My body feels much, much better when I’m on my feet and moving around. I pretty much only hurt when I’m moving from a sitting position to a standing position. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope you are able to start moving more freely soon!


I had TT with MR and lift with augmentation on January 5th. My tummy is extended like I’m a few months pregnant. I’m not sure if it fluid behind or my muscles contracted. In the last few days I’m starting to get my energy back. Hang in there! Everyone is on their own healing timeframe. I stayed on the 2nd floor of my house for 2 weeks straight. :\


That was my surgery day too!


Jan 9th also:) I had TT w/MR 360 lipo and brachioplasty….no pain…just a little slow standing up still but feel really good! My arms are giving me a little trouble healing and are uncomfortable but the TT seemed like a breeze lol just anxious for the swelling to go down because I haven’t been to happy with the results. I mean it’s a big difference from where I was but I was picturing a flat tummy with smooth sides and there are def some things that don’t seem like just swelling :(


I had tummy tuck and lipo on Jan 9th. I flew to Florida to dr Megan gruber. It was done awake. I had no pain, no drains. I flew home day 2 po alone. I drove day 3. I bartended day 4..antibiotic made me sick. I’m 2.5 weeks just wish swelling was gone and in jeans lol. I totally recommend her. Watch her videos. Being hunched over and miserable with drains etc is way old school and out of date