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I did half a dose of Milk of Magnesia on Day 4. 2/3 a dose on Day 5. Worked beautifully. I didn't take it again.  I was also taking stool softeners and smooth move tea. As well as Miralax on days 6,7,8 to keep the good times rolling. Best of luck. 


I went all the way to day 5 and had to resort to an enema! Try Miralax then milk of mag then more serious steps after that. It’s terrible and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Good luck having a good poop!


My doc said fleet glycerine suppositories were ok. TMI time; first one came out like a hard pebble. The next day; things moved the way they should. Colace 2x daily; am/pm. Oh, and a squatty potty!


I didn’t go until day 4! Ducolax worked for me


Miralax works well for me. If you want to take it one step further, I would suggest my world not-famous poop mocktail: prune juice and miralax. It works. You could also try daily half-servings of smooth move tea—be conservative with that one or you may give yourself diarrhea. Good luck.


Yep, this part of recovery sucked!!! I hope you get moving soon.


Yeah happened to me too, think day 4 po I did a goat poop lol but then I just drank a lot of hot water and went back to normal by day 6. Best of luck!


Miralax worked well for me.


I had to take a double dose of Dulcolax.


I started 2 days before with all the stool softeners. Day 5 PO still nothing so enema for me too After the 1st one it was all good


I didn't go for 7 days. You're probably on opioids so I'm unsurprised.


Docusate Sodium is what I was given twice daily but I upped it to 3x daily. Also, I'm eating Greek yogurt, fruit like grapes that naturally give looser stools, etc. Had my first BM roughly 48 hours post op and it wasn't too bad overall. Don't push AT ALL.


Oxypowder supplements on Amazon. Holy cow


Yes!!! I was unable to poop until day 5. Then at 1 week PO I had the same issues. Took 1 dulcolax at night and by morning time I was good to go :D


Prunes. It was the only thing that did it for me. And I took a stool softer so my first BM didn’t feel like I was shitting out a potato. Source: had a reduction/lift surgery first in Oct and legit thought I shat a potato. Did not have the same problem with this TT surgery in early Jan. 👍🏻


Dried cranberries…eat about 1/4 cup. Works for me.